Jailhouse to White House: Trump's iconic mug shot hung outside Oval Office near portraits of America's greatest presidents www.theblaze.com
UPDATE: Democratic Aide Fired for Backdoor Love Romp in Senate Hearing Room Finds New Role as Bottom-Tier Sex Worker freebeacon.com
Trump’s Education Department Cuts More Than $350 Million In ‘Woke Spending’ As Musk Hunts for Government Waste dailycaller.com
Iran, Facing Threats From Trump To Roll Back Nuclear Weapons Program, Parades Ballistic Missiles Across Tehran freebeacon.com
WSJ distorts Vance's comments on Ukraine, Russia — but social media users quickly correct the record www.theblaze.com
Education Department Launches Investigation Into 5 Virginia School Districts For Allowing Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms thefederalist.com
New Protest Song: Which Side Are You On?