China’s Stateside ‘Rent-A-Womb’ Industry Poses Yet Another National Security Nightmare

Increasingly, Chinese nationals are using American surrogates to bear their children. Thanks to in vitro fertilization, they don’t even need to leave China.

French President Macron Sold The West Out To China For An Ego Boost

Macron has revealed through his behaviors in China that he is a useful idiot of the CCP and an untrustworthy partner of the United States.

Why The WTO Shouldn’t Break U.S. COVID Vaccine Patents

In the coming months, as the WTO decides how to proceed with this controversial decision, they must consider not just the current pandemic but the future of pharmaceutical innovations.

An American Boycott Of The Beijing Olympics Would Only Let Communist China Win

Biden must allow our athletes to take to the global stage in the 2022 Olympics, showing Communist China that tyranny will not triumph over the globe.