Kamala Harris' husband committed adultery in first marriage — reportedly with nanny, who may have become pregnant

The husband of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris committed adultery during his previous marriage to Kerstin Emhoff, and reports indicate that his then-mistress was once the nanny of his two children.

On Saturday, Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, confirmed the previous affair in a statement following a bombshell report from the Daily Mail and social media posts from pro-Trump activist Laura Loomer.

Citing 'a close friend with direct knowledge of the affair and pregnancy,' the Daily Mail reported that Naylor became pregnant by Emhoff but 'did not keep the child.'

"During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions. I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side," Doug Emhoff said in a statement to CNN.

Though Emhoff did not name the woman with whom he had an affair, the Daily Mail reported that her name is Najen Naylor and that she once worked as a nanny for Emhoff's two children, Cole and Ella, and as a teacher at the Willows, the elite private school the kids once attended.

The affair allegedly occurred around 2009 and reportedly brought Kerstin and Doug's 16-year marriage to an end.

What's more, Naylor may have become pregnant as a result of the affair. Citing "a close friend with direct knowledge of the affair and pregnancy," the Daily Mail reported that Naylor became pregnant by Emhoff but "did not keep the child."

Naylor, now 47, did not confirm or deny the affair or the pregnancy but did give the Daily Mail a brief statement: "I’m kind of freaked out right now."

Kerstin Emhoff, 57, also released a statement about her previous marriage to Doug Emhoff and his subsequent marriage to Kamala Harris: "Doug and I decided to end our marriage for a variety of reasons, many years ago. He is a great father to our kids, continues to be a great friend to me and I am really proud of the warm and supportive blended family Doug, Kamala, and I have built together."

Doug Emhoff and Harris, both 59, married in 2014. Emhoff reportedly told Harris about his previous affair before they wed. The affair was also made known to the Biden team in 2020 when Harris was being vetted as a vice presidential candidate.

Brian Fallon, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, declined CNN's request for comment regarding the details of the Daily Mail report. He also declined to give a comment on the issue in general.

Since Biden dropped his bid for a second term in office and Harris has become the presumptive 2024 Democratic nominee, Doug Emhoff has been stumping across the country for his wife. Harris has made expanding abortion rights a key campaign issue, and Emhoff seems to share her passion for permitting women to kill their unborn children.

Months after the Dobbs decision was announced in 2022, returning the abortion issue back to the individual states, Emhoff tweeted: "I remember when @KamalaHarris called to tell me about the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs. The first thing I thought about was my daughter. As a dad and as a husband, I’m going to do everything I can to speak out and help advance reproductive freedom."

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'A bad look': Attorney accuses Fani Willis of committing a felony. Meanwhile, her lover may be held in contempt of court.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her lover are in hot water once again.

Willis has been accused of illegally recording a phone conversation. Nathan Wade, who was up until last month the special prosecutor in former President Donald Trump's Georgia election interference case, faces contempt of court proceedings in his divorce case.

Quick recap

Willis, who recently described herself as the "face of the feminist movement," has been scrutinized for months over accusations of "systematic misconduct" and various other improprieties. The troubles effectively began for Willis when Ashleigh Merchant, an attorney for Trump codefendant Michael Roman, filed a Jan. 8 motion to disqualify claiming she was ethically compromised by her "improper, clandestine personal relationship" with Wade.

Willis hired Wade the day after he filed for divorce from his wife, Jocelyn Wade. Willis and Wade's relationship allegedly preceded the appointment by at least several months.

Subsequent motions to disqualify Willis accused her of prejudicing potential jurors with her racially charged commentary, misusing public monies, conflict of interest, coordinating with the Biden White House, giving Wade preferential treatment, and of possibly running afoul of the federal racketeering statute.

Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled on March 15 that Willis could continue overseeing the prosecution of the case so long as Wade resigned his post as special prosecutor — which he ultimately did. McAfee did, however, blast Willis for the "unprofessional manner of [her] testimony during the evidentiary hearing," her "bad choices," her "tremendous lapse in judgment," and her "legally improper" remarks.

McAfee cleared Trump and several of his codefendants to appeal his ruling to the Georgia Court of Appeals. They formally did so last week. The court has fewer than 45 days to make up its mind.

While it's unclear whether disqualification is still on the table, it's clear Willis could still be held accountable for other alleged improprieties.

The phone call

Christopher Kachouroff, the attorney representing Trump codefendant Harrison Floyd in the Georgia case, accused Willis Tuesday of illegally recording a phone call with one of his Maryland-based colleagues.

Kachouroff told legal analyst Phil Holloway, "[Willis] did reach out to us, one of my colleagues in Maryland, and was rude, abrupt with him on the phone — and he was dealing with the Maryland case and I was dealing with the Georgia case — and she ended up recording him."

Kachouroff underscored that Maryland is a two-party consent state. Newsweek noted that Maryland is one of 11 states with a two-party consent requirement.

Under Maryland's Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, it is a criminal offense to record a conversation without the consent of all involved parties. Any person who does so is "guilty of a felony and is subject to imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $10,000, or both."

"So are you saying that she illegally recorded a phone call?" asked Holloway.

"Oh yeah," replied Kachouroff. "It's a felony in Maryland."

Floyd shared the relevant excerpt of the interview to X, writing, "She is a DEI thug with a law license. Will anyone in GA stand up to her?"

— (@)

Floyd, a former Marine and martial arts instructor, was a senior staffer for Trump's 2020 campaign who ran Black Voices for Trump. He was indicted in Georgia on charges of racketeering, conspiracy to solicit false statements, and influencing witnesses. Floyd has pleaded not guilty.

In a subsequent post on X, Floyd shared a screenshot of an Aug. 29, 2023, article published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that referenced a phone call Willis had recorded.

"Willis' office provided the Atlanta Journal-Constitution with a recording of a phone call Willis made that same day to attorney Carlos J.R. Salvado, who is Floyd's attorney in an unrelated criminal case in federal court in Maryland," reported the Journal-Constitution. "In the call, she explained that she had sent a representative to meet with Floyd at the jail when he turned himself in. Willis told Salvado that Floyd was offered a consent bond at that time, but he refused it."

Floyd wrote in a Thursday post on X, "I don't want to put a black woman in Jail. But if [Fani Willis] does not recuse herself from this case by noon on Monday, I may have no other choice than to pursue all lawful remedies. Make Fulton Great Again."

Holloway responded, "I suspect Maryland law applies here. I know for a fact it's unusual and unprofessional for a lawyer to record a call with another lawyer. Whether or not it's a crime is for Maryland to decide but regardless it's a bad look."

Newsweek reached out to Willis' office for comment but appears not to have received a reply.

Possible contempt of court

Nathan Wade may have resigned from Trump's Georgia case, but he appears altogether unable to avoid controversy.

Jocelyn Wade, the former Trump prosecutor's ex-wife, filed contempt of court proceedings against Willis' lover with the Superior Court of Cobb County on Wednesday, reported WAGA-TV.

According to the court filing, the now-divorced couple agreed earlier this year that Nathan Wade would pay for his estranged wife's medical expenses until further order of the court.

Jocelyn Wade is now apparently in urgent need of medical procedures, "namely an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and ultrasound, due to severe physical symptoms she has been enduring," which "have significantly impacted her ability to consume most foods, leading to a substantial weight loss."

The filing claims Jocelyn Wade has notified the former Trump prosecutor of her desperate need for these procedures as well as the need for prepayment in the amount of $4,400. The trouble is that Nathan Wade has allegedly "failed and neglected to fulfill his obligation under the Temporary Order to cover these necessary healthcare costs."

The filing further suggests that Jocelyn Wade has been unable to front the cash for the procedure because she has been helping pay for her daughter's living expenses, whom Nathan Wade allegedly cut off on the day her rent came due.

Regarding their respective expenses, Nathan Wade allegedly told both his son and his daughter to "get the money from your mother."

According to the filing, Nathan Wade's "multiple, willful failures to comply with the terms of the Temporary Order and Agreement constitutes contempt of court."

Newsweek, which pressed Wade for comment, indicated the prospect Wade may be slapped with a contempt of court charge may also blow back on Willis.

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Fani Willis desperately lashes out at her alleged lover's wife, accusing her of 'obstructing' Trump prosecution

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' election interference case against former President Donald Trump in Georgia appears to be fast degenerating.

In an apparent act of desperation this week, the Black Panther's daughter lashed out at her alleged lover's wife, Joycelyn Wade. The Democrat's lawyers accused Joycelyn Wade in a Thursday court filing of "obstructing" the controversial case against the Republican front-runner and attempting to damage Willis' reputation.

What's the background?

Troubles began to mount for Willis on Jan. 8 when a court motion to disqualify her, filed on behalf of one of Trump's co-defendants, called Willis out for alleged misconduct and possible criminality. It also provided indications there may have been possible coordination between the Biden White House and the Fulton County DA's Office on the case.

The motion specifically accused the Democratic DA of both being embroiled in "an improper, clandestine personal relationship" with Nathan Wade — a married attorney whom she ultimately hired to spearhead the prosecution against Trump in his election interference case — and of "profiting significantly from this prosecution at the expense of taxpayers."

The filing alleged that Wade used Fulton County funds received by his law firm to pay for luxurious international and domestic vacations he supposedly took with Willis.

Willis has not yet explicitly denied the core allegations in the filing, although she did claim before God and an audience of churchgoers Sunday that she had not given preferential treatment to Wade — a claim that does not appear to be entirely true.

Willis' lawyer Andrea Hastings reiterated to the Associated Press this week that any response to the motion will come in a filing with the court, which has yet to happen.

Ashleigh Merchant, the lawyer who filed the motion on behalf of Michael Roman, insinuated there were additional documents of interest in the case file for Wade's divorce proceedings, but she would wait to share the information until a judge unsealed it.

The New York Times reported a hearing concerning the unsealing of the divorce files is set for Jan. 31.

Rising heat

A process server dispatched by Joycelyn Wade, the Trump prosecutor's estranged wife, reportedly showed up at Willis' Atlanta office on Jan. 8 with a subpoena. The subpoena requested that Willis testify at a deposition on Jan. 23 in Nathan Wade's Cobb County divorce case.

The allegations in the motion to disqualify might be of interest in the acrimonious divorce proceedings. After all, Nathan Wade — reportedly paid over $650,000 in legal fees since January 2022 — allegedly began his affair with Willis prior to his appointment as special prosecutor on the Trump case, according to the filing. Wade reportedly did not file for divorce until the day after he entered his contract with the Fulton County DA's Office.

The Jan. 23 deposition is hardly Willis' only problem.

On Thursday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee scheduled a Feb. 15 hearing to take up the damning accusations of misconduct leveled against Willis, ordering her to respond to the allegations in writing by Feb. 2.

Lashing out at her alleged lover's wife

The Associated Press reported that a lawyer for Willis claimed in a filing Thursday that the subpoena served to Willis' office last week amounted to "an attempt to harass and damage" the Democrat's reputation.

The filing further alleged that Joycelyn Wade "conspired with interested parties in the criminal Election Interference Case to use the civil discovery process to annoy, embarrass, and oppress" Willis.

This is not the first time in recent days Willis has painted herself as the victim.

Blaze News previously reported that during her Sunday address to a congregation at Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, Willis characterized concerns over possible impropriety on her part as the product of racial animus and painted herself as a headstrong warrior selected for greatness by God.

"[God,] you did not tell me as a woman of color it would not matter what I did. My motive, my talent, my ability, and my character would be constantly attacked," said Willis. "You cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world. We need to be allowed to stumble."

Cinque Axam, a lawyer for Willis, suggested in the Thursday filing that attempts to question Willis over her alleged improprieties were "obstructing and interfering" with the Trump case.

Merchant said in a statement obtained by the Associated Press, "Ms. Willis alleges that her deposition is being sought in an attempt to harass and damage her professional reputation. Why would her truthful testimony risk damaging her reputation?"

Merchant further suggested the Democratic DA was trying "to create a conspiracy where none exists," adding that she had filed the motion on the deadline for pretrial motions in the election interference case.

"We believe her filing in Cobb County is just another attempt to avoid having to directly answer the important questions Mr. Roman has raised," wrote Merchant.

In addition to vilifying Mrs. Wade, Willis intimated in an email exchange this week that at least one of the defense lawyers in the Georgia election interference case was a racist, writing, "Some people will never be able to respect African Americans."

The lead lawyer for Trump in Georgia, Steven Sadow, had pressed Willis' team after they failed to respond to his emails. Daysha Young, an executive district attorney in Willis' office, responded, suggesting that she and Willis "are both aware, especially as an African American woman some find it difficult to treat us respectfully," reported the Times.

Willis jumped in, writing, "In the legal community (and the world at large) some people will never be able to respect African Americans and/or women as their equal and counterpart."

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Fani Willis appears to have fibbed in church when contesting preferential treatment of her alleged lover

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has begun to reap the whirlwind over a number of improprieties she is alleged to have committed in recent months and years. Willis went to church Sunday, but rather than confess to sin, she stressed her virtue in a dramatized back-and-forth with God.

The trouble about Willis' testimonial before God is that it does not appear to have been entirely honest.

During her remarks at Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta Sunday, Willis claimed that she paid all three special counsels on the Trump election interference case in Georgia at the same rate. Documents reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation appear to indicate otherwise.

What's the background?

A motion to disqualify Willis and her appointee, Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade, was filed on behalf of Michael Roman, a co-defendant in the Trump case, on Jan. 8. The motion accused Willis of being embroiled in "an improper, clandestine personal relationship" with Wade, a married attorney she later hired without the approval of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.

Wade — whose apparent lack of relevant experience and past failures to become a Cobb County Superior Court judge evidently did not deter Willis from appointing him — filed for divorce the day after starting his contract as a prosecutor on the Georgia case, which has since reportedly earned him nearly $700,000.

The motion further claims that Wade, whose payments Willis authorizes, paid for his lover's luxurious international and domestic vacations, possibly running afoul of the federal racketeering statute.

The author of the motion, Roman's defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant, recently indicated she has "multiple sources to corroborate" the claims, specifically those concerning Willis' affair with Wade.

Extra to the affair, the motion highlighted how Willis and Wade met with elements of the Biden White House and Jan. 6 committee while building their case against former President Donald Trump — suggestive of possible politically motivated coordination between the Fulton County District Attorney's Office and top Democrats seeking to incarcerate their leading rival.

The judge overseeing Trump's election interference case in Georgia indicated there could be a hearing in February to examine the allegations brought against Willis, reported Just the News.

Tall tales and victimhood

Following days of silence concerning the motion to disqualify and the damning allegations therein, Willis took the podium Sunday at a church in Atlanta and issued a 35-minute screed. Blaze News previously reported that she ultimately cast herself as the victim of racial animus and denounced her critics as "race card"-playing bigots.

Willis did not explicitly deny the allegations recently leveled against her. Instead, the Democrat defended against alternate accusations she appears to have fabricated from whole cloth.

"I'm a little confused. I appointed three special counselors. It's my right to do. Paid them all the same hourly rate. They only attacked one," said Willis. "I hired one white woman, a good personal friend and a great lawyer; a superstar, I tell you. I hired one white man — brilliant — my friend and a great lawyer. And I hired one Black man, another superstar, a great friend and a great lawyer."

Merchant said of Willis' speech, "Nothing she said today changes any of the important arguments raised in our motion and does not change the unfortunate facts surrounding her appointment of Wade," reported the New York Times.

After all, the key contention in the motion to disqualify was not that Wade was paid more or less than his peers, but that he allegedly bedded his would-be boss, then, once under her employ, used taxpayer funds to take her on extravagant vacations. Nevertheless, Willis' rebuke to the phantasmal accusation exposed her to additional scrutiny — granted she did ostensibly pay Wade more than one of the other special counsels.

The lover's premium

The Daily Caller obtained the professional services agreements between Willis' office and two of her special counsels: Wade, previously a middling associate municipal court judge in Marietta, and John Floyd, one of Georgia's top experts on federal and state Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statutes.

Floyd entered into a contract with Willis' office on March 10, 2021, at an hourly rate of $150 per hour.

Wade entered into a contract with Willis' office in Nov. 1, 2021, at an hourly rate of $250 per hour.

This additional $100 per hour would likely go a long way on the Norweigan and Royal Carribean cruise lines, in New York City, Napa Valley, Florida, and other destinations Wade is alleged to have taken his supposed lover.

The third special counsel, Anna Cross, who entered into a contract with Fulton County at an hourly rate of $250 on July 15, 2022, ultimately ended up making as much as Wade per hour.

The one exception nevertheless casts doubt on Willis' claim in church that she "paid them all the same hourly rate.

Keith Adams, an Atlanta defense attorney who recently represented rapper Jeffery Lamar Williams in the RICO case brought against him, told the Caller, "Obviously the appropriate fee paid to special counsel would depend on the subject matter, the level of complexity, the level of expertise required, the level of experience of the attorney, and to some extent, the funds available to pay said attorney."

"It may be that the special counsel is being paid from a completely separate budget that is not subject to the same budgetary limitations and is left to the discretion of the district attorney," said Adams.

Legal analyst Philip Holloway wasn't buying it, stressing the arrangement between Wade and the Fulton County District Attorney's Office "is unheard of in Georgia" and that there was "no basis for comparison."

"Court-appointed criminal defense lawyers around here typically make less than $100 per hour on felony cases," said Holloway. "It could be argued that any amount is too high to pay someone with no felony trial experience to come in as lead counsel in the biggest, most complex criminal case in the history of Georgia."

The Caller indicated neither Willis' office nor Wade responded to requests for comment.

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Fani Willis paints allegations of misconduct and home-wrecking as racist

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis broke her silence Sunday after a week of criticism over allegations of misconduct behind the scenes of Trump's Georgia election interference case as well as of home-wrecking.

In her Sunday address to a congregation at Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, Willis denied neither allegations of bedding a married subordinate nor of taking fancy trips on his dime. She also did not deny the suggestion that she coordinated with elements of the Biden White House and Jan. 6 committee to take down the Democratic president's top rival.

Rather, the Democratic DA attempted to cast herself as a victim of racial animus, one who has been selected for greatness by God.

What's the background?

A motion was filed Jan. 8 to disqualify Willis and her alleged lover, special prosecutor Nathan Wade, from prosecuting the election interference case of one of former President Donald Trump's co-defendants in Georgia, Michael Roman.

The motion claimed that Willis, who has since been subpoenaed to testify in Wade's divorce case, was embroiled in "an improper, clandestine personal relationship" with Wade — a married attorney she appointed without the approval of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners as required by law — whose apparent lack of experience has been subjected to greater scrutiny in recent days.

The motion further alleged that Willis' "apparent intentional failure to disclose her conflict of interest to Fulton County and the Court, combined with her decision to employ the special prosecutor based on her own personal interests may well be an act to defraud the public of honest services since the district attorney 'personally benefitted from an undisclosed conflict of interest.'"

Extra to exposing Willis to a possible federal criminal investigation, the motion prompted additional concerns over the Biden White House's direct involvement in the prosecution of the Republican front-runner.

Blaze News previously noted that Willis and Wade met with elements of the Biden White House before and after their recommendation of charges against Trump at taxpayers' expense. The duo also appear to have coordinated with Jan. 6 committee staff over the period of months when building their case against Trump in Georgia.

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a complaint with Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia AG Carr Wednesday, requesting that they order "the immediate and formal criminal investigation into the alleged criminal misconduct" by Willis, along with Wade.

Victims of a closer look

Willis set the stage early in her 35-minute address Saturday by suggesting that Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was still a "work in progress" and that "Americans have normalized ... cruelty, they've normalized bigotry, they've normalized hate."

According to Willis, critiques of her leadership and hiring decisions are motivated not by concerns over fairness, lawfulness, or conflicts of interest, but by hate — specifically, racial animus.

"They call me the N-word more than they call me Fani," said Willis. "[God,] you did not tell me as a woman of color it would not matter what I did. My motive, my talent, my ability, and my character would be constantly attacked."

— (@)

The Democratic DA made clear who she had in mind when denouncing her critics: "God, I do not want to be like those that attack me. I never want to be a Marjorie Taylor Greene who has never met me but has allowed her spirit to be filled with hate. ... How did such a woman come to think that it was normal and normalized that another woman was worthy of such cruelty?"

After painting Greene as a villain and suggesting God used the congresswoman to test her, Willis attempted to drum up sympathy, recalling the recent instance where she was allegedly swatted — something Greene has been subjected to several times.

Willis then singled out Fulton County Commissioner Bridget Thorne for criticizing her appointment of Wade.According to the DA, those critical of Wade's appointment were "playing the race card."

"I'm a little confused. I appointed three special counselors. It's my right to do. Paid them all the same hourly rate. They only attacked one," said Willis. "I hired one white woman, a good personal friend and a great lawyer; a superstar, I tell you. I hired one white man — brilliant — my friend and a great lawyer. And I hired one Black man, another superstar, a great friend and a great lawyer."

There are presently no allegations that Willis had an affair with the other special counselors or traveled the world at their expense.

Willis went on to defend Wade's "impeccable credentials" without naming him, saying, "The Black [man] I chose has been a judge for more than 10 years; run a private practice more than 20; represented businesses and civil litigation. ... Served a prosecutor, a criminal defense lawyer, special assistant attorney general."

Wade was formerly a prosecutor in Cobb County, where he never prosecuted a felony case, according to the motion. Newsweek noted that Willis' alleged lover ran three times to become a judge in Cobb County Superior Court between 2012 and 2016 but failed in all three instances.

Politico reported that Willis' "impeccable" pick was found in contempt in August 2023 for "willfully" defying a court order, having refused to turn over documents concerning his income. The income of interest appears to have been the nearly $700,000 Wade has been paid from the Fulton County DA's office, which Willis signs off on.

Willis stressed, "You cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world. We need to be allowed to stumble."

The Democratic DA is scheduled to stumble into Wade's acrimonious divorce proceedings to testify on Jan. 23.

Roman's defense attorney who filed the motion, Ashleigh Merchant, told WSB-TV over the weekend that she has eyewitnesses who can confirm Willis' affair with Wade.

"I would never have filed something like this if I didn’t have multiple sources to corroborate," said Merchant. "We look forward to litigating this motion in court where we can bring forward all of our evidence."

Jeff DiSantis, a spokesman for Willis' office, maintains that her office will respond to the allegations in court filings.

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