Michigan city officials allegedly engage in rampant voter fraud, and AG Nessel apparently knows all about it: Project Veritas

Leaders of Hamtramck, Michigan — a Muslim-majority city located within the confines of Detroit — have allegedly been operating an election fraud scheme for decades, and according to a damning report from Project Veritas, Dana Nessel, Michigan's far-left attorney general, knows all about it but has done little to stop it.

Last week, Project Veritas released on social media a video containing elaborate statements from various people familiar with the municipal election processes in Hamtramck, including former Mayor Karen Majewski, former clerk of Hamtramck and current clerk of nearby Fraser August Gitschlag, and former city council candidate Lynn Blasey.

'Harvesters' target ethnic communities

'Give it up, sign the envelope, give me the ballot.'

Gitschlag explained to the undercover Project Veritas reporter that many Hamtramck candidates "bully" and exploit local Bengali and Yemeni residents by harvesting their ballots or those of their relatives and threatening their livelihoods if they don't cooperate.

"Voter fraud happens in small ethnic communities where someone is more assimilated. They can run the show, intimidate," Gitschlag said.

That person can then say, "If you don't vote for me, your cousin has nowhere to live next year when he comes in. I'll shut it down,'" he continued.

After collecting absentee ballot applications and dropping them off at city hall, "harvesters" then return to each person's house and demand the absentee ballot and envelope, Gitschlag claimed. "They say, 'Give it up, sign the envelope, give me the ballot.'"

He claimed that the scheme is "easy" and previously played out in Ukrainian, Polish, and Bosnian immigrant communities.

Both Majewski and Blasey made similar remarks about the ethnic nature of the scheme.

"The Bangladeshi did it, started doing it," Majewski said. "Oh yeah, they started it before the Yemeni."

"They'll hire black people to go to black houses," Blasey said. "They hire Bangladeshi people to go to Bangladeshi houses."

"They strategically cheat," she continued. "... They target families that don't care or don't know the voting process. So, like, newer immigrants that just don't know."

Ballot harvesting is illegal in Michigan. State law strictly limits the people who may mail a completed absentee ballot to: the voter, a member of the voter's immediate family, a member of the voter's household, an election official from the voter's jurisdiction, and a mail carrier performing his or her official duties.

Candidates allegedly directly involved

Not only do some Hamtramck officials appear to be harvesting ballots, but they may even be filling them out on behalf of voters.

"The absentee ballots are being filled out in people's dining rooms by the candidates," Majewski said.

"They sit around the kitchen table."

Blasey even alleged that some candidates participated in an event dubbed the "Midnight Meeting," where ballots are auctioned off. According to the Project Veritas journalist, she identified City Councilman Mohammed Hassan and Mayor Pro-Tempore Abu Musa as two of the worst offenders.

The reporter then spoke with Musa, who indicated he had heard that Hassan had once paid for 300 ballots but didn't have "proof." He also did not deny the Midnight Meeting allegations, Project Veritas noted.

Project Veritas also called Hassan and Musa separately and claimed to have some "blank" ballots available.

"This is a trap. We have to see the name, is it Muslim or not?" the person identified as Hassan replied. "If it is not signed – OK, give me the address. I’ll go there. If it’s everything good, we can drop to the city hall. City hall parking lot has the box, we can drop it to there."

The man identified as Musa told the caller: "You touched my heart, brother. Thank you very much. Listen, I’ll come up. I’ll meet you. How about this evening?"

'You need these people's votes, right? So, who's going to say brown-skinned people are, you know, doing voter fraud?'

On video, Blasey, Gitschlag, and Majewski also alleged that some candidates do not actually live in Hamtramck, which, according to Majewski, is also "illegal."

"They have a house homesteaded here," Gitschlag stated, "but they live in, like, Warren, where their kids go to school."

A persistent problem with no solution in sight

Majewski told Project Veritas that this has been an ongoing problem for 20 years, and Gitschlag claimed he turned some individuals in more than a decade ago, when he was still Hamtramck clerk, for mishandling absentee ballots.

"I'm a Democrat, and I've busted other Democrats," he said.

The Hamtramck Review confirmed that Gitschlag helped an investigation of illegal ballot harvesting that ultimately led to felony convictions for four Bangladeshi-Americans. However, the offenders paid a fine and never served jail time.

To this day, Majewski believes that ballot harvesting caused her to lose her 2021 re-election bid to Mayor Amer Ghalib, then a political neophyte, telling the Project Veritas reporter that she is "absolutely positive that that happened."

In 2020, Ghalib apparently admitted to engaging in voter fraud.

"There were 20 people around me planning to vote for Biden because they loved Obama," he said at the time, according to the Federalist. "I got them to vote for Sanders and did their families’ ballot cards myself."

Majewski also insisted that many law enforcement agencies and officials, both state and federal, know all about the voter fraud scandal but so far have done nothing about it.

"Nessel's involved, and I think the feds are involved," she said. "... Investigating voter fraud."

"You need these people's votes, right? So, who's going to say brown-skinned people are, you know, doing voter fraud?"

Gitschlag is more optimistic, assuring the Project Veritas reporter that news of an investigation into the issue would hit the papers "soon."

The Review and the Federalist spoke with Gitschlag and Blasey about the Project Veritas report. Both expressed frustration about unwittingly giving statements to an undercover reporter, but both stand by what they said.

"I am upset about the smarmy underhanded Project Veritas tactics to get information I have been telling people for a year," Gitschlag told the Review.

"I stand by what I said, because I have been saying it for years," he added to the Federalist. "I do stand by the content."

"I firmly stand by my words," Blasey told the Federalist.

In a statement to the Review, Majewski admitted that voter fraud in Hamtramck "has been common knowledge for years." She also slammed Project Veritas and other "right wing outlets" looking to "divide progressives while overlooking the real threats to election integrity coming from their own ideological supporters."

Ghalib and Nessel did not respond to a request for comment from the Federalist.

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Former Clerk Alleges Illegal Ballot Trafficking In Detroit-Area Town

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Screenshot-2024-08-06-at-1.31.17 PM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Screenshot-2024-08-06-at-1.31.17%5Cu202fPM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]'These guys go door-to-door and they take peoples’ ballots. They bully them into giving their ballots over,' said Gitschlag.

'Was I molested. I think so': Snopes' update on Ashley Biden diary fact-check spells trouble for Joe Biden

Aimee Harris moved into the former residence of Ashley Biden in Delray Beach, Florida, in 2020. Just as Hunter Biden abandoned a laptop containing damning information at a Delaware computer repair shop, Ashley Biden had left behind a diary containing troubling allegations that implicated then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in possible abuse.

After finding the diary, Harris worked in concert with Robert Kurlander to sell the document, ultimately, to Project Veritas. Kurlander and Harris pleaded guilty years later to conspiracy to transport supposedly stolen property across state lines.

Project Veritas refrained from publishing it, both out of concern for doing more harm to Ashley Biden than her father may already have and the organization's inability to "corroborate the allegation further." The National File, however, published a digital copy it allegedly received from a Project Veritas employee in October 2020.

Just as social media dutifully hid the Hunter Biden laptop story from the public ahead of the 2020 election, Politifact indicated that damning posts about the Democrat in the diary were flagged as misinformation.

Once again, the so-called misinformation of yesteryear has matured into the cold hard facts of today.


Snopes has updated its fact-check page on the diary, confirming both that the diary belonged to Ashley Biden and that the president's daughter accused him of inappropriate behavior.

The page previously indicated that the claim that "a diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, describes inappropriate actions toward her taken by the president when she was a child" was "unproven."

Up until this month, the Snopes entry indicated the claim was unproven because "the authenticity of this document or the images published by National File have not been confirmed."

The fact-check outfit was compelled to change its tune after Ashley Biden, 42, once again confirmed the diary was hers in an April 8 letter to the judge overseeing Harris' case in New York.

"I am deeply saddened that I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen and sold for profit," wrote Ashley Biden.

While admitting the document was hers, Ashley Biden attempted to cast doubt on the veracity of her various entries, suggesting they were "stream-of-consciousness thoughts."

'Was I molested. I think so.'

"Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love," added Ashley Biden.

'Showers w/ my dad'

In one of the more troubling entries in the diary, penned in January 2019, Ashley Biden explores the causes of her "sexual trauma" and apparent sex addiction.

"I know it's not the healthiest way to deal with things but @ least it's better than drugs," wrote the president's daughter.

Ashley Biden then indicated that her unchecked sex drive may have been the result of childhood trauma.

"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so — I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma — I remember not liking the Woolzacks house, I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline [Biden, her cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate), Being turned on when I wasn't suppose to be."

Ashley Biden wrote a letter to the judge confirming the diary is real and belongs to her.\n\nHere\u2019s a reminder of what the diary said:\n\nThe President of the United States is a p*d0phiIe.
— (@)

Biden boosters like Ed Krassenstein appear keen to downplay the contents of the diary. Others think Snopes' about-face and the corresponding confirmation of the diary's authenticity could change the outcome of the 2024 election.

Legal scholar Robert P. George, director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University, noted that the Snopes update "strikes me as what Joe Biden might describe as a 'big [expletive] deal.' Imagine if it were Ivanka Trump making the accusation against her father. Does this give those Democrats who've been looking for an excuse to push Biden aside in favor of a more electable presidential candidate the justification they've been looking for?"

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