Cenk Uygur Tells Brian Tyler Cohen He’s ‘Wrong’ About Trump Supporters Having ‘No Long-Standing Principles’
'They are definitely anti-war'
It might seem as though leftists have had their way without any problem at all since Joe Biden got elected president in 2020. Seems as though the federal government, the legacy media, lawmakers, and Democrats have simply looked the other way while the lawless left took over on the streets and made many people's lives a living hell.
But there have been some brights spots, some glimmers of light and hope while trouble pressed in like a starless night.
'You're being condescending, and if you want to continue, I'll have Port Authority escort you out of the building if you want to play that game with me. Would you like to continue three days before Christmas? I really don't mind.'
The fact is that a number of individuals have courageously taken it upon themselves to stand up to leftist threats, violence, and nonsense in general — and when it seemed that the cards were stacked against them.
How about a lone, white-haired elderly man who got so fed up with unpredictable Black Lives Matter protesters that he emerged from a restaurant in Louisville and pointed a gun at them? Kinda changed the tone of the entire incident. Or how about Trump supporters who ended up singing the national anthem after leftists attacked them following the 2020 election? Or a gutsy woman who dared an armed punk to shoot her during a broad-daylight robbery in Washington, D.C.? Or a lone Guardian Angel refusing to back down as BLM protesters tried to intimidate him?
America is full of stories like this: regular people who have had enough of the left's violence, chaos, and lawlessness. Everyday folks who decided to stand up and say "enough!" It's high time we take back normalcy — and these folks gave us part of the road map.
Let's give them a rousing slow clap:
Video shows a Louisville restaurant patron putting a bit of a scare into Black Lives Matter marchers on the evening of May 1, 2021, as he pointed a handgun at the protesters who were freaking out around sidewalk tables in front of La Chasse. The Courier-Journal reported that the protesters' demonstration coincided with the 147th Kentucky Derby and was in memory of Breonna Taylor, who was fatally shot by police the previous year.
Just after 8:30 p.m., the protesters stopped outside the restaurant, and a man watching from the restaurant's patio pulled a gun and pointed it at the marchers amid a confrontation, the paper said.
It's not clear what led to the scary scene, but there are numerous examples of leftist protesters caught on video harassing and terrorizing restaurant patrons at their tables in the name of their causes — such as one infamous clip of a cowardly mob surrounding and chanting at a lone individual in Washington, D.C., in August 2020.
But the armed restaurant patron in Louisville wasn't about to let anything like that happen to him. The white-haired gentleman simply pointed his small handgun at the protesters, who hollered and made gestures — but dared not get anywhere near him.
One of the protesters was heard hollering at the man, "You're not the only one with a gun!" Indeed, a pair of men armed with rifles and handguns who appeared to be acting as security for the protesters were seen facing down the white-haired patron and arguing with him.
The paper said other protesters told the group to keep moving, and a few minutes later several Louisville police cruisers pulled up in front of the restaurant. The Courier-Journal didn't indicate if any arrests were made. The video ends with the white-haired man and another man being led inside the restaurant as the more heavily armed men watch them leave the scene.
On the Saturday after numerous media outlets declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election, a large group of Donald Trump supporters faced off against Antifa militants in Olympia, Washington.
Trump backers lined streets and even gathered on the steps of the state Capitol to wave American and pro-Trump flags and chant "back the blue!" — a pro-police rallying cry. And while chants of "USA! USA! USA!" rang out, black-clad Antifa militants managed several cries of "f*** the USA!" and "f*** America" and stomped on Old Glory. The pro-Trump crowd also told them off with chants of "get a job!" and "f*** Antifa!"
Soon the verbal war of words turned violent, as a brawl ensued between the groups and police responded with a flash-bang and what appeared to be rounds of non-lethal munitions. One witness mentioned that Antifa militants were "attacking two women," and then a man bleeding from his eyebrow — presumably a Trump supporter — confirmed that Antifa attacked him as well. In another clip, two pro-Trump women described the Antifa attack. One said she was punched from behind as a leftist militant tried to steal her pro-Trump flag, and the second woman said a gang of Antifa thugs jumped her.
But soon a distinct sound was heard in the background. It was singing. A bit off-key, a tad ragged — but singing nonetheless. It was the national anthem. That's right. The pro-Trump crowd answered the cowardice and destruction that have become Antifa's trademark with a statement of hard-won freedom and liberty — even for the likes of those who would rather stomp all over it.
A Washington, D.C., woman was caught on surveillance video standing up to an armed would-be robber who demanded her keys Aug. 23, 2022, flatly telling him "No!" and daring him to pull the trigger.
"Shoot me!" she commanded the masked gunman.
He eventually left the scene without firing a shot, and Iris Bond Gill told WTTG-TV all about her harrowing ordeal.
She parked her vehicle just after 3:20 p.m. and was standing on 10th Street NE looking through her purse when the hooded suspect approached her. Clearly startled, Bond Gill screamed at the sight of the armed male, throwing her dark bag and dropping her red purse on the street before putting her hands up. But an instant later, Bond Gill got downright confrontational, hollering "What the f***!" and walking toward the gunman.
She told WTTG the would-be crook called her an expletive, ordered her to turn over her keys, and insisted, "I’ll shoot you." But Bond Gill is heard on the clip defiantly telling the crook, "No!" and adding a challenge while staring him down in the street: "Shoot me!"
Soon the suspect backs up and begins to move away as Bond Gill claps her hands and appears to holler at the gunman. He then moves toward Bond Gill again, points at her, and even raises his gun at her, apparently pretending to shoot as she flinches. But Bond Gill won the standoff, and the crook took off for good.
You can view a video report here about the incident.
"I’ve seen the video, and to be honest, I saw a young man in front of me [like] a lot of young people I’ve worked with over the years," Bond Gill explained to the station, noting she's worked in the education field for a long time. "And in some way, I think I went into almost a chastising mode with him as well."
She added to WTTG that she's not encouraging others to react the way she did, only emphasizing that it was her gut reaction, and she believes in trusting your gut: "You know, it’s really complicated to think about now. I don’t exactly remember, but I know — I knew I was in danger. And so I just threw off my bag and just prepared to be confrontational."
When WTTG asked Bond Gill what she hopes people will take away from her scary encounter, she replied, "We need stronger communities. You see the suspect back away when a car comes, but no one stopped to help or was really able to intervene."
"I think there’s power in community in many ways, and I think one, you know, we can advocate for more lights and more cameras and certainly community policing is a part of that and boots on the ground. But it was actually a camera in someone’s house. And it was a car that drove by, that was not driven by anyone official — but just an individual that sort of scared him off," she explained to the station. "Gone are the days of having older neighbors that sat on the porch all day and watched and waved to you when you got home from work. I think in some ways, trying to think about how to preserve this intergenerational neighborhood is so valuable. We’ve lost so much of that in the city with massive displacement. So I think just having more people around that know each other and that support each other would be really helpful."
Bond Gill also told WTTG she hopes others remember the importance of situational awareness, adding that she was distracted while rummaging through her purse when the suspect approached. D.C. police told the station no arrests have been made.
A Delta Airlines employee went viral over the 2023 Christmas holiday for standing up to a transgender activist who was causing a scene for allegedly having been "misgendered."
The video shows transgender actor Tommy Dorfman — a biological man who identifies as a woman — confronting Delta Air Lines gate agents at LaGuardia Airport in New York on Dec. 23. The video doesn't show what happened prior to the confrontation, but the Delta employees are clearly upset that they can't help other customers because Dorfman is causing a scene. Dorfman's grievance was that employees "intentionally" misgendered him by not using female pronouns to refer to him, a charge one of the employees denied.
When Dorfman reiterated his accusation, the primary gate agent stood his ground: "You're being condescending, and if you want to continue, I'll have Port Authority escort you out of the building if you want to play that game with me. Would you like to continue three days before Christmas? I really don't mind."
"I'm good," Dorfman conceded.
The video originally was uploaded to Dorfman's TikTok account but has since been taken down. In his description of the incident, Dorfman accused the Delta employee of a "human rights violation." He said, according to the Washington Examiner:
When you try to advocate for yourself at @delta and are met with even more transphobia and threats of being arrested at LaGuardia. Tristan, the employee, said he was fine with me posting this. Didn't realize it was condescending to flag a human rights violation after another employee misgendered me incessantly.
The Examiner said Dorfman confirmed on TikTok that Port Authority was dispatched over the incident: "The man actually called Port Authority. Two police officers actually showed up ~10 min later and spoke to me and my partner about the incident."
A lone Guardian Angel was seen on video standing up to multiple Black Lives Matter demonstrators who tried to bully him during BLM's September 2021 protest of Carmine's restaurant in New York City. At least one protester also yelled multiple anti-gay slurs, but the Guardian Angel wasn't about to let that slide, either.
Video caught the moment when a BLM demonstrator wearing a black ski mask accosted the lone Guardian Angel, yelling "suck d**k!" in his ear.
"You don't like gay people?" the Guardian Angel replied to the BLM protester. Fox News said the Guardian Angel was identified as Joshua Penner.
The BLM protester replied, "I love gay people," and said that his brother is gay — but the protester's homophobic language continued: "Suck d**k, bitch!"
Soon others in the crowd begin to move toward Penner and holler at him, but the Guardian Angel kept his cool — and didn't move an inch. In fact, at one point the BLM protesters — one of them on a bullhorn — ordered him to leave, but Penner refused and told the crowd, "I live here."
Amazingly, the BLM protesters backed down and decided to be the ones to clear the area instead. You can view video here of the incident.
"He withstood a lot of verbal abuse and physical threatening," Guardian Angels leader Curtis Sliwa said, according to Fox News, which cited WABC-AM. "He stood there and didn't get sucked into the cursing, finger-pointing, and harassment. All they do is sell wolf tickets in order to fall into their trap." Sliwa added that "they were there to cause trouble — that's all they ever do is cause trouble."
Blaze News readers may recall a terrifying 2021 incident in Portland during which heavily armed leftists surrounded and threatened a lone motorist who soon got fed up and pointed his own gun at them. The following is the rest of the story.
Joseph Hall — a 53-year-old handyman — said he was simply trying to get home after his May 6 workday. However, he was soon involved in an armed standoff with militant leftists who had closed off roads as part of their protests against police brutality. Hall ended up in the hospital with several broken bones and other serious injuries after the black-clad militants beat him up.
A moped allegedly cut off Hall's red pickup truck, and a male with a handheld radio ordered Hall to stop. Hall said another vehicle blocked his path, "and all of a sudden I have three or four people around me." Some members of the group pointed their rifles at Hall.
Hall told the Oregonian how the situation escalated:
Hall said he grabbed hold of a non-lethal handgun that can shoot hard pellets to try to get the people to clear the way and hadn't realized there was a march until people circled his truck. He said he heard a woman outside on a megaphone yelling at the crowd to let him go, but the people continued to block his truck and call him a "Nazi."
"They're screaming and yelling at me, claiming I was out there trying to run people over. That's when I discovered a march was going on," he said. "I was trapped. A vehicle in front of me trapped me in. I couldn't go forward or around."
Hall is seen on video standing outside the driver's seat of his red pickup, his door open, holding the firearm, while a man standing in the street points a rifle at him at North Alberta Street and Michigan Avenue. Hall can be heard yelling: "You have about five seconds to lower that weapon," as others respond that his truck is a weapon.
Hall said he stepped out of his pickup and someone snatched the keys from the truck. When he went around to the back of the truck, he said several people in the crowd remained hostile and pointed handguns and rifles at him. He said he then pulled his .38-caliber pistol from his pants and headed into the fray.
"I'm trained in the military to walk towards the threat and fight your way through the threat," said Hall. He said he served in the U.S. Marines and U.S. Army and has a concealed weapons permit out of Columbia County.
Video shows one of the protesters shoving Hall and another tackling him from behind. Other militants punched, kicked, and held Hall on the ground. Hall's .38-caliber gun popped out of his hand and was stolen, and he added that other firearms and tools were stolen from his truck during the attack.
Hall was taken to a hospital for a partially collapsed left lung, two fractured vertebrae, a broken collarbone, five broken ribs, and head trauma. Despite his injuries, Hall told KPTV-TV, "I stood my ground, and I would do it all over again."
Hall filed a police report for assault and said he would be pursuing bias crime charges based on what the mob was shouting at him.
A furious lone man was caught on video confronting a large group of left-wing militants gathered in front of police on the night of April 14, 2021, in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, where protests and riots had ensued following the police-involved fatal shooting of Daunte Wright.
Independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager posted video showing the confrontation, noting that the man "briefly tried taming the line of umbrellas" and stood "between them and police" and was "discouraging agitation" of officers.
It isn't clear who the man is, but it's most definitely clear that leftist protesters toting their umbrellas to hide their identities have inflicted violence upon others in the streets and damaged and destroyed property.
"Don't you dare start this s**t!" he yelled at the group, grabbing one of the umbrellas and pointing his finger through the opening. "Not here tonight! Not here tonight!"
At one point the man's body shook as he clenched his fists and jumped in place while screaming at the mob. One of the militants hollered back at the man that "they're the ones that are starting that s**t!" presumably in reference to police. Another militant who sounded like a female yelled at the man, "Yo! Get the f*** outta here!"
Another militant questioned why the group should be "peaceful" and then screamed at police, "There's no such thing as f***ing peaceful! You f***ing killed from the beginning, bro! F*** you!" The man began trying to engage the latter militant when the clip ended.
A small-town police department in Texas stood its ground amid a social media firestorm that resulted from a selfie one of its deputies took with Kyle Rittenhouse.
On Aug. 11, 2022, the Facebook account of the Thrall Police Department in Williamson County posted a photo of an unidentified deputy with Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of all charges in the shooting deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and the shooting of Gaige Grosskreutz during the 2020 Kenosha riots.
The initial post using a photo of Rittenhouse with the officer read: "Make those stops, you never know who you might meet. Today it was Kyle Rittenhouse, welcome to Texas."
As you might guess, a swarm of critical comments ensued. But instead of backing down, the department doubled down and added the following message to the original post: "I must have missed something, I believed that this young man was arrested, charged, indicted, and then found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Is this not how our country works anymore? The hate in these comments is terrible; if you have information that is contrary to that I would honestly love to hear it." It's unclear how the unnamed deputy and Rittenhouse met.
Stratis Morfogen, owner of several popular New York City restaurants, refused to comply with the city's COVID-19 vaccine mandates in January 2022 — and even challenged Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) to arrest him over his resistance.
Speaking with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, Morfogen said he wouldn't fire any employees over politician-enacted vaccine mandates: "I'm not doing the mandate, and I told Gov. Hochul to come and arrest me."
He added, "I'm not doing it because, first of all, the employees we have, these were our heroes. In the early part of COVID, we fed 8,400 health care workers. I'm not firing these people for a jab, for a job."
Morfogen also said "none of this makes sense" and that a fully vaccinated person who possesses a legitimate COVID-19 vaccination card is a "superspreader ... because I can have a vax card, I can be asymptomatic-positive, and I can walk into my crowded restaurant ... and I can spread it to everyone!"
You can view a video here of the interview.
The captain of the University of Nevada women's volleyball team told Blaze News in an October exclusive interview that she's disappointed her school decided not to support the team's decision to forfeit a game against a squad with a transgender player.
"Unfortunately our university decided not to back us, and they decided they're going to have the match as scheduled," Nevada Wolf Pack captain Sia Liilii said.
As Blaze News previously reported, the women's volleyball team at San Jose State University features 6'1" male athlete Blaire Fleming, born Brayden. Fleming's presence on the SJSU squad has been the unofficial reason behind a number of opponent forfeitures, including by teams at Boise State, Southern Utah, Utah State, and Wyoming. Even Fleming's own teammate has spoken out about the unfair advantage the male athlete has over female players.
Nevada was next in line to withdraw from a match against SJSU after the Wolf Pack players released a statement announcing their refusal to participate in a match that would jeopardize their safety. However, school officials decided to override the will of the players and declare that the match against SJSU would proceed as scheduled. The University of Nevada claimed the players made their decision and statement "independently" and "without consultation with the University or the athletic department."
However, Liilii said she and her teammates tried to go through the proper channels and inform school administrators how they felt, but the university still decided to push forward with the scheduled match: "The vast majority of us decided that this isn't right, [that] we need to protect women's sports, and we're going to forfeit."
She added, "To know that the university didn't acknowledge the fact that we're the team that is going to play against [Fleming] was really frustrating, and the way they went about it was not OK."
Liilii said administrators later scheduled a meeting with the team to apologize and let players know the school would not be punishing them if they choose to sit out against SJSU — and she believed the school was finding a way to distance itself from the players' stance while still following state and NCAA rules surrounding gender diversity.
Soon after Liilii spoke to Blaze News, the San Jose State-Nevada women's volleyball game scheduled for Oct. 26 was moved to California "in the best interest of both programs and the well-being of the student-athletes, coaches, athletic staff and spectators," the University of Nevada said.
Then just one day before the game, Nevada officials finally announced a forfeit "due to not having enough players to compete," the school reportedly said.
"This is what bravery looks like, this is what leadership looks like," women's sports advocate Riley Gaines stated in a news conference coinciding with the game's scheduled start. "Certainly more bravery and leadership than the people who are supposed to be protecting them have shown."
Gaines then introduced Liilii, who received a standing ovation upon taking the podium and was brought to tears as she prepared to deliver her remarks: "I never expected to be blindsided ... having to compete against a male athlete. When the news broke, I was stunned, as many of my teammates were. This is not what we signed up for."
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In an absolutely insane reveal, a whistleblower has revealed that FEMA discriminated against Americans based on their political support under the Biden administration.
Former hurricane relief supervisor Marn’i Washington admitted to ordering workers to skip homes displaying Trump signs after Hurricanes Helene and Milton, claiming it was part of FEMA’s “avoidance” policy.
Government employees reported that at least 20 homes featuring Trump signs or flags were bypassed from the end of October into November as the temperatures dropped, due to “best practices” guidance.
Now, other FEMA employees claim her admission was an “isolated incident.”
However, the former FEMA employee alleged that the orders came from her superiors and this was not an isolated incident at all. Rather, Washington explained that “this was the culture.”
“They were already avoiding these homes based on community trends from hostile political encounters. It has nothing to do with the campaign sign. It just so happened to be part of the community trend," Washington said.
But it gets worse.
Keith Malinak of “Pat Gray Unleashed” spoke with X account user @EmergencyRV, who posted video footage of hundreds of trailers owned by FEMA that could be housing those displaced by the hurricane — and are instead sitting in a large lot, unused.
“They’re just sitting there, rotting. And people chimed in on the comments and said, ‘Yup, I’ve seen trailers like this, and such and such, where grass is growing all over them.’ It’s insane,” Malinak tells Pat Gray and Jeffy.
“You could house every out-of-their-home, every homeless person who got wiped out in these catastrophes, right now,” Gray says, disturbed.
“That’s your tax dollars at work, right there,” Malinak adds.
To enjoy more of Pat's biting analysis and signature wit as he restores common sense to a senseless world, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.
Thanksgiving is almost here, and Americans across the country are getting ready to break bread, sip wine, and bask in their gratitude for their loved ones. But not all Americans are preparing to share the love.
Instead, some are forgoing Thanksgiving festivities altogether based on who their loved ones voted for — and celebrities like Sunny Hostin of “The View” are cheering them on.
“I would never let politics be the reason I don’t show up to see my family because they won’t always be there,” Sara Haines said in a heated debate with Hostin on the liberal show.
“I’m going to disagree,” Hostin replied. “I really do feel that this candidate, President-elect Trump, is just a different type of candidate. From the things he’s said and the things he’s done, and the things he will do, it’s more of a moral issue for me.”
“I think it’s more of a moral issue for other people,” she continued. “So I think when people feel that someone voted not only against their families but against them, and against people that they love, I think it’s okay to take a beat.”
Whoopi Goldberg then jumped in with her infinite wisdom to agree with Hostin, explaining that “somebody who tells me that my child is wrong because of how he or she feels, that tells me that they shouldn’t be allowed to be who they are with my permission, I have to question.”
“I don’t want to put my kid in that position. I don’t want to put my gay child in a position where she has to sit with someone who doesn’t understand her and feels like it’s okay to just blurt all that out,” Goldberg added.
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” isn’t surprised they took this route but does wholeheartedly disagree.
“Thanksgiving is coming, and that’s when we here in America sit down with friends and family, and we eat and we drink and we celebrate freedom, and we take a moment to be thankful for all of the goodness that this great country has afforded us in almost 250 years of existence,” Rubin says.
“Unless you’re someone on ‘The View,’ in which case you shouldn’t invite people you like and you should probably ruin the day for everybody,” he adds.
To enjoy more honest conversations, free speech, and big ideas with Dave Rubin, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.
Last week, Blaze News covered a story about a FEMA supervisor named Marn’i Washington who was fired due to a released report accusing her of ordering relief agents under her authority to avoid homes with Trump signs in Lake Placid, Florida.
According to Washington, however, she was merely the scapegoat for FEMA’s broader discriminatory policies.
“FEMA preaches avoidance first, and then de-escalation. This is not isolated. This is a colossal event of avoidance. Not just in the state of Florida. You will find avoidance in the Carolinas,” Washington said on a podcast, during which she explained that FEMA at large tends to avoid homes with Trump signs for fear of aggression.
Jill Savage and Blaze News editor in chief Matthew Peterson invite Rachel Bovard, vice president of Conservative Partnership Institute, on the show to discuss the situation.
“Is this problem bigger than just one employee at FEMA?” Jill asks.
“This is the way the government has been operating for the last four years,” says Bovard. FEMA has “taken direction from the president of the United States, who stood in front of Independence Hall two years ago and said, ‘Anyone who supports Donald Trump is an extremist.”’
“All of the ideologues in the bureaucracy were activated to essentially make that statement by the president their government policy,” she explains. “When you think about the mission that FEMA is supposed to represent, they are supposed to be there to help Americans at the worst point in their lives, and here we have that agency ... putting partisan politics ahead of it all.”
Matthew Peterson calls the event one of many examples of “how bad things have become.”
However, now that Trump will return to the White House bolstered by his bold Cabinet picks, the future looks hopeful.
“I’d love to know your thoughts on the picks so far,” he tells Bovard.
“I think institutional Washington is losing their minds, but I actually think [Matt Gaetz] is the perfect answer to Merrick Garland,” who “turned the Department of Justice into an arm of the president’s political terror,” says Bovard.
“[Garland] put Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro — two people who served in Trump's administration — in jail; he aggressively pursued peaceful pro-life protesters; he ignored the disorder in the streets and used taxpayer-funded resources to harass and prosecute and terrorize peaceful J6 protesters to the ends of the Earth. ... Those actions need to be answered with a sledgehammer, and I really do kind of feel like Matt Gaetz is maybe the perfect person to do that.”
Before Gaetz can get to work as Trump’s attorney general, however, he first has to be confirmed by the Senate that just elected John Thune as its new majority leader.
“What does the pick of John Thune tell you about where the Senate does want to go?” asks Jill.
Bovard is a bit concerned when it comes to Thune.
“John Thune, I should point out, voted to confirm Merrick Garland,” as did other Republican senators, including Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Thom Tillis, and Susan Collins — “all of the people you now see pearl-clutching about Matt Gaetz,” Bovard explains.
She hopes they will confirm Gaetz in order to “atone for their sins of confirming Merrick Garland.”
To hear more of the conversation, watch the clip above.
To enjoy more provocative opinions, expert analysis, and breaking stories you won’t see anywhere else, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.
The editor in chief of Scientific American has resigned from her position after going on an unhinged rant about the supporters of President-elect Donald Trump.
On Thursday, Laura Helmuth took to the social media platform Bluesky to announce that she was stepping away from Scientific American, the oldest continuously published magazine in American history.
"I’ve decided to leave Scientific American after an exciting 4.5 years as editor in chief," she wrote. "I’m going to take some time to think about what comes next (and go birdwatching)."
The statement itself is rather innocuous, seemingly obscuring the hate-filled context in which it was made.
On election night, Helmuth descended into a foulmouthed meltdown on Bluesky after Trump emerged the winner. Rather than direct her ire at the once and future president, Helmuth took aim at the 75 million or so Americans who cast a vote for him, as Blaze News previously reported.
Her statements that night included:
A Connecticut teacher — who reportedly is assigned to special education at a public elementary school — has been placed on leave after a video circulated showing her threatening people who voted for President-elect Donald Trump.
In the video, she claims that "people of color and poor people and gay people and all the people that I care about aren't gonna be safe in America — neither the f*** are you guys. Just because you won doesn't mean we don't remember who the f*** you voted for. You're not in the clear."
'I can't unsee the video ... and I can't walk into that school. ... I’m literally shaking, I can't walk into that school and hand my kid off to that person.'
She adds, "Please don't test your gangster on me because you will end on a stretcher. Gone. Forever. So serious. Nobody f***in' talk to me unless you wanna swing. If you wanna fight, text me, call me, whatever. Anybody else stay the f*** outta my face."
The clip ends with her saying, "And if you voted for Trump, literally please delete me, block me, get rid of everything of me — or step to me, so that I know what’s up, and I can handle you how I see fit. Please, just come forward, we f***in' know. Just tell me. Or leave."
Cheshire Public School’s Superintendent Jeff Solan said he was made aware of the Snapchat video over the weekend and that the teacher — whom the district has not identified — was placed on leave until the outcome of an investigation, WFSB-TV reported.
Solan told the station that the district received a large number of calls — mostly from people outside the Cheshire community — and that business couldn't be conducted as usual with the teacher on campus.
A police presence was put in place out of an abundance of caution, WFSB said, adding Cheshire police stated that they've launched their own investigation.
WTIC-TV reported that it learned the teacher is assigned to special education at Chapman Elementary School in Cheshire.
Solan told WFSB the teacher intended the video as a private message to her Snapchat group and that she expressed her personal opinion, not the opinion of Cheshire Public Schools.
WFSB added that Kate Dias, president of the Connecticut Education Association, released a statement about the teacher’s video in regard to respecting free speech:
CEA values the right to free speech and respects the diverse opinions of our members. We know that emotions can run high after an election, and we encourage everyone to engage in respectful conversations as part of our democratic process. Keeping our discussions civil and focused is important in maintaining a positive environment in our schools. We must continue to share our views constructively while prioritizing respect, unity, and our shared commitment to educating and caring for our students.
WTIC said the Cheshire Town Council held a meeting Tuesday night, and some parents said they weren't happy with what was expressed in the video.
WTIC reported that Amy Bourdon — a Cheshire mom whose son with special needs attends school in the district — said, "I saw a woman in crisis, and then when I replayed it a couple of times, I got up from my table and went and locked my front door."
Bourdon — who is a Republican, WTIC said — added that "we are the targets. Our lives have been targeted by an individual that cashes a paycheck from the town of Cheshire every week."
Lorie Barnes told WTIC that “I'm tired of being a Trump supporter and whispering."
Barnes, who's lived in Cheshire all her life, added to WTIC that her grandson will be moving from England and entering the Cheshire school district — and now that terrifies her.
"I can't unsee the video ... and I can't walk into that school. ... I’m literally shaking, I can't walk into that school and hand my kid off to that person," Barnes told WTIC.
You can view a news station video report here about the controversy.
As Blaze News has previously reported this week, a Southern California high school teacher on the day after the election lashed out in a classroom at a student who was wearing a Trump hat.
Blaze News this week also noted that a teacher at a different Southern California public high school went on a profane rant in his Advanced Placement world history class against Trump the day after the election and was placed on administrative leave.
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Yet another southern California high school teacher lashed out in a classroom after President-elect Donald Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris last week.
KTTV-TV reported that the "popular teacher" at Chino High School could be in hot water following his furious reaction toward a student who wore a Trump hat the day after the election.
'Can you send security up, please? ... I have a boy who has a Trump hat on, and I'm not gonna tolerate it today, bye bye.'
Corey DeAngelis, senior fellow at the American Culture Project, posted snippets of the teacher's outbursts on X.
"A child molester, huh?" the teacher said on one video clip. "Vote for that freaking rapist ... I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry. I have a daughter, I have three nieces, and he'd rape them, and people are voting for him. Christians are voting for him. Bunch of losers. Fake Christians."
The teacher said in another clip, "I'm pissed, people voting for a freaking rapist, and I'm pissed off" before adding, "I don't care, fire the hell out of me. I'm fighting for my daughter, my nieces, their rights."
The teacher is heard in another clip hollering to "turn it off and ... go back to your freaking seat now! Go!" Immediately afterward, the teacher is heard speaking — presumably on a phone or intercom, "Can you send security up, please? ... I have a boy who has a Trump hat on, and I'm not gonna tolerate it today, bye bye."
In that same clip, the teacher then appears to speak to a student: "I don't care if you have a Harris hat or a Trump hat, you're outta here. You know better. Tell [Principal John] Miller, 'I should have the right to vote for a rapist and a child molester,' go for it, go for it. I don't give a F!"
In another clip — in which he seems to be out of breath — the teacher snaps at another student, "Excuse me! What's wrong with me?" When the student appears to ask what the other student's hat said, the teacher replies, "Trump. The rapist. Even Trumpers don't deny it; they just vote for him ... gonna get rid of 20 million immigrants ... You know who should get out? You know who owns this land? ... Native Americans ..."
Chino Valley Unified School District board president Sonja Shaw told KTTV the video is real, that it's "unacceptable," and that other school districts are having the same issue.
Shaw added to the station that while the school has a dress code, it refers to indecent exposure and hate language — and that a Trump hat "is not out of code."
"We had many students wearing T-shirts supporting both sides of the political debate in several schools without issue," Shaw added to KTTV.
The board president added to the station that she can't speak to what may happen to the unnamed teacher, but Shaw also said "if this teacher unfortunately has to be the example of what not to do, we need to move forward ... and bring our kids together. Respecting each other, be it political issues or anything else."
KTTV reported that the teacher — who has been at the school for years without incident — hasn't responded to the station's attempts to speak with him.
Parent Oscar Avila told KTTV: "God knows what this teacher could be capable of doing in a fit of rage. You cannot scream at a kid, call someone names over a political issue. That's wrong. I don't mind kids being corrected, but in the proper way — not over some political stuff."
You can view a video report here about the incident.
Blaze News on Monday reported that a teacher at a different southern California public high school — Valley View High School in Moreno Valley — went on a profane rant in his Advanced Placement world history class against Trump the day after the election and was placed on administrative leave.
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A University of Oregon administrator said, "Go f*** yourself if you voted for Donald Trump," according to a campus newspaper, which included video of the rant in its story.
What's more, the school official also is a hazing prevention speaker who reportedly did jail time over a fatal fraternity hazing incident in 2012.
The Daily Emerald reported that assistant director of fraternity and sorority life Leonard Serrato posted an Instagram story after this week's presidential election in which Trump handily beat Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.
'I'm done crying. My sadness is over. My anger has set in. I am a very petty person, and I am very proud of that. Love it about myself, actually.'
The paper said Serrato told his followers on the social media platform — some of whom are Oregon students — "You can literally go f*** yourself if you voted for Donald Trump. If you are so sad about your groceries being expensive, get a better f***ing paying job. Do better in life. Get a f***ing education. Do something, 'cause you’re f***ing stupid."
Before he made a sideways peace sign in the clip, the rant ended with him saying, "And I hope you go jump off of a f***ing bridge."
You can view video of the rant included in the paper's story here; you can view a photo of Serrato here from the website of the University of Oregon, which is a public college.
A longer version of the rant includes the following preface: "I'm done crying. My sadness is over. My anger has set in. I am a very petty person, and I am very proud of that. Love it about myself, actually. And so, I say this in the most disrespectful way possible: I don't care if you are my family. I don't care if you are my friend. I don't care if we've been friends our entire lives."
The Daily Emerald reported that Serrato later posted an Instagram Reel in which he discusses the presidential election results. The paper said he addressed students, including those of “color” and who identify as “LGBTQIA," and encouraged them to “take care of yourself and know that you have my support.”
The Daily Emerald said Serrato soon made his Instagram account private and declined to comment to the paper.
University of Oregon spokesperson Eric Howald told the Daily Emerald the “university is currently collecting more information about the situation" and that for now "it appears that the individual made the post on their own time, which is well within their rights."
Serrato's LinkedIn profile indicates he's also a hazing prevention speaker. A month ago, Serrato reposted on his LinkedIn page a short item about himself from ForCollegeForLife — and the following excerpt appears to explain why he speaks against hazing:
Leo Serrato could have never imagined he’d be delivering this message.
Before August 31, 2012, his fraternity membership experience had been typical. That night, however, changed everything. One of the new members of his chapter died in an alcohol-related hazing incident. Due to his involvement, Leo was charged and sentenced to jail time, and, because of this, he made it a personal mission to work to end hazing.
He vowed to his brother he would not let his death be in vain.
A 2018 profile story in the Sonoma State Star student newspaper about Serrato — who had just become the new lead campus advisor for fraternity and sorority life at Sonoma State — noted that Serrato "was involved in a hazing related death while attending Fresno State in 2012, where one of his pledges died from excessive drinking caused by hazing."
The Star added that Serrato pleaded "no contest to a misdemeanor charge of hazing and providing alcohol to a minor causing death in 2014. According to the Press Democrat, he was sentenced to 90 days in the Fresno County Jail, 90 days in the county’s adult offender work program, three years probation, and a $220 fine."
Serrato was quoted in the story: “When I was new member educator, one of our new members passed away from a hazing related incident and it was that incident that truly inspired me and opened up my eyes to what my mission and purpose is in life and that is to educated [sic] students on hazing."
Howald on Thursday afternoon didn't immediately respond to Blaze News' request for comment asking whether the University of Oregon knew about the charges against him when it hired Serrato.
Serrato on Thursday afternoon didn't immediately respond to Blaze News' request for comment, specifically whether he had anything to say in the wake of his reported statements about Trump voters in light of his declared "mission and purpose" in regard to educating others about hazing.
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