Beware of worshipping the great and powerful digital god of the Great Reset

Much fanfare has been lavished on the concept of artificial intelligence in the past five years, to the point that its primacy is treated in the media as a foregone conclusion. The idea that algorithms can “think” has become a pervading myth, a sci-fi fantasy come to life. The reality is much less impressive.

We continually hear from globalists at the World Economic Forum and other elitist institutions that AI is the catalyst for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” — a technological singularity that will supposedly change every aspect of our society forever. I keep waiting for the moment that AI does something significant in terms of advancing human knowledge or making our lives better. The moment never comes. In fact, the globalists keep moving the goalposts for what AI really is.

Globalists want the proliferation of AI because they know that people are lazy and will use the system as a stand-in for individual research. If this happens on a large scale, then AI could be used to rewrite every aspect of history, corrupt the very roots of science and mathematics, and turn the population into a drooling hive mind, a buzzing froth of brain-dead drones consuming every proclamation of the algorithm.

I would note that WEF zealots like Yuval Harari talk about AI like it is the rise of an all-powerful deity (I discuss the globalist worship of AI in my article "Artificial Intelligence: A Secular Look at the Digital Antichrist"). Yet Harari has also recently downplayed AI as a sentient intelligence. He argues that self-awareness or consciousness doesn’t need to be achieved in order to be considered a super-being or a living entity. He even suggests that the popular image of a Terminator-like AI with individual agency and desire is not a legitimate expectation.

In other words, AI as it stands today is nothing more than a mindless algorithm, and thus it is not AI. But if every aspect of our world is engineered around digital infrastructures and the populace is taught to put blind faith in the “infallibility” of algorithms, then eventually they become the robot gods the globalists so desperately desire. That is to say, AI dominance is only possible if everyone BELIEVES that AI is legitimate. Harari essentially admits to this agenda in the speech above.

The allure of AI for average people is the pie-in-the-sky promise of freedom from worry or responsibility. As with all narcissists, the global elite love to future-fake and buy popular conformity now on false promises of rewards that will never come.

Yes, algorithms are currently used to help laymen do things they could not do before, such as build websites, edit essays, cheat on college exams, create bad artwork and video content, etc. Useful applications are few and far between. For example, the claim that AI is “revolutionizing” medical diagnosis and treatment is far-fetched. The U.S., the nation that arguably has the most access to AI tools, is also suffering from declining life expectancy. We know it’s not COVID because the virus has a 99.8% average survival rate. You would think that if AI is so powerful in its ability to identify and treat ailments, the average American would be living longer.

These digital tools haven't lived up to the hype

There is no evidence of a single benefit to AI on a broader social scale. At most, it looks like it will be good at taking jobs away from web developers and McDonald’s drive-thru employees. The globalist notion that AI will create a robotic renaissance of art, music, literature, and scientific discovery is utter nonsense. AI has proven to be nothing more than a tool of mediocre convenience, but that’s actually why it’s so dangerous.

I suspect the WEF has changed its ideas about what AI should be because it’s not living up to the delusional aspirations the elites originally had for it. They’ve been waiting for a piece of software to come to life and start giving them insights into the mechanics of the universe, and they’re starting to realize that’s never going to happen. Instead, the elitists are increasingly shifting their focus to the melding of the human and digital worlds. They want to fabricate the necessity of AI because human dependence on the technology serves the purposes of centralization.

But what would this actually look like? Well, it requires the population to continue to get dumber while AI becomes more integral to society.

For example, it is widely accepted at this point that a college education is no indication of intelligence or skill. Millions of graduates entering the workforce today display an unsettling level of incompetence. This is partially because college educators are less capable and ideologically biased and the average curriculum has degraded. But we also need to start accounting for the number of kids coasting their way through school using ChatGPT and other cheat boxes.

They don’t need to learn anything; the algorithm and their cell phone cameras do it all for them. This trend is disturbing because human beings tend to take the easiest path in every aspect of survival. Most people stopped learning how to grow food because industrial farming does it for us. They stopped learning how to hunt because there are slaughterhouses and refrigerated trucks. Many Zennials today are incapable of cooking for themselves because they can get takeout delivered to their door any time they want. They barely talk on the phone or create physical communities any more because texting and social media have become the intermediaries in human interaction.

Yes, everything is “easier,” but that does not mean anything is better.

My great fear — the future that I see coming down the road — is one in which human beings no longer bother to think. AI might be seen as the ultimate accumulation of human knowledge, a massive library or digital brain that does all the searching and thinking for you. Why learn anything when AI “knows everything”? Except this is a lie.

AI doesn’t know everything; it only knows what its programmers want it to know. It only gives you the information its programmers want you to have. The globalists understand this, and they can taste the power that they will have should AI become paramount as an educational platform. They see it as a way to trick people into abandoning personal development and individual thought.

Look at it this way: If everyone in the world starts turning to AI for answers to all their questions, then everyone in the world will be given the same exact answers and will come to the same exact conclusions. All AI has to do is actively censor any information that contradicts the official narrative.

Centralized control

We got a taste of this Orwellian condition during the COVID pandemic, when Big Tech companies like Google used algorithms to bury any and all data that proved COVID was not the threat that government officials said it was. You could not go on YouTube for at least three years and look up alternative information on COVID or the vaccines. The algorithm forced everyone to sift through a long list of establishment sources, many of them promoting blatant lies about masking, social distancing, the COVID death rate, and vaccine safety.

The powers that be don’t even need to directly censor or remove information they don’t like. All they have to do is let the algorithm dictate the search results and bury the truth on page 10,000, where no one will look.

How would this affect the average person? Say AI is programmed to dictate scientific discourse. What if AI says that man-made climate change is an undeniable reality and the “science is settled” while never presenting the mountain of counter-evidence to the contrary? No one will look up the real data because AI will make it impossible to find. Everyone will assume AI is telling them all there is to know about the subject, but it gets worse than that.

Many readers might remember a few months back when Google AI system “Gemini” was programmed to force DEI onto its users. Whenever a person asked the AI to create a historical image, the algorithm made everyone black or brown and often female. Depictions of white men were suspiciously rare despite historical accuracy. This meant endless images of black and brown Highlanders in Scotland, black Founding Fathers in America, female Catholic popes, Asian knights in medieval Europe, and, hilariously, even black Nazis in WWII Germany.

AI developers often claim that once an AI is created, they don’t really control what it does and how it grows. The Gemini incident proves this is a lie. AI can definitely be controlled or at least molded by coding to promote whatever propaganda the programmers want it to promote. There is no such thing as an autonomous AI; there is always an agenda.

To summarize, globalists want the proliferation of AI because they know that people are lazy and will use the system as a stand-in for individual research. If this happens on a large scale, then AI could be used to rewrite every aspect of history, corrupt the very roots of science and mathematics, and turn the population into a drooling hive mind, a buzzing froth of brain-dead drones consuming every proclamation of the algorithm as if it is sacrosanct.

In this way, Yuval Harari is right. AI does not need to become sentient or wield an army of killer robots to do great harm to humanity. All it has to do is be convenient enough that we no longer care to think for ourselves. Like the “great and powerful” Oz hiding behind a digital curtain, you assume you’re gaining knowledge from a wizard when you’re really being manipulated by globalist snake-oil salesmen.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on

Can America survive another four years of Bidenomics?

While the Biden administration claims it has everything under control, inflation continues to rise, housing prices are insane, and the government just keeps spending.

“The United States government is printing one trillion dollars every 100 days,” Glenn Beck says, adding, “Just put that in your pipe and smoke it for a minute.”

And the American people are suffering, despite attempts at raising wages to deal with inflation — like they’ve done in California.

“$20 minimum wage for fast-food workers,” Glenn says, adding, “Kind of putting people out of business. First of all, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, hiked prices to offset the higher cost. Who would have seen that coming?”

“How many times does it take before people understand basic economics? The price of the goods or service goes up when it costs the company that is providing those goods or services, when it costs them more to get that to you, they raise the price. That’s the way business works,” Glenn explains.

“This is what every business is going through right now,” he adds.

The economy is so disastrous under Biden, that Glenn believes if he wins the 2024 election, it will be a sign of something far more ominous than just rising prices.

“I will be absolutely convinced that this is a fraudulent election if for the first time in history, the economy doesn’t play a major role,” he says. “Can America survive another four years? Can you survive another four years going down this road? Can you afford it?”

As the prices continue to go up, the chances Americans have at owning basic necessities will continue to go down.

“You’re not able to buy a house, you’re not able to get a loan on anything that is reasonable, and it is only going to get much, much, worse,” Glenn warns.

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

FACT CHECK: No, Klaus Schwab Did Not Admit ‘Political Revolution’ Is Destroying His ‘Great Reset’ Agenda

The claim is false and stems from a Jan. 19 article published by "The People's Voice," a website that is known for spreading "fake news"

Like Father, Like Son: Eco-Hypocrites Charles And Harry Scold About Climate From Private Jets

Advocating for dystopian environmental policies they have no intention of following is something Harry and Charles have in common.

Check out these TERRIFYING predictions that are coming TRUE

World leaders recently gathered in India for this year's G20 summit and produced a document that is essentially the Great Reset on steroids.

The document could have been written by Glenn Beck himself, who reviews the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration and realizes he’s made 10 of these same predictions in his new book, “Dark Future” — and that’s not a good thing.

Glenn says the G20 is making an “international commitment to dramatically scale back the use of private and public lands,” as well as "restoring by 2030 at least 30% of all degraded ecosystems and scaling up the efforts to achieve land degredation neutrality" and "halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030."

“This would mean not only the end of land development, but also the return of land that’s currently occupied by humans to nature," Glenn says. Glenn is disturbed but not surprised, noting, “They’re not gonna do anything with it; they’re just going to return it to its natural, utopian, you know, Garden of Eden state.”

“This is what we warned about in ‘Dark Future.’ In fact, I wouldn’t mind just calling these the top 10 things that we told you about in ‘Dark Future’ that are now happening,” he adds.

The third point Glenn describes is “a plan for international governance for AI,” which would ensure that “AI is developed responsibly, which means, among other things, designers take ethics and biases into account.”

“So, in other words, we hate conservatives. Let’s put that into the machine,” Glenn jokes, adding that “this is a way for them to use AI now, globally, to promote ESG, DEI, and other social justice.”

Glenn describes a further goal of “promoting AI that is designed to accomplish the United Nations' sustainable development goals.”

Glenn also predicted the expansion of the international tax system and building a publicly regulated, controllable, digital public infrastructure as well as additional regulations for cryptocurrencies, which also make an appearance in the document.

Glenn describes the G20 goal of “increasing social protection programs like universal health care and implementing policies to make social security benefits portable between nations.”

One of the most alarming goals concerns the World Health Organization. “Enhancing the power of the World Health Organization in future pandemics and public health emergencies,” Glenn describes.

Glenn says these world leaders also plan to put trillions into new climate-related spending programs as well as ensuring collaboration and research for introduction and adoption of central bank digital currencies.

Glenn notes that despite the dystopian nature of this list, we shouldn’t worry. Because as we’ve all been told so many times, no matter how many world leaders spell out their plans for us, it’s apparently nothing but “a conspiracy theory.”

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

The elites’ plan to replace God with AI

Are the elites trying to replace God with AI?

Allie Beth Stuckey and her guest Justin Haskins, co-author of “Dark Future,” think so.

“Imagine a future in which everything is controlled by artificial intelligence. I’m not just talking about your smart home. I am talking about our legal system, I’m talking about major international decisions like whether to launch a nuclear attack on another country,” Stuckey says.

“That might sound like a crazy dystopian conspiracy theory, but that is where the world’s most powerful people are taking us: into a future that is completely and totally controlled by artificial intelligence,” she adds.

Stuckey dives into a story that should serve as a warning to everyone who uses this kind of technology — which is basically everyone.

Global giant Amazon shut off a man’s smart home devices for a week after a delivery driver falsely accused the customer of using racial slurs via his Amazon doorbell camera.

The homeowner, Brandon Jackson, is a black man, but was digitally exiled by the company and reported for being racist.

“That could be a really big deal if a company decides to shut down the features in your home that you actually rely on and increasingly rely on for important things like air conditioning and security,” Stuckey says.

Haskins agrees.

“The more interconnected and dependent we become on technology, the easier it is to control and manipulate people’s behavior,” he says.

He warns that while this was a relatively small story, the future looks bleak when it comes to our use of artificial intelligence — and a lot like the film "Minority Report."

“Most people don’t know this,” Haskins explains, that when people are convicted of crimes, “there are governments that use artificial intelligence to tell them what they think the sentencing decision should be.”

“That’s terrifying,” Stuckey says. “This technology is not unbiased.”

Want more from Allie Beth Stuckey?

To enjoy more of Allie’s upbeat and in-depth coverage of culture, news, and theology from a Christian, conservative perspective, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

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If you were a sheep during COVID, admit you were wrong and do better next time

Those who were Covid cowards need to stand up against tyranny in the future. It's the least they can do.

Dark future: Unveiling society's transformation through AI

“Discrimination” may be a word used flippantly by the left, but that’s not stopping Justin Haskins from warning of the very real discrimination we all may face if the Great Reset goes as planned.

Haskins is the co-author of “Dark Future: Uncovering the Great Reset's Terrifying Next Phase” with Glenn Beck, in which they not only reveal the technologies and cultural changes that will cause an unprecedented level of disruption across the globe but offer a plan to combat it.

While those who have been paying attention likely know what the Great Reset is, fewer are aware of the “Great Narrative.” Haskins is changing that.

“Essentially, the idea behind the Great Narrative is, ‘We need a new story, a new narrative, a new way of thinking about the world, to prepare the world for this transformation that is coming,’” Haskin explains to Stu Burguiere.

He dives a little deeper, explaining that the Great Narrative is essentially the core of the Great Reset — all of the tools and mechanisms for reshaping society, like social credit scores and ESG, coupled with emerging technologies that will disrupt the way the world runs.

That coupling would allow a global government to easily discriminate any individual for their beliefs or political history.

“You can pick individuals out and say, ‘You are the problem. You, the individual person who said this terrible thing on social media, who is clearly a Trump supporter,’” Haskin explains.

When you have this kind of technology, “you can tie that to a score.”

“That makes it really easy to punish or reward people, which is what ESG is. And then you have the technology to sift through that and to do it on a wide scale,” Haskins adds, warning, “you can discriminate in a way that was never possible before.”

Though people have been taught to fear a violent, “blood-thirsty,” authoritarian government over a seemingly benevolent one, this technology changes what needs to be done to exert total control over a population.

“You don’t need these kinds of giant crackdowns, jackboot stormtroopers. You just need the right system in place,” Haskins continues.

“Once they figured out that controlling the money, having social credit scores, and controlling technology — those three things together — give you everything they ever wanted without having to kill anybody. That’s when all of this really ran loose,” he adds.

Want more from Stu?

To enjoy more of Stu's lethal wit, wisdom, and mockery, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

FACT CHECK: Did A WEF Insider Admit The Silicon Valley Bank Crash Is A ‘Great Reset Scam?’

The claim stems from a website known for spreading misinformation