1,000 U.S. Soldiers In Niger Need To Come Home Right Now

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Screenshot-2023-10-27-at-5.41.59 AM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Screenshot-2023-10-27-at-5.41.59%5Cu202fAM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]Eighty-six senators chose to stand idly by as the president sends their constituents' sons and daughters into harm’s way with no clear objective.

The West’s Real Ukraine Strategy Is Russian Regime Change

Regime change, wrapped in all of its fantastical failure, is making a comeback in Washington, and no one seems to notice or even care.

No, Biden Can’t Blame Trump For The Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster

Under Biden’s direct command, the Taliban reportedly seized hundreds of U.S. Humvees, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, and several million-dollar U.S. drones.

Even Media Reports Show The Biden Administration Completely Botched The Afghanistan Draw-Down

That the decrepit state of planning in the leadup to a known and announced withdrawal deadline persists so late in the game is unforgivable.

Liz Cheney Puts The ‘Forever’ In ‘Forever War’

Rep. Liz Cheney condemned a vote to repeal the two-decade-old Authorization for Use of Military Force used by George W. Bush to invade Iraq.

It’s Long Past Time To Get U.S. Troops All The Way Out Of Somalia

Al-Shabaab does not pose a threat to America that cannot be handled more effectively by our global intelligence networks and ability to strike direct threats to our country

Mitt Romney, Who Avoided Military Service During Vietnam, Says 20 Years In Afghanistan Isn’t Long Enough

After 20 years of a military presence in the Middle East, Sen. Mitt Romney believes "conditions for withdrawal have not been met."

Defending Iraq Needs To Be Iraq’s Job, Not The United States’s

The Pentagon's spokeswoman says the United States remains committed 'to ensuring the enduring defeat of ISIS and supporting Iraq’s long-term security, stability, and prosperity.' That is the job of the Iraqi military

WSJ: Trump To Pick Foreign Policy Realist As Afghanistan Ambassador

Scholar, Afghanistan veteran, and naval reservist Will Ruger wants to pull U.S. troops out immediately. His elevation implies the president finally understands that personnel is policy.