The West Is Killing Marriage, And Its Death Might Kill The West

In an increasingly digitized, relativized, and materialized world, marriage has become the exception rather than the rule.

There’s A Reason Moving In Before Marriage Makes Divorce More Likely, But Barstool Can’t Figure It Out

To approach marriage as a means to the end of loving ourselves is to make the marriage as futile of a pursuit as 'self-love' is.

Telling Women They Don’t Need Men Is Hurting Their Children

Today, one-quarter of women between 32 and 38 were not married when they had their first child, compared to only 4 percent in 1996.

Cohabitation Isn’t As Good As Marriage, And The Law Shouldn’t Pretend It Is

Marriage better supports individual and social wellbeing, and the government can and should reinforce its value through economic incentives. Cohabitation, not so much.

How Your Tax Dollars Pay For Children To Grow Up In Broken Homes

Unmarried couples lose federal subsidies and tax benefits if they get married. Government shouldn't penalize marriage, and it should work to have people support themselves.