What I learned from having 3 kids under 3

Implausibly, October is here. My eldest turned four yesterday. Dare I say that disbelief at the pace of the passing of time — whether the unbearably long days or the unfathomably short years — is a universal maternal experience?

Oh, the melancholia of motherhood ... the slippery seconds, the diamonds raining from the sky, the inability to catch them in your hands for longer than a moment.

Because our social lives as moms have been so hollowed out by technology and the changing participation of women in the workplace, all of these little things in their little ways now require courage, consistency, and creativity.

Now that I no longer have three three and under, I thought I’d share my lessons learned from the experience, because people often ask how I manage.

I don’t know if I’ll ever feel fully qualified to proffer parental wisdom. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and my kids are underbaked. But in terms of keeping one’s sanity and smoothing day-to-day operations, I think I have some helpful tips to share. My advice boils down to three virtues: courage, consistency, and creativity.


Victim mentality is the antithesis of courage. It is pervasive, and it is practically, spiritually corrosive. Reject it.

One of the defining spirits of the modern age — unfortunately for everyone — is that which defines the self as a perpetual victim of circumstance and makes appeals to others, for pity or provision, on those terms.

This is the heart of identity politics, and of leftism generally, and so plays a major role in formal political discourse domestically and internationally. But the political right is not a stranger to this pattern of thought. In fact, self-identified right-wing people often indulge it while they denigrate it in others.

Take for example the ascendant “meninist” movement, which in many cases has retained the icon of victimhood but simply switched its subjects from women to men. As a Catholic, I cringe to see the same tendency in reactionary traditionalist movements that seem to relish their status as perpetually persecuted. Social media enables it by structurally prioritizing talk over action.

Victim mentality is dangerous, especially at scale. I would argue that it paves the way for totalitarianism. This mindset arrests the individual’s capacity to self-govern and achieve real things in the real world by redistributing responsibility through externalizing locus of control. It relieves persons and groups of the culpability and consequences of their actions.

To a mind colonized by a victim narrative, free will is alien, and the triumph of the will over challenges big and small is regarded as impossible. If someone succeeds, it must have been either a matter of luck or corrupt scheming.

But rarely does victim mentality result in true openness to the circumstances of life; instead, it encourages what Nietzsche called slave morality: cowardice, passive aggression, pathological consumption, and parasitical claims on the goods and services of others to compensate for one’s own impotence and discomfort.

Modern mothers are no exceptions to the zeitgeist. We are all subject to mainstream media and cultural narratives encouraging us to indulge our own sense of victimhood when things get hard. The nature of modern technology encourages passivity. And if we aren’t careful, we can wallow. Life is unfair. No one is helping me. My husband doesn’t do enough for me. Society doesn’t do enough for me. My kids don’t do enough for me. There’s no sense in trying; things will never get better. This is too hard.

It’s easy to indulge because it’s plausible and because selfishness is wired into humanity’s genetic code. Raising children under the current socioeconomic conditions can be a real challenge.

Sometimes our kids scream through the grocery store from entry to exit without ceasing, responding neither to discipline nor to desperate pleas for cooperation. Sometimes our husbands disappoint us. Sometimes our efforts seem futile, and the “payoff” for maternal investment remains unclear for a very long time, by definition.

But it has been so unspeakably important, in my experience, to resist the temptation to indulge these kinds of thoughts because they lead directly to passivity, despair, and consumerism.

We can confront and negotiate the problems in our lives, and even the selfishness of other people, without allowing ourselves to self-identify, explicitly or implicitly, as victims. In order to resist, we must put ourselves in the driver’s seat.

  • Stop complaining. This is the one-way street to victim mentality. Realize that however much we may be disappointed by others, we disappoint them too. If we must negotiate our problem, orient speech toward action.
  • Evaluate circumstances objectively, and wonder at, first and foremost, possibilities for action. Seek, and ye shall find. If you seek reasons to despair, you will find them. If you seek reasons to push, to reach higher, to go deeper, to forebear, to love, and to have courage, you will find them. This is a fundamental mindset shift toward positivity and production rather than negativity and consumption.
  • Find the courage to fail. Believe in the possibility of action and results, and make goals — but choose action despite the possibility of failure. Objectively observe your own role in the order-to-chaos ratio of your life. How can you improve for the sake of improvement regardless of how you might be immediately gratified?


An object in motion stays in motion. Take this literally and figuratively.

One of my earlier essays covers how retraining my brain to operate like an athlete’s made me a better mom. In terms of mindset, this dovetails perfectly with what I’ve just written about victim mentality and goes farther to emphasize the importance of literal physical activity.

I cannot overstate the degree to which prioritizing my physical health, mostly by lifting heavy almost every day, has given my days structure and magnified my energy in every other area of my life. This principle works just as well for intellectual goals as for bodily goals.

Whenever I feel depressed or anxious, exercise is the silver bullet. But how do you find the time?

Simple: Choose it, and stop making excuses. Establish routine and structure, buoyed by the resolute determination to get out of the house every single day. Holding myself to this simple principle by continuously making the choice to embrace the annoying transition from the house to the car to the stroller and back again has done wonders for my mental and physical health. If you can simply make consistent movement a habit, it compounds. Over time, it becomes pleasurable.


Find your community, no matter how unconventional the means.

The final helpful lifestyle shift that I believe is foundational to a good motherhood experience is twofold: creativity and community. These things go together. Creativity fosters community, and community fosters creativity. When you find what you love to create, it attracts like-minded people. When you find people you love, you will be energized to create on their behalf.

To make community work in the modern world, one must be willing to be creative in pursuit of it. A combination of the previous mindset shifts (“I have agency over my circumstances, and I can move freely in the world to achieve my goals”) must be present as well as a willingness to try new things in order to meet people and maintain friendships.

Loneliness is one of the primary factors in poor mental health for modern moms. Isolation feels baked into the cake of American society, but this isn’t inevitable! No one ever said fellowship would be easy.

The victim mentality would have lonely people believe that they are lonely because no one is reaching out to them. The couch potato mentality would have lonely people believe that because getting out of the house to commune with friends is difficult that there is only one way of doing this and that it is unworthy of doing.

Here’s where all the principles dovetail together. The COURAGE mentality encourages lonely people to find friendship in the world despite potential rejection. The CONSISTENCY mentality fosters a willingness to fail or to be rejected, and once friends are found, keeps them close through a sense of mutual duty and sacrifice. And CREATIVITY helps on the front end to find your people, and all throughout, to keep in touch with them.

Start the group chat. Start the playgroup. Ask someone to work out together. Attend birthday parties. Bake the cookies. Deliver the postpartum meals. Volunteer. Throw the cocktail parties. Buy outdoor art supplies for the kids and invite moms over for tea.

These actions seem mundane, perhaps antiquated. Because our social lives as moms have been so hollowed out by technology and the changing participation of women in the workplace, all of these little things in their little ways now require courage, consistency, and creativity. Despite whatever difficulties I endured moving from zero to one, they are what have made my life as a young mom of three boisterous little children not only bearable but deeply enjoyable.

Hope these were helpful. I’d love to hear your perspective in the comments section: What helps you persist in motherhood?

FACT CHECK: Image Shows Statue Of St. George, Not St. Michael, Outside UN Building

An image shared on X claims to show a statue of St. Michael the Archangel slaying a dragon outside the United Nations (UN) building. Fun fact: There’s a statue of Archangel Michael slaying a dragon whose body is a nuclear missile outside of the UN building. pic.twitter.com/BFOZR3UoIW — James Lindsay, anti-Communist (@ConceptualJames) October 3, 2024 Verdict: […]

ROOKE: Trump Sends Clearest Message Yet To Catholics With St. Michael Post

Only candidate in this presidential race willing to post something so unapologetically Christian

Clinton labor secretary panics after Trump asks the archangel Michael for help fighting evil

President Donald Trump posted a prayer to social media on Sunday, asking Saint Michael for help battling "the wickedness and snares of the Devil" — just days ahead of his return to Butler, Pennsylvania, where in July a Democratic donor shot him and killed the heroic patriarch of the Comperatore family.

The prayer and accompanying image of Saint Michael vanquishing Satan, reposted by the Trump campaign, were largely well received. Michael is recognized as an archangel in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and the prayer simply asks for help routing evil.

However, a number of leftists reflexively expressed shock and horror, in some cases showcasing cultural and historical ignorance — just as Ana Navarro of "The View" did when responding to Trump's happy birthday wishes to the Virgin Mary on the feast of her nativity earlier this month.

Former Clinton Labor Secretary and Harris booster Robert Reich led the pack in ignoring or at the very least overlooking the fact that the post coincided with Michaelmas, the feast day of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, which is celebrated by Catholics — of which there are nearly 1.4 billion worldwide and at least 52 million stateside, including Trump's wife, Melania — as well as by Lutherans and Anglicans.

'By the power of God, cast into hell Satan.'

"Trump increasingly suggests that he is God's chosen instrument of wrath and that his opponents are 'evil spirits' to be 'cast into hell,'" tweeted Reich, whose fellow Democrats helped set the stage for two known assassination attempts with incendiary rhetoric. "If you don't find this terrifying, you're not paying attention."

Reich, now a public policy professor at the University of California, Berkeley, apparently found this prayer terrifying:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

The prayer was written by Pope Leo XIII following an Oct. 13, 1884, vision of demonic attacks on the church from within — and of the archangel tossing the offending demons back into the abyss.

It was long recited after Mass, though that obligation ended in 1965.

However, when discussing preparations for spiritual battle 13 years after he was wounded in an assassination attempt, Pope John Paul II said, "Even though today this prayer is no longer recited at the end of the Eucharistic celebration, I invite everyone not to forget it, but to recite it to obtain help in the battle against the forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world."

According to the Diocese of Gary, Indiana, Pope Pius XI ordered the recitation of the prayer in 1929 for the conversion of Russia.

'But the sword / Of Michael from the Armorie of God / Was giv'n him temperd so, that neither keen / Nor solid might resist that edge.'

Saint Michael is one of the three angels mentioned by name in the scriptures and is regarded by multiple Christian denominations as the patron saint of the police, firemen, and members of the military. Michael is also the patron saint of numerous countries and cities, including Kyiv, Ukraine.

EWTN indicated that Michael is referred to in two chapters of the Old Testament (in Daniel 10:13, 21 and 12:1) and in at least two books of the New Testament (Jude 1:9 and Revelation 12:7).

Revelation 12:7-9 states:

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The prayer Reich found terrifying not only has religious significance but engages a key character in the Western literary canon.

In Book Six of John Milton's "Paradise Lost," Saint Michael introduces the proud and rebellious Lucifer to something called pain:

But the sword
Of Michael from the Armorie of God
Was giv'n him temperd so, that neither keen
Nor solid might resist that edge: it met
The sword of Satan with steep force to smite
Descending, and in half cut sheere, nor staid,
But with swift wheele reverse, deep entring shar'd
All his right side; then Satan first knew pain.

Robert Reich's concern-mongering post was not only slapped with a community note on X, highlighting some of this context, but ridiculed.

'You're totally delusional Robert.'

Auron MacIntyre, podcast host and columnist at Blaze Media, responded, "Any public expression of Christianity is now interpreted as a threat to our ruling order."

Conservative commentator Michael Knowles noted, "Today is Michaelmas, which Christians have celebrated for ~1,500 years. This specific prayer, composed by Pope Leo XIII, was recited after every Low Mass in the world for 86 years. Religious and historical ignorance among our 'elite' is reaching record highs."

Seamus Coughlin of FreedomToons wrote, "Leo XIII: I will compose a prayer to scare the devil away[.] Marxist Professor: This prayer is terrifying."

"This is one of the most popular prayers in the Catholic faith and in no way suggests that Trump is saying he's God's 'chosen instrument of wrath,'" tweeted conservative filmmaker Robby Starbuck. "You're totally delusional Robert."

Reich admitted in March that the lead-up to the election would test the "individual and collective capacities." In the months since, he appears to have found his limits on his blog, where he blamed Trump for the two apparent Democratic assassination attempts against him.

'We will FEAR NOT.'

Reich was not alone in expressing displeasure about Trump's prayer post.

New Atheist author James Lindsay wrote that it's "a damn shame Trump has been pulled into this, probably on bad advice."

Claiming he grew up Catholic but had virtually no experience with Michaelmas, Lindsay suggested, "The Left will use it to characterize Trump as a religious warlord type, fitting the worst of the Operation Christian Nationalism motifs. Because of the Left/Right dialectic in play in the op, we'll all be forced to take a side or dip out into irrelevance."

Lindsay was similarly met with some notes indicating, again, projection might be at play.

While the posting of the prayer may have factored into a broader strategy to appeal to those American Catholics now cluing into Kamala Harris' antagonism for their faith and beliefs, Trump appears to have adopted a more prayerful outlook since his brush with death on July 13.

"It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness," he wrote on July 14.

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PAC Brings Ad Campaign Hitting Dems Over Anti-Catholic Bigotry To Ohio, Pennsylvania Senate Races

PAC Brings Ad Campaign Hitting Dems Over Anti-Catholic Bigotry To Ohio, Pennsylvania Senate Races

A conservative super PAC expanded its western state ad campaign hitting Democrats over anti-Catholic bigotry to Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Cardinal Dolan jokes about what Harris might share in common with last person to blow off the Al Smith dinner

Vice President Kamala Harris has decided to blow off the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner hosted by the Archdiocese of New York. She will be the first Democratic nominee in 40 years not to attend the annual event, which has raised millions of dollars to help the city's most vulnerable women and children — including kids with special needs, foster children, and low-income single mothers.

President Donald Trump indicated he will not similarly leave the archdiocese and related charities in the lurch, noting Harris' decision was "sad, but not surprising."

While some critics have suggested Harris' decision is at the very least a strategic blunder and possibly also further confirmation of her enmity toward Catholics, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the organizer of the dinner, made light of Harris' declination, intimating it may be a matter of history rhyming.

"We're disappointed," Cardinal Dolan said Monday at a press briefing following an event at Elizabeth Seton Children's Center in Yonkers, a medical center for disabled kids the dinner helps fund. "We were looking forward to giving the vice president an enthusiastic welcome."

'I don't know what she has against our Catholic friends, but it must be a lot.'

"You know, she speaks very much about the high ideals and how it's good to get away from division, and come together in unity, and all. That's what the Al Smith Dinner is all about," continued the cardinal. "We haven't given up yet. We're not used to this. We don't know how to handle it."

The archdiocese's director of communications, Joseph Zwilling, confirmed to Crux that Harris had declined to attend the dinner.

Cardinal Dolan intimated that the election may ultimately prove this decision to be common to losers.

"This hasn't happened in 40 years — since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation. And remember: He lost 49 out of 50 states," said Cardinal Dolan.

Ronald Reagan steamrolled Democratic candidate Walter F. Mondale in the 1984 election. Mondale only managed to secure 13 electoral votes from his home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia. Reagan kept the White House with 525 electoral votes and nearly 17 million more votes.

As members of the press and others stifled laughter, Dolan noted that there is still a chance Harris will change her mind, particularly with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul leaning on her to attend.

Brian Browne, the associate vice president of university communications and public affairs at St. John's University, suggested to Crux that Harris' decision didn't make sense, especially since there would be no unscripted moments, which her campaign is apparently afraid of.

"Given she's the Democratic candidate, she would have access to the best joke writers on the east coast and the west coast who would love the opportunity to write a script. It's a very scripted event," said Browne. "I know she seems to be very dependent on a teleprompter, but it's a teleprompter event. Yes, you might get some groans if your jokes don't land, but you're not going to get booed off the stage or heckled. It's always this kind of coming together type of moment."

Browne added, "It's a missed opportunity to demonstrate a human side and come together for a charitable cause, and you know, if I was advising her, I would tell her to reconsider this."

'Harris's animus toward Catholicism is not limited to inquisition of Catholic nominees for federal courts.'

Trump wrote Monday on Truth Social, "It will be an honor to attend the SOLD OUT 79th ANNUAL AL SMITH DINNER on October 17th in New York. It will be great to see so many wonderful people there, including Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan. We know the Spirit of Al Smith, the first Catholic Nominee of a Major Party, and John F. Kennedy, the FIRST Catholic President, will be in the room with us that night."

Trump added, "It's sad, but not surprising, that Kamala has decided not to attend. I don't know what she has against our Catholic friends, but it must be a lot, because she certainly hasn't been very nice to them, in fact, Catholics are literally being persecuted by this Administration. Any Catholic that votes for Comrade Kamala Harris should have their head examined."

This is not the first time Trump has highlighted Harris' ostensible antipathy to Catholics.

Trump told a crowd at the Turning Point Believers' Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, in July that "radical left ideology Kamala supports is really militantly hostile towards Americans of faith" and that Harris personally has an issue with Catholics.

Harris "viciously attacked highly qualified judicial nominees simply because they were members of the Knights of Columbus, suggesting that their Catholic faith disqualified them from serving on the federal bench," said Trump.

Kenneth Craycraft, the James J. Gardner Chair of Moral Theology at Mount St. Mary's Seminary and School of Theology, underscored in First Things that "Harris's animus toward Catholicism is not limited to inquisition of Catholic nominees for federal courts, but also extends to harassment of public organizations whose missions are consistent with Catholic moral theology."

Craycraft noted that Harris introduced legislation aimed at forcing "religious individuals and organizations to engage in activities that directly violate their firmly held religious beliefs" and cosponsored the "Equality Act," which would "force Catholic hospitals, for example, to perform gender transition surgeries, open women's restrooms to men, and force girls and women to compete against boys and men in athletic competitions."

A similar animus has thrived at the Biden-Harris FBI in recent years.

The House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government revealed late last year that the FBI under the current administration has "abused its counterterrorism tools to target Catholic Americans as potential domestic terrorists."

According to CNN, Harris intends to campaign in an unspecified battleground state on October 17.

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US Conference of Catholic Bishops tells the faithful to defend the unborn and vote for pro-life candidates

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops called on American Catholics Thursday to renew their commitment to the legal protection of human life.

With just over 40 days until the November election, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the USCCB's committee on pro-life activities, made clear this means both voting for candidates who defend preborn children and voting against "gravely evil ballot initiatives that would enshrine abortion in their state constitutions."

"While we live in a society that often rejects those who are weak, fragile, or vulnerable, they are the most in need of our care and protection," wrote Bishop Burbidge. "Pope Francis reminds us that 'every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to being aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before he was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world's rejection.'"

The bishop noted that while the Catholic Church has made it a priority to fight abortion, now marking October in the U.S. as Respect Life Month, "Abortion has become the preeminent priority for others as well."

"We see many politicians celebrating the destruction of preborn children, and protecting access to abortion, even up until the moment of birth," wrote the bishop.

'Transform our hearts to protect and cherish all whose lives are most vulnerable.'

Abortion is not only a ritual of the Satanic Temple but a celebrated practice for many Democrats — what Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia Charles J. Chaput called a "perverse kind of 'sacrament most holy.'"

During the Democratic National Convention, Planned Parenthood had a mobile clinic parked outside, offering free chemical abortions to mothers in the crowd.

Live Action president Lila Rose noted in an op-ed that "the DNC, backed by the abortion industry, has chosen a different path, one that celebrates the killing of innocent children as some twisted form of empowerment."

Rose added that "twenty-five helpless lives were sacrificed at the altar of so-called 'choice.' All under the guise of a grotesque carnival-like atmosphere."

In the USCCB call to action, Bishop Burbidge quoted another pope's warning, this time St. John Paul II, who said in the papal encyclical Evangelium Vitae that "we are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the 'culture of death' and the 'culture of life.' ... We are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life."

Extra to imploring Catholics to vote for pro-life candidates and for fervent prayer on behalf of life, the USCCB called for policies that help women and children in need, and for the continued support of mothers through "pregnancy help centers and [the church's] nationwide, parish-based initiative, Walking with Moms in Need."

The bishop concluded with a prayer:

Jesus, you came that we might have life — and have it in abundance. Together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, you form us in our mothers' wombs and call us to love you for all eternity. As your most precious gift of human life is attacked, draw us ever closer to your Real Presence in the Eucharist. Dispel the darkness of the culture of death, for you are the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. By the power of your Eucharistic Presence, help us to defend the life of every human person at every stage. Transform our hearts to protect and cherish all whose lives are most vulnerable. For you are God, forever and ever. Amen.

Kamala Harris, whose various campaigns have netted substantial contributions from Planned Parenthood, told Wisconsin Public Radio Monday that she supports eliminating the filibuster in order to nationally legalize abortion.

Harris not only zealously fights for abortion but against its critics.

When pro-life citizen journalist and Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden published undercover videos in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood officials callously talking about butchering, playing with, and trafficking baby parts, California's then-Attorney General Harris targeted the whistleblower contra those apparently butchering babies for profit.

Harris authorized a raid on his home, beginning a years-long effort to punish the pro-life activist and to hide Daleiden's damning evidence from the American people.

'Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion.'

Planned Parenthood Action Fund has endorsed Harris for president as well as numerous other Democrats who have made clear their commitment to the legal extermination of innocent life, such as:

  • New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, set to face off with Mike Sapraicone, a Republican who has referred to some abortions as "murder" and supports restrictions;
  • Nevada Sen. Jacky Rosen, set to face off with Republican Purple Heart recipient Sam Brown, who identifies as pro-life and hopes "women choose life";
  • Montana Sen. Jon Tester, set to face off with Republican Tim Sheehy, a "proudly" pro-life Purple Heart recipient;
  • Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin, set to face off with Republican Eric Hovde, who said earlier this year, "I think there is a point where once a baby can be born healthy and alive, that it's unconscionable that that baby could be terminated"; and
  • Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, set to face off against Republican Bernie Moreno, a Catholic who supports federal "common-sense restrictions" on abortion after 15 weeks.

Whereas Harris seeks to nationally enshrine abortion as a right, Donald Trump — who nominated the Supreme Court justices who helped overthrow Roe v. Wade — has made clear he will preserve the new status quo, leaving it up to the states to legislate for or against abortion.

Leftists have made clear they are not content with diversity among the states on this issue. Democrats have pushed radical initiatives in red states to prevent lawmakers from passing pro-life legislation down the road.

Blaze News previously reported that in November, voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Nevada will decide whether to amend their respective state constitutions to guarantee residents the legal right to kill the unborn at various stages of development.

While the Democratic Party has fielded numerous Catholic candidates, its support for abortion may qualify them for de facto excommunications.

"Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable," says the Catechism. "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life."

The USCCB's committee on pro-life activities similarly did not mince words, noting:

Given the scientific fact that a human life begins at conception, the only moral norm needed to understand the Church's opposition to abortion is the principle that each and every human life has inherent dignity, and thus must be treated with the respect due to a human person. This is the foundation for the Church's social doctrine, including its teachings on war, the use of capital punishment, euthanasia, health care, poverty and immigration. Conversely, to claim that some live human beings do not deserve respect or should not be treated as 'persons' (based on changeable factors such as age, condition, location, or lack of mental or physical abilities) is to deny the very idea of inherent human rights.

Despite the clarity of church teaching, the Pew Research Center revealed earlier this year that 61% of Catholics in the U.S. believe that abortion should be legal.

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Ana Navarro puts her ignorance on full display while trying to needle Trump over Virgin Mary post

Trump posted an image of the Virgin Mary to social media Sunday with the caption, "Happy Birthday Mary!"

The post ostensibly resonated with a great many Christians, Catholics in particular — of which there are nearly 1.4 billion worldwide and at least 52 million stateside. However, various radicals reflexively went on the attack.

Among those prickled by the painting of Christ's mother was Harris booster Ana Navarro, a former foreign agent who is now co-host of ABC's "The View." In a desperate attempt to embarrass Trump over the post, Navarro instead beclowned herself.

Navarro, a recent speaker at the Democratic National Convention and former national surrogate for John McCain's failed 2008 presidential campaign, responded, "When you obviously know nothing about virgins."

The image Trump shared is a devotional image of the Virgin of Guadalupe displayed on woven cloth and located within the Basílica de Guadalupe in Mexico City.

While Navarro suggested that Trump is ignorant of virgins, his understanding appears to have bested hers on the fundamentals.

The image he shared — of the Virgin of Guadalupe — depicts the Virgin Mary. Where Catholics like Melania Trump are concerned, September 8 is the feast day celebrating the nativity of the Virgin Mary — also known as her birthday.

Christians outside Mexico have been celebrating Mary's birthday, as Trump had, since at least the sixth century.

'Can somebody please tell this idiota to show some respect.'

Some individuals online who attempted to extract sense from Navarro's tweet concluded that the former Contras campaigner was herself perhaps unclear about what "virgin" meant, at least in the case of Mary — that Navarro believed that the Virgin Mary had no birthday.

While the Catholic Church holds that Mary was "preserved immune from all stain of original stain" from the first moment of her conception, it nevertheless maintains she was still conceived and born, hence her centuries-old birthday celebration.

In the face of significant backlash online over her failed attack, Navarro indicated why she was upset in an edited Instagram post.

Navarro wrote, "I mean, I know Trump knows nothing about virgins, but even for him, this is ridiculous. Can somebody please tell this idiota to show some respect. September 8th is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Feast Day of La Virgén de la Caridad del Cobre, patron Virgin of Cuba. This is the Virgin of Guadalupe - Patron Virgin of Mexico. Her Feast Day is Dec 12th. I can't. I just can't."

The religious figure celebrated in each of those feasts is the same depicted in the image Trump shared Sunday. It appears Navarro either regards them as distinct entities or the image used by Trump to be regionally exclusive.

Navarro told CNN talking head Erin Burnett in 2016 that "maybe if the Virgin Mary appeared to me and asked me to do it, I would consider [voting for Trump]."

Clearly, the co-host of "The View" will take more convincing than a post she failed to appreciate.

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Conservative Super PAC Hits Democrats Over Anti-Catholic Bigotry In Western Ad Blitz

A conservative super PAC launched a new ad campaign targeting Democrats in western Senate races over lawmakers' anti-Catholic records.