RFK Jr. takes on Big Pharma’s lies — bring on the reckoning!

My vote for Donald Trump has already paid off multiple times in the last month. But even if Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s appointment as secretary of Health and Human Services were the only win, it would have been worth it. And as if the heavens themselves agreed, RFK Jr.’s swearing-in happened just as the University of Washington released the first serious academic study confirming that the COVID mRNA vaccines don’t work.

Hmmmmmm. Why does the University of Washington sound so familiar? Think back to early 2020, when everyone checked COVID forecasts daily to see just how badly we were going to be screwed. Bill Gates and his Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation models from the University of Washington were the driving force behind the primary pandemic propaganda.

Let the lion out of its cage and give the truth its day.

We were told, "The end is near." Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx used IHME’s projections to pressure states into lockdowns, warning that failure to comply would turn America into a scene from “The Walking Dead.” We had to double mask, never touch the so-called “horse paste,” and wait patiently for the sacred Pfizer vaccine to save us. Pfizer gods be praised!

But instead of piles of bodies and a narrowly averted catastrophe, we got one of the biggest grifts in history. And now, the University of Washington is finally admitting it. Or as John Cusack’s Lane Meyer famously put it in the 1985 cult classic “Better Off Dead”: “Gee, I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.”

For four years, they imposed their worldview on us, no matter how cruel and irrational it was. That goal mattered more than anything else. It mattered so much that they forced it on us through IHME and Big Pharma, despite knowing the COVID shots had a questionable safety profile — including a 7% serious incident rate, as revealed by the CDC’s own V-safe data. The shots poisoned us, and they didn’t work — just as we warned back in 2021 and most recently in my best-selling book with Daniel Horowitz, “Rise of the Fourth Reich.”

Now that we’ve broken free from the grip of the IHME witch doctors, the math is clear. You were at least 160% more likely to suffer an adverse reaction from the COVID vaccine than to be hospitalized for COVID. Worse, you had a 1,600% greater chance of experiencing a serious adverse event from the vaccine than of dying from the virus itself.

Who, knowing that math and not already psychologically and emotionally addicted to the supposed magic of vaccines, would willingly take on that level of risk? No one in their right mind, that’s who.

Instead of rushing even more mRNA technology into the marketplace, the obvious conclusion is to pull it off the market entirely. The only real victory in the risk-versus-reward equation for this unproven medical intervention has been financial — Big Pharma’s relentless pursuit of profit under the “Show me the money!” mantra. Now, despite mounting concerns, these same companies want to use mRNA to cure cancer, even though the technology may already be responsible for causing it.

This is why RFK Jr. is being welcomed to Washington, D.C., with palm branches and hosannas. The time has come for an honest, definitive hearing about what these people did to us — and what they plan to do again.

Let the lion out of its cage and give the truth its day. RFK Jr. will undoubtedly face cross-examination over some of his findings from those who profit from decades of medical and health-related lies. But that debate doesn’t scare me — far from it. I welcome it. After all, when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit.

Let’s have friction. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have a trial. Let justice roll on like a river.

You’re up to bat, RFK Jr. Swing for the fences.

Despite Biden’s pardon, Anthony Fauci still faces legal perils. Here they are.

Joe Biden’s pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci may protect the former National Institutes of Health official from immediate criminal prosecution, but some critics say he is not completely out of legal jeopardy and that public sentiment might still condemn the man who became known during the COVID-19 pandemic as “Mr. Science.”

In the days before Biden offered the pardon to Fauci, along with other critics of Donald Trump, some experts who have followed Fauci’s career and handling of the pandemic, as well as members of the Trump transition team, reiterated their assertion that Fauci perjured himself on several occasions during the pandemic — especially regarding his agency’s links to the lab in Wuhan, China, that may have created the virus that causes COVID-19.

Biden’s pardon negates the two Senate referrals for criminal activity. But future hearings could still require Fauci to respond to evidence that he may have perjured himself.

The pardon addresses any COVID-related offenses and is backdated to 2014 — the year a U.S. ban on so-called "gain of function" virus research took effect. Fauci has been accused of outsourcing that research to China.

Despite reporting that Trump is bent on revenge, the appetite among MAGA appointees for holding Fauci accountable hasn’t been particularly vocal. But former Senate investigator Jason Foster, who now runs the whistleblower nonprofit Empower Oversight, says that Biden’s pardon creates new legal jeopardy for Fauci.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has vowed to continue investigating COVID’s origins, and sources tell RealClearInvestigations that Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and House Republican investigators plan to do so as well. When testifying in those inquiries or answering written depositions, Fauci will be unable to dodge questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination.

“They can ask him if he lied before, replow old ground,” Foster said. “And if he lies about any prior lie, he can be prosecuted for that or held in contempt.”

Andrew Noymer, associate professor of population health and disease prevention at the University of California, Irvine, said such hearings are necessary for scientific and historical reasons. “I’m hopeful that he will now come clean about everything he knows about the origins of the virus,” Noymer said. “For the sake of public trust in science — explaining what killed 20 million people — that a complete account is much more important than speculation about what criminal penalties he may have avoided.”

“These pardons will not stop Department of Justice investigations,” said one adviser to the Trump transition team, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We expected this and look at it as a predicate to get truth from people who can no longer use the Fifth Amendment. Now we can bring every one of them in front of a grand jury.”

A legacy of deception

There is no consensus on Fauci’s handling of the pandemic. Legacy media outlets promoted Fauci throughout the pandemic as “America’s doctor” who “sticks to the facts” and applauded him as “the nation’s top infectious disease expert.” When he retired from the NIH after five decades in 2022, the New York Times granted him space on its opinion page to advise the next generation of scientists, citing his own accomplishments.

Numerous social media outlets have provided a polar opposite perspective. Several X accounts have uploaded videos that show Fauci’s inconsistencies. For example, Fauci claimed in early 2022 interviews that he never recommended lockdowns, but later said he recommended shutting the country down. Independent journalist Matt Orfalea circulated another set of clips that show Fauci claiming he kept an “open mind” about how the pandemic started while alleging in others that the evidence pointed against a lab accident and “strongly” in favor of a natural spillover.

As Fauci’s flip-flops generated attention in Republican circles and on social media, he charged that such criticism was “totally preposterous,” adding, “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.”

Fauci’s many contradictory statements even caught the attention of a New York Times contributing opinion writer, Megan K. Stack, who chastised Fauci for “the largely one-sided nature of his public remarks” about the possibility that the pandemic started from an accident at a lab his agency had helped fund — the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Initially, Fauci dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” the possibility of a Wuhan lab accident on a Feb. 9, 2020, podcast hosted by Newt Gingrich. Afterward, Fauci reversed himself, stating in several interviews that he had always kept an open mind.

Later reports zeroed in on Fauci’s secret involvement in prominent March 2020 research, called the “proximal origin” paper, that turned public and scientific sentiment against the possibility of a lab accident. “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus,” the paper concluded, adding, “We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.” Published in the prestigious Nature Medicine journal, the “proximal origin” paper is the most-cited scientific paper of 2020.

Subsequent emails showed that Fauci helped guide the “proximal origin” paper to publication, as congressional probers found, “without revealing that he had been involved with its creation and had even, according to the emails, given it his approval.”

Distancing himself from his own emails, Fauci later told the Times that he wasn’t sure he even got around to reading the paper. But the House later released a multiday deposition of Fauci in which he was asked about his involvement in the “proximal origin” paper. Under oath, Fauci admitted to having received and read several drafts of the paper.

But while dissembling to the media is not a crime, lying to Congress is illegal. And the Department of Justice has two referrals from Congress already requesting that Fauci be prosecuted for lying under oath.

Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Lies as legal jeopardy

Fauci’s habit of bending the truth, as some see it, was notably on display at a July 2021 Senate hearing when Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican, bored into the funding Fauci approved for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. While Fauci attempted to downplay his financial involvement with the Chinese government lab, reports were already percolating.

In April 2020, Newsweek reported that Fauci had approved a grant for risky gain-of-function virus research at the Wuhan lab. The Washington Post editorial board in March 2021 then called for an independent investigation into EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit funded by the Fauci-run National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases. With this grant, EcoHealth subcontracted research to the Chinese, the Post noted, to do experiments involving “modifying viral genomes to give them new properties, including the ability to infect lung cells of laboratory mice that had been genetically modified to respond as human respiratory cells would.”

Fox News reported Sunday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has barred EcoHealth Alliance Inc. and its former president, Dr. Peter Daszak, from receiving federal funds for five years. EcoHealth allegedly failed to report dangerous gain-of-function experiments to the government, which eventually led to the five-year ban.

A month before Fauci’s hearing with Paul, Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs confirmed that U.S.-funded research at the WIV consisted of gain-of-function virus research that could have started the pandemic. “[I]t is clear that the NIH co-funded research at the WIV that deserves scrutiny under the hypothesis of a laboratory-related release of the virus.” At that time, Sachs led a commission formed by a British medical journal, the Lancet, to investigate how the pandemic began.

But when Paul began grilling Fauci about these details and called him out for what he characterized as evasive answers, Fauci pointed the finger back at Paul. “If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you,” Fauci said. Paul then sent a criminal referral to the Department of Justice requesting that it investigate whether Fauci had committed perjury.

“He definitely misled the senator,” said former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield. When Redfield looked at all the evidence, including still-classified information, he said the weight falls in the direction of a lab accident. “Fauci manipulated the public to believe there was only one possible cause for the pandemic, a natural spillover.”

Months after Paul’s referral to the Justice Department, liberal news nonprofit ProPublica released new documents confirming the Wuhan lab had conducted such studies. “Grant money for the controversial experiment came from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is headed by Anthony Fauci,” ProPublica reported on September 9, 2021.

“NIH admits funding risky virus research in Wuhan,” Vanity Fair reported a week after ProPublica, referring to a letter the NIH sent to Congress.

Paul sent a second referral to the Department of Justice in July 2023, reiterating his demand that Fauci be investigated. At that time, House investigators released emails showing that in early 2020, Fauci admitted that scientists were concerned the COVID virus had been engineered and researchers in Wuhan were engaged in gain-of-function research.

“Everything he has been telling us from the very beginning has been a lie,” Paul told Fox News. “We have documented it’s a lie, and it’s a felony to lie to Congress.”

Biden’s pardon negates the two Senate referrals for criminal activity. But future hearings could still require Fauci to respond to evidence that he may have perjured himself and open him up to future prosecution if he stands by statements that can be proven to be false.

Hiding the use of private email

Another area of potential inquiry is Fauci’s congressional testimony last summer denying his use of private email to conduct official business. “Let me state for the record that to the best of my knowledge, I have never conducted official business via my personal email,” Fauci wrote in his sworn statement to Congress.

This testimony seemed to contradict evidence in a 35-page memo compiled by Republican investigative staff. One email showed Fauci’s second in command, Dr. David Morens, suggesting that someone speak with Fauci through an unofficial, private channel. In another email, Morens wrote that he would contact Fauci on Gmail.

After Fauci’s testimony, the writer of this article reported in the DisInformation Chronicle that Morens had connected KFF Health News reporter Arthur Allen with Fauci on Fauci’s private email back in May 2021. The NIH did not respond to comment about Fauci’s use of private email to conduct government business with reporters.

In a second example, the New York Post reported that the watchdog group the White Coat Waste Project accused Fauci of lying to Congress about his private email use after the group released documents showing Fauci was back-channeling with a Washington Post reporter on his private email.

“I will send you an e-mail via my gmail account,” Fauci wrote in an email dated Oct. 29, 2021, to Washington Post reporter Yasmeen Abutaleb.

Fauci’s lawyer told the Post that Fauci was discussing a personal matter with the Washington Post reporter, although he did not explain what this personal matter was.

Justin Goodman, senior vice president at the White Coat Waste Project, said the evidence is clear that Fauci contacted the Washington Post about issues regarding his NIH work and then denied it to Congress. “He should be prosecuted, not pardoned.”

Follow the money

Congressional hearings might also delve into Fauci’s involvement in research misconduct with the “proximal origin” paper and a grant he approved for the paper’s lead author, Scripps Research Institute’s Kristian Andersen.

“There needs to be a criminal investigation of this grant and paper,” said a former law enforcement official who has worked with congressional staff investigating Fauci and his grants. “Nobody inside the executive branch has taken ownership of this.”

'It’s been a huge paradigm shift to see a hero actually turn into a villain.'

Shortly after the COVID virus outbreak, Fauci began discussing with several virologists, including Andersen, how the pandemic started. In a Feb. 1, 2020, email, Andersen wrote to Fauci that he had analyzed the COVID virus genetic sequence and “some of the features (potentially) look engineered.” Andersen added that while opinions could change, he and other virologists felt the virus was not natural or consistent with “expectations with evolutionary theory.”

Later that same day, Fauci held a phone call with Andersen and other virologists and then emailed that the scientists were suspicious that a “mutation was intentionally inserted” into the virus. Other emails show that Fauci was concerned that his funding for research in China may have led to the COVID virus.

Despite their initial suspicions, Andersen and other virologists reversed course six weeks later and published the “proximal origin” paper on March 16, 2020, that absolved Fauci of funding research that led to the pandemic. Fauci then promoted the Andersen “proximal origin” paper to reporters at a White House briefing on April 17 without disclosing that he had helped marshal the study into publication.

A month later, Fauci signed off on an $8.9 million grant to Kristian Andersen. Both Andersen and Fauci have denied that the grant was quid pro quo for Andersen publishing the “proximal origin” paper that absolved Fauci, but the group Biosafety Now has called twice for the paper to be retracted.

“It is imperative that this clearly fraudulent and clearly damaging paper be removed from the scientific literature,” reads an online petition signed by over 5,000 scientists.

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University and co-founder of Biosafety Now, said that Fauci should have been prosecuted for “criminal conspiracy” for his secret involvement in the “proximal origin” paper. Ebright added that the grant Fauci gave to Andersen after he published the paper likely also involved criminal behavior.

With Republicans running both the Senate and House, investigations of Fauci will likely continue as members resume digging into any NIH culpability in funding research that started the pandemic. Trump’s CIA nominee, John Ratcliffe, told House members during a 2023 hearing that classified intelligence points toward a lab accident. Ratcliffe is likely to be confirmed, and a Trump transition team source said he would likely then declassify that information, further undermining Fauci’s claims that the pandemic started from a natural spillover.

Ongoing investigations of Fauci, RCI has been told, will only further erode his credibility, even if criminal charges can no longer be filed. “This pardon means he can no longer be brought to justice,” said an adviser to the Trump transition team. “But it guarantees he will be further exposed.”

“I trusted everything Fauci said during the pandemic, and I did everything he told me,” said Bri Dressen, a former preschool teacher in Saratoga Springs, Utah. “I masked, wiped down my groceries with alcohol, kept my kids away from other kids so they wouldn’t catch the virus, and then I got vaccinated.” Dressen ended up injured by AstraZeneca’s vaccine as a volunteer in the company’s clinical trial and founded React19.org, whose 36,000 members advocate on behalf of victims of COVID vaccine harm.

“It was the steepest learning curve in my entire life. The people in authority like Fauci are the ones I shouldn’t have trusted,” Dressen said. “It’s been a huge paradigm shift to see a hero actually turn into a villain.”

Editor’s note: This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made available via RealClearWire.

‘Enough is enough’: Family escapes Empire State over vaccine vendetta

Everyone has their own unique COVID story and, in the beginning, the Cutlers of Staten Island were accompanied by a dream come true.

After years of saving and sacrificing, the timing of the onset of the scamdemic went hand in hand with Curtis and Liz Cutler closing on their very first home. With New York’s lockdown orders, they and their two children had to hunker down and isolate like the rest of us. But it would be in a place that truly excited them, where Curtis would complete much of the renovation projects on his own.

The Cutlers questioned whether a Christian could shoulder the spiritual risk of staying in a place that seemed bent on its own destruction.

And since Curtis was viewed as an essential worker, his bottom line never took a hit while he carried on his duties as a city sanitation worker. There was more garbage than ever to collect as people isolated in their Netflix and chill fortresses, and Curtis rightly felt confident that fit men in their 30s or 40s like him were in nearly zero danger from COVID.

The schools shutting down was no picnic for his kids, but he was confident his family would get through the crisis with the help of their strong faith. Curtis was a deacon at the same evangelical church he grew up in, which his grandfather once helped lead as an elder.

And indeed, his faith has helped see him through — but not without cost. Because when the vaccine mandates came down in late 2021, everything changed for the worse. It was a time for choosing. Would he be counted among the sheep or the bleating goats sacrificed to the god of Big Pharma?

Curtis applied for a religious exemption with little concern that he might not receive one as a deacon. But despite multiple members of the sanitation department who also attended the same church as Curtis receiving theirs, Curtis was denied and shortly thereafter terminated.

"We were viewed as essential workers until we weren’t,” said Curtis during an interview with the "New York Mandate Podcast," which features stories like his.

Joined by 15 of his fellow sanitation workers, Curtis did not take his firing lying down. They sued and won in the Staten Island Supreme Court in October 2022. But the pharma fascists appealed the decision, and that remains the state of things to this very day — more than two years since Curtis should have been reinstated in his job.

The process was the punishment, and the Cutlers ultimately decided they were no longer willing to be its victims. It was time to move.

They remain involved in legal appeals and continue to pressure the New York City Council — albeit from a distance — to approve Resolution 5. That measure would reinstate city workers fired because of the vaccine mandate, which no longer applies in New York since Mayor Eric Adams suspended it nearly two years ago. With no relief in sight, Curtis reflected on their situation and concluded that staying put would leave his family “slowly bleeding out.”

They could not afford to remain in New York. The Cutlers also questioned whether a Christian could shoulder the spiritual risk of staying in a place that seemed bent on its own destruction.

Yes, that meant selling the new dream home. Yes, that meant leaving the church where Curtis grew up, served as a deacon, and where his family had worshipped for three generations. But when your child must go to the hospital without insurance — like the Cutlers did, due to what they see as the state’s petty tyranny — hard decisions become necessary.

Curtis and Liz now call red-state South Carolina home, refugees from New York’s chaos. Like many in their situation, this is a burden they never expected to bear. Yet it has reaffirmed for them that the most important things are worth fighting for and that their Lord will never abandon them. So onward they go.

“We are told not to fear man,” Curtis said, referring to his choice to reject the COVID jab and the path that decision set for his family. “While my driver’s license may have Caesar’s inscription on it, my body doesn’t. It is the Lord’s.”

Blaze News original: Let us never forget the left's reprehensible behavior toward fellow Americans who refused COVID jabs

After COVID-19 vaccines became available in early 2021, not everybody in America was down with the getting the jabs. Typical vaccines take years of testing prior to approval, but since the COVID vaccines were produced with lightning speed, lots of folks were concerned and resisted getting the shots.

Readers of Blaze News won't soon forget what happened next. Vaccine mandates and steadily growing pressure to get the jab turned into an all-out assault on "anti-vaxxers" by the government, businesses, the mainstream media, celebrities, politicians, and the medical community.

'If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, and you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s**t, OK? I just want to punch you in the goddamned face.'

In September 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order requiring federal workers to be vaccinated; that same month, he announced a sweeping vaccination mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees, which the Supreme Court later blocked.

In October 2021, Biden said he believed police officers and first responders who refused the jab should be fired.

Widespread firings indeed happened. Teachers were terminated for not getting vaccinated. Businesses and hospitals fired employees who refused the jab. A viral video showed a nurse being escorted out of a hospital after her religious exemption was denied, and a UCLA doctor suffered a similar fate.

An October 2021 New York City vaccine mandate required all city employees — including police and firefighters — to get the jab or lose their jobs. Indeed, 1,400 city workers were canned for refusing vaccinations, but incredibly Mayor Eric Adams (D) in March 2022 exempted city-based athletes and performers from the mandate. That came after the awful optics of then-Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving, who was unvaccinated, being barred from playing in Brooklyn's home games — but somehow being allowed to watch those games from the seats in the Nets' arena.

Want more bad looks? How about an unvaccinated Coast Guard member who, after rescuing Hurricane Ian victims, faced termination for not getting the jab? Biden managed to personally thank the hero days before his scheduled dismissal. Or Washington, D.C., Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser announcing no virtual instruction options for unvaccinated students? Turns out 40% of black students were in that mix. Or a trio of unvaccinated Air Force Academy cadets who were denied their commissions? Or the Navy barring a destroyer from setting sail because its commander wouldn't get the jab?

How about a hospital pulling the plug on a lifesaving kidney transplant because the donor wasn't vaccinated? Or a health care system denying an organ transplant to a dying unvaccinated woman? Or another hospital removing a dying man from its heart transplant list because he was unvaccinated?

Along with the aforementioned gut-punches from those in power against the unvaccinated, further bolstering the cause were the seemingly daily insults — which arguably were dangerous in some cases — from the left against those who refused the jab.

A number of your favorite usual suspects show up below, and you may even remember some of their astonishing declarations. A number of them called for shaming and shunning the unvaccinated. Others wanted to make life a "living hell" for them. One even wanted to punch them in the "goddamned face." You get the idea.

Let's not ever forget.

Sunny Hostin declares 'we need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated' — specifically 'white evangelicals' and 'Republicans'

Sunny Hostin of "The View" tore into Americans who indicated they wouldn't get the COVID-19 vaccine by saying we should "shun" them — and the co-host specifically called out "white evangelicals" and "Republicans."

Hostin said during the show's May 3, 2021, episode that "when you look at the folks that are not getting vaccinated — because it's a quarter of Americans that aren't getting vaccinated — white evangelicals: 45% say they won't get vaccinated according to ... Pew Research ... almost 50% of Republicans are refusing to get the vaccine. So we won't reach herd immunity because of those particular groups."

Then the co-host lowered the boom: "So I say we need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated."

She added that unvaccinated Americans should be refused entry into certain places: "I think if you have not been vaccinated, no entry. You want to get on a plane? You gotta be vaccinated, show proof of vaccination. And those people who don't want to get vaccinated ... that's fine for you, but you can't spread it to other people. ... You don't get those other liberties that come with immunity. Something has to break. If that's your personal choice not to get vaccinated, you don't then get to infringe on the rights of those who have chosen to protect their fellow citizens."

You can view Hostin's comments here just after the 3:30 mark.

James Carville wants law passed that allows him, others to punch 'piece of s**t' unvaccinated Americans in the 'godd**ned face'

"I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do," Carville — a famous Democratic operative — said during a February 2022 episode of the "Politics War Room" podcast.

He also said, "If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, and you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s**t, OK? I just want to punch you in the goddamned face."

Carville added, "That’s the way I look at these people."

Jimmy Kimmel says unvaccinated Americans who have taken ivermectin should be denied ICU beds and left to die: 'Rest in peace, wheezy'

Kimmel in a September 2021 monologue took potshots at Americans who have refused the COVID jab — particularly those who have taken the drug ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

"I leave you people alone for two months, and you start taking horse worm medicine?" he asked the crowd in reference to ivermectin.

"Dr. [Anthony] Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're gonna have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed," Kimmel also said, before adding a witty gut-buster.

"That choice doesn't seem so tough to me," he continued. "Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in, we'll take care of ya. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy." You can watch the segment here.

Far-left NY Gov. Kathy Hochul actually preaches COVID jab gospel from church pulpit: 'Smart' vaccinated people must 'be my apostles' and evangelize unvaccinated who 'aren't listening to God'

Far-left New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) gave a sermon of sorts to a Brooklyn megachurch on the last Sunday of September 2021 — and the Democrat preached the gospel of getting COVID-19 vaccines. You can view Hochel's homily here.

Speaking about the trials of the pandemic to the Christian Cultural Center, Hochul told listeners that she "prayed a lot to God during this time, and you know what? God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women — the scientists, the doctors, the researchers — he made them come up with a vaccine!"

Hochul added that the COVID-19 vaccines are "from God to us, and we must say, 'Thank you, God! Thank you!'" She then held aloft not a cross but her "vaccinated" necklace, telling congregants that she wears it "all the time" to announce to the world that "I'm vaccinated!"

Hochul also gave a sacred mission to the "smart ones" who've been vaccinated: to be her "apostles" and spread the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J gospel to the unvaccinated heathen who "aren't listening to God."

Tucker Carlson was taken aback by "high priestess" Hochul and discussed during his Fox News show the following night the growing "cult of coronavirus" that possesses "its own sacraments" and "its own sacred texts" — just like other religions.

MSNBC's Joy Reid says conservatives who defy COVID jab are 'angels of death' — and asks, 'How many more people have to die before these ghouls are satisfied?'

In late November 2021, Reid ripped into conservatives who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine: "It's about power and spreading lies and fake outrage so the MAGA squad wins elections. They are today's angels of death. Refusing to get vaccinated and urging fellow Americans to remain exposed even as their own parents, grandparents, and children die of COVID. The numbers prove it. Red America has the highest rates of COVID death, but the lowest rates of vaccinations. They are literally killing people."

She also asked, "How many more people have to die before we say what we have all known for quite some time? This faction of the right is a death cult. Six unvaccinated members of a Florida family dead after contracting COVID, mothers dying shortly after giving birth, parents of young children wiped out. And then the harrowing news that more than 140,000 U.S. children have lost a caregiver due to the pandemic. Almost two years in, the trauma is irreversible. It's a trauma that has crossed generations. It is permanent and unforgiving. And so we ask again, how many more people have to die before these ghouls are satisfied?"

Keith Olbermann calls unvaccinated people 'snowflakes,' 'morons,' 'losers,' 'cowards' in video rant

Leftist Keith Olbermann called unvaccinated people "snowflakes," "morons," "losers," "cowards" — among other descriptors — in a Twitter video rant posted on Oct. 1, 2021. He added that that they're "afraid" of getting the shot and that vaccinated people should stop "coddling" them.

Here's his word-for-word diatribe:

It is time to stop coddling them — the ones who won't get the damn shot already. And our first step, you and I, is symbols. The language we use. We call these people "vaccine-hesitant." "Vaccine skeptics." "Anti-vax." We say they're "protesting mandates and passports." They're "making a personal choice." They're "waiting for more information." They're "making a medical decision." Bulls**t! They're afraid! They're afraid to get vaccinated. Stop feeding their egos about what they're doing. Stop legitimizing it. "Vaccine-hesitant"? They're afraid! "Vaccine skeptics"? They're afraid! "Anti-vax"? They're afraid! They're "protesting mandates and passports"? They're afraid! They're "making a personal choice"? They're afraid! They're "waiting for more information"? Afraid! They're "making a medical decision" — to be afraid! The snowflakes are afraid! Afraid of the vaccine. Afraid of being proved wrong. Afraid of doing what anybody else in the world tells them to do. Afraid of needles! So no more pleasant euphemisms about what's going on here — apart from the people who have legitimate medical complications about vaccines — we have to stop coddling the morons who will not get the shot. We start by calling them what they are. They are all snowflakes. And cowards. And idiots. And losers. And most importantly, they are afraid!

Don Lemon on unvaccinated Americans: They're 'stupid' and 'harmful to the greater good,' and we should 'start shaming them or leave them behind'

In September 2021, the now-former CNN host ripped into "stupid" unvaccinated people and demanded that Americans stop "coddling them."

"The people who are not getting vaccines, who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them," Lemon declared. "Or leave them behind, because they're keeping the majority of Americans behind."

He then screamed at the unvaccinated for not trusting the COVID vaccine while having no problems with other vaccines — which he failed to point out have been around for decades and have been proven safe for generations of Americans: "You didn't feel that way for the polio vaccine, you don't feel that way about measles, mumps, rubella when it comes to your children. And all of a sudden this vaccine is different? What's different about it?" He added, "The only different thing about it is because of your politics today."

Lemon last year doubled down on his views, calling those who didn't get the COVID jab "selfish."

Ana Navarro says she does not want to know any unvaccinated people: 'Your "personal freedom" is holding the rest of us hostage'

Ana Navarro on Dec. 21, 2021, posted on Twitter that she doesn't want to be around or even know anyone who remains unvaccinated against COVID-19 unless they have a medical reason.

"Unless you have a LEGITIMATE medical reason, if you’re not vaccinated, I don’t want to see you, talk to you, work w/you, socialize w/you or know you. It’s enough. Your 'personal freedom' is holding the rest of us hostage. It’s selfish and stupid," she wrote.

CNN medical analyst Leana Wen likens unvaccinated people in public to drunk drivers

In September 2021, CNN medical analyst Leana Wen — the former head of Planned Parenthood — likened unvaccinated people in public to drunk drivers.

"You have the option to not get vaccinated if you want, but then you can't go out in public," she noted to then-CNN anchor Chris Cuomo. Wen added: "Just like you can choose to drink in private if you want, but if you get behind the wheel of a car and can endanger other people, there is an obligation by society to prevent you from doing that."

Wen also insisted around that time that life "needs to be hard" for unvaccinated Americans.

But would you believe she was singing different tunes later on?

In December 2022, Wen admitted that natural immunity from COVID-19 is optimal — and a month later she warned that officials have been overcounting COVID-19 deaths.

Joy Behar implies unvaccinated COVID patients don't deserve medical help since they've 'chosen to listen to the lies' on Fox News

Leftist Joy Behar implied during a September 2021 episode of "The View" that unvaccinated COVID-19 patients don't deserve medical help because they've "chosen to defy the science" and have "chosen to listen to the lies on Fox [News]" — all while patients with other needs can't get hospital beds.

Former Utah Rep. Mia Love — a Republican — sat at the table as a guest and argued that it's a "slippery slope" for doctors to say they won't treat unvaccinated patients since that declaration could lead to them saying they won't treat people for other illnesses.

Behar at first agreed with Love that doctors denying health care to smokers and the morbidly obese could be problematic — but Behar then declared that such patients have developed "long-term" habits compared to the one-time decision by unvaccinated people to reject thea COVID-19 shot "based on false information."

She added — as if she were speaking to unvaccinated COVID-19 patients — they should "go to [Fox News host] Tucker Carlson and make your case. Because he's telling you lies. He and other people on Fox and on some parts of Facebook are telling you lies about the vaccine."

Baltimore's Democrat mayor tells unvaccinated citizens to 'shut up': 'It's your fault that we're going back to having an indoor mask mandate'

Democrat Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott in August 2021 left no doubt about whom he blamed for the spike in COVID-19 cases in his city and the subsequent resumption of mask mandates.

"For anyone that's frustrated about wearing a mask — and you're not vaccinated — then look in the mirror. It's your fault that we're going back to having an indoor mask mandate," Scott said. "Make sure that folks get vaccinated. If you're not vaccinated, shut up. Don't complain."

You can view a video report here that includes Scott's remarks.

5-year-old boy reduced to tears as NYPD officers tell his mother they have to leave restaurant because they don't have their COVID vaccination papers

An Instagram video posted on Christmas Eve 2021 shows a 5-year-old boy reduced to tears at a New York City restaurant as police officers tell his mother they have to leave because they don't have their vaccination papers.

Police told the boy's mother that anyone without proof of vaccination could be charged with trespassing: “If you leave voluntarily, there will not be charges pressed against you; otherwise you will be arrested for trespass. This is your only warning."

Several angry bystanders could be seen recording the incident and yelling at cops about their rights being infringed. “Scaring a child, traumatizing a child. I hope you feel good about yourself, NYPD,” a woman says. "This is disgusting. This is gross."

The video went viral as New York City began enforcing the strictest private-sector vaccine mandate in the nation at the time. The mandate, enacted by far-left Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio, required everyone age 12 and up to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to patronize businesses with indoor spaces — including restaurants, gyms, music venues, movie theaters, and other indoor public spaces.

'It’s time to make life a living hell for anti-vaxxers,' Washington Post columnist writes

A Washington Post columnist lambasted the vaccine-hesitant and praised French President Emmanuel Macron in a January 2022 piece titled, "Macron is right: It’s time to make life a living hell for anti-vaxxers."

James McAuley, global opinions contributing columnist for the Post, recounted Macron's headline-grabbing statements from the prior week saying he wanted to push the unvaccinated out of public life in France until they get the jabs.

"The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so we're going to continue doing so, until the end. That's the strategy," Macron told newspaper Le Parisien in an interview, Reuters reported.

McAuley noted that "the English translation hardly does the comment justice. In French, the verb he used is 'emmerder,' which means, quite literally, to cover in excrement."

He added that Macron "happens to be totally right. There is no justifiable excuse for refusing vaccination, which is the only way the pandemic will ever come close to ending. Macron has set a fine example for other world leaders to follow in refusing to kowtow before ignorance or honor selfishness."

CNN medical guest and ethics 'expert' declares America must increase punishments for the unvaccinated: 'Condemn them,' 'shame them,' 'blame them,' 'penalize them more'

In January 2022, Arthur Caplan — then head of the Division of Medical Ethics at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine — said during a CNN segment that America must increase punishments for the unvaccinated.

Caplan said that though he wants Americans to "act as a team" and doesn't want to "reject those who still haven't done the right thing" by getting the jabs, he will gladly "condemn them" and "shame them" and then "blame them."

"We can penalize them more," he added. "We can say, 'You've got to pay more on your hospital bill if you weren't vaccinated. You can’t get life insurance or disability insurance at affordable rates if you aren’t vaccinated.' Those companies should not treat us as equals in terms of what the financial burdens are that that disease imposes."

"I can think of a number of ways in which we should say, 'Here's the stick. Get on board,'" he concluded.

'Let hospitals quietly triage emergency care to serve the unvaccinated last,' writer from the Atlantic declares

David Frum, a staff writer at the Atlantic, in December 2021 wrote on Twitter that hospitals should be permitted to place those who haven't taken the COVID jab at the bottom of emergency care priority.

In the face of negative reaction to his post, Frum doubled down: "Reading the reactions to this tweet, I am impressed by the immense self-pity of the anti-vaxxers — who see themselves as bottomless victims, even as their own bad choices deny hospital care to so many others in desperate need."

He added: "If, at this point, you are still unvaccinated, you are not a victim. You are a cause of the victimization of vulnerable others."

Obama's education secretary compares 'anti-mask,' 'anti-vax' Americans to suicide bombers

Arne Duncan, secretary of education for most of Barack Obama's presidency, in late August 2021 compared terrorist suicide bombers to "anti-mask and anti-vax" Americans.

Duncan in a now-deleted social media post said Americans opposed to face masks and vaccines are "strikingly similar" to terrorists who carried out an attack outside a Kabul airport the previous week: "Have you noticed how strikingly similar both the mindsets and actions are between the suicide bombers at Kabul's airport, and the anti-mask and anti-vax people here? They both blow themselves up, inflict harm on those around them, and are convinced they are fighting for freedom."

Middle school teacher says we'd be 'lucky' if the unvaccinated die — and adds that could 'cut out 30% of the population that votes the wrong way'

A middle school teacher in Washington state reportedly said on social media that America would be "lucky" if unvaccinated people are denied health care and die from COVID-19.

The teacher, who reportedly works at Wy'East Middle School in Vancouver, boasted on Facebook that she's "ready to say let them die," referring to unvaccinated people, KTTH-AM reported in August 2021.

"You made a choice to not get your shot for any reason other than a doctor's note, you should not be allowed health care. You are like the brats in class that ruin it for everyone," the post read.

The teacher even suggested that allowing the unvaccinated to die also solves another issue for her: "If we're lucky we can cut out 30% of the population that votes the wrong way." The teacher added, "Plus less people using up all the resources. Let the hunger games begin."

According to KTTH, the teacher deleted her Facebook account after her post began circulating among local parents. KTTH, however, preserved a screenshot of the shocking comments.

Obama-era official says the unvaccinated should be placed on a no-fly list

Juliette Kayyem — a former assistant secretary for Homeland Security who served under Barack Obama — argued in an August 2021 piece published in the Atlantic that "a no-fly list for unvaccinated adults is an obvious step that the federal government should take."

"The public debate about making vaccination a precondition for travel, employment, and other activities has described this approach as vaccine mandates, a term that, to conservative critics, suggests that unvaccinated people are being ordered around arbitrarily. What is actually going on, mostly, is that institutions are shifting burdens to unvaccinated people — denying them access to certain spaces, requiring them to take regular COVID-19 tests, charging them for the cost of that testing — rather than imposing greater burdens on everyone. Americans still have a choice to go unvaccinated, but that means giving up on certain societal benefits," Kayyem wrote. "Amid a global health crisis, people who defy public-health guidance are not, and do not deserve to be, a protected class."

New York Times gets torched after singling out 'white evangelical resistance' as 'obstacle' in COVID-19 vaccination effort

The New York Times' headline in an April 2021 story spelled it out plainly: "White Evangelical Resistance Is Obstacle in Vaccination Effort." The Times' piece indeed singled a giant swath of humanity as an enemy of COVID-19 vaccines — using race and faith as its sole parameters.

The story also claimed that white evangelical "opposition is rooted in a mix of religious faith and a long-standing wariness of mainstream science, and it is fueled by broader cultural distrust of institutions and gravitation to online conspiracy theories."

After the Times posted a link to its story on Twitter, a number of commenters backed the paper's premise. In fact, one person said white evangelicals should be placed in "one big arena. Let them pray or sing or whatever they do. Let the virus run rampant throughout the venue. Let science decide their fate."

But others took issue with the Times' report. One commenter shot back, "Bravo @nytimes, I think you have really outdone yourself with this one. You have found another way to be decisive and to further divide the country. Take the vaccine or else it's your fault and be seen as an outsider who does not belong in our society."

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Americans Want To Stop Being Fat And Unhappy But Don’t Know How

A new book released on Tuesday explains how Americans became so Fat and Unhappy and what to do about it.

38 Chaplains Ask Supreme Court To Stop U.S. Military From Punishing Their Faith

The chaplains say the Department of Defense continues to defy a 2023 law rescinding its Covid vaccine mandate.

What SCOTUS Should Have Heard On Federal Censorship In Murthy v. Missouri Oral Arguments

In Monday’s arguments in the Murthy v. Missouri censorship case, a clueless set of judges considered the most important free speech case in years.

Florida Surgeon General Ladapo urges 'halt to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines'

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo is advocating a stoppage in the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

"I am calling for a halt to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines," Ladapo declared in a statement on X. "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have always played it fast and loose with COVID-19 vaccine safety, but their failure to test for DNA integration with the human genome — as their own guidelines dictate — when the vaccines are known to be contaminated with foreign DNA is intolerable."

— (@)

In a May 2023 letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf and then-CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, Ladapo had declared, "Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in deep distrust in the American health care system."

Then in a December 2023 letter to Califf and CDC Director Mandy Cohen, Ladapo raised the issue of DNA fragments in the vaccines. "In addition to my previous letter, I am writing to you to address the recent discovery of host cell DNA fragments within the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines," Ladapo wrote.

— (@)

But in a letter of response later in December, Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said that the agency "is confident in the quality, safety, and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines," and that "with over a billion doses of the mRNA vaccines administered, no safety concerns related to residual DNA have been identified." Marks wrote that "it is quite implausible that the residual small DNA fragments located in the cytosol could find their way into the nucleus through the nuclear membrane present in intact cells and then be incorporated into chromosomal DNA."

Now Ladapo is calling for a halt in mRNA COVID-19 vaccine usage.

"DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings," he said in a statement, according to a Florida Department of Health press release. "Providers concerned about patient health risks associated with COVID-19 should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment."

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FDA responds to Ladapo letter about DNA fragments detected in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

In response to a letter in which Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo noted the detection of DNA fragments in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, Peter Marks, director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, emphasized the FDA's view that the shots are safe and effective.

"I am writing to you to address the recent discovery of host cell DNA fragments within the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines," Ladapo noted in his letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf and CDC Director Mandy Cohen.

"This raises concerns regarding the presence of nucleic acid contaminants in the approved Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, particularly in the presence of lipid nanoparticle complexes, and Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer DNA. Lipid nanoparticles are an efficient vehicle for delivery of the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines into human cells, and may therefore be an equally efficient vehicle for delivering contaminant DNA into human cells. The presence of SV40 promoter/enhancer DNA may also pose a unique and heightened risk of DNA integration into host cells," Ladapo wrote.

He also noted that "it is essential to human health to assess the risks of contaminant DNA integration into human DNA."

— (@)

But when responding to Ladapo, Marks conveyed the FDA's contention that the vaccines are safe and said that "misinformation and disinformation" causes "vaccine hesitancy that lowers vaccine uptake."

"We would like to make clear that based on a thorough assessment of the entire manufacturing process, FDA is confident in the quality, safety, and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines. The agency's benefitrisk assessment and ongoing safety surveillance demonstrate that the benefits of their use outweigh their risks. Additionally, with over a billion doses of the mRNA vaccines administered, no safety concerns related to residual DNA have been identified," Marks wrote.

"No SV40 proteins are encoded for or are present in the vaccines. On first principle, it is quite implausible that the residual small DNA fragments located in the cytosol could find their way into the nucleus through the nuclear membrane present in intact cells and then be incorporated into chromosomal DNA," Marks wrote. "Additionally, studies have been conducted in animals using the modified mRNA and lipid nanoparticle together that constitute the vaccine, including the minute quantities of residual DNA fragments left over after DNAse treatment during manufacturing, and demonstrate no evidence for genotoxicity from the vaccine. Pharmacovigilance data in hundreds of millions of individuals also indicate no evidence indicative of genotoxicity."

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Natural immunity provides better protection against COVID than vaccines – even against hospitalization, new study finds

People with natural immunity to COVID-19 have better protection against the respiratory disease than those who received mRNA vaccines, according to a new study.

A group of researchers from Estonia took a pool of 329,496 adults between Feb. 26, 2020, and June 25, 2021.

The analysis was based on data from 246,113 individuals who qualified as one of four categories. The scientists categorized the individuals as those with no immunity against COVID, those with natural immunity from previously being infected, those who had vaccine-induced immunity, and those who had both natural immunity and who were vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

"Natural immunity conferred substantial protection against COVID-19 hospitalization," the authors of the study wrote. "Our study showed that natural immunity offers stronger and longer-lasting protection against infection, symptoms, and hospitalization compared to vaccine-induced immunity."

The Epoch Times reported, "People who received a vaccine were nearly five times as likely as the naturally immune to test positive for COVID-19 during the Delta era and 1.1 times as likely to test positive for COVID-19 during the Omicron era, researchers in Estonia found."

Individuals who were vaccinated against COVID were seven times as likely to be hospitalized during the Delta variant era, and two times when the Omicron variant was spreading, according to the outlet.

The study declared that hospitalization due to COVID was "extremely rare" for those with hybrid immunity. The researchers discovered that hybrid immunity had "substantially lower rates of reinfection" than those with natural immunity. However, the protection was diminished during the Omicron period.

The Estonian researchers noted, "Studies on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines suggest that protection against SARS-CoV-2 decreases over time, waning considerably after six months."

The authors concluded, "Our findings suggest that the risk of infection (and of developing severe disease) is affected not only by age and comorbidities but also by personal history of immunity-conferring events and by the viral variant responsible for the epidemic. Therefore, personalized risk-based vaccination strategies could be both effective and cost-effective."

The study was published on Nov. 21 in Scientific Reports – a peer-reviewed journal that is part of the Nature Portfolio and covers natural sciences, psychology, medicine, and engineering.

In February, a study was published that declared that natural immunity provides "at least as high, if not higher" levels of protection against COVID-19 as two doses of an mRNA vaccine. The research analyzing 65 studies from 19 different countries was published in The Lancet – one of the oldest and most respected medical journals in the world.

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