12-Plus Books To Read On Your Road Trips And Beachside This Summer

These are not light reads, but they will give you lots to think about while you stare at the waves.

Elitists Hate Trump Because He Gives The Wrong People Hope

At the end of the day, they hate Trump because he gives everyday Americans a reason to keep fighting.

If Americans Want To Limit Government Overreach At Home, They Must Stop Its Overreach Abroad

Leftists push to further involve the federal government in the affairs of other nations as well as in the private lives of Americans.

How The Surveillance State And Big Tech Colluded To Make Twitter ‘Disinformation’ The New Terrorism

Federal law enforcement agencies originally created to protect us from terrorists are now being used to protect us from ourselves.

Codevilla’s Final Work: Stopping The Decay Of Western Civilization Begins With A Great Educational Reset

Problems with education bespeak civilizational ones, of which the phenomenon of Davos Man is but one manifestation.