Want Proof Our Government Is A Cash-Gobbling Ball Of Incompetence? Look No Further Than The Post Office

There is no chore I dread more than going to the post office. The lines are long, the workers are mean, and shipping things can get pricey. By the end of the whole ordeal, which is likely much longer than anyone in line budgeted their time for, the letters and packages you left at the […]

WATCH: How Government Wastes Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars Sending Checks To Dead People

In the year 2020, the federal government incorrectly paid $67 billion to people and places it should have never gone to, including to many dead people.

Clown Show: Pete Buttigieg ‘Bikes’ To Work After SUVs Drive Him Part Of The Way

"Biking to work" in a way that is neither a shorter nor a more environmentally-conscious commute is onbrand for a millennial mayor-turned-McKinsey consultant.

Evangelicals For Biden ‘Feel Used And Betrayed’ By Biden Fulfilling His Radical Abortion Promises

The Evangelicals for Biden supported Joe Biden for president even though he announced his support for taxpayer-funded abortion on demand last year.