KU Won’t Say How It Plans To Protect Conservative Students From Violent Threats From Instructors

School leadership at the University of Kansas appear to have no plans for keeping students safe against violent threats from staff.

Banned Anti-Israel Student Group At Penn Throws Red Paint On Ben Franklin Statue

A banned anti-Israel student group took credit Thursday for throwing red paint on the University of Pennsylvania’s Benjamin Franklin statue.

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Party Thrown For Frat Bros Who Defended American Flag From Leftist Nutjobs Radiated Patriotism

It was encouraging to see so many young people excited to stand up for America.

MIT Breaks With DEI Insanity In Faculty Hiring, But Is It Too Late?

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Screenshot-2024-05-16-at-6.10.07 AM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Screenshot-2024-05-16-at-6.10.07%5Cu202fAM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]MIT is getting rid of DEI statements in its faculty hiring process, but it is likely too late to reverse the damage already done.

Campus Terrorists Demand A Steady Supply Of Gluten-Free Meals

'I mean it’s crazy to say because we’re on an Ivy League campus but this is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for.'

Can Frat Bros Can Save The Republic?

After weeks of appalling demonstrations by college students, the character displayed by these young men should give us a glimmer of hope.

UNC Under Fire After Professors Threaten To Hold Grades Hostage In Solidarity With Hamas

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill confirmed reports of professors punishing students by refusing to submit grades.

Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Sends Taxpayer Funds To On-Campus Mobs

After seeing Biden's illegal loan forgiveness scheme, can anyone blame the would-be jihadis on campus for their entitlement to break the law?

Trust Fund Kids Protesting On Campuses Know Nothing About Oppression

Champagne Marxists smash 'things and creatures' with little regard for how much disruption or harm their actions will cause others.

Left-Wing Dark Money Groups Are Bankrolling Anti-Israel Demonstrations

Left-wing dark money networks are funding the outbreak of the anti-Israel protests spreading at college campuses across the country.