New York citycouncilman Joe Borelli, of Staten Island, has teamed up with parents to file a lawsuit against the City of New York demanding that public schools be reopened.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a pilot program that would send counseling professionals to respond to 911-calls that are associated with mental health emergencies—instead of police officers.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's daughter Chiara was interviewed by a reporter at a Joe Biden celebration and said that Biden was "able to steal the election," and that Kamala was elected president.
The sale of the New York Mets to billionaire hedge fund manager Steve Cohen has been approved though Bill de Blasio had privately told MLB that he would do everything he could to stop the deal.
NYPD officers who were noting their support of President Trump while on the job have been suspended without pay. Those who supported BLM earlier this summer were cheered and praised.
New York leaders Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo cracked down on Jewish celebrations, sending NYPD officers to round them up as they danced in the streets.
Most of the neighborhoods targeted by the restrictions are home to part of the city's Orthodox Jewish community, where many religious schools resumed in-person instruction in September.
New York City's public schools, which were delayed from their original opening a few times, will be delayed again. The new push back will see a phased in approach to in-person learning.
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