Should We Worry About The End Of America?

Eminent historian Victor Davis Hanson's latest book, 'The End of Everything,' examines the causes civilizational collapse — and there are some ominous warnings for today.

Our Elites Are So Deluded By Moral Relativism They’re Excusing Mayan Human Sacrifice

An author of a study of a Mayan burial site says we should show tolerance for civilizations that murdered their own children to honor gods.

FACT CHECK: Did The Aztecs Sacrifice Their Leaders In Times Of Famine Or Pandemic?

'Human sacrifice was intended to pay back the debt that was formed when the gods let blood from themselves to create the world'

The Wall Between Civilization And Our Innate Savagery Is Weakening

Despite being surrounded by material abundance and wondrous gadgetry, human depravity still finds a way.