20 Gifts To Make American-Made Great Again This Christmas

May your Christmas be merry and bright, and may you find American-made gifts under your tree!

Harley-Davidson went WOKE — it’s up to us stop other American icons from doing the same

If there’s one company you’d expect to be exploding with hardcore American values, it’s the famed, American made, tough guy motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson.

Which is why Glenn Beck was absolutely shocked when filmmaker Robby Starbuck exposed Harley-Davidson, among others, for DEI-related policies that flew directly in the face of what being an American means.

“There used to be a time when we took pride in the maintenance of America, the maintenance of American heritage,” Glenn says. “It’s exactly what it was: American heritage. American brands like John Deere, Tractor Supply, Ford, Chevrolet, Indian, and Harley-Davidson.”

“We protected their legacy. We worked on their products in the fields, in our home, garages,” he continues, adding, “There was no agenda here outside of pure American greatness.”

Now, these companies are being infiltrated by people who “get their marching orders from people like Larry Fink at Black Rock” — which becomes obvious when you see what they’ve been supporting.

Harley-Davidson not only got behind the “equality act,” which would allow men into girls bathrooms, sports, and locker rooms, but the company funded an all-ages Pride event that featured a rage room next to the drag queen story time.

In addition, 1800 employees had to finish a virtual training on how to become LGBTQ+ allies, and the CEO signed the CEO action for diversity and inclusion pledge — making February and March “months of inclusion.”

White male employees were sent to a white male-only diversity training program, and the company itself is attempting to lower the number of white suppliers and employees it has.

While the company has apologized and is now walking back its leftist agenda, Glenn believes it's up to Americans to remind these companies of why they’re here and what they stand for.

“Do yourself a favor, do your country a favor. Reconnect your children to the basics of what American products are, what made them so great, why 'American Made' is more than just a slogan,” Glenn says.

“It represents the weary men and women working in factories, in small towns, all across middle America, who are trying to give their kids a better life,” he continues. “Teach your kids that getting their hands dirty is a good thing, something fought, bled, and sweat for has meaningful value.”

“And that’s who we are as Americans. It benefits the family. It supports the community. It spreads that beloved American brand all over the country and the world. That connection goes all the way to the top of the corporate boardroom, that connection that you have, that power that that spirit creates, that’s what globalists fear most.”

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

American Giant partners with Walmart to sell ‘Made in America’ 4th of July themed shirts

Just in time for the 4th of July, Walmart of all places has partnered with American Giant to sell "Made in America" T-shirts.

American Giant is a clothing company that produces 100% American-made products and also happens to be one of Glenn Beck’s sponsors. Founded by Bayard Winthrop, the company's products are made with quality materials that are built to withstand the test of time. Further, American Giant creates jobs for Americans in factory towns and cities across the country, thereby boosting communities and our economy.

“After about 18 months of work, we are announcing a collaboration with Walmart, bringing some entirely American-made T-shirts to 1,700 Walmart doors all across the country,” he told Glenn.

“It’s an important moment, I think, not only for the textiles, but more broadly for American-made to have a major retailer step up with us for this kind of a commitment.”

“The American worker — at least in my judgment — is the best worker in the world, and we have allowed our domestic capability to decay over the last 35 years, and thankfully, both parties are waking up to this reality that we’ve gotta do something about it,” Winthrop said.

It’s exciting to see a company that believes in the potential of America — and believes in what we’re doing here at Blaze Media — to receive an opportunity like this.

“Made-in-America products and clothes have become expensive. I get it,” Glenn acknowledges, adding that sometimes we’re forced to “settle for convenience and cost.”

However, this partnership between Walmart and American Giant merges the best of both worlds — clothing that is American-made but still affordable.

“MORE OF THIS!” is Glenn’s emphatic response.

American Giant is a sponsor of the Glenn Beck radio program and Blaze Media.

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

Why every home needs a guitar

The book of Acts recounts a particularly tumultuous mission trip Paul and Silas took to the Roman colony Philippi. Arrested for disturbing the peace, they were severely beaten, shackled, and thrown in prison. At midnight, as they sang hymns, an earthquake opened the jail and loosened their bonds. Instead of escaping, Paul and Silas converted their jailer.

Some 18 centuries later, an itinerant preacher named Washington Phillips recorded his song “Paul and Silas in Prison" for a Columbia Records field agent in a makeshift Dallas studio. While it caused no earthquake, his haunting and delicate performance seems to reverberate like an aftershock in those who hear it.

What makes Phillips' recording so powerful is his conviction. Like Paul and Silas, he sang to praise God, obeying a command that appears almost 50 times in the Bible. It's a potent reminder that music is more than just a commodity, today made cheap and plentiful by technology. It's our birthright as men and one of the most intimate expressions of the human soul. As such, it is far too vital a part of who we are to cede it entirely to the professionals.

You don't need to languish in prison to experience the benefits of a making your own music. Knowing a few songs by heart can enliven any number of tedious situations, such as waiting at the DMV or hauling a sail on a Merchant Marine clipper ship. And anyone can learn to sing, despite what you may have heard. Add a guitar and you've got yourself a party. We've seen modestly skilled players turn a room of sedate wine-sipping moms into a raucous Guns N' Roses tribute act.

Guitars are just nice to have around, and America still manufactures some good ones. Family-owned and -operated for six generations, C.F. Martin and Co. have been making their exquisitely crafted instruments in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, since 1833. A Martin guitar doesn't come cheap, but its sound is inimitable and it will last several lifetimes.

Gibson is another storied guitar-maker that has kept production in the USA. After an ill-fated expansion into consumer electronics drove it into bankruptcy in 2018, Gibson returned to its roots. It makes electric guitars, including the iconic Les Paul, in Nashville, and acoustics in Bozeman, Montana.

Those looking for something more affordable than the offerings of these two American legends might investigate CMG guitars of Statesboro, Georgia, founded by accomplished local musician Chris Mitchell. What started as a small guitar teaching studio in 1999 has evolved into a 7,500-square-foot factory making both guitars and amplifiers.

While American guitar manufacturing isn’t as robust as it used to be, affordable acoustics from once popular brands like Stella, Kay, and Harmony abound on the vintage market. Some have survived the years more or less intact, passed from player to player; others are found in garages and barns and restored by enterprising craftsmen like Vermont-based Steve Chipman. His online shop, VintageParlorGuitars.com, offers an array of handsome, highly playable instruments for under $1,000.

The preferred course of study for the aspiring axman remains an apprenticeship plunking out pentatonic scales for an aging metalhead in the musty back room of the local music shop. That said, we would be remiss if we didn't mention the educational opportunities available online. For example, JustinGuitar is an exhaustive and extremely well-organized site and offers much of its content for free (although donations are encouraged).

The internet can also improve your understanding of music. Rick Beato is a veteran multi-instrumentalist, session musician, producer, engineer, and educator who started a YouTube channel on a whim in 2017. Now his videos on ear training, music theory, audio engineering, and other topics get millions of views. Particularly popular is his series “What Makes This Song Great?” in which he breaks down the appeal of pop hits like 1978 Cars classic “Just What I Needed.”

Perfect Gifts For Everyone On Your List From Makers Who Love America

Best-loved products for all looking to choose businesses that share pro-American values instead of buying from hostile ‘woke’ corporations.

Why National Conservatives’ Platform Should Start With Men

Sen. Josh Hawley is on to something: When men struggle to find good jobs and to form and maintain families, they often turn to alternatives that sap their fitness for a good life.