Horowitz: UK report raises concerns about suboptimal vaccine antibodies erasing natural immunity

In many areas of life, half a loaf is better than no loaf at all. But when it comes to vaccines, the opposite is true. Half-baked antibodies injected throughout the entire population can make the virus even stronger and negate people's natural immunity. Thus, all the defenses of the leaky vaccine suggesting that it at least conveys "some" protection are actually extremely concerning, a point driven home by a nugget in the most recent surveillance report from Public Health England (PHE).

On page 23 of PHE's "COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 42," British health officials report a shocking finding. They believe their serology tests are underestimating the number of people with prior infection due to "recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination." In other words, the vaccine might be reducing the all-important N antibodies that one generates from natural infection. Kudos to former NYT reporter Alex Berenson for discovering this important point.

Until now, we've been operating under the assumption that those with prior infection don't need the vaccine to boost immunity and taking the shots would only expose them to the growing risk of side effects. However, what if the shots are actually sliding back the natural immunity generated in those with previous infection? What if that is related to the macro concern that a narrow-spectrum vaccine with suboptimal antibodies that only recognize the "S" (spike) protein of the virus but not the "N" (nucleocapsid) of the virus will cause B cells in those with the vaccine to learn to produce only S antibodies, which are slower-acting and less sterilizing (don't stop transmission) than N antibodies, which are faster-acting and are more effective in their protection against the virus?

It's not like we weren't confronted with some other warning signs that the vaccine could perhaps negate some of the immunity acquired from prior infection. In March, researchers from Mount Sinai in New York and Hospital La Paz in Madrid posted a preprint study indicating that at least the second Pfizer shot might weaken T cell immunity. In a shocking discovery after monitoring a group of vaccinated people both with and without prior infection, they found "in individuals with a pre-existing immunity against SARS-CoV-2, the second vaccine dose not only fail to boost humoral immunity but determines a contraction of the spike-specific T cell response." They also note that other research has shown "the second vaccination dose appears to exert a detrimental effect in the overall magnitude of the spike-specific humoral response in COVID-19 recovered individuals."

Thus, mass vaccinating with leaky suboptimal antibody production could serve as a Trojan horse and make people more susceptible to an ever-enhanced virus. It's not like we had no warning about the possibility of viral enhancement through waning and suboptimal vaccine-mediated antibodies. On page 52 of Pfizer's "Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum," it is admitted that antibody dependent disease enhancement was a possibility in the long run with waning efficacy.

"However, risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials and in observational studies that could be conducted following authorization and/or licensure," write the FDA regulators in the memo. In the April 9, 2021, follow-up memorandum (p. 40), the FDA follows up with the same concern.

Well, here we are today, and we now know this vaccine wanes so badly that they are pushing boosters for everyone, as transmission rates among the vaccinated begin to overtake the unvaccinated. At the time of the April FDA memorandum, it was claimed that the vaccines were not waning. But several months later, they leaked so much that now the CDC is not even ruling out the possibility of deeming those without booster shots "unvaccinated," just like in Israel. So, if the vaccine-mediated antibodies wane beyond what anyone could have imagined, and we are seeing with our own eyes that the virus is getting worse instead of better, how is the concern of viral enhancement not even entertained?

According to PHE data, 86% of all U.K. residents over age 12 have received at least one shot, including nearly everyone in a vulnerable age bracket. Yet the summer and early fall curve, as presented by Worldometer, has blown out the magnitude of the case curve last year when nobody was vaccinated, and the daily numbers are reaching close to their winter peak.

The case rates per capita are now higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in every age cohort over 30.

Oct 21, 2021: UK CoV2 infection rates among the fully vaxxed remain higher than those of the unvaxxed in all age co… https://t.co/hQqCXdRzc0

— Don Wolt (@tlowdon) 1634880346.0

According to the PHE data (p.16), among those who died within 60 days of testing positive for COVID over the past three weeks in the U.K., 83% of them were fully vaccinated. Some of those deaths were obviously incidental, and among the most vulnerable groups, the vaccination rate is over 90%, but still, something is not right. This is not what we would expect from any minimally effective vaccine.

Consider the fact that they are now taking young children who are not vulnerable to this virus at all and who will produce impervious lifelong natural immunity, and aside from injecting them with numerous side effects, perhaps their natural immunity will also be mitigated by the suboptimal antibodies. Why on earth would anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty make these shots available (much less mandate them) to young children?

Behold the power of a leaky vaccine. When it comes to vaccines, half a loaf is not better than no loaf; it's a poisonous loaf.

Horowitz: Shocking report: 55% of Brits have antibodies, despite 12 months of restrictions

You mean we did all that for nothing?

Originally, we were told that governments can assume unprecedented control over our lives, businesses, and even our own faces for the goal of not overrunning hospitals. A year later, as we come increasingly close to herd immunity, not only are hospitals in no danger of being overrun, but it turns out that people have likely contracted the virus at a rate that would have occurred without any of these restrictions – and their calamitous damage to society. Twelve months later, it's all pain and no gain.

We've always known that the number of confirmed COVID cases in a given region is only a fraction of the likely infection rate. Now, according to Great Britain's Office for National Statistics (ONS), 54.7% of people in England in a random sample of 30,000 have SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, which includes people who have had been infected or have been vaccinated. Those are the sort of numbers we were promised would happen only if we just "let the virus rip" without any non-pharmaceutical interventions, aka lockdowns and mask-wearing. But it turns out that the virus was always gonna virus, regardless of what hocus-pocus was thrown in front of it.

The survey, conducted from December 7 to March 14, also revealed the antibody levels in the other areas of Great Britain: 50.5% in Wales, 49.3% in Northern Ireland, and 42.6% in Scotland. As the Daily Mail observes, "The figure is likely to be even higher now because millions more have been vaccinated since the blood tests were conducted a fortnight ago, and it takes about two weeks for immunity to kick in."

Also, many people don't produce antibodies or their antibodies wane quickly because the T cells warded off the virus without major symptoms. It is therefore likely that if 55% of Brits have antibodies, a supermajority of citizens are already immune.

We have no way of knowing how much of the seroprevelance is from the vaccinations and how much is from infection, but many other countries have had aggressive vaccination programs and still do not have as few cases as Great Britain currently has. That tells you there is a lot of built-up immunity from the earlier waves of infection.

Here are the latest death numbers from Worldometer.

This data demonstrates that the entire 12-month premise of lockdowns and masks to slow the spread was a lie (after the original lie of flatten the curve), and even more so, any continuation of these policies after most people have immunity is built upon a dastardly lie. Even if the new goal has changed illogically from decreasing the burden on the hospitals to slowing the growth of cases, it's quite evident that these measures don't work. We have now achieved well over 50% immunity between infection and vaccines in most Western countries, built on 12 months of masochist public policy designed to preclude that immunity.

Despite cases slowing to a trickle for the past two months, Britain is still under a strict lockdown. Restaurants, hotels, stadiums, and even indoor mixing in groups of six or more are still being regulated until May 17, as well as all international travel. Even nonessential retail and gyms are closed for another week.

Ironically, this news comes at a time of global panic over the "Kent" British variant of the virus, which was supposedly super deadly and contagious, yet Britain itself barely had any cases since the variant was discovered. Which demonstrates that this is all about natural geographical and seasonal patters of spread that will continue everywhere until herd immunity is built up, not about specific variants or non-pharmaceutical interventions.

What this likely shows is that immunity from both infection and the vaccines works against different variants of the virus, as one would expect, but only those who had a high degree of natural immunity are close to herd immunity. Serbia, which also has high vaccination rates like Great Britain, is still going through its latest wave of deaths.

The difference between Serbia and Great Britain is obvious because Serbia, like most Eastern European countries, didn't experience much of a wave earlier last year. Consequentially, the country has less built up natural immunity on top of the vaccinations.

Texas, like Great Britain, has probably come close to herd immunity, which is why three weeks after getting rid of the mask mandate, and with the Kent variant as the dominant strain throughout Texas, the virus is at its lowest level since it started.

NEW: 3 weeks since Texas lifted their mask mandate, the 7 day average in cases is the lowest it's been since June https://t.co/RFATqgXzGb
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911)1617559631.0

The Czech Republic, on the other hand, was touted as the world champion masking country, yet it failed to protect this nation from experiencing the worst surge in Europe.

@bclpbclp @RMConservative @GBMillennial @WSJ @ianmSC Batting 1.000 https://t.co/dhbAZCl4Mo
— Hold2 (@Hold2)1617711396.0

By hook or by crook, we will reach herd immunity. The question is whether we will to continue to needlessly destroy humanity in the process.