Calif. city to pay $800K to family of man who died after firefighters wouldn't enter his care center because of COVID rules

A city in California has settled a wrongful death lawsuit filed by a woman whose father died shortly after firefighters refused to enter his care center because of alleged COVID-19 protocols.

On the evening of November 17, 2021, 911 dispatchers received a call from a nurse about an unresponsive patient at the Rialto Post Acute Care Center, a rehabilitation and skilled nursing facility in Rialto, California, about 50 miles due east of Los Angeles.

The unresponsive patient was Joseph Angulo, a 56-year-old man who had entered the facility almost two weeks earlier following a car crash. Body cam footage from Rialto police Sgt. Ralph Ballew revealed that care center staff believed Angulo was in cardiac arrest and frantically attempted to resuscitate him while they waited for first responders.

However, despite the urgent situation, three members of the Rialto Fire Department — Fire Capt. Josh Gilliam, firefighter-paramedic Matt Payne, and fire engineer Mark Brady — calmly waited outside the facility, refusing to go inside. "They're not gonna come in," Ballew can be heard telling care center employees. "They're saying it's a state law that they can't come in."

"You are doing the same thing we would have to do if we went in, so hurry up and bring him out so we can help," one firefighter yelled, according to a later report from Ballew.

Earlier that evening, the three firefighters had reportedly entered the facility at least twice, so their strict adherence to supposed protocols in this case seems curious. Nonetheless, to accommodate their COVID-related demands, a handful of employees detached Angulo's bed. Then, Sgt. Ballew pushed the bed, which reportedly had no wheels, to an emergency exit, while others steered and an unidentified woman continued chest compressions on Angulo.

Once they were outdoors, the first responders took over and transported Angulo to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, where he later died.

Within a year, Angulo's daughter, Bridgette Angulo, had filed a $100 million lawsuit with the City of Rialto. The city had also fired Gilliam and Payne and suspended Brady for 10 shifts. Rialto Fire Chief Brian Park claimed in November 2022 that first responders were never prohibited from entering such care facilities and that by late 2021, most of the COVID-related restrictions had been lifted.

However, in a shocking development, the department reinstated Gilliam and Payne in January after Kenneth Perea decided an arbitration case in their favor. They were awarded back pay and returned to their rank in seniority, but were assessed a one-week suspension without pay. Brady also had the incident expunged from his record and received full backpay for his suspension. Perea determined that while a "preponderance of the evidence" supported the accusations against the men, their original punishment was too harsh.

Despite the controversial ruling from Perea, the City of Rialto agreed to the $800,000 settlement with Ms. Angulo last month. On Monday, she signed the agreement as well.

Her attorney, William Shapiro, claimed that she wasn't as interested in the money as in ensuring such cases never happen again.

"Bridgette Angulo is proud and confident that as a result of her civil action and the full independent investigation that went into this incident, future emergency care provided by the Rialto Fire Department will meet the full expectations of the citizens of Rialto," Shapiro said.

Rialto Mayor Deborah Robertson likewise issued a statement: "We continue to mourn the patient’s death and our prayers are with the patient’s family in hopes that we may all heal through settlement of this unfortunate matter."

An attorney who represented the firefighters during the arbitration process did not respond to the San Bernardino Sun's request for comment.

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WATCH: Dr. Phil SILENCES Whoopi Goldberg over COVID protocols

Whoopi Goldberg and the other lefties on “The View” are quick to talk over and belittle anyone who disagrees with their shared liberal ideology.

However, when Dr. Phil was invited on the show, he was not about to be silenced. In fact, he was the one who did the silencing.

Rick Burgess and Bill "Bubba" Bussey play a clip of Dr. Phil stating straight facts about how COVID protocols were damaging to schoolchildren.

“The agencies that shut down the schools for two years … [took] away the support system for these children,” he boldly stated, adding that “when they shut it down, they stopped the mandated reporters from being able to see children that were being abused and sexually molested and, in fact, sent them home and abandoned them to their abusers.”

Well, Whoopi didn’t like that.

“They were trying to save kids’ lives. Remember we know a lot of folks who died during this,” she fired back.

“Not schoolchildren,” he retorted.

“Maybe we're lucky they didn't because we kept them out of the places that they could be sick.”

“Are you saying no schoolchildren died of COVID?” asked Ana Navarro, who looked deeply offended.

“I’m saying it was the safest group. They were the less vulnerable group, and they suffered and will suffer more from the mismanagement of COVID than they will from the exposure to COVID, and that's not an opinion. That's a fact,” Dr. Phil concluded, but before Whoopi or Ana could respond, the audience erupted into applause.

“You’ve got to love his bravery,” says Rick, acknowledging that it’s unlikely Dr. Phil will be invited back on “The View” any time soon.

To see the footage of Dr. Phil shutting down “The View’s” panel of lefties, watch the clip below.

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Locked-down Shanghai residents leap to their deaths, and Biden remains silent

The world — along with the Biden administration — SHOULD be outraged about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the destruction caused by President Putin. But there's another ongoing crisis that deserves just as much furor from around the world — yet President Biden remains silent.

On Thursday's program, Glenn details what's currently happening in Shanghai, China, where millions of residents have been forced into their homes — without food — due to strict COVID lockdown measures. People are suffering, but pets are also being thrown in trash cans and clubbed to death. Dogs and cats, in trash bags, set out on the curb like garbage.

The CCP's use of force to keep people in their homes and left to starve is even more disturbing. Lockdowns were meant to last four days, but have lasted two weeks and counting. Shanghai residents are suffering immeasurably, and many of them have already succumbed to the Chinese government's brutality over the last week.

"This is like watching what happened at our World Trade Center on 9/11, except this isn't a fire," Glenn said. "These people are just trying to escape from the government, the lockdown, and hunger."

We must demand our President speak out against this tragedy because if he doesn't, it further proves his administration has been bought and sold by the Chinese Communist Party.

Watch the full clip for more on this story. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.

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Appeals court gives 2nd Amendment huge victory over lockdown policies. But judge takes unusual extra step after predicting ruling will be appealed.

The Second Amendment scored another crucial victory last week when a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that disproportionate lockdown restrictions on gun stores in two California counties were unconstitutional.

However, in a rare and usual move, the federal judge who wrote the court opinion predicted the full court would overturn the ruling.

What is the background?

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit in March 2020, California, like most states, enacted strict lockdown policies. Any business deemed "non-essential" by elected bureaucrats was, in many localities, forced to shut the doors.

In Los Angeles County and Ventura County, officials classified gun stores as "non-essential." In L.A. County, that meant such businesses were forced to shut down for 11 days. In Ventura County, gun stores were closed more than four times as long: 48 days.

Second Amendment advocates immediately filed lawsuits over the onerous rules. A federal judge ruled on the issue in April 2020 and claimed that county officials closing gun stores on public health grounds was not a violation of the Second Amendment.

What did the court rule?

Judge Lawrence VanDyke explained on behalf of the Ninth Circuit three-judge panel that lockdown policies that forced gun stores to close as "non-essential" businesses did, in fact, violate the Second Amendment.

In fact, VanDyke said the Second Amendment "means nothing if the government can prohibit all persons from acquiring any firearm or ammunition. But that’s what happened in this case."

The logic of the violation is simple. According to VanDyke, California already has a "highly regulated framework" for law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms and ammunition, including purchasing from government-approved businesses and waiting a period of 10 days or more before taking possession of the purchased firearm.

Therefore, when Ventura County forced gun stores to remain closed for 48 days while allowing, for example, bike shops to remain open, public officials had "wholly prevented law-abiding citizens in the County from realizing their right to keep and bear arms, both by prohibiting access to acquiring any firearm and ammunition, and barring practice at firing ranges with any firearms already owned."

"These blanket prohibitions on access and practice clearly burden conduct protected by the Second Amendment and fail under both strict and intermediate scrutiny," VanDyke explained.

The judges issued the same ruling for the same reasons in the case of Los Angeles County.

What was unusual?

Not only did VanDyke write the court's opinion, but he wrote a separate concurring opinion that predicted the ruling would be overturned. In fact, VanDyke even wrote within his concurring opinion a ruling that upheld the lower district court's ruling.

VanDyke took this unusual step for two reasons: First, he observed that Second Amendment rulings in the Ninth Circuit almost always receive an appeal for an en banc hearing, meaning the full panel of judges who compose the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Second, he explained that "our circuit can uphold any and every gun regulation because our current Second Amendment framework is exceptionally malleable and essentially equates to rational basis review."

"Since our court’s Second Amendment intermediate scrutiny standard can reach any result one desires, I figure there is no reason why I shouldn’t write an alternative draft opinion that will apply our test in a way more to the liking of the majority of our court," VanDyke explained. "That way I can demonstrate just how easy it is to reach any desired conclusion under our current framework, and the majority of our court can get a jumpstart on calling this case en banc. Sort of a win-win for everyone."

Austria imposes full national lockdown, will become first European country to require COVID vaccinations for all eligible citizens

Amid rising COVID-19 cases, Austria announced it would implement a full national lockdown. The country will also require COVID-19 vaccinations for all eligible citizens – the first such measure in Europe.

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced the latest lockdown and compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations on Friday after meeting the governors of Austria's nine provinces.

"We don't want a fifth wave. We don't want a sixth and seventh wave," Schallenberg said at a press conference. "We have not succeeded in convincing enough people to get vaccinated. It hurts that such measures still have to be taken."

"We have not managed to get enough unvaccinated people to get vaccinated. The most recent measures have increased daily vaccinations but not enough. For a long time, it was consensus in the country that a vaccine mandate is not necessary, but we have to face reality," Schallenberg — who was named chancellor last month after the resignation of his predecessor Sebastian Kurz over corruption accusations — said.

"This is a dramatic step," Schallenberg continued. "In the long term, the way out of this vicious circle we are in — and it is a vicious circle, we are stumbling from wave to lockdown, and that can't carry on ad infinitum — is only vaccination."

Starting on Feb. 1, Austria will make vaccinations mandatory – the most stringent measure to attempt to control the coronavirus pandemic through vaccination in Europe and of all Western countries. According to Reuters, the other countries that have vaccine mandates for all eligible adult citizens are Indonesia, Micronesia, and Turkmenistan.

Of Austria's population of 9 million, 65% are fully vaccinated.

The national lockdown goes into effect Monday. The stay-at-home order will initially last for 10 days, but can be extended for a maximum of 20 days if cases don't diminish sufficiently.

"Austrians will be asked to work from home, non-essential shops will close, and schools will remain open for children who require face-to-face learning," the BBC reported.

Austria launched a lockdown for unvaccinated people last week, but expanded the order to everyone after cases spiked.

A record 15,145 cases were reported in Austria on Thursday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. In the past week, there were a record 88,315 cases. There were 55 reported COVID-19 deaths on Thursday and 302 deaths in the last week. The highest daily death toll during the pandemic in Austria was 218 on Dec. 17, 2020. The deadliest week was Dec. 13–Dec. 19, 2020, with 878 fatalities.

Austria is one of many European countries with surging COVID-19 cases. Germany experienced a record 68,366 coronavirus cases on Wednesday. The Czech Republic had a pandemic-high 22,585 cases on Wednesday. The Netherlands hit a record 23,641 cases on Thursday. Belgium had a record 32,708 cases on Nov. 3. As of yet, the record cases have not equated to record deaths.

Because of the latest COVID-19 wave sweeping Europe, countries have reimplemented coronavirus restrictions. Last week, the Netherlands established a partial three-week lockdown that closed down bars, restaurants, and supermarkets at 8 p.m.; sporting events will be played in empty stadiums. The government recommends no more than four visitors to one home.

On Wednesday, Belgium announced it would require employees to work from home four days a week into mid-December, Bloomberg reported.

Germany will implement restrictions for unvaccinated people. In areas with a hospitalization rate of more than three coronavirus patients per 100,000 people over the past seven days, only the vaccinated and those who have recovered from coronavirus will be permitted to access to public spaces like sporting events, cultural shows, and restaurants.

Even Sweden – which has pushed back against most COVID-19 restrictions – said it would introduce coronavirus vaccine passes next month for indoor events where more than 100 people attend.