PROOF Bud Light, Target boycotts ARE WORKING. But will it last?

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The CEO of Target Brian Cornell was asked about the backlash to woke capitalism last week, and his answer does not reflect the moves Target has made this week.

He called woke campaigns “good business decisions,” that they’re “the right thing to do for society” and mentioned that it was helping drive sales.

Target then came out this Tuesday and said the retail giant will pull some of its LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing after facing customer backlash.

The company is claiming one of the main factors in the nationwide adjustment was that some customers had become violent with workers and that they are now fearing for their safety.

Glenn Beck’s not sure if he believes the claim that customers had become violent but does believe the backlash Target is facing is a good thing.

“I don’t know if I believe anything,” he says.

One of the brands being removed from Target stores is Abprallen, a brand that sells occult-themed and satanic LGBTQ clothing and accessories.

“You’re beginning to win,” Glenn says of anyone who has voiced concern over woke campaigns like Target’s.

“Any ESG fund is way down,” he continues, “they’re introducing half of the number of funds than they did last year. That’s because you’re winning.”

“Now you have Budweiser on the ropes,” he continues.

Stu adds that the growing backlash will put pressure on others not to shop at stores like Target.

“It’s created this societal pressure on people to just choose something else,” he says.

“That happens when somebody comes into the house with a Target bag,” Glenn agrees.

Glenn believes this societal pressure is warranted, considering just how insidious Target’s decision to promote tucking bathing suits and LGBTQ+ wear to children.

“You think that transgender needs a display up front? How many transgender people are there?” Glenn asks.

“You are grooming our children,” he adds.

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Target BOYCOTT? Why Target's LGBT items make Glenn LOSE HIS MIND

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Target has historically celebrated Pride Month, but this year the company may have taken the annual celebration a little too far for consumers.

The retailer has come out with a Pride line that includes children and toddler clothing and features “tuck-friendly” or “binding” swimwear in women's styles.

Glenn Beck and many others online have noticed the swimwear in recent trips to Target, and Glenn does not approve.

“I have no problem with trans if that’s what you want to do,” he explains, “but it is a very small percentage — less than one percent of the population. Let me say it again, less than one percent. And you would think we are a country made up of trans people.”

Despite the extraordinarily small percentage that transgender people make up, we’re inundated with campaigns by major brands that center around them.

But it’s not just the distortion of the truth that’s a problem, Glenn Beck warns.

According to Glenn, Target has partnered with Abprallen — a brand that sells Satanist merchandise — to create clothing for its Pride collection.

The items feature slogans like “We belong everywhere,” “Too queer for here,” and “Cure transphobia not trans people.”

The company was founded by a gay trans man named Eric Carnell, who recently was quoted saying: “I’m especially happy about the thought that young closeted people will see it and I hope in some way they’ll feel a little more comfortable in themselves, as we deserve to feel.”

According to Carnell, the word “groomer” is a “right-wing transphobic word,” but Carnell claims that Carnell was also groomed when young.

Despite this admission, the activist’s products on the brand’s website seem to promote violence against those who disagree with the LGBTQ movement.

One of the products featured is a pin with two axes on it that reads “Ready to fight for trans rights,” and another is a design with a guillotine and skulls near it that reads “Homophobic headrest.”

“Now imagine,” Glenn says, “if I made a T-shirt that had a guillotine and skulls and I said ‘Liberal headrest.’ Do you think they would say I was promoting violence?”

Glenn mentions that another T-shirt available on the site reads "Satan respects pronouns."

“Are you shopping at Target?” he asks. “I hope not.”

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How we can FORCE Bud Light (and others) to end its WOKE TRASH

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Bud Light recently hired social media influencer and trans activist Dylan Mulvaney to promote its beer, and the results — while profitable for Mulvaney — have been anything but profitable for others involved.

A Bud Light distributor took to social media to talk about how the sales of Anheuser-Busch products have plummeted.

He says, “I’ve never seen such little sales in this past few days on these products, and it’s sad because people don’t buy this beer, I don’t make money, and I can’t feed my family.”

The man continues, “They don’t know their clientele, so it’s kind of heartbreaking.”

Glenn Beck agrees.

“These soda and beer companies, beverage companies, they don’t really care about you because they’re not connected to you. It is the local bottling companies and distributors that make all of the difference.”

Beck refers to the man in the video, “He’s the guy that has to get it to the local stores, and he’s dying.”

While it’s hurting men like him, Beck says this is the way to stop companies from going woke and ruining the lives of innocent hard-working men.

“When you as a business call them and say ‘You know what, I don’t think I want your stuff any more.’ You tell Anheuser-Busch ‘This is crazy. I don’t want it.’ You tell Coca-Cola ‘I don’t want their garbage any more.’”

He continues, saying that if distributors tell these companies, “'I know who the customers are and they’re not white racists. Coca-Cola and Bud Light, they’re not for transgender issues being pushed into everybody’s faces and certainly they’re not for transgender issues being pushed onto our children in schools. So, no thank you, Anheuser-Busch,’” meaningful change can be made.

“If we connected, smartly, we would be able to conquer these guys,” Glenn says.

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Top 5 times Corporate WOKENESS crossed the line

Intelligent people know that wokness plagues society and must be ridiculed and eradicated from conversations. But what happens when people lose their jobs for calling out the absurdity of woke ideology? What happens when corporations and media sources weaponize wokeness?

Here are five videos that will help us better understand a few of the many issues that wokeness inflicts on society and how we can stand against it.

Bye bye, Target. You crossed the line!

In this clip, BlazeTV host Allie Stuckey of "Relatable" explains how Target recently announced the sale of chest binders and "packing underwear" for women. She expresses how children can be negatively impacted by the sale of confusing clothing items for people suffering from gender dysphoria and the importance of loving the body God gave us.

Today, Allie notices that Target's stock experienced a 35-year record drop. Apparel was named as one of the two underperforming departments. Was pushback from critics of gender-affirming apparel the cause? It is hard to tell, but Allie encourages her audience to continue speaking out when corporations cross the line by making harmful products available for sale to the public.

Listen to the podcast here.

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Wokeness can get you fired

In this clip, Stu Burguiere covers a story about a man who challenged Black Lives Matter using nothing but data and was fired.

Here's the story: "I had been at Thomson Reuters for over six years—most recently, leading a team of data scientists applying new machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to our legal, tax and news data. We advised any number of divisions inside the company, including Westlaw, an online legal research service used by most every law firm in the country, and the newsroom, which reaches an audience of one billion every day around the globe. I briefed the Chief Technology Officer regularly. My total annual compensation package exceeded $350,000." Read more

"We live in the era of woke religion," says Stu.

Listen to the podcast here.

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Coca-Cola circumvents Constitution with TERRIFYING mandates on diversity

Glenn Beck loves Coca-Cola. So much so, in fact, that he refuses to drink Pepsi if Coke isn't available. But ... he says the time has come for him to give up his favorite soda. Why? Because Coca-Cola just announced some terrifying new company policies on diversity and equity. It sent out notices to all partnered law firms, demanding a required percentage of diverse attorneys on any legal team working for the corporation. The notice says all legal teams also must report these numbers quarterly and they will lose Coca-Cola's business if they do not comply.

"Equity is not the same thing as equality," Glenn said, adding that equality means we all have an equal chance, while equality means we all have the same outcome.

Glenn explains how mandates like this could affect everybody — even the guy working on the factory line or the truck driver delivering the drinks. Glenn also explains how Coke's new move is nothing less than a circumvention of the Constitution, and he predicts more companies (especially those in support of the Great Reset) will follow with similar policies, too.

Listen to the podcast here.

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Coca-Cola takes a 'pause' on woke initiatives after after pressure from the Right

Glenn followed up on a story about Coca-Cola becoming the poster child for how a corporation could shove leftist ideologies onto its consumers. The company suspended advertising on Facebook in a push to censor former President Donald Trump, published a manifesto about racial equity, and demanded all legal teams working for Coke meet certain diversity quotas.

But, after Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and many other conservative voices called for a boycott of the company's products, Coca-Cola appeared to shift directions.

Read more on this story here.

Listen to the podcast here.

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Calvin Klein's gender blender ruins sex and Mothers' Day

Chad Prather reflected back to the Great Depression era of enticing photographic entertainment, otherwise known as the callow and deprived years of his youth, when a Calvin Klein pictorial of old would have represented something exciting, something to, say, think about at the end of the day. Had he run across this present weird concept at that age, he would have either been disgusted on sight … or possibly really disgusted when his dumb a** put two and two together the next day. Anyway, his point is: Has the whole world gone crazy? Do we really need this? At this inclusive embracing point in our recent history, what in the world makes Calvin Klein feel the need to be the standard-bearer for a lifestyle screamed largely into existence by a very vocal minority?

Listen to the podcast here.

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Former Disney artist SPEAKS OUT: ‘It’s time to do something’

A former Disney artist, who wishes to remain anonymous, joins Glenn to describe WHY he recently took action against his former employer: ‘I'm tired of watching my country go down the drain. And it's time to do something.’ Today’s woke Disney is not what Walt once imagined, he says, and his recent video release — "It’s A Woke World After All" — exposes Disney’s large stray from its roots ...

Listen to the podcast here.

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