AZ School Choice Program Makes Homeschoolers Jump Through Absurd Bureaucratic Hoops Arizona's ESA program has decided that notebooks and writing utensils are not essential classroom materials for homeschooled children.
Illinois Reporters Use Tragic Child Abuse Case To Dishonestly Smear Homeschool Families Rather than hold abusive parents or government workers accountable, reporters point fingers at homeschoolers.
7 Important Social Benefits Kids Develop From Homeschooling From high interaction with homeschooled families and graduates in multiple environments, professional and personal, I've definitely noticed differences.
Why Homeschooling Is The Most Effective Political Resistance When the left calls homeschoolers ‘reactionary,’ we should take it as a compliment: Our actions are hindering their goals.
Homeschooling Is Surging Across America. Homeschoolers Told Us Why COVID-19 restrictions, changing curricula, and declining academic standards are some of the reasons many families have decided to start homeschooling.
Why Expect ‘Reform’ From Public Schools That Adopted Critical Race Theory? Rather than trying to reform an educational system that has betrayed us, we should starve it of access to its favorite fodder: our children.
During Debate, Harris Refuses To Say Whether She Supports Abortion Through All Nine Months
Kamala Harris Lies About Climate Radicalism, Denying Her Past Support For A Fracking Ban
Trump Takes Matters Into His Own Hands on Late-Term Abortion in Fiery Debate Exchange with Kamala Harris
‘Send Her A MAGA Hat’: Trump Says Kamala Harris Adopted His Philosophy Because She ‘Has No Policy’
Kamala Harris Says Trump Went Too Easy on China During COVID. She Sponsored a Resolution Condemning 'Wuhan Virus' as Racist.