ROOKE: Trump Should Test Unprecedented Power If Senate Doesn’t Play Ball With Appointments

'He is merely the battering ram that voters use to bring back the balance of power'

Weaponizing The Justice System Is An Attack On All Americans, Not Just Trump

The left's lawfare marks the descent of the American legal system into the very type of politicization our Founding Fathers warned against.

9-0 Decision Shows How Far Removed Democrat Lawfare And Its Media Cheerleaders Are From Reality

If you think the only explanation for a 9-0 Supreme Court decision in Trump's favor is because Sonia Sotomayor is a MAGA extremist, you might need to touch grass.

Impeachment Is The Only Way To Check Biden’s Abuse Of Power

Constitutional impeachment prevents what the revolution sought to stop -- the reign of a ruler with unchecked power.

America’s Founders Didn’t Support Open Borders, And Neither Should We

'The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits.'

On Jan. 6 Holiday, Nancy Pelosi Promotes Extremely Problematic Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda is not just famous for popularizing the racist and problematic Alexander Hamilton, he's also pretty cringe.

Yes, The Vice President Breaks A Senate Tie On SCOTUS Nominees

In Laurence Tribe’s telling, the vice president’s tie-breaking vote does not apply to judicial nominees. That is supported by neither the Constitution’s text nor the Senate’s historical practice.