To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends

The project is potentially so massive in scope, it’s not an overstatement to say it threatens to regulate our freedom of association in shocking ways.

Here’s What Republicans Need To Do To Truly Take On Big Tech

Congress must get serious about obtaining answers needed to inform a comprehensive policy response. Here’s how.

Swedes Are Implanting Microchip Vaccine Passports. It Won’t Stop There

If military strategists, corporate elites, and government officials are taking the prospect of implanting humans with biotech seriously, so should we.

‘Very Sad’: Ben Carson Criticizes Federal Vaccine Surveillance Expansion Bill

'We have got to be smart enough to recognize these signs when we see them and stop them, to nip them in the bud before it becomes too late,' Carson said. 'It doesn't take long to change a nation.'

Big Tech Insists They’re Protecting Americans From China While Importing Chinese-Style Social Controls

Insisting that antitrust enforcers pull their punches or risk impairing our ability to face the threats from China is nothing short of a protection racket at a global scale.

How Mass Tech Surveillance Could Turn Us All Into Britney Spears

When one’s livelihood and privileges depend on submission to constant monitoring, you have to wonder how long Americans will have the choice to opt out.

Artificial Intelligence Expert Explains How Big Tech Manipulates What You Think

An Oxford University-trained artificial intelligence expert explains the machinery behind Big Tech's thought suppression, AI speech police, and groupthink on campus.