The show's new host departed the day after he taped the first five episodes of 'Jeopardy's' 38th season, leading to what will likely stand as its most awkward week ever.
After trying out 16 different individuals, 'Jeopardy!' executives decided to appoint their own Mike Richards and actress Mayim Bialik as the new permanent hosts.
The past six months of auditions only served to reinforce Trebek’s subtle mastery behind the lectern, and illustrate the big shoes "Jeopardy!’s" next host will have to fill.
With guest hosts rotating almost as quickly as contestants, it will be hard for players to build up a sense of timing with the host, let alone any momentum.
Cohen did a workmanlike job, but 'Jeopardy!' should have postponed the Tournament of Champions until the show's eventual new permanent host is in place.
After a noteworthy two weeks as “Jeopardy!” guest host that featured one contestant trolling him in his first episode, and several other contestants not knowing the Read More
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