Tax-Funded Group Trains Wisconsin Daycares To Encourage Riots And Abolishing The Police

In the training, author Megan Madison, told daycare workers that 'the color-blind approach' to race 'is ineffective and potentially harmful.'

Tax-Funded Group Sends Anti-White, Pro-Trans Board Books To Wisconsin Daycares

'For a long time, many people have said and believed untrue things like: 'You are either a boy or a girl,'' says one board book sent to daycares.

It’s Time For Young People To Take Sweat Equity Literally

Whatever form it takes, manual labor done well is immensely rewarding. So don’t stick up your nose — roll up your sleeves and get to work.

It’s Time For Young People To Take Sweat Equity Literally

Whatever form it takes, manual labor done well is immensely rewarding. So don’t stick up your nose — roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Inside Creative House/Getty Images

Biden administration claims full-time mothers hurt the economy

The Biden administration claims it is bad for women to care for their families because that damages GDP growth. Know what damages GDP growth? Motherless kids.

Biden To Sign Executive Order On Child Care

'The president's not going to wait to take action'

Federal Family Leave Would Make Parents Pay More To Get Less Help

A one-size-fits-all, federal paid family leave program would be ineffective, disruptive, and costly.

New GOP Child Care Plan Seeks Subsidy Expansion For Working, Middle-Class Parents. What About Those Sacrificing To Stay Home?

While Democrats demand new entitlement programs to enhance the affordability of child care, Republicans are debuting alternative solutions.

Lockdowns Made The Wage Gap Worse, And Some Women Are Pretty Happy About It

Miserable pandemic lockdowns gave women the freedom to be paid less and be happy about it.