Federal Civil Rights Complaint Accuses Cleveland Clinic Of Racial Discrimination

The complaint, which alleges the Cleveland Clinic excludes white patients in favor of minorities, may trigger a federal investigation.

One Awkward Chat With Your Doctor Could Save You Thousands Of Dollars In Medical Bills

In order to defray the growing cost of health care, patients need to become self-advocates in the doctor's office.

Mississippi’s Work Requirement For Medicaid Is Just An Excuse To Expand The Welfare State

A de facto work requirement to obtain coverage already exists in Mississippi, and expanding Medicaid would nullify it.

In Expanding Veterans’ Medical Coverage, Biden’s New Law Torpedoes Their Care

Democrats are making health care worse for America's veterans by giving away insurance benefits instead of boosting their actual care.

Good Luck Getting ‘Affordable Care’ With Democrats’ Latest Medicare Maneuver

Democrats insist that further tinkering with health care will make it more accessible, but evidence suggests it will cost people dearly.

While Touting Abortion, Biden Admin Moves To Drop Natural Family Planning From Insurance Coverage

If left unchallenged, the new rule will force women seeking FABM instruction to pay out of pocket or forego it altogether for lack of funds.

How Democrats’ ‘Infrastructure’ Packages Would Devastate American Health Care

The more Washington regulates and controls, the less care Americans receive. Democrats' 'infrastructure' bills would make things even worse.

Biden And Obama Take Credit For Covering People Obamacare Actually Hurt

With the latest HHS report about Obamacare coverage, the Biden administration doesn’t want to let facts get in the way of a good narrative.

7 Exorbitant Welfare Proposals Packed Into Biden’s ‘American Family Plan’

Biden's American Family Plan would doll out free college, free child care, free meals, and more. But does the math add up? Nope.