The bill is a massive expansion of Democrat-backed election policies that blue states across the nation are intent on ramming through state legislatures.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has requested Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate how Michael Bloomberg’s political organization raised $17 million to pay fines and fees for 31,100 felons so they can vote in the Nov. 3 election.
NBA star LeBron James has reportedly been reaching out to convicted felons to help them pay any lingering fines that are preventing them from being able to vote.
Billionaire and failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg raised more than $16 million to help former felons in Florida regain their voting rights.
Voting rights advocates hoped a decision in the state’s challenge to a federal ruling that declared unconstitutional a law requiring Floridians with past felony convictions pay all legal obligations to be eligible to vote would be made before the deadline to register to vote for November's general election.
If Florida felons plan to vote in November, they must pay off all fines, restitution, and legal fees before they can do so, a federal appellate court ruled Friday.
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