Colorado’s Assisted Suicide Bill Would Invite Out-Of-Staters To End Their Lives In Two Days Or Less

Colorado legislators seem eager to expand the culture of death both outside and inside the womb.
Joseph Prezioso/Getty Images

Democrats accuse crisis pregnancy centers of manipulating women — but that’s Planned Parenthood

Democrats' latest attack on crisis pregnancy centers involves accusing them of using tactics similar to Planned Parenthood.

Next Up In Female Employees Exploited By Profit-Driven Abortion Payouts: Lawyers

In the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, large firms across the country are paying for their employees to travel for abortions.

Abortions at sea? Doctor shows how far she'd go to legally terminate pregnancies

A California doctor wants to create a floating abortion clinic in the Gulf of Mexico so that women in southern states can evade pro-life laws and obtain abortions at sea.

Dr. Meg Autry, an obstetrician and gynecologist with the University of California San Francisco, wants to set up an abortion clinic aboard a ship in federal waters, outside the jurisdiction of state laws banning abortion, where pregnant women can obtain first-trimester surgical abortions, contraception, and other medical care.

She has started a nonprofit group called PRROWESS — "Protecting Reproductive Rights Of Women Endangered by State Statutes" — to raise funds for her proposal, the Associated Press reports.

“There’s been an assault on reproductive rights in our country and I’m a lifelong advocate for reproductive health and choice. We have to create options and be thoughtful and creative to help people in restrictive states get the health care they deserve,” Autry said.

Her proposal is the latest scheme to undermine anti-abortion laws after the Supreme Court ruled that states have the power to regulate abortion, overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.

Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas have had abortion bans or restrictions take effect immediately after the court's decision. A 15-week abortion ban with exceptions for medical emergencies has similarly taken effect in Florida, though it was initially challenged in state court.

Autry told the Associated Press that PRROWESS' legal counsel believes there is a large area of federal waters where it would be legal to provide abortions outside the reach of state laws. She said that women in southern states may have an easier time boarding a boat and sailing to the floating abortion mill than traveling to another state where abortions are legal.

“This is closer and faster access for some people, particularly for working people that live in the southernmost part of these states,” she said.

Autry said that her organization is still determining where the clinic will launch and how women will get to the ship.

Democratic lawmakers have also pushed for the Biden administration to open up abortion clinics on federal lands to circumvent state abortion restrictions.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Occasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) have separately suggested that the federal government could set up clinics in national parks where women could obtain abortions at taxpayer expense.

However, Vice President Kamala Harris shot down the idea of using federal lands for abortions in an interview in June. Instead, President Joe Biden signed an executive order last week directing his administration to protect access to self-administered abortion pills and guarantee the right of women to travel seeking abortions, among other actions.

Nebraska's Republican governor says he will call a special legislative session to pass a total abortion ban if Roe v. Wade gets overturned

Nebraska’s Republican Governor Pete Ricketts said on Sunday that he will call a special session of his state’s legislature to pass a total ban on abortion if the Supreme Court moves forward with overturning Roe v. Wade.

While speaking with Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Ricketts said, “Nebraska is a pro-life state. I believe life begins at conception, and those are babies too. If Roe v. Wade, which is a horrible constitutional decision, gets overturned by the Supreme Court, which we’re hopeful of, here in Nebraska, we’re going to take further steps to protect those preborn babies.”

CNN reported that Bash followed up by asking, “Including in the case of rape or incest?”

To which Ricketts replied, “They’re still babies, too. Yes.”

Ricketts said that if Roe gets overturned, “I will work with our speaker of the legislature to work on a special session and do more to protect preborn babies. We’ll have to wait and see what that decision is before we can take further steps, but that would certainly be my intention.”

More than a dozen states, reportedly, currently have what are colloquially called “trigger laws” on the books which means that if Roe gets overturned these states are preemptively prepared to outlaw abortion within their borders.

Nebraska’s unicameral legislature failed to pass such a bill recently that would have banned abortions without exceptions for rape and incest and would have created criminal penalties for physicians who perform abortions in the state.

While speaking with Bash, Ricketts articulated his belief that each state has the right and responsibility to implement laws that reflect the interests of their residents.

He said, “At the end of the day, I think voters in individual states, and it’s certainly true here in Nebraska, they make their own decisions. You know, people outside the state can have an influence, but at the end of the day, Nebraskans look to their own and Nebraskans made a decision they wanted for their state.”

On Saturday, more than 400 pro-abortion “Bans Off Our Bodies” protests took place across the country by Planned Parenthood, Women’s March, and other pro-abortion organizations.

Organizers of the demonstrations said that the gatherings mark the start of a potential “summer of rage” if the Supreme Court moves forward with overturning Roe v. Wade.

Despite these widespread protests, a recent poll conducted by CNN indicates that the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade is preparing Republican voters for higher turnout than Democratic voters in the upcoming midterm elections.

Pro-abortion protesters pledge 'summer of rage' during nationwide Saturday protests

Thousands of pro-abortion advocates rallied across the country on Saturday to express their anger over the U.S. Supreme Court’s potential repeal of Roe v. Wade.

The demonstrations come in response to the leak of a draft majority opinion, which has since been authenticated by Chief Justice John Roberts, indicating that the Supreme Court is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Reuters reported that the mass demonstration’s organizers are saying these gatherings mark the start of a potential “summer of rage” if the Supreme Court moves forward with repealing Roe.

The “Bans Off Our Bodies” gatherings were planned by Planned Parenthood, Women’s March, and other pro-abortion organizations. The groups organized more than 400 protests for Saturday.

If Roe is repealed, several states are expected to implement additional restrictions on abortion while others are expected to vastly expand abortion access. A repeal of Roe would not result in a federal ban on abortion. It would, however, allow each state to establish its own legislative approach to the matter.

On Saturday, there were large gatherings in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and more. There were also accompanying counterprotests led by pro-life groups.

At the protests in Washington, D.C., protestors gathered around the Washington Monument at the National Mall where they waved placards with messages condemning the Supreme Court and expressing solidarity with the pro-abortion movement.

In downtown Brooklyn, thousands of pro-abortion advocates crossed the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan.

Elizabeth Holtzman, an 80-year-old attendee of the protest who represented New York in Congress from 1973 to 1981, said that the leaked majority opinion “treats women as objects, as less than full human beings.”

In Los Angeles, outside of Los Angeles City Hall, Malcolm DeCesare, a 34-year-old intensive care unit nurse, said that making abortion illegal could put the lives of women who seek alternatives at risk.

At a pro-abortion protest in Atlanta, Georgia, more than 400 people assembled in a small park in front of the state’s capitol while a much smaller group of counter protestors peacefully demonstrated on a nearby sidewalk.

One 23-year-old counter protestor held a sign that read “Stop Child Sacrifice.”

This counter protestor said, “Jesus had just a small group, but his message was more powerful. I’m hoping to plant some seeds in their hearts to change minds.”

Despite the sizable protests, recent polling suggests that overturning Roe stands to benefit Republicans in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections.

What’s Inside Abortion Supporters’ Illogical Resentment Against ‘Forced Birth’

Liberal complaints about 'forced birth' demonstrate an anti-human ideology that poisons the self-giving of love.

These Preemies Prove The Supreme Court’s ‘Viability’ Standard For Abortion Is Wrong

Supreme Court decisions say that mothers may obtain an abortion for mere convenience 'before viability.' This arbitrary test leads to troubling results, such as killing babies like Curtis.
Saul Loeb/Getty Images

Yes, abortion and transgenderism do have lots in common

Abortion and transgender ideology are indeed connected, for they are two fronts in our culture’s war of liberation against our bodies.