MSNBC host says being in US Capitol after Jan. 6 'feels like a visit to an historic battlefield'

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Left-wing MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell declared in a tweet on Thursday that being in the U.S. Capitol felt like visiting a "historic battlefield."

"Today is my 1st time inside the Capitol since Jan 6. Everything looks the same but it doesn’t feel the same. Maybe I’ll get used to it again but now it feels like a visit to an historic battlefield. Out of every window you see the paths of the attackers," he tweeted.

People on social media responded to O'Donnell's dramatic post with ridicule.

"I don’t want to live in the same country with people like this," one person tweeted.

\u201cI don\u2019t want to live in the same country with people like this\u201d
— Jared Rabel (@Jared Rabel) 1675382739

"Cringe," someone else wrote.

"Get a grip, dude," someone else tweeted.

"Lmao this is so dramatic it's hilarious," another commenter noted.

"How embarrassingly maudlin," someone else wrote.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach then-President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6 Capitol riot — 10 House Republicans were among the lawmakers who voted in favor of impeachment. The Senate did not vote until after Trump had already departed from office, and the vote fell short of the threshold for necessary for conviction.

"They are still arresting them. If you attacked the Capitol on Jan 6 & you haven't been arrested yet, please be patient," O'Donnell recently tweeted.

\u201cThey are still arresting them. If you attacked the Capitol on Jan 6 & you haven\u2019t been arrested yet, please be patient.\u201d
— Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence O'Donnell) 1675197304

During Trump's tenure, O'Donnell claimed that Trump was "a Russian operative" and suggested that the "Trump regime" might be better described as the "Trump-Putin regime."

\u201cMSNBC\u2019s @Lawrence O\u2019Donnell: "The president is a Russian operative. That sounds like the description of a bad Hollywood screenplay, but it is real, and it is Vladimir Putin\u2019s greatest achievement.\u201d \n\nSays @RichardGrenell nomination came at Putin\u2019s direction.\u201d
— Tom Elliott (@Tom Elliott) 1582379837

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Richard Grenell calls Biden's pledge to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court 'a terrible precedent,' slams Rep. Ted Lieu for 'defending this horrific precedent of intolerance'

Richard Grenell, who briefly served as acting director of national intelligence under President Donald Trump, called President Joe Biden's pledge to nominate the first black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court, "a terrible precedent," noting that many people were excluded from the pool of potential candidates.

Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill the seat of Justice Stephen Breyer, who is slated to retire later this year. In a 53-47 vote on Thursday, the U.S. Senate confirmed Jackson to serve on the nation's high court. GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, who in June, 2021, voted against confirming Jackson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, was one of only three Republicans to vote in favor of confirming Jackson to the Supreme Court.

"There will be one seat on the Supreme Court with an asterisk - because not every American was considered to fill it. Hispanics, Asians, Whites, gays and men were not even considered. This is a terrible precedent," tweeted Grenell, who also previously served as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany.

Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California responded by tweeting, "Apparently @RichardGrenell believes that prior to President Biden, every Asian American, every gay person and every Black female was considered for Supreme Court openings and not a single one of them throughout US history was ever qualified. That’s [bullsh*t] and it’s demeaning."

Grenell, who is openly gay, fired back, "Ted LIEu proudly supports rejecting Hispanics from Supreme Court consideration. His constituents are outraged by his open intolerance." In another tweet Grenell said, "Ted LIEu attacks @BarackObama and Bill Clinton as racists and homophobes."

Apparently @RichardGrenell believes that prior to President Biden, every Asian American, every gay person and every Black female was considered for Supreme Court openings and not a single one of them throughout US history was ever qualified. That\u2019s bullshit and it\u2019s demeaning.\u00a0\u2026
— Ted Lieu (@Ted Lieu) 1649392046

President Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 — she is the first Hispanic to serve on the high court.

"What about the fact that minorities were historically excluded from Supreme Court openings?" Lieu replied to several people who had responded to his tweet. "Do you actually believe not a single Asian American, gay or Black female prior to Biden was qualified? What about that? Why won’t you answer the real question?"

Grenell accused Lieu of backing "racism and sexism."

"No President has ever vocally excluded Asians, Hispanics and men for the Court. Stop defending this horrific precedent of intolerance. Shame on you for supporting racism and sexism," Grenell tweeted.

No President has ever vocally excluded Asians, Hispanics and men for the Court. \n\nStop defending this horrific precedent of intolerance. Shame on you for supporting racism and sexism.\u00a0\u2026
— Richard Grenell (@Richard Grenell) 1649392693

Other Americans have also been critical of Biden's decision to limit the pool of potential candidates based on skin color and gender.

"Biden’s mistake: He should not be choosing a Supreme Court justice based on the color of their skin or sex, but rather on their qualifications & commitment to uphold our Constitution & the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans in that document which is the foundation of our nation," former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard tweeted earlier this year.

Subway franchise owners fed up with woke spokeswoman Megan Rapinoe's TV ads; customers call for restaurant boycott over 'anti-American' behavior

Some Subway franchise owners are fed up with U.S. women's soccer star Megan Rapinoe and her apparent aversion to American patriotism.

What's a brief history here?

Rapinoe, whom Subway hired in April for an advertisement, can be seen in the TV spot kicking a ball that knocks a burrito out of a man's hand before she tells him to eat a Subway sandwich instead.

Rapinoe most recently made headlines for kneeling during the national anthem while kicking off the Tokyo Games.

In response to what many are calling Rapinoe's woke activism, consumers are calling for a boycott of the popular quick-service sandwich restaurant if they refuse to remove Rapinoe as a brand spokesperson.

What are the details?

According to a Fox Business report, the response to the company naming Rapinoe as brand pitchwoman has been "mixed."

"Last last month on a discussion forum hosted by the North American Association of Subway Franchisees, a Wisconsin store owner posted a picture of a hand-scrawled note from an irate customer taped to the front door of his shop," the report noted. The note, the outlet reported, read "Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American ... Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!"

The unnamed franchisee agreed, "The ad should be pulled and done with. It gets tiring apologizing."

NAASF representatives last week told members that the group had heard a variety of complaints over the Rapinoe ads and had taken them to company's Chief Executive John Chidsey.

A letter obtained by the New York Post revealed that the group's executive director, Illya Berecz, told franchisees, "Your NAASF Board has already communicated with [Subway] leadership the concerns voiced by NAASF membership."

"I had a bunch of franchisees calling me on this today," Berecz told franchisees. "They are trying to get the ads pulled."

According to a Monday report from the Daily Mail, Rapinoe's "woke politics" and political activism are sending away customers in droves.

Mashed reported that much of the criticism against Rapinoe representing Subway "stems from the soccer player's stance on police violence and bringing awareness of brutality and racism in the U.S."

"Your ad using Megan Rapinoe makes me think twice about even visiting Subway," one social media user insisted, according to the outlet. "She is a very negative representation of our nation, and I don't want to support her."

Another customer, the outlet noted, said that they and the rest of their family will "avoid" Subway as long as Rapinoe is a brand ambassador.

Former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence Richard Grenell shared a video featuring proud American Olympian Tamyra Mensah-Stock and tweeted, "cc: @SUBWAY Dump the ungrateful @mPinoe and hire this patriot."

cc: @SUBWAYDump the ungrateful @mPinoe and hire this patriot.

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) 1628069359.0

Author Nick Adams added, "RT if you won't eat @SUBWAY until they FIRE America hating Megan Rapinoe!"

RT if you won't eat @SUBWAY until they FIRE America hating Megan Rapinoe!

— Nick Adams (@NickAdamsinUSA) 1628392159.0

Author Brigitte Gabriel agreed, adding, "Until Subway DUMPS Megan Rapinoe, patriots won't eat there!"

Until Subway DUMPS Megan Rapinoe, patriots won't eat there!cc: @SUBWAY

— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) 1628389458.0

It's claimed some US women soccer players turned backs on 98-year-old WWII vet playing national anthem. But team says they were facing US flag.

Some dust got kicked up when video appeared to show some members of the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team with their backs turned on 98-year-old World War II veteran Pete DuPre while he played the national anthem on harmonica before the team's Olympic send-off game against Mexico on Monday.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @espn

But images apparently can be deceiving.

What are the details?

Responding to a tweet from the Post Millennial accusing some players of turning their backs while DuPre played the anthem, U.S. Soccer Comms shot back with a tweet of its own:

@TPostMillennial Not true. No one turned their back on WWII Veteran Pete DuPré during tonight's anthem. Some USWNT…

— U.S. Soccer Comms (@ussoccer_comms) 1625538783.0

"Not true," U.S. Soccer Comms wrote. "No one turned their back on WWII Veteran Pete DuPré during tonight's anthem. Some USWNT players were simply looking at the flag on a pole in one end of the stadium. The players all love Pete, thanked him individually after the game, and signed a ball for him."

U.S. team member Carli Lloyd also tweeted that "we turned because we faced the flag."

Another clip shows most of the players turning toward DuPre and applauding him after he played the anthem:

Thank you, Pete! 🇺🇸❤️

— U.S. Soccer WNT (@USWNT) 1625519288.0

It also appeared that most of the players who were facing away from DuPre during the anthem had their hands over their hearts, which doesn't support an anthem protest claim:

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @espn

Richard Grenell chimes in

Richard Grenell — former acting director of National Intelligence under former President Donald Trump — got some attention with his Monday tweet saying "several" U.S. players "turned away from the US flag" while DuPre played the anthem.

Pollster Frank Luntz countered to Grenell that the "U.S. women not facing forward had turned to face the American flag down by the scoreboard. (A few of them placed their hand over their heart while facing toward the flag instead of the anthem performer.)" Luntz also included an image showing the flag by the scoreboard.

In response to U.S. Soccer Comms, Grenell added another tweet saying "not one of those who snubbed the flag & anthem tuned toward Pete. Pete was to their left. ... They aren't turned to him. (Every Mexican player turned for their anthem)."

There appears to be overall confusion regarding the flag's location and the intent of various U.S. players. While video of DuPre playing the anthem doesn't show it, there appears to be a flag at the end of the stadium based on the photo Luntz posted, and some U.S. players were turned in that direction; in addition many people in the crowd also were turned in that same direction during the anthem. But that doesn't explain why a handful of U.S. players faced forward rather than turning toward the flag.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @espn

In the same vein, the Post Millennial's original headline, according to the Internet Archive, reads "DISGRACEFUL: US women's soccer team members turn their backs to 98-year-old WWII vet playing the national anthem" preceded by an "American News" category. But the outlet's updated headline reads "DISGRACEFUL: US women's soccer team members turned away from flag as 98-year-old WWII vet played the national anthem" and is preceded by a "News Analysis" category.

Anything else?

Author and comedian Tim Young noted to Grenell that numerous U.S. women soccer players took a knee in protest during the anthem last year:

Hey @RichardGrenell, here's the same characters from today taking knees last year.

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) 1625541459.0

In addition, star player Megan Rapinoe made a name for herself in 2016 after kneeling for the national anthem a la Colin Kaepernick and since then has virtue-signaled around the globe for progressive causes such as lack of diversity and the evils of Trump among many others.

TikTok video shows Gavin Newsom inside a restaurant while not social distancing

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom was seen inside a restaurant in Fresno, California, where restaurants are only permitted to be open if they are outside because of Newsom's own stay-at-home order.

Newsom is seen on a TikTok video and photos at the Los Amigos restaurant in Fresno. Based on Newsom's "Blueprint for a Safer Economy" restrictions, Fresno is a purple tier area, which means the area has "widespread" COVID-19 infections. Purple tier regions prohibit bars, breweries, and distilleries to be open, plus indoor dining is banned. Only restaurants and wineries may offer outdoor service.

Despite Newsom's own strict coronavirus constraints that he signed into effect, the governor was inside a restaurant. Newsom, who has preached social distancing to his constituents for months, is seen not physically distancing in the restaurant.

Photo ops w/ no social distancing are okay inside of purple tier restaurants, but don’t you dare wait inside for yo…
— Bill Melugin (@Bill Melugin)1614488797.0

The video that was originally posted to TikTok shows Newsom with comedian George Lopez.

@PorscheCutie @RichardGrenell @TheLeoTerrell @JamesBradleyCA @KevinKileyCA @BuzzPatterson Here’s the video.
— Reopen California Schools (@Reopen California Schools)1614462972.0

In a video posted by the restaurant, Lopez is seen without a face mask and not practicing social distancing, which Newsom has demanded all Californians practice since the beginning of the pandemic.

Chef Andrew Gruel, a prominent restaurateur in Los Angeles, claimed that Newsom was "dining/drinking" at the restaurant. He astutely noted that the restaurant had a table full of refreshments that commenters believe to be pitchers of water with limes or margaritas.

California is the only state where indoor dining is banned. Industry gutted. It’s an explosive topic. Newsom holds…
— Chef Andrew Gruel (@Chef Andrew Gruel)1614487940.0

Gruel called for Newsom's resignation on Twitter:

Newsom must resign ASAP. Yesterday he was inside a restaurant dining and doing a painfully cringe-worthy "bit" with George Lopez in a county that is NOT ALLOWED to have indoor dining. It is in purple tier. This is a slap in the face to every restaurant worker. Every citizen.
Newsom must resign ASAP. Yesterday he was inside a restaurant dining and doing a painfully cringe-worthy “bit” with…
— Chef Andrew Gruel (@Chef Andrew Gruel)1614481490.0

A spokesperson for Newsom's office told Fox News that the governor did not dine at the restaurant. Newsom's camp said he was there to meet with the restaurant's owners, who received a COVID-19 relief grant.

Newsom infamously sparked criticism in November after he flouted his own coronavirus rules when he was caught dining at the luxurious French Laundry in Napa. The Michelin-star restaurant reportedly received $2.4 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans from the Small Business Administration, which is allegedly 17 times more than the average California restaurant.

EXCLUSIVE: We've obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he's in hot water over. The phot…
— Bill Melugin (@Bill Melugin)1605677199.0

California voters who are disappointed in Newsom's leadership and hypocrisy during the coronavirus pandemic have started a petition to recall him. The petition organized by The Recall Newsom campaign purportedly has 1,825,000 signatures, more than the necessary threshold of 1,497,709 signatures.

During a speech at CPAC, former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell hinted that he may run for governor of California if Newsom is recalled.

Video Producer For Biden Taunted Cops As Worse Than Pigs

Prior to joining the Biden campaign on July 1 as a supervising video producer, a woman who worked with the Bernie Sanders campaign tweeted a meme insinuating that police were worse than pigs. The meme stated, “Please stop calling police ‘pigs’ … pigs are highly intelligent [and] empathetic animals who would never racially profile you.” Sara Pearl also […]

Prior to joining the Biden campaign on July 1 as a supervising video producer, a woman who worked with the Bernie Sanders campaign tweeted a meme insinuating that police were worse than pigs. The meme stated, “Please stop calling police ‘pigs’ … pigs are highly intelligent [and] empathetic animals who would never racially profile you.”

Sara Pearl also retweeted a user’s comment that while “pigs are sweet, intelligent and compassionate,” police officers are “monsters” who “don’t deserve to be called pigs,” Fox News noted.

According to the news outlet, “On June 1, Pearl tweeted simply, ‘#DefundPolice.’ Days later, she said Buffalo’s police department should be ‘defunded immediately.’” Pearl wrote last July “that calling President Trump a pig was an ‘insult to pigs!!!!’ that she will not ‘tolerate.’” Fox News reported.

Pearl has deleted the tweets. Fox News noted that the Biden campaign did not reply to Fox News’ request for comment, prompting Richard Grenell, Trump’s former director of national intelligence, to tweet, “Joe Biden can’t stand up to his supporters or staff who are calling to Defund the Police. Scary! The Biden campaign didn’t respond … when given the chance. Why wouldn’t the Biden campaign immediately say ‘of course we don’t support this!’??!”

Joe Biden can’t stand up to his supporters or staff who are calling to Defund the Police. Scary!

The Biden campaign didn’t respond to when given the chance.

Why wouldn’t the Biden campaign immediately say “of course we don’t support this!”??!

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) July 17, 2020

After the National Association of Police Organizations, which had endorsed the Obama-Biden ticket in 2008 and 2012, announced on Wednesday that they endorsed President Trump, Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa was asked on Thursday on Fox News’ “Bill Hemmer Reports” how that would affect Biden’s elections prospects. Hinojosa answered, “I think right now, Joe Biden is making sure that he is someone who is talking directly to Americans about how to keep them safe and making sure we are rebuilding this trust.”

NAPO stated in their endorsement of Trump, “Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and women on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many.”

They continued, “We particularly value your directing the Attorney General to aggressively prosecute those who attack our officers; your signing into law the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act; your advocacy and signing into law the legislation which permanently authorizes funds to support 9/11 first responders and their families; your revitalization of the Project Safe Neighborhoods program to help reduce violent crime; and your unflagging recognition that America’s law enforcement officers, just like any other citizens, have Constitutional rights, too.”

In a Now This interview with activist Ady Barkan last week, Biden said, “Surplus military equipment for law enforcement – they don’t need that. The last thing you need is a … Humvee coming into a neighborhood; it’s like the military invading. They don’t know anybody; they become the enemy. They’re supposed to be protecting these people.”

Barkan interrupted, “But do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?” Biden responded, “Yes, absolutely.”

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