Blaze News original: Experts debunk the alarming lies about parenthood driving DINK culture and the declining birth rate

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There is a silent — but serious — cancer metastasizing in American culture.

In April, the National Center for Health Statistics published preliminary data showing the birth rate in the United States dropped to 1.62 births per woman in 2023, a record-low figure that is below the replacement rate of approximately 2.1 births per woman.

'Living for yourself ends up being often boring and a dead end on so many different levels.'

At the same time, DINKs — an acronym that refers to a married couple without kids (dual income, no kids), generally those couples who are child-free by choice — are flourishing.

Instead of embracing family, an increasing number of American adults in their 20s and 30s are not only delaying marriage, but they’re putting off children once they finally tie the knot.

Whereas the late 20s and 30s were once peak parenting years, now DINKs are spending their time and money on themselves, free of the responsibilities and sacrifices inherent in parenting. In fact, a recent estimate published in “Nature” showed that 21.6% of U.S. adults are childless by choice. That cohort is only growing as the declining birth rate indicates.

The acronym "DINK" is not new. But the phrase and lifestyle are experiencing a renaissance thanks to social media.

Now, DINKs use their Instagram and TikTok accounts to flaunt their flexible lifestyle, racking up millions of views and thousands of followers in the process.

"Being DINKs means we just have a lot of freedom, time, and money," said 25-year-old Natalie Fischer, who boasts a six-figure income and hopes to build a net worth of at least $1 million by age 30.

Mirlanda Beaufils, a 30-year-old real estate agent from Texas, summarized her marriage and DINK lifestyle, "We go where the wind blows."

Travel. Wealth. Career. Freedom. Dogs. Individual expression and self-realization. The radical pursuit of happiness.

Those are the values of America's DINKs, a lifestyle that is now more popular — and less stigmatized — than ever before.

The elephant in the room

The rise in the popularity of the DINK lifestyle colliding with the declining birth rate raises important questions about the pro-DINK narrative that ensnares so many young adults.

Is the DINK lifestyle the path to the good life? Is it where adults find true joy?

And, more importantly: Is the DINK lifestyle good — not only for the individual but for society?

The conventional theory argues that the economic pressures of raising children — which some estimates claim costs tens of thousands of dollars per year — is responsible for the increase in adults choosing the DINK lifestyle. It is true, after all, that the cost of living is getting out of hand for most middle-class Americans, the cost of child care is skyrocketing, and that most industries do not offer their employees meaningful parental benefits.

But Dr. Allan Carlson, a retired professor whose research focuses on family, told Blaze News that "ideas, not economics, drive fertility decline."

Carlson agreed there are economic forces at work, specifically "negative incentives" of capitalism that distort human anthropology. But he explained that secularism and a "shift in ideas" are the mechanism driving an anti-family culture.

The idea shift, he said, is away from the outward-facing values of "survival, security, and human solidarity" and toward inward-facing values that prioritize the individual.

"Individual self-realization, expressive work, pursuit of education all see children as a problem or something in the way of these other values. And so fertility falls continues to fall well below the replacement level," Carlson explained.

'At some fundamental level, we've taken what used to be called the deadly sins and have made them into virtues.'

In many ways, the DINK lifestyle maximizes the American ideal of personal freedom.

The elephant in the room, then, is whether or not pursuing individual happiness and personal freedom to the detriment of family leads to a flourishing life and society.

"People get confused between focusing on short-term pleasure and long-term meaning and don't recognize that yes, it's nice to be able to sleep in on Saturday morning; yes, it's nice to be able to take a trip to Miami Beach, but the sacrifices that you make for having children endow your life with a sense of meaning and deep joy and happiness," Dr. Brad Wilcox told Blaze News.

Wilcox, a professor at the University of Virginia and a fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, said DINKs are buying into a deceptive cultural lie.

That falsehood, he explained, discounts "long-term well-being in favor of a short-term view" that minimizes "the stresses and strains and sacrifices that come with having small children and then kids more generally."

It's a lie that claims parenthood only takes from you.

"People don't recognize and appreciate how much kids bring a sense of meaning and purpose and identity to your life and to your marriage as well," Wilcox said.

"People like the experience of going on a honeymoon ... but after a time, that's boring. If you just sit there stuck on the beach for 12 months, that's not going to be a very rich marriage," he explained. "Whereas once you have kids, there are things to do, [you've] got to feed them, care for them, guide them, direct them, celebrate with them.

"Kids are much more meaningful than a lot of the distractions and dopamine-hit kinds of practices" associated with the DINK lifestyle, Wilcox added.

Importantly, research consistently corroborates Wilcox's point: Married parents are the happiest cohort of all Americans.

And yet, culture tells young adults the opposite.

"At some fundamental level, we've taken what used to be called the deadly sins and have made them into virtues — pride, greed, lust, those things which used to be properly understood as symbols of serious social and moral disorder," Carlson said. "They're the new duties of our culture. You must enjoy yourself, pursue your envy, pursue your greed, pursue your pride, pursue your lusts."

The end result of expressive individualism that prioritizes "me" at the expense of "we," Carlson warned, is "the disappearance of children."

Consumers consume

Two of the benefits of America's capitalist economy are the wealth and freedom it generates. But it also creates negative incentives that encourage individualism, consumerism, and the DINK lifestyle.

In interviews with Blaze News, both Carlson and Wilcox talked about how the Industrial Revolution, which forever changed the economy and brought an end to economic households, changed family culture.

According to Carlson, the "ideal human being under industrial capitalism" includes three values: being helpless, mobile, and childless.

  • Helpless: "By helpless, I mean not capable of doing anything. They can't feed themselves, they can't take care of themselves, they can't shelter themselves. They're functionally helpless, so they have to buy everything from the system. They have to buy everything from their food to their shelter to their clothing. Everything has to be purchased from the system."
  • Mobile: "That is, they need to pursue whatever their little specialty is — whether they're writing code for the computers or whether they're running a dishwasher for a restaurant, they need to find the place where they're providing maximum efficiency with their one little skill."
  • Childless: "Marriage is bad for the system because marriage involves bonds and obligations and responsibilities that track the person from a focus on their work. And they also don't want children because children again take time and take time away from what could be done from a pure focus on doing two things, working for the system and buying from the system."

This industrial human anthropology has created generations of consumers and, now, consumers who prefer consuming and career over cultivating a family.

"There's kind of a deeply consumeristic message too that is now being telegraphed to young adults," Wilcox told Blaze News. "I think it just discourages them from settling down, getting married, and having kids because there's always some other kind of step you need to take.

"Status and money and jobs — these things are good up to a point," he added. "But if they distract us from focusing on family and friends, then they end up being obstacles to our capacity to flourish."

Carlson, in fact, said the economic system is designed to create consumers to consume.

"The capitalist system — the great capitalists don't think about it this way, but they do think in effect, it's where they wind up — wants people to consume. And it is true. Babies can consume things, but they'd rather have them spend money on cruise ships or trips abroad or fancy cars or second homes," he said. "I know so many people that have two or three homes. They have no children, but they got a lot of homes, a lot of bedrooms."

"Those messages are all the economic system telling people what they want," he added.

"Again, they want people who are helpless in terms of doing things themselves but will spend lots of money to buy stuff," Carlson explained. "The system penalizes people with children."

The rewards of sacrifice

Contrary to the cultural lie that children only take from you, Wilcox said the truth is that reward and accomplishment come with the sacrifices and suffering required of parents.

"No suffering is also bad for us," he told Blaze News. "That if your life is very cushy and easy, it tends to be both meaningless and your own strength of character is pretty minimal.

"The point is that some degree of suffering is good for us emotionally and spiritually, especially when it's attached to something that's meaningful to us," Wilcox explained. "It seems like having a spouse — especially having children — does entail suffering and sacrifice, but it's meaningful suffering and sacrifice."

Wilcox said the economic household before the Industrial Revolution epitomized the type of suffering that is full of reward. Sharing in meaningful work, he explained, produces a true sense of accomplishment.

This same principle applies to the sacrifices required of parenthood.

"Do you want to live a meaningful life? Would you like to flourish? Would you like to be happy? Being a parent apparent opens up new horizons for us of care and concern — a sense of the future extends beyond your death," Wilcox said.

"There's something incredible about seeing a child who is your own flesh and blood excel when it comes to a sport like soccer or an instrument like the piano, or a challenge like starring in the school play, or caring for the poor and the sick, and they're vulnerable," he explained. "So I just think at the end of the day, living for yourself ends up being often boring and a dead end on so many different levels."

As the old saying goes: Anything worthwhile requires sacrifice.

"If you invest yourself in becoming a good father or a good mother, I think the rewards are immense," Wilcox said.

Carlson agrees. The truth about parenting, he said, is that raising children and cultivating a strong family is one of the greatest purposes for your life.

"It's what you're supposed to do. That's what your human destiny is," Carlson told Blaze News.

"If you want to be healthy, wealthy, and happy, what should you do? Get married, have babies, create a family," he said. "The gifts that will come back to you are amazing. You'll live longer, you'll be happier."

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China's hundred-year marathon slows to a crawl amid economic woes and record-low birth rate

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China's aspirations of seeing its hundred-year marathon through to displacing the U.S. and becoming global hegemon by 2049 are growing increasingly fantastical. The economic and social problems the Asian nation faced in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic have not gone away. Rather, things have continued to deteriorate.

Fallout of the one-child policy

China faces a worsening demographic crisis, due in part to the Chinese Communist Party's one-child policy as well as to other correlated factors such as a decrease in the number of women of childbearing age, higher suicide rates in women than in men, sex-selective abortion, and declining fertility.

The birth rate was over 20 births per 1,000 people in 1990, one decade after the implementation of the one-child policy. Over the next 25 years, the country saw a precipitous decline in the birth rate, which a two-child policy in 2016 was unable to arrest. The rate hit a record low of 7.5 births per 1,000 people in 2021.

Data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics Wednesday indicated the birth rate reached a new low in 2023 of 6.39 per 1,000 people, reported the BBC.

The country's annual population has in turn fallen for a second consecutive year, this time by an estimated 2.08 million people.

"It's not a surprise. They've got one of the lowest fertility rates in the world so this is just what happens - the population stops growing and starts to decline," Stuart Gietel-Basten, a population policy expert at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, told the BBC.

The country's fertility rate in 1950, the year after communists formally took power, was 5.29. The rate dropped to a record low of 1.16 in 2022. Blaze News previously noted that the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development regards 2.1 as the standard for a stable population.

Demographic stability has been further undermined by a sex-ratio imbalance. As of 2021, there were over 34.9 million more men than women in the country, reported Newsweek.

"It's kind of locked in now… this is just the next year in this new era of population stagnation or decline for China," added Gietel-Basten.

The demographic problem has been compounded by economic stress as many of those in China who want and can physically have children reportedly cannot afford to do so.

Economic woes

Data released this week revealed the Chinese economy had allegedly grown at one of the slowest rates in over 30 years. Reuters reported that China's GDP allegedly grew by 5.2% in the fourth quarter of 2023, disappointing many investors and analysts.

"Although the government met its 2023 GDP growth target of 'around 5.0%', achieving the same pace of expansion in 2024 will prove a lot more challenging," said Julian Evans-Pritchard, head of China Economics at Capital Economics.

The China Beige Book International's latest survey suggested, "Any true acceleration (this year) will require either a major global upside surprise or more active government policy."

Craig Singleton, senior China fellow at the non-partisan Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Newsweek that the regime's latest claims about the country's GDP growth "are just not credible."

"Focusing on China's false GDP figures risks missing the forest for the tree," said Singleton. "The days of China's sky-high growth are over."

"There is no getting around the fact that China is in damage control mode, attempting to project a sense of stability to the international community while grappling with myriad domestic challenges. If ever the cliché 'investor beware' applied, it's now," added Singleton.

The country is struggling with high debt, a stock market in free fall, and a real estate crisis that continues to ravage the sector.

Reuters indicated that amid China's disputed recovery and in the face of concerns about renewed lockdowns, the jobless rate nationwide increased to 5.1% last month and unemployment among Chinese youths ages 16 to 24 also remains high.

The youth unemployment rate skyrocketed to 21.3% in June 2023, prompting the regime to suspend the release of monthly data. The rate allegedly sank to 14.1% in December, but is still high enough to create trouble for the regime, which has promised progressive increases in living standards in exchange for acceptance of its authoritarian rule.

In addition to a potentially restive, largely male youth population, China has to contend with its massive elderly population. The BBC indicated that the retiree population, placing increasing pressure on the health care and pension systems, is projected to increase by 60% to 400 million over the next 10 years.

The Guardian noted that 14% of China's population is over the age of 65 and is on track to have more geriatrics than the entire population of the United States.

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