A new project from a Black Lives Matter co-founder is funded by an organization that is pro-communist and supports China's communist government, according to a new investigation by the Heritage Foundation. Alicia Garza, who is the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter organization, started a new venture called the Black Futures Lab.
"The Black Futures Lab transforms Black communities into constituencies that change the way power operates — locally, statewide and nationally," the Black Futures Lab's website states. The group has a mission to "educate elected officials on this new legislative agenda, and challenges policymakers to take up positions beneficial to Black communities."
When you click on the donation page of the Black Futures Lab website, the page says: "Black Futures Lab is a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association."
The Chinese Progressive Association was founded in 1972, and claims it "educates, organizes and empowers the low income and working class immigrant Chinese community in San Francisco to build collective power with other oppressed communities to demand better living and working conditions and justice for all people."
There is also another CPA chapter in Boston that was established in 1977.
The Heritage Foundation claims that from CPA's start, "it has been a promoter of the People's Republic of China." The Heritage Foundation report cites "an authoritative 2009 Stanford University paper" that alleges the Chinese Progressive Association "worked with other pro-PRC groups within the U.S. and San Francisco Bay Area … Support for the PRC was based on the inspiration the members drew from what they saw as a successful grassroots model that presented a viable alternative to Western capitalism."
The Chinese Progressive Association was commended for participating in anti-police brutality protests this summer by China Daily, China's state-owned English-language news site that is run by the Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party.
CPA held a rally last September in Boston, where demonstrators raised the People's Republic of China flag in City Hall Plaza to commemorate the anniversary of the communist takeover.
CPA co-founder Lydia Lowe co-wrote an essay titled, "The Role of Asian American and Pacific Islander Movements: Race, Nationality Oppression and Revolutionary Strategy" for Leftroots, a self-described "national organization of Leftists engaged in mass organizing in the United States committed to developing the individual and collective skills necessary to formulate, evaluate and carry out strategy to build twenty-first century socialism."
"What is the connection between the history of people of color in the U.S. and their role in the struggle for 21st century socialism? Exploitation, oppression, and theft from communities of color, rooted in the history of colonialism and imperialism, was central to the development of the U.S. economy and society; today's inequality and super-exploitation is the result of a western legacy of racial capitalism," the essay says.
"The issue of race or nationality oppression plays an exceptional role in U.S. society and its resolution is critical to achieving a fundamentally different one," the essay adds. "Unifying working class struggles with the movements of peoples of color is critical to achieving a fundamentally different society."
The Black Futures Lab nor the Chinese Progressive Association responded to requests for comment about the partnership from Fox News.
Garza's fellow Black Lives Matter co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, has admitted that the organization's leaders are "trained Marxists." In a 2015 interview, Cullors admitted that BLM founders subscribe to Karl Marx's ideology.
"Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists," Cullors said. "We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories."
Earlier this week, former NFL star Herschel Walker denounced BLM and asked, "Are you supporting the group that says they are trained Marxists? Because they're making a lot of money, and I like to know."
"I'm challenging every owner in the NFL, every owner of major league sports, every owner of stadiums, every commissioner, every leader in Washington, every church," Walker said. "I'm challenging every professional player: Is this who you're supporting? Because a trained Marxist tells you that they're anti-government, they're anti-American, they're anti-Christian, they're anti-everything."
On BlazeTV, Glenn Beck explained how public schools have pushed progressive agendas and Marxism with the help of BLM. Beck speaks to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
BRAINWASHED: How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools | Glenn TV www.youtube.com