The ‘Far Right’ Is Surging In Europe Because The Left’s Version Of ‘Democracy’ Has Failed

Democracy is not in danger; it’s the left's version of 'democracy' that’s threatened as the right is beginning to flex its political muscles.

Bank CEO ousted following politically-motivated de-banking of Nigel Farage

Coutts bank, part of the NatWest Group, was exposed last week for having de-banked Nigel Farage for political reasons — something both the bank and the liberal British media previously denied.

Despite her apology last week, NatWest CEO Alison Rose has been ousted with the bank — her Tuesday admission to misleading the nation likely having been a factor.

While NatWest chairman Howard Davies indicated it "is a sad moment," Farage appears emboldened, stating on Twitter, "Dame Alison Rose has gone. Others must follow."

What's the background?

Farage, the former English politician who proved instrumental in the 2020 restoration of British sovereignty via Brexit, revealed early this month that he had been de-banked by Coutts and told his funds would be shifted to the lender NatWest.

The Guardian and other left-leaning British publications parroted the bank's suggestion that the rationale behind the shuttering of Farage's account was due to financial issues, specifically his alleged failure to meet wealth criteria.

However, Farage told BBC Radio 4, "I have been with them for a decade and at the moment I have more money sitting on current account than I have had for most of that time."

The Brexiteer appeared convinced that "the establishment" was "trying to force [him] out of the UK" owing to his political views, reported the Financial Times.

He wasn't wrong.

TheBlaze indicated last week that Farage got his hands on documents revealing both that he was right on the money and that the Times, the BBC, the Guardian and other liberal outfits were dead wrong: Coutts had taken issue with his political viewpoints and past public opinions.

Contrary to the bank's earlier suggestion, the 40-page file from Coutts bank obtained via a "subject access request" contained an acknowledgement that Farage was a commercially-viable customer.

The document further highlighted apparently unbecoming remarks made by the former politician, stressing the bank would be best off closing his account and "exiting" him upon the expiry of his mortgage, even though "it is very likely that the client would 'go public.'"

Among Farage's remarks and stances that got under the bankers' skins were were:

  • his 2020 comparison of the destructive and scandal-prone Black Lives Matter movement to the Taliban over their shared iconoclastic tendency to tear down statues;
  • his October 2022 suggestion that British politician Grant Shapps was a "remainer and a globalist";
  • his September 2022 suggestion that vicious tensions between Islamic and Hindu groups in Leicester were resultant of politicians deciding "to go down the road of diversity and multiculturalism";
  • his criticism of climate alarmism and his suggestion that "Net zero is net stupid";
  • his "Endorsements of Donald Trump"; and
  • his appearances on InfoWars.

Farage called the document "abusive," likening it to a "Stasi-style surveillance report."

Suella Braverman, the British home secretary, responded the revelations, writing, "The Coutts scandal exposes the sinister nature of much of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion industry."

— (@)

After Coutts was exposed, NatWest CEO Alison Rose penned an apology to Farage, stating, "I believe very strongly that freedom of expression and access to banking are fundamental to our society and it is absolutely not our policy to exit a customer on the basis of legally held political and personal views. ... To this end, I would like to personally reiterate our offer to you of alternative banking arrangements at NatWest."

The BBC and its reporter Simon Jack, who now faces demands to resign, followed suit, apologizing Monday.

— (@)

Outs at Coutts

Sky News reported that Rose admitted to having been the BBC's source of the false suggestion that Farage's de-banking was executed on the basis of strictly commercial reasons.

Farage noted that this was a breach of client confidentiality and Financial Conduct Authority code.

"The first rule of banking is you have to obey client confidentiality. So they have made a complete and utter mess of this," said Farage.

Rose resigned and further confirmed she was no longer a member of the prime minister's business council on Wednesday.

The bank claimed Rose's departure was "by mutual consent," reported the Associated Press.

Following the news of Rose's resignation, shares in the bank dropped 4%.

Farage said online that he hopes "this serves as a warning to the banking industry. We need both cultural and legal changes to a system that has unfairly shut down many thousands of innocent people."

He said in a statement, "they should all go," referencing the whole of the NatWest board, including its chairman, Davies.

— (@)

Into the breach

Farage vowed Wednesday evening in an article for the Telegraph that his "war on woke banks is about to rapidly expand."

"An emergency root and branch examination of what has happened at NatWest under Rose’s leadership must now take place. In recent years this bank – 39 per cent owned by taxpayers, remember – has morphed into a woke warrior," he wrote. "It has become obsessed with public displays of political correctness rather than focussing on the business of managing and making money. The truth is that in its quest to promote diversity and inclusion, this corporate giant has turned into a divisive and poisonous monster."

"Now is the time to fight back," wrote Farage, adding that he intends to be the voice for "everyday people" and "to campaign for the cultural and legal changes that our banking system needs."

The last time Farage put his mind to populist action, the United Kingdom ended up kicking the EU to the curb.

The Sunday Times recently indicated that NatWest is likely to soon face an avalanche of requests from tens-of-thousands of similarly de-banked customers, all wishing to know why they were canceled.

Banking minister Andrew Griffith convened a meeting of the executives from Britain's biggest banks Wednesday, telling them, "It’s not the job of banks to tell us what to think or what political party we should support."

"In a democracy that relies upon freedom of expression, freedom of thought, that isn’t a legitimate thing for a bank to remove someone’s access to a bank account, a really important building block of society today," added Griffith.

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Boris Johnson will face a vote of confidence to determine if he gets the boot as Prime Minister

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scheduled to face a vote of confidence Monday.

CNN reported that this vote to determine whether or not Johnson gets the boot from office was triggered by lawmakers within the prime minister’s own party who have grown dissatisfied with his performance in the role.

Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbench lawmakers in Parliament, said in a statement that the number of Conservative Party parliamentarians calling for a vote of confidence in Johnson had reached the necessary threshold.

The vote of confidence will reportedly be held in England between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. with results expected to be announced shortly thereafter.

If 180 Conservative lawmakers — a simple majority within the party — vote against Johnson, e will cease to be the leader of the party and will be forced to vacate the office of prime minister. If this is the case, Johnson will be getting the boot just three years after his party took parliament by winning parliament in a general election landslide.

Under current party rules, if Johnson is forced out of office, he will not be allowed to run in the leadership contest to determine his replacement.

If Johnson survives the vote of confidence, he will remain as both the leader of the party and continue serving as prime minister.

Johnson has fallen out of favor with many in the Conservative Party after the so-called “Partygate” scandal stemming from months of allegations of parties and intimate gatherings be hosted by the prime minster throughout England’s COVID-19 lockdown. Johnson participating and hosting these events is largely what has eroded confidence in his leadership.

Last month, a report released by Sue Gray, a senior civil servant, detailed a culture of partying and socializing among Johnson’s staff while millions of British citizens were banned from seeing their friends and relatives. Johnson has also been heavily criticized for his government’s response to the rapidly rising cost of living in Great Britain.

A spokesperson from Johnson’s administration said that the prime minister “welcomes the opportunity to make his case to MPs.”

The spokesperson said, “Tonight is a chance to end months of speculation and allow the government to draw a line and move on, delivering on the people's priorities.”

The spokesperson added that Johnson will “remind [the MPs] that when they’re united and focused on the issues that matter to voters there is no more formidable political force.”

Iran returns donated COVID-19 vaccines because they were made in America

The Iranian government has rejected more than 800,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines because they were manufactured in the United States, the Associated Press reported.

Poland donated nearly 1 million doses of the British-Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine to Iran, only to have more than half of the donation returned to them.

Mohammad Hashemi, an Iranian Health Ministry official, said, “When the vaccines arrived in Iran, we found out that 820,000 doses of them which were imported from Poland were from the United States.”

Hashemi said, “After coordination with the Polish ambassador to Iran, it was decided that the vaccines would be returned.”

In 2020, Iran’s supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that Iran would deny American or British vaccines from entering the country, calling them “forbidden.”

However, Iran openly imports vaccines manufactured in Western countries other than the United States and the United Kingdom.

Despite the fact that Iran is currently facing its sixth major wave of COVID-19 infection, the country still refuses to accept vaccines from its enemies.

Earlier in the pandemic, leaders in the Iranian parliament made clear that they would refuse all American-made vaccines even as the country repeatedly set new records for daily COVID deaths.

Iran has the highest national death toll from COVID-19 in the Middle East, with more than 135,000 total covid deaths. The Iranian government says that roughly 90% of its population over the age of 18 has been vaccinated with two shots, while only 37% have received a booster.

Largely, Iran has relied on the Chinese state-backed Sinopharm vaccine but provides many others for its citizens to choose from. Iranians can also receive Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, the Indian Covaxin, and the domestically developed COVIran vaccine.

Despite the ayatollah’s stance against using British vaccines, the British-Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine is also prevalent in Iran.

In recent weeks, the United States and Iran have had a souring of relations.

In the autumn of 2021, Iranian-sponsored Houthi rebels breached the American embassy in Yemen. The Iran-backed terrorists took several hostages.

In early February, the U.S. State Department announced that Iran was “weeks” away from being able to power an atomic bomb. After 10 months of renegotiating the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord agreement, the State Department under President Joe Biden has made little progress in deterring the country from developing a nuclear arsenal.

Shortly after making this announcement, the Iranian government debuted a new solid-fuel missile — called the Khaibar-buster — that is able to strike American bases in the Middle East and hit targets deep within Israel.

It is believed that the Khaibar-buster is able to circumvent Israel’s sophisticated missile defense systems.

Queen Elizabeth II has contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated

Queen Elizabeth II has tested positive for COVID-19, the BBC reported.

Buckingham Palace told the BBC that the queen is experiencing "mild cold-like symptoms" but expects to continue "light duties" during the coming week.

The palace's statement said, "Her Majesty is experiencing mild cold-like symptoms but expects to continue light duties at Windsor over the coming week. She will continue to receive medical attention and will follow all the appropriate guidelines."

The queen, who is 95 years old, was recently in contact with her eldest son, Prince Charles, who also tested positive for COVID-19. Both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles are fully vaccinated. This is Charles's second bout of COVID-19 after contracting it in 2020.

Despite her elevated age, the queen will continue with "light duties" as she recovers during the week.

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, took to Twitter to wish the queen a "swift recovery" and a "rapid return to vibrant good health."

I\u2019m sure I speak for everyone in wishing Her Majesty The Queen a swift recovery from Covid and a rapid return to vibrant good health.
— Boris Johnson (@Boris Johnson) 1645362068

The New York Times reported that it is unclear who passed the virus along to the queen.

The Times said, "The circumstances of the queen's infection remained clouded in questions. Charles was at Windsor Castle, where she is in residence, on Feb. 8 for an investiture ceremony," but did not conclude that the prince had passed the virus onto his mother as there has been an uptick in cases among those around the queen.

The queen contracting COVID-19 comes as the English government is preparing to stop requiring face masks to be worn in public places and COVID-19 passports will not be mandatory for large events, ABC News reported.

Johnson said, "We will trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalize anyone who chooses not to wear one."

These restrictions are reportedly being eased because government scientists believe that the omicron variant has peaked in the United Kingdom.

Government data indicates that more than 90% of British citizens over the age of 60 have received more than two doses of a COVID-19 vaccination. In most parts of the United Kingdom, infection rates are dropping.

In the spring of 2020, around the same time Prince Charles contracted COVID-19, Prime Minister Johnson was treated in an intensive care unit after falling ill to the virus.

Queen Elizabeth celebrated her Platinum Jubilee on Feb. 6. Having been on the throne for 70 years, Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning monarch in British history.