AOC condemns calling cops over 'nonviolent demonstrations of young students.' Observers hit back with the facts.

Far-left U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) not surprisingly appears to be fully backing the Hamas-loving, Israel-hating demonstrations that have been springing up with greater frequency on college campuses in the last couple of weeks.

In an X post Tuesday night, Ocasio-Cortez condemned calling police on what she deemed "nonviolent demonstrations of young students."

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"Calling in police enforcement on nonviolent demonstrations of young students on campus is an escalatory, reckless, and dangerous act," she wrote. "It represents a heinous failure of leadership that puts people’s lives at risk. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms."

Surely, AOC realizes not all the protesters are "nonviolent," right? To wit:

  • Students took over a building at California State Polytechnic University in Humboldt, forcing the school to close temporarily as a safety precaution. Andy Ngo reported that the occupiers turned to "beat[ing] and assault[ing]" cops who were trying to remove them.
  • A male pro-Palestinian protester stabbed a female Jewish student in the eye amid Yale University demonstrations over the weekend.
  • Rabbi Elie Buechler of the Columbia University/Barnard College Hillel on Sunday told Jewish students that police "cannot guarantee [their] safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy." Buechler also advised Jewish students to "return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved. It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus.” The school soon switched to remote-option learning for safety reasons for the rest of the semester.
  • Some Columbia protesters reportedly were cited for resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. Not that it matters — as AOC would be glad to know — since none of the 228 Columbia and NYU demonstrators reportedly received charges that will go on their records.

Many of those responding to Ocasio-Cortez saw right through her rhetoric, too. Some prominent examples:

  • Conservative commentator Jason Rantz told AOC, "Something tells me if people illegally camped on your property — while supporting terrorists (whomever you think are terrorists since you don’t feel that way about Hamas) — you’d call the cops. Sorry that your fellow Jew-haters don’t get to break the law."
  • International human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky added to the congresswoman, "They are explicitly inciting violence, engaging in racial hatred and impeding students and faculty for learning and teaching. The only ‘heinous failure in leadership’ is your justification of this behavior."
  • Journalist Kyle Becker noted to AOC that "radical Marxists don't have a right to disrupt entire communities to throw their temper tantrums."

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UFC champ Sean Strickland mercilessly eviscerates reporter in anti-woke, profanity-laden rant: 'You’re a weak f***ing man'

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UFC champion Sean Strickland absolutely eviscerated a reporter amid an anti-woke, profanity-laden rant during a Wednesday press conference ahead of his fight against Dricus du Plessis this weekend in Toronto.

What are the details?

Before the reporter could ask his first question, Strickland took control and asked the reporter if he's Canadian, and the reporter said he is. With that, Strickland asked the reporter if he's "part of the f***ing opposition" — presumably in reference to conservatives in Canada led by Pierre Poilievre.

The reporter said he wasn't sure how to phrase an answer. Strickland asked the reporter if he voted for left-wing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — and the reporter replied that he wasn't going to answer the question. With that, Stickland told the gathered crowd that such an reply signaled that the reporter probably voted for Trudeau.

The reporter then attempted to ask his first question, telling Strickland that "we've got a pretty supportive gay and lesbian community in this city" and then referred to an alleged statement Strickland made, which OutKick said showed up on X in December 2021: “If I had a gay son I would think I failed as a man to create such weakness."

Strickland wasn't having it, repeatedly interrupting the reporter's question before asking the reporter if he's gay. The reporter told Strickland that he's an "ally" of the LGBTQ community. Strickland shot back, asking the reporter how he would feel if he had a gay son, to which the reporter said he'd have "no problem" with that.

'You’re a weak f***ing man, dude'

"Well, then you’re a weak f***ing man, dude," Strickland said. "You’re part of the f***ing problem. You elected Justin Trudeau. ... When he seized the bank accounts, like you’re just f***ing pathetic."

Strickland presumably was referencing the Canadian trucker protests of 2022 against vaccine mandates, which culminated in Trudeau's government establishing emergency powers and freezing a number of bank accounts.

Strickland was far from done, however: "The fact that you have no f***ing backbone, and as he shut down your f***ing country and seized bank accounts, you ask me some stupid s**t like that. Go f*** yourself. Move the f*** on, man. F***ing coward."

The reporter pivoted to Strickland's statement last October after the UFC announced a partnership with Bud Light despite the beer brand's disastrous partnership with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney. "You know how I feel about transgenders," Strickland said at the time. "I go f***ing hard, that's just what I do. I am the biggest advocate of biological females."

The reporter asked Strickland if he will use his platform surrounding his upcoming fight to speak out against Bud Light.

"Here’s the thing about Bud Light," Strickland. "Ten years ago to be trans was a mental f***ing illness. And now all of a sudden people like you have f***ing weaseled your way [into] the world. You are an infection. You are the definition of weakness. Everything that is wrong with the world is because of f***ing you. And the best thing is, is the world's not buying it, the world's not buying your f***ing bulls**t you’re f***ing peddling. The world is not saying, 'You know what? You’re right. F***ing chicks have d***s.’ The world's not saying that. The world's saying, 'No, there are two genders. I don’t want my kids being taught about who they could f*** in school. I don’t want my kids being taught about their sexual preference.'"

Strickland then blasted the reporter again: "This guy is a f***ing enemy. You wanna look at the f***ing enemy to our world? It's that motherf***er right there, asking stupid f***ing questions."

Finally, Strickland insisted he has no problem with the LGBTQ community, saying he's in favor of a live-and-let-live arrangement — but also adding caveats indicating he's seen the LGBTQ community demanding more than he's comfortable with of late.

"Don't f***ing tell kids about it, don't teach that s**t in f***ing school, don't f***ing push your agenda, don't try to f***ing brainwash people, don't try to go past parents ..." Strickland said.

Content warning: Language:

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Horowitz: Slowly but surely, the constitutional rebellion against coronavirus fascism grows

Self-government is alive again – at least in Colleyville, Texas, and several other places where local officials are beginning to rediscover both the Constitution and the science behind defeating a virus.

Like in most other states, Texas residents have been placed under house arrest for over a month by executive fiat without any legislative input. That is beginning to change. Even as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is moving in the direction of prudence and freedom at the state level, the town of Colleyville, a suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth in Tarrant County, is getting a head start.

On Monday, Colleyville Mayor Richard Newton, together with the support of council members, amended the city’s disaster proclamation allowing churches to reopen so long as they follow distancing guidelines. Restaurants and gyms will be allowed to reopen under certain circumstances beginning Friday. The county government is also allowing elective medical procedures to continue.

This is a republic at work: County commissioners and city officials getting together and recognizing that this gratuitously harsh shutdown is unnecessary and cannot continue. The entire state of Texas has only experienced 517 COVID-19 deaths, representing just 0.0018% of the population. A similarly small percentage died from the virus in Tarrant County. Moreover, 25 percent of all deaths in Texas were in nursing homes, and nearly half of statewide decedents were over 80 years old.

Not only does the damage from the virus not justify shutting down democracy, the economy, and religious services, there is no evidence that severe lockdowns (as distinct from commonsense distancing and hygiene) achieve better results and would have saved more people. Israeli researcher Yinon Weiss wrote two scholarly articles researching the results of every state and numerous countries and contrasted them based on how early they applied a lockdown. He found zero correlation with decreased deaths. “There is no general correlation between how fast a State shut down and how many people died in the first 3 weeks following an early mortality milestone,” concluded Weiss. His analysis was so effective that Medium took down his first piece after it got millions of views.

Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis made a similar observation. Florida, with its elderly population, should have been smoldering ash, especially given the criticism from the “experts” that DeSantis was late to suspend the economy and never completely shut it down.

“You go back six weeks, everybody ... was saying Florida was going to be worse than New York,” DeSantis said in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday. “Obviously, we have a very elderly population. It was constant, people saying that. If you look at what’s happened, that’s not true. You know, New York, for example, has about 25 times the number of fatalities of Florida, even though we have 2 million more people.”

“I never did draconian orders here like you see in some of these other states where a dad would get arrested for, or get cited for, taking his daughter to the park. That doesn’t work. We’ve never done that.”

Unfortunately, there are still even Republican governors who have bought into the fascism in ruby red states. Americans watched with horror yesterday as an Idaho woman was taken away in handcuffs for swinging her daughter on a playground swing in Ada County.

Another family in northern Idaho is facing potential prison time simply for holding a yard sale outside their home in the open with no large crowds.

Meanwhile, the Ada County sheriff has announced he is not going to arrest some criminals. Arrest moms and release muggers?

Idaho Gov. Brad Little has refused to back down on his house arrest order. Thankfully, some state and county officials are beginning to push back. Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler wrote a letter to Gov. Little demanding that he reinstate the Constitution. “I do not believe that suspending the Constitution was wise, because COVID-19 is nothing like the plague,” wrote Wheeler in a letter earlier this month. “We were misled by some Public Health Officials, now it is time to reinstate our Constitution.”

Since the Idaho legislature has adjourned for the year, only the governor can call it back into session. It’s truly shocking how in a state like this – with Republicans holding every statewide office and a 4-1 majority in the legislature – we could witness fascism on par with what we are seeing in California.

Other sheriffs, from Michigan and Wisconsin to Washington state, are pushing back as well and refusing to violate the Constitution. "Wisconsin law gives the Governor and the Wisconsin DHS the authority to develop emergency measures and enforce rules and orders to protect the public during a health crisis,” wrote Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling in a letter to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers. “However, state law does not have the power to supersede or suspend the Constitutional rights of American citizens."

Sheriff Schmaling is correct and has identified the crux of the issue Republican members of the Senate and most state legislatures have failed to see. Although states do have more latitude to make laws affecting our day-to-day lives than the federal government does, Art. IV, §2, cl. 1 prohibited states from violating core natural rights from the very first day of the republic. In 1867, the 14th Amendment’s Privileges and Immunities Clause gave the federal government enforcement power over states that violate those natural rights, which were specified at the federal level in the Bill of Rights after states had already adopted the original Constitution.

The first step in revolting against tyranny is to know your rights. While the progress is still very slow, the lamp of liberty is beginning to burn bright as people rediscover our constitutional rights.