Want to know the reality of Gen Z entering the workforce? These viral videos tell all
Generation Z, or “Zoomers,” are all grown up now.
Well, they’re grown up in the literal sense; as far as maturity goes, many of them are lagging far behind.
Lauren Chen examines several videos that have gone viral of Zoomers in the workforce, and let’s just say that some will make you cringe while others will make you sad.
The first video captures a Gen Z employee meeting with a superior over the issue of “wearing [her] earphones or airpods repeatedly after several coaching conversations.”
“I'm just not going to say anything or sign anything without a lawyer, and I'm very, very, very, very appalled that you're attacking me again because of my race. … This is all because I'm black, and it's really, really sad that you guys are doing this to me,” the employee says, before she starts wailing uncontrollably.
The manager, exercising admirable restraint, responds with, “I’m so sorry that you feel that way. That’s not our intention.”
“I can't work the rest of today; I need to go home,” she sobs.
Lauren calls the situation one of the “most entitled and sensitive workplace Zoomer reactions" she's ever seen.
“This woman wastes no time in playing the race card while simultaneously just deflecting throughout the whole thing, and it's like, oh my goodness, you are why older generations make fun of Gen Z,” she sighs.
The second video features another Gen Z woman who Lauren says “reeks of entitlement” explaining her frustrations with her serving job.
“I have my literal business marketing degree that put me in a cute $80,000 in debt,” she complains, before explaining that she makes “more money serving sushi rolls” than what she could earn in an entry-level marketing position.
“The jobs that are like a cute $150-$200,000 a year – I'm not getting those,” she rants. “I'm … going against, you know, corporate a** America people with so much experience, [and] all I got is my degree. You know people say, ‘Get your degree,’ but then they don't talk about how you need experience – the degree was the experience!”
“I don't think it's wrong for young people to complain about the high costs of tuition because that is a problem,” says Lauren.
“But also it sounds like this woman does have the opportunity to get experience – to get an entry-level job in her field – but she simply doesn't want to.”
“The idea is you get experience, you get training, you work your way up, and eventually, you are eligible for those jobs that pay $150-$200,000,” she explains, but that concept is clearly lost on this Zoomer.
The last video features another young Gen Z woman airing her grievances about her job, but this time, Lauren thinks her complaints are “pretty reasonable” and perhaps shine a light on the toxicity of the traditional workplace.
“This is my first job, like my first 9-to-5 job after college, and I'm in person, and I'm commuting in the city, and it takes me forever to get there” because “there's no way I'm going to be able to afford living in the city right now,” she cries, admitting that her complaints have “nothing to do with [her] job” but are solely tied to the “9-to-5 schedule.”
“I don’t have time to do anything … I don’t have time or energy to cook dinner, I don’t have energy to work out,” she explains. “How do you have friends? … How do you have time for, like, dating? I don't have time for anything.”
“I don't think it makes someone a sheltered snowflake to like their job, to want their job, to enjoy their field, but to also simultaneously say that ‘Hey, these aren't very good working conditions,'" says Lauren.
“I think there's also a toxic element to the attitude that some older generations had for work, where it's like, you literally have to live to work [and] you are loyal to your company, who at the same time would probably be more than happy to throw you under the bus or outsource you to India,” she continues.
“What older generations need to understand is that the world is different than when they were younger, the workplace is different, the economy is different.”
Regardless of how you feel about these specific Gen Z reactions to the workforce, the videos are well worth watching. Check them out for yourself below.
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