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Horowitz: The more you vax, the more you … ?

At 234 doses administered per 100 people, Portugal is the most vaccinated large country in Europe. Yet as of May 17, according to Our World in Data, Portugal had the highest COVID case rate in Europe and the second highest in the world behind Taiwan. This is after 94% of the population have had at least one dose, and 62%, which encompasses anyone remotely at risk for the virus, got boosters. And unlike Taiwan, which never really had much COVID until now, so there’s little natural immunity, Portugal already got its fair share of cases a few months ago.

At some point, we need to have a dialogue not just about the ineffectiveness of the shots, but something much more concerning. It’s not just the negative efficacy against cases that should bother us. We were all told that the shots, despite their plethora of potentially deadly side effects, still protected against critical illness from COVID. However, again and again we are seeing the most vaccinated countries having their worst death curves (not just case curves) precisely after having boosted their population and with a variant that is much less deadly than some of the prior ones.

Iceland, for example, is by far the current leader in COVID deaths. At 12.8 deaths per million, the country now has a much higher death rate than America during the worst of the winter 2021 wave. And as we all know, America performed very poorly.

Sure, overall, Iceland has still fared much better than the U.S., but the obvious question is why is the country experiencing all its deaths now, after everyone is boosted and for a milder variant? Until early January 2022, Iceland recorded just 39 COVID deaths. The country skated by the pandemic better than any other European country and better than almost any country in the world, even with the particularly vicious Delta variant. How is it that Icelanders had three-quarters of their deaths all in the past few months, after every single vulnerable person got three shots, and we’re not done with the wave yet? How is it that the deaths per capita are now higher than some of the worst countries pre-vaccine with more pathogenic variants?

We are seeing the same dynamic in Finland, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand – all countries that were barely affected by the pandemic … until everyone was triple-jabbed. Australia, for example, recorded just 2,239 COVID deaths over the entirety of 2020 and 2021, but has already had 5,555 in 2022 after only four and a half months.

We are observing the same pattern in the U.S., not just for case rates but even for hospitalizations. The four most vaccinated states are Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Vermont. The top 10 vaccinated states, with the exception of New Mexico, are all in the northeast. Incidentally, according to the New York Times COVID tracker, the 12 states with the highest hospitalization rates (including D.C.) are all in the northeast, except for Michigan. All of the lowest-vaccinated states in the south, Great Plains, and Rocky Mountains have the lowest hospitalization rates. The Wall Street Journal has taken notice of this trend too.

One might suggest that this might be a seasonal curve that affects the northeast states. But why would they get a late spring hit? That is usually the beginning of the southern wave.

If you’ve noticed, before the release of the shots, the virus followed an almost regimented epidemiological curve, quickly rising and then falling back to baseline, based on seasonality and geography. That has all been broken since the latter part of 2021 and seems totally out of whack today. Former Trump administration official and epidemiologist Dr. Paul Alexander noted on his Substack the bizarre changes:

We are seeing 4 troubling developments in the waves:

1) the intervals between waves are shorter, so waves are more frequent

2) the peaks are high

3) subsequent peaks are higher than prior peaks shorter

4) the downward slope is not coming back to baseline (where we would have seen herd immunity and the wave would be over); we are seeing plateauing on the downward side higher than earlier baseline and then a new wave

Indeed, this is completely divorced from the behavior of the virus before the vaccine. For example, take a look at the curves for Australia and New Zealand.

Notice how they never reset to baseline like we saw in most countries in the first year of the pandemic. They now endlessly vacillate, which runs counter to the rules of herd immunity. In the past, it was all or nothing – a sharp wave for six weeks, then peace and quiet for at least a few months until the next wave. Now it just seems to meander indefinitely – going back and forth at random times and seasons.

Dr. Alexander hypothesizes that this is due to the shots preventing immunity:

This indicates that there is a high level of transmission and infectiousness remaining in the population after a wave and really suggests that the pandemic is NOT being allowed to peter out and BE OVER. This is due to the sub-optimal immune pressure being placed on the spike by the non-sterilizing vaccine, non-neutralizing antibodies that provoke tremendous selection pressure and the emergence of infectious variants.

You need not absorb this concern exclusively from a former Trump scientist. Take a listen to ABC’s chief medical correspondent, Jennifer Ashton, who postulates that boosters for the original variant could block antibodies for the current variant, manifesting in original antigenic sin, which overloads and shuts down your system’s ability to respond to the proper variant.

Even rabid vaccine promoter Dr. Paul Offit, director of the vaccine education center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, recently wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that boosters are “not risk free.”

And all age groups are at risk for the theoretical problem of an “original antigenic sin” — a decreased ability to respond to a new immunogen because the immune system has locked onto the original immunogen. An example of this phenomenon can be found in a study of nonhuman primates showing that boosting with an omicron-specific variant did not result in higher titers of omicron-specific neutralizing antibodies than did boosting with the ancestral strain. This potential problem could limit our ability to respond to a new variant.

He also mentions the obvious risk of myocarditis. Yet without even seeking the review of its expert panel, the FDA authorized boosters for 5- to 11-year-olds this week!

At this point the question is: Will any new set of facts on safety and efficacy take down these shots? An entire baby formula factory was shut down after four possible deaths, but the shots are still going strong after 28,000 reported deaths to VAERS and 156,000 hospitalizations. In fact, the more it fails the immune system, the more it engenders a need for more boosters, which are approved with enthusiasm. Who says crime doesn’t pay?
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Horowitz: Mysterious gynecological ailments reported as stillbirths rise in some countries. Coincidence?

"The effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on sperm, a pregnancy, a fetus, or a nursing child are not known." ~Pfizer’s informed consent document

There’s a reason why we don’t offer novel therapeutics, especially those with numerous side effects already confirmed, to pregnant women. To this day, there is no effort on the part of our government to study the consequences of the menstrual irregularities being experienced ubiquitously among women who took the COVID shots. Will the latest study, on a rare condition of uterine lining shedding self-reported by women who took the shot, finally convince the medical establishment to take a step back? Probably not.

Decidual cast shedding (DCS) is a rare gynecological disorder in which a woman secretes her entire uterine lining intact through the vaginal canal as if she were having menstrual bleeding. It is so rare that the authors of this paper could only find 40 documented cases in 109 years. Yet in their survey of 6,049 women from May 16, 2021, through December 31, 2021, right after most young women got the shot, 292, or 4.8%, of the respondents self-reported a case of DCS. The findings were published in the Gazette of Medical Sciences.

Tiffany Parotto, in conjunction with several obstetricians and scientists, conducted the MyCycleStory survey, which contained 91 questions, targeting all women 18 years and older who were experiencing menstrual anomalies. As the data was collected, much to the surprise of the researchers, who were mainly trying to study the scope of menstrual irregularities, “there was an abnormally high number of women who reported that they had experienced ‘Decidual Cast Shedding / release of a layer of uterine lining, a thick sack-like substance’, as presented in the survey.” They note, “Respondents who reported having experienced DCS in the past were excluded from the analysis data set.”

Among the 292 women who reported as having secreted a large, intact piece of tissue all in one piece at some point last year, nearly all of them (96.2%) reported experiencing menstrual irregularities. The median age of those who reported DCS was 35, but 22 of the women were post-menopausal.

Interestingly, they found that the temporal trends of two related Google search terms – “decidual cast” and “decidual cast covid vaccine” – increased 2000% in April 2021 and then again in June from the prior and subsequent months of these peaks. Although not scientific, it certainly is very revealing, given how rare this condition is and how few medical professionals, much less laymen, ever heard of it.

Whether and why the shots might cause these cast sheddings are beyond the scope of the findings, but the authors speculate as to a possible pathophysiology.

“One hypothesis is that the COVID-19 vaccine interrupts the complex balance of ovulation orchestrated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and thus produces anovulatory bleeding disorders. It is known from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine documents that there is concentration of the nanolipid particles and the mRNA cargo in the ovaries. This produces significant inflammatory response in the ovaries and could contribute to menstrual abnormalities, although there are many other potential mechanisms that could be involved.”

The authors also wonder if what some women are reporting is not a classic decidual cast shedding, but rather some form of fibrin-like blood clot. They show pictures that some of the shedding women have shown them, and they do bear some resemblance to the fibrin-like clots some embalmers have reported pulling out of dead bodies beginning last year.

Given what we already know about the shots causing menstrual irregularities and that the pro-inflammatory lipid nanoparticles are deposited in the ovaries, it shouldn’t be our job to prove they definitively cause miscarriages and stillbirths. It should be the job of the manufacturers to disprove they are a problem before continuing with the mass vaccination. And it’s not like we aren’t seeing sudden spikes in stillbirths that are still unexplained.

Remember when Scotland reported levels of stillbirths last September not seen since the late 1980s? Well, the numbers are now creeping up again in the early part of 2022, and authorities don’t have an explanation. In September, Public Health Scotland announced that 21 newborns had died that month, triggering an investigation because the numbers rose above an upper control limit for the first time in four years. The neonatal death rate at the time was reported as 4.9 per 1,000 live births and was revised up to 5.1. That is more than double the five-year average of 2.2 per 1,000 live births.

At the time, the Herald Scotland and the BBC reported that COVID was initially ruled out as a culprit. As for the vaccine, the Herald Scotland reported that they have no plans to ever investigate it. “The vaccination status of the mothers of the infants who died is unknown and will not be released due to ‘patient confidentiality,’” reported the longest-running national newspaper in the world last December.

Now the BBC is reporting that, after receding for a few months, the neonatal death rate is back up to 4.6 per 1,000 births and is currently the subject of a Public Health Scotland investigation. They quote doctors again suggesting that it is unlikely to be COVID (after all, we didn’t see this in 2020), but what is the cause? Just as with the sudden pediatric hepatitis, there seem to be a lot of mystery ailments that began in 2021.

This comes on the heels of new data from Iceland that shows stillbirths and first-year infant deaths nearly doubled in 2021 over the previous year, roughly charting with the Scottish rates.

So, what is this mystery variable? While we can’t prove yet that it’s because of the gene therapy that was introduced to almost every adult, it would be insane not to investigate it. As of early May, there were 4,615 miscarriages reported to VAERS and 10,405 instances of vaginal/uterine hemorrhaging. Remember, miscarriages are extremely hard to pin on the vaccine, so the fact that so many felt they could report it demonstrates there is likely a woeful underreporting rate.

How this shot can be continued without detailed studies concluding the shots, and the accompanying menstrual irregularities, are not damaging the reproductive system is shocking beyond belief. Where is the sense of urgency?

Horowitz: Mysterious gynecological ailments reported as stillbirths rise in some countries. Coincidence?

"The effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on sperm, a pregnancy, a fetus, or a nursing child are not known." ~Pfizer’s informed consent document

There’s a reason why we don’t offer novel therapeutics, especially those with numerous side effects already confirmed, to pregnant women. To this day, there is no effort on the part of our government to study the consequences of the menstrual irregularities being experienced ubiquitously among women who took the COVID shots. Will the latest study, on a rare condition of uterine lining shedding self-reported by women who took the shot, finally convince the medical establishment to take a step back? Probably not.

Decidual cast shedding (DCS) is a rare gynecological disorder in which a woman secretes her entire uterine lining intact through the vaginal canal as if she were having menstrual bleeding. It is so rare that the authors of this paper could only find 40 documented cases in 109 years. Yet in their survey of 6,049 women from May 16, 2021, through December 31, 2021, right after most young women got the shot, 292, or 4.8%, of the respondents self-reported a case of DCS. The findings were published in the Gazette of Medical Sciences.

Tiffany Parotto, in conjunction with several obstetricians and scientists, conducted the MyCycleStory survey, which contained 91 questions, targeting all women 18 years and older who were experiencing menstrual anomalies. As the data was collected, much to the surprise of the researchers, who were mainly trying to study the scope of menstrual irregularities, “there was an abnormally high number of women who reported that they had experienced ‘Decidual Cast Shedding / release of a layer of uterine lining, a thick sack-like substance’, as presented in the survey.” They note, “Respondents who reported having experienced DCS in the past were excluded from the analysis data set.”

Among the 292 women who reported as having secreted a large, intact piece of tissue all in one piece at some point last year, nearly all of them (96.2%) reported experiencing menstrual irregularities. The median age of those who reported DCS was 35, but 22 of the women were post-menopausal.

Interestingly, they found that the temporal trends of two related Google search terms – “decidual cast” and “decidual cast covid vaccine” – increased 2000% in April 2021 and then again in June from the prior and subsequent months of these peaks. Although not scientific, it certainly is very revealing, given how rare this condition is and how few medical professionals, much less laymen, ever heard of it.

Whether and why the shots might cause these cast sheddings are beyond the scope of the findings, but the authors speculate as to a possible pathophysiology.

“One hypothesis is that the COVID-19 vaccine interrupts the complex balance of ovulation orchestrated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and thus produces anovulatory bleeding disorders. It is known from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine documents that there is concentration of the nanolipid particles and the mRNA cargo in the ovaries. This produces significant inflammatory response in the ovaries and could contribute to menstrual abnormalities, although there are many other potential mechanisms that could be involved.”

The authors also wonder if what some women are reporting is not a classic decidual cast shedding, but rather some form of fibrin-like blood clot. They show pictures that some of the shedding women have shown them, and they do bear some resemblance to the fibrin-like clots some embalmers have reported pulling out of dead bodies beginning last year.

Given what we already know about the shots causing menstrual irregularities and that the pro-inflammatory lipid nanoparticles are deposited in the ovaries, it shouldn’t be our job to prove they definitively cause miscarriages and stillbirths. It should be the job of the manufacturers to disprove they are a problem before continuing with the mass vaccination. And it’s not like we aren’t seeing sudden spikes in stillbirths that are still unexplained.

Remember when Scotland reported levels of stillbirths last September not seen since the late 1980s? Well, the numbers are now creeping up again in the early part of 2022, and authorities don’t have an explanation. In September, Public Health Scotland announced that 21 newborns had died that month, triggering an investigation because the numbers rose above an upper control limit for the first time in four years. The neonatal death rate at the time was reported as 4.9 per 1,000 live births and was revised up to 5.1. That is more than double the five-year average of 2.2 per 1,000 live births.

At the time, the Herald Scotland and the BBC reported that COVID was initially ruled out as a culprit. As for the vaccine, the Herald Scotland reported that they have no plans to ever investigate it. “The vaccination status of the mothers of the infants who died is unknown and will not be released due to ‘patient confidentiality,’” reported the longest-running national newspaper in the world last December.

Now the BBC is reporting that, after receding for a few months, the neonatal death rate is back up to 4.6 per 1,000 births and is currently the subject of a Public Health Scotland investigation. They quote doctors again suggesting that it is unlikely to be COVID (after all, we didn’t see this in 2020), but what is the cause? Just as with the sudden pediatric hepatitis, there seem to be a lot of mystery ailments that began in 2021.

This comes on the heels of new data from Iceland that shows stillbirths and first-year infant deaths nearly doubled in 2021 over the previous year, roughly charting with the Scottish rates.

So, what is this mystery variable? While we can’t prove yet that it’s because of the gene therapy that was introduced to almost every adult, it would be insane not to investigate it. As of early May, there were 4,615 miscarriages reported to VAERS and 10,405 instances of vaginal/uterine hemorrhaging. Remember, miscarriages are extremely hard to pin on the vaccine, so the fact that so many felt they could report it demonstrates there is likely a woeful underreporting rate.

How this shot can be continued without detailed studies concluding the shots, and the accompanying menstrual irregularities, are not damaging the reproductive system is shocking beyond belief. Where is the sense of urgency?
Ildo Frazao/Getty Images

Horowitz: The FDA is planning a therapeutic jihad on American children in June

Typically, a lack of efficacy and a cataclysmic level of hundreds of different side effects would be reason to take a therapeutic off the market. But in the post-Nuremberg Code era we find ourselves in, such outcomes serve as a resume enhancer for the product. The FDA is planning a blitz of increased approvals of the shots on the youngest of Americans, yet not a single national Republican has stood up and said “No.” Only one governor, Ron DeSantis, has recommended against their use in children. Which will be the first state to block implementation of the FDA’s new therapeutic jihad on behalf of Big Pharma?

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) has an ambitious schedule for this coming June. Here are its upcoming meetings.

June 7: Approval of Novavax first time for those over 18.

June 8: Approval of Moderna in teenagers.

June 21: Approval of Moderna in kids under 6.

June 22: Approval of Pfizer in kids under 5.

June 28: Exploring new shots for new variants.

Isn’t it interesting how they are meeting about the need for new shots for the current variants after already likely approving old shots on babies who don’t need the shots and for a variant that hasn’t existed for over a year?

Here we have many European countries banning the Moderna shot on those under 30 because of myocarditis, yet our government will likely expand its use to babies at a whopping dose of 25 micrograms! We now have over 1.2 million adverse events reported to VAERS, and CDC researchers admitted in a JAMA paper that the myocarditis numbers – just shy of 40,000 – are “likely” underreported. Also, we now know that Pfizer and the FDA knew about 1,223 deaths shortly after release. As for Moderna, we don’t have a single court-released document from the company yet, so who knows what they are hiding?

It would be one thing to approve something that worked amazingly for COVID despite terrible side effects. But the shot is a complete bust.

The expectation of negative efficacy from these shots has become so widely accepted that now the only question is who is the next famous politician or celebrity to get COVID multiple times after having gotten three or four shots. Take a look at this chart from the Walgreens COVID-19 index of all its testing this past week broken down by vaccination status:

Have you ever seen a vaccine of which the more doses you get, the more likely you are to test positive? Notice how the unvaccinated account for a lesser share of cases than either their share of the population or of Walgreens-administered COVID tests. The results are based on 81,818 tests administered nationwide in Walgreens stores from May 2 through May 8.

So now they want to take vaccines with such counterproductive outcomes and foist them upon children? Remember, the FDA has already demanded the manufacturers produce a study on subclinical myocarditis. In its Pharmacovigilance Plan Review Addendum for Comirnaty, the agency cited one study at the time of Pfizer’s approval noting that subclinical myocarditis might be 60 times as prevalent as clinical myocarditis. That would bring down the 1 in 1,000 rate among young males to as low as 1 in 17 for subclinical ticking time bombs!

Let’s not forget that in all the children’s trials, there were zero deaths and hospitalizations in the placebo groups. So, what exactly were we trying to protect against – even before we knew the shots weren’t effective and possibly negatively effective? Cold or flu-like symptoms? Well, here is the data of side effects from Moderna’s 5-11 trial:

“The most frequently reported adverse reactions were pain at the injection site (92%), fatigue (70%), headache (64.7%), myalgia (61.5%), arthralgia (46.4%), chills (45.4%), nausea/vomiting (23%), axillary swelling/tenderness (19.8%), fever (15.5%), injection site swelling (14.7%) and redness (10%).”

So even before we get to more serious side effects like heart inflammation, we have a massive percentage of children getting flu-like symptoms from the shots, which is what they would get anyway from the virus. How can this pass the threshold of any principle laid out in the Nuremberg Code or the Helsinki Declaration?

It’s gotten so bad that Pfizer and Moderna can no longer rely upon dubious trials showing a 90% reduction in COVID. Especially for young children, even for mild infection, they couldn’t even manipulate any data showing any degree of efficacy, so they had to rely on an arbitrary measure of antibody titers rather than clinical outcomes. In shocking statement before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, conceded they would approve the shots on young children even if the manufacturer’s own dubious data shows less than 50% efficacy (and even that is only for minor illness).

"If these vaccines seem to be mirroring efficacy in adults and just seem to be less effective against Omicron like they are for adults, we will probably still authorize" because they nonetheless reduce the risk of severe disease in the mildest COVID variant, Marks revealed during the May 9 briefing.

Just keep in mind that, according to the CDC, 74.2% of kids 0-11 already got natural immunity from prior infection. So not only will they fail to test kids for antibodies before injecting them, but even the remaining quarter who might be COVID-naive, they are trading risk of death and severe side effects (and pervasive mild side effects) for a possible tiny degree of very short-term efficacy against sniffles, but a long-term negative efficacy against those sniffles. A preprint study by the NY State Department of Health in February showed that the Pfizer shot was just 12% effective against the first Omicron variant for 5- to 11-year-olds, but drops to -41% after just 42 days!

How can any of these shots be administered until we understand why so many data points seem to show intensifying negative efficacy with time? It’s like investing in a stock that first goes up for a few weeks, but then you erase all the gains within a few days and then gradually lose all your principal investment.

Every Republican claims to be pro-life, but distributing these shots to young children is not pro-life, even if they are not quite mandated. Would they sit idly by if the federal government distributed abortifacients throughout their states?
Natalia Semenova/Getty Images

Horowitz: Five new data points indicate cataclysmic level of vaccine injury

Just how many people were injured by the shots? We don’t know, and our government has no desire to find out. But a torrent of new data demonstrates that it’s exponentially more than any adverse event reporting system is showing, and the number of severe reactions could be millions in each large country.

According to Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR), a public broadcaster in Leipzig, "The number of severe complications after vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI)," a study with around 40,000 participants by the Berlin Charité concludes. “One result: eight out of 1,000 vaccinated people struggle with serious side effects.”

This is a very strict criteria and only includes symptoms that last for weeks or months and require medical attention. Yet the researchers believe that adverse events were underreported by a factor of 40 and that nearly 1% of people experienced this degree of injury from the shots. Roughly 179 million doses are administered in Germany.

These numbers come several months after a whistleblower for BKK, one of Germany’s largest health insurers, provided data based on medical billing codes to show that the official German adverse event count from the Paul Ehrlich Institute underreported adverse events by a factor of 7 and the number of severe adverse events by a factor of 13.86.

These numbers also harmonize with the survey from Israel’s health ministry, which showed 0.3% of all Israelis who got Pfizer boosters reported being hospitalized within 30 days and 0.5% reported Bell’s palsy, in addition to 4.5% reporting some degree of neurological side effects. If the numbers were this high just for the boosters, in totality (including all doses) the numbers were probably higher, which would corroborate the number of 0.8% experiencing severe reactions reported by the new Berlin Charité study.

If you extrapolate a rate of eight severe reactions per thousand vaccinated people, that would add up to over 2 million people in the United States severely injured. And again, these are just the injuries that are somewhat apparent in the short term.

Put another way, if we apply the underreporting factor of “severe adverse events” in Germany to VAERS in the United States, where 99,537 people have reported checking into an urgent care following the vaccine, that number could be as high as close to 4 million. As of now, there are 61,106 reported vaccine-related hospitalizations in the U.S. since the start of the vaccination campaign. Using an extrapolation of an underreporting factor (URF) of 40 for VAERS data – aligning it with the estimated URF of Germany’s reporting system – that would peg the total number of vaccine-related hospitalizations at just under 2.5 million.

Now, it could be that VAERS captures a larger share of the injures than the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany, but it is interesting to note that a study conducted by Steve Kirsch and Dr. Jessica Rose last year estimated an underreporting factor of 41 with VAERS, which would be right in line with the German estimate. Either way, if the number of severely injured is anywhere close to what several disparate data points are indicating from around the world, this is a public policy calamity of epic proportions.

Where is the urgent effort on the part of our government to track and monitor vaccine injury from the product the government forced upon the people? According to a recent FOIA document obtained by Vice, the CDC paid a controversial data broker $420,000 last year for access to a year of Americans’ “anonymized” cell phone location data. They tracked how often people visited vaccination sites, as well as lockdown compliance, such as how often they visited “parks, gyms, or weight management businesses.”

Imagine if they used such technology to track and surveil vaccine injury or to track how often people are visiting websites for information about treatment of heart ailments or vertigo.

The data points we already have are too blatant to ignore. The only question is whether it’s even worse than we think. Here are four more recent discoveries to consider:

1) A study out of Cyprus published in Cureus titled, “Mortality in Cyprus Over the Period 2016-2021” observed a 9.7% increase in all-cause mortality in Cyprus in 2021 compared to 2020, and 16.5% compared to the mean mortality of the previous five years. The pattern developed mainly in the third and fourth quarters of last year, perfectly aligning with the timing of the vaccine surge in the Mediterranean island.

This is a pattern developing with all-cause mortality and cardiac injury/mortality studies around the world – that we are seeing many more deaths in 2021 than 2020 and correlating more with the take-up of the vaccine by time and age group, not with the prevalence and severity of COVID cases.

The study concludes that most of the substantial increase in mortality in Cyprus in 2021 is not explained by COVID-19 deaths and is “parallel to the concurrent vaccination campaign.” This should be “comprehensively investigated by the National and European public health authorities to identify and address the underlying causes,” add the authors from Cyprus and Denmark.

Most people in Cyprus were not vaccinated until the second half of 2021. And indeed the study seems to show that the entirety of the excess deaths in 2020 and the first two quarters of 2021 over the previous four years are fully explained by the sum of the recorded COVID deaths. That is not the case in the latter two quarters of 2021, when more than half of the excess deaths were not explained by the total COVID deaths. Moreover, “The number of all-cause deaths in the third quarter of 2021 was more than eight standard deviations further from the mean of deaths in the third quarters of the years 2016-2020.”

2) MIT and Israeli researchers studied the trend of cardiac-related ambulance calls in Israel in 2019 (pre-COVID) and compared them to the same time frame in 2020 (COVID but pre-vaccine) and 2021 (COVID with vaccine). The study found that COVID shots were "significantly associated" with a 25% increase in emergency medical services for both cardiac arrest (CA) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in 16- to 39-year-olds in Israel from January to May 2021. Both the fact that they were able to use 2020 as a control and the fact that the January increase "seems to track closely the administration of 2nd dose vaccines" makes a credible case that COVID cannot be the culprit behind most of the increase. The data is also very reliable because Israel has only one ambulance service in the entire country, which provided the researchers with uniform data. Countries like Australia are also reporting sudden heart attacks and a crisis for EMS availability and waiting times, with “historic” demand for emergency services.

3) There has been a 28% increase in deaths in Iceland for the first quarter of this year over the previous five-year average. Only about a third of those excess deaths can be attributed to COVID, and the timing coincides with a sharp increase in boosters. Also, as we are witnessing in numerous other countries that barely had any COVID deaths until everyone was triple-vaxxed, we shouldn’t be seeing this amount of COVID death either if the shots really worked. Likewise, Australia experienced a 22% increase in deaths in January of this year, well beyond anything during the pre-vaccination part of the pandemic.

4) A recent preprint Danish study in the prestigious Lancet, which followed the all-cause mortality of the Pfizer and Moderna trial participants, found absolutely no all-cause mortality benefit from the two mRNA shots. In addition, researchers discovered an increase in heart-related deaths among those who took the shots over the placebo. One of the authors noted that “there is an overweight of cardiovascular deaths in the Pfizer group,” which is “a potential danger signal that warrants further scrutinisation.”

“I think there are danger signals in relation to cardiovascular deaths and diseases. We know that now with certainty for the mRNA vaccines with respect to myocarditis and pericarditis,” said Professor Christine Stabell-Benn from the University of Southern Denmark in an interview with Unherd. “But also anecdotally, I would say there are reports of cardiovascular deaths which I think deserve further scrutinisation. This is just a piece in the puzzle, but it adds to the evidence that suggests this is something which should be investigated further for the mRNA vaccines.”

This last point is critical. It’s not any one data point that stands out, but the preponderance of evidence across time and across the world that seems to paint a very clear picture of safety concerns. Pfizer has already earned more than five times the amount raked in by ExxonMobile for the first quarter of this year – all built upon global governments endorsing, marketing, distributing, and mandating this untested product. If the current information is not enough to pause these shots, then I shudder to think of what comes next.
Artur Widak/Getty Images

Horowitz: Why there is an urgent need to study effects of COVID shots on reproductive health

When a private actor seeks to get a product approved for human use, the company must prove conclusively using the scientific method that the product is safe. How much more that principle applies when governments endorse, market, and mandate the use of the product. Yet here we are, 16 months into the release of this product, with endless safety signals showing a diverse array of injuries from the shot, but we are the ones being forced to conclusively prove that it causes each one of these maladies to the Nth degree. Meanwhile, the shots are still mandated in the military, for health care workers, and for many others.

Nowhere is the principle of “unsafe until proven safe” applied more rigorously in the world of pharmaceuticals than products marketed to pregnant women and young children. Yet the shots and other COVID therapeutics were approved for pregnant women and children without running proper short-term, much less long-term, safety studies, regardless of the health status or risk factors of those people, including those who already had COVID.

In the FDA’s “Summary Basis for Regulatory Action on Comirnaty” – published nearly a year after the shot had already been administered and, in some cases, mandated upon pregnant women – the drug regulator stated plainly that proper information for use for pregnant and nursing women is missing. "Missing information: Use in pregnancy and lactation; Vaccine effectiveness; Use in pediatric individuals <12 years of age," the FDA divulged.

Incidentally, this disclosure is right next to the admission that Pfizer knew about both the risks of heart inflammation and vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, the latter of which might be the culprit for recent trends of negative efficacy, with the vaccinated appearing to get sicker from the virus.

It should also be noted that in Comirnaty’s (Pfizer BNT162b2) purple cap package insert, the label states unambiguously that “available data on Comirnaty administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”

Then, of course, there is Pfizer’s informed consent document (p. 10), which states, "The effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on sperm, a pregnancy, a fetus, or a nursing child are not known."

That right there demonstrates that the pressuring and even mandating of the shot on pregnant women violates the Nuremberg Code, and anyone who claims that the vaccine has been affirmatively proven safe in pregnant women is publishing false information.

It is in that vein that I present the latest report on stillbirths and infant deaths in Iceland by local daily paper daily Frettin, based on new data from Statistics Iceland. Given that Iceland is a small nation of just 366,000, it is easy to pick up on sudden shifts in health outcomes, which makes the fact that there has been a precipitous rise in stillbirths in 2021 all the more alarming. In 2021, there were 17 stillbirths and 35 first-year infant deaths reported in Iceland, up from just 9 and 19 respectively in 2020. In other words, stillbirths and first-year infant deaths nearly doubled.

According to Frettin, when you factor in the number of births every year, the average stillbirth per 1,000 live children for the last nine years (2011-2020) is 2 per 1,000. The increase for 2021 over the previous nine-year average was 75%. The increase in perinatal mortality (includes both stillbirths and children who die within the first week) is 82% in 2021 compared to the average of the previous nine years before that. The number of deaths in infants for the entire first year increased by 100% compared to the average of the previous nine years.

We don’t know the cause of the increase, but we do know there was no increase in 2020 when we only had COVID has a novel public health crisis but did not yet have the shots on the market. We don’t know if the shots had anything to do with this increase, but we do know the shots have caused a ubiquitous disruption in menstrual cycles, we do know that the lipid nanoparticles are deposited liberally in the ovaries, and we do know that the lipid nanoparticles are hyper-inflammatory. Again, why should we have to wait years to study these safety concerns to take the shots off the market until they are proven unsafe, rather than removing them from the market until they are proven safe?

There are other concerning data points from two hospitals in Israel revealed by Josh Guetzkow via an Israeli FOIA request. In May 2021, Rambam hospital in Haifa, Israel, had 42 SBMAs (stillbirth, miscarriage and abortion), which was nearly double the average of the May total from the previous two years and 30% higher than the highest number of any month in the previous two years. Moreover, the rate among vaccinated women in that hospital was 34% higher than among the unvaccinated. Also, Sheba Medical Center, Israel’s largest hospital, experienced the highest SBMA count in June, right around the time of the vaccine take-up for pregnant women. There were 146 SBMAs that month, 30% higher than the average of the previous two years and 11% higher than the largest number of SBMAs for any month in the previous two years, which was 132 in March 2019.

To this day, not a single government has attempted to follow up on these safety signals and determine what is indeed causing these increases. We already know from Pfizer’s released documents that the company knew of thousands of maladies and injuries reported after the first few months of its vaccine campaign. Moreover, a confidential Pfizer document (p. 29) recently revealed that the company has not and will not conduct genotoxicity and carcinogenicity tests, which are standard for vaccine products.

Thus, they have no desire to find out whether the shots can cause mutations in DNA or cancers. Remember, one study from Sweden has already found “the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.” That doesn’t exactly sound like a product I’d want to give to those who want to have children until we have better studies.According to the Declaration of Helsinki on medical ethics, “Physicians may not be involved in a research study involving human subjects unless they are confident that the risks have been adequately assessed and can be satisfactorily managed.” This is not just any research study but one involving 2 billion human beings, with hundreds of thousands of pregnant women being used as lab rats before adequately assessing risks and after some risks are already apparent. It’s a new bio-medical paradigm of “mandate first, study never.”

Scientists are developing controversial 'contagious vaccines' that could jump from vaccinated to unvaccinated, but experts warn of potential dangers

Scientists are currently attempting to develop "contagious vaccines" that would spread from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, according to a new report.

A vaccine that fights disease but is also contagious is in development around the world. Scientists believe that creating a contagious vaccine could help prevent pandemics started by animals. However, some experts note that introducing a self-spreading vaccine is not only controversial, but also potentially dangerous.

Researchers are developing genetically engineered viruses that can spread from one animal to another, which will provide immunity to the disease. National Geographic reports that scientists are working on contagious vaccines for the extremely deadly Ebola virus, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever. All three are zoonotic diseases – which are infectious diseases that are naturally transmissible from animals to humans.

Scientists believe they could expand the development of self-disseminating vaccines to other zoonoses such as rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.

"Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents and can spread to humans through direct contact or through food, water or the environment," the World Health Organization states. "They represent a major public health problem around the world due to our close relationship with animals in agriculture, as companions and in the natural environment. Zoonoses can also cause disruptions in the production and trade of animal products for food and other uses."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes, "Zoonotic diseases are caused by harmful germs like viruses, bacterial, parasites, and fungi. These germs can cause many different types of illnesses in people and animals, ranging from mild to serious illness and even death. Animals can sometimes appear healthy even when they are carrying germs that can make people sick, depending on the zoonotic disease."

The CDC says that 60% of all known infectious diseases and 75% of new or emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic.

The researchers are targeting zoonotic diseases because wild animals are extremely difficult to vaccinate, but a self-spreading vaccine could immunize large populations of wildlife.

A paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) in January states, "Spillover of infectious diseases from wildlife populations into humans is an increasing threat to human health and welfare. Current approaches to manage these emerging infectious diseases are largely reactive, leading to deadly and costly time lags between emergence and control."

"Here, we use mathematical models and data from previously published experimental and field studies to evaluate the scope for a more proactive approach based on transmissible vaccines that eliminates pathogens from wild animal populations before spillover can occur," write the authors of the paper from the University of Idaho. "Our models are focused on transmissible vaccines designed using herpes virus vectors and demonstrate that these vaccines – currently under development for several important human pathogens – may have the potential to rapidly control zoonotic pathogens within the reservoir hosts."

However, there are some major concerns about the possible dangers of contagious vaccines.

A Popular Science article from 2017 warns about viruses mutating, "If we did intentionally design transmissible vaccines, they might be more likely than regular vaccines to revert. That's because they reach more people and have a chance to replicate and make new generations. That means more chances for mutations and evolution."

"Then your transmissible vaccine turns back into the disease effectively," says Scott Nusimer, a mathematical biologist at the University of Idaho.

As the disease evolves, new variants of the disease could emerge, which will significantly decrease the efficacy of the contagious vaccine.

The outlet claims that you could make the vaccine "only weakly transmissible," but it would spread minimally before dying out, and it wouldn't be able to eradicate a disease.

A 2018 paper cautions that you should "expect evolution to drive the vaccine back closer to its wild-type phenotype," and that "revertants will be a minor contribution to all infections."

"By contrast, even infrequent reversion of an attenuated vaccine will preclude its use against a not-yet-present infectious disease where it would have the undesirable consequence of introducing the disease it was designed to block. And reversion thwarts the final steps of eradication," the paper reads.

The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is one of the rare vaccines known to spread between people, but the WHO warns there have been some issues.

"On rare occasions, if a population is seriously under-immunized, an excreted vaccine-virus can continue to circulate for an extended period of time," the WHO explains. "The longer it is allowed to survive, the more genetic changes it undergoes. In very rare instances, the vaccine-virus can genetically change into a form that can paralyze – this is what is known as a circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV)."

"Circulating VDPVs occur when routine or supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) are poorly conducted and a population is left susceptible to poliovirus, whether from vaccine-derived or wild poliovirus," the WHO says. "Hence, the problem is not with the vaccine itself, but low vaccination coverage. If a population is fully immunized, they will be protected against both vaccine-derived and wild polioviruses."

Jonas Sandbrink –a biosecurity researcher at the University of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute – tells National Geographic, "Once you set something engineered and self-transmissible out into nature, you don't know what happens to it and where it will go. Even if you just start by setting it out into animal populations, part of the genetic elements might find their way back into humans."

There is a potential risk that the contagious vaccines could disrupt natural population control, which could cause pests to explode in numbers – potentially altering the ecosystem and posing a threat to crops.

Sandbrink cautions that self-spreading vaccines also present a biosecurity threat in which bad actors could alter genetic stability with techniques that “uniquely advance certain capabilities applicable to the creation of viruses for pandemics and as biological weapons."

There are also ethical and consent issues with self-spreading vaccines for humans.

"We can't even get people to take a vaccine in a global pandemic. The idea that you would be able to surreptitiously vaccinate the population with a virus without causing riots is just, you know, it's stuff of fantasy. It will never be used in humans," says Alec Redwood – a principal research fellow at the University of Western Australia.