Going Color-Blind Could Help Americans See What Truly Unites Them

Andre Archie is not arguing for the abolition of ethnic identity but for Americans to see their American identity as primary.

Critical Race Theory Teaches Kids To Hate Each Other, And The Proof Is On The Playground

Critical race theory lessons are fostering anger and aggression instead of empathy among children. This is most obvious on the playground.

Forcing Kids To Push Leftist Causes Is Not Civics No Matter How Many Think Tanks Say Otherwise

The Fordham Institute slyly advocates for action civics, also known as 'protest civics,' in its assessment of each state’s content standards.

Every State In America Should Copy This Bill Banning Racist Indoctrination In Schools

Verbose, imprecise, or overly broad legislation may be justly dismissed, but concise, precise, and carefully worded legislation can earn widespread support.