George Soros, Andy Stanley, and the left-wing plot to END Evangelicalism

Evangelical leaders are selling out to the LGBTQ agenda, and Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham, who just released her new book “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda,” has the receipts.

“You have organizations that claim to be ministries that are taking funding from secular, left-wing, gay lobbying groups,” Basham tells Allie Beth Stuckey on “Relatable,” noting that the Arcus Foundation is one of them.

The Foundation was founded in 2000, and it’s the country’s largest LGBTQ grant maker.

“What that foundation started to do, the Arcus Foundation, was look at, ‘Okay, how can we reform church doctrine in conservative ministries and in conservative denominations,’ and that’s what they did,” Basham says.

“They’re bringing this curriculum in,” she continues. “I think a lot of churches don’t realize that activists are being trained to come change your doctrine on this.”

Stuckey knows of one pastor in particular who’s embraced this change, referencing a recent sermon pastor Andy Stanley gave.

“He basically said that homosexuality is different than any other sin because saying that homosexuality is a sin is saying that who someone is is a sin,” Stuckey says. “Which is a completely unbiblical way to look at sexuality and identity.”

A more widely known name has also been pushing a left-wing agenda on the church.

That name is George Soros.

“His foundation started funding a secular-left immigration NGO called the National Immigration Forum, and around 2013, 2015, they realized that they needed to move the evangelical vote on this particular issue if they wanted to get some of these immigration reform policies, what I would call very lax border policies, across the finish line,” Basham tells Stuckey.

So, they partnered with the National Association of Evangelicals and launched what Basham calls a “front group”: the Evangelical Immigration Table.

“Its purpose, to be very clear, is not to do things like spread the gospel to illegal immigrants. It’s not to feed and clothe people regardless of how they got there,” Basham explains. “It’s specifically policy-focused.”

Groups like the ERLC and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities have also been heavily involved in these groups.

“They all became involved with this group,” Basham continues, “that is under the umbrella of a secular left immigration NGO that is taking funding from people like George Soros in this program that was specifically designed to target conservative voters, specifically evangelical.”

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DEMONIC storybook Bible sold to KIDS by a transgender atheist

A book that spreads the word of God to children through the use of Lego-built scenes sounds like a cute idea, right?

Well, it could have been if the book in question, “The Brick Bible,” was actually promoting the word of God. Instead, it does the opposite.

The “Bible” is distributed at vacation Bible schools and sold to believers as containing scripture — but the book itself was created by an atheist who uses the book to argue against the God of the Bible rather than guide children to Him.

“The problem is that it is actually explicit. It is extremely gory, it is not theologically accurate, and it seems that it is actually meant to shock and disturb,” Allie Beth Stuckey of “Relatable” comments.

The book was first published in 2001 and included the first six stories from the Book of Genesis. In the next decade, almost 5,000 biblical scenes were added and illustrated through Lego blocks.

“It depicts Bible stories in a way that is not only violent but sexually graphic. It ridicules the nature and character of God by making Him only seem garish,” Stuckey explains, adding, “It’s attempting to make a case against the God of the Bible.”

Unsurprisingly, the author, Brendan Powell Smith, came out as transgender in 2015 and refers to himself as a “blue haired transgender lesbian atheist.”

The book also depicts scenes of eunuch’s cutting off their own genitals, as well as rape.

“It’s just so insidious. It’s so sneaky, it’s so sly. It’s so much like Satan to make a book like this that looks cheery and loving on the outside, that really on the inside is a poor depiction of what God is,” Stuckey says.

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Baphomet, drag queens, and the Olympics' SATANIC symbolism

The Olympics Games are no longer just a place for the greatest athletes in the world to prove that they are the greatest athletes in the world.

As of 2024, it’s apparently now a place to openly mock Christianity and feature satanic symbolism.

To kick off the turn from tradition, Snoop Dogg was featured in the Olympic parade — but his presence isn’t the only issue. The rapper wore a Baphomet necklace around his neck. Baphomet is a pagan god more recently adopted as a symbol for the Satanic Temple.

“It is really disturbing to see this display, to see this made into some kind of golden image, golden idol that Snoop Dogg is wearing around his neck,” says Allie Beth Stuckey, BlazeTV host of “Relatable."

Snoop Dogg also released a video a few years ago in which he depicted himself murdering Donald Trump.

“He depicted himself murdering Donald Trump, murdering a sitting president, and we’ve decided that this person needs to be a mascot for the United States, he needs to carry the torch for America,” Stuckey adds.

Snoop Dogg was joined in the parade by three French drag queens, and it only got worse from there.

The opening ceremony featured a “drag queen Last Supper,” where the performers were seated in a configuration reminiscent of Jesus and his apostles. An overweight woman took Jesus’ place in the middle.

Later, a nearly naked man, painted blue, appeared as a portrayal of Dionysus, the god of winemaking, vegetation, fertility, and ecstasy.

Christians are understandably offended, despite critics claiming they simply have a “persecution complex.”

“Even if that were the case, this is still a celebration of paganism. This is still a celebration of the subversion of the natural and the good and the beautiful,” Stuckey says. “They admit that this was supposed to be a celebration of promiscuity and indulgence.”

“You are promoting ugliness. You are promoting disorder. You are promoting sin. You are promoting a kind of decadence and immorality that has led to the downfall of many societies before us and is currently leading to the decay and the destruction of the West today,” she adds.

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Father of a child born via IVF warns AGAINST it: Technology put ‘in EVIL people’s hands’

Granger Smith’s life was forever changed when one tragic day, his son River was lost in a drowning accident.

Devastated, the country music singer stepped out of the spotlight after 25 years and took on a new pursuit: getting closer to Jesus and joining the ministry. While strengthening his relationship with God was healing, Smith and his wife, Amber, were now lacking their son's bright light in their lives — and wanted another child.

However, Amber had her tubes tied after giving birth to River.

“I look back on that now as if we just had an idea of when our family would start or finish,” Smith tells Allie Beth Stuckey of “Relatable.” “I am against surgical contraception in that way because it put us in a really tough spot.”

That’s when he began to discuss IVF with his wife.

“She really struggled. She said, ‘But how could we reconcile playing God and planting a baby in my belly?’” Smith explains. However, a conversation with his son Lincoln gave him what he believed to be the answer.

“He was just staring out of the window and he just said something out of the blue. He said, ‘Daddy, does God make some of the trees and man makes some of the trees?' And I answered quickly without thinking about it, and I said, ‘No, buddy, God makes all the trees but sometimes man needs to plant the seed.’”

“I remember feeling overwhelmed with that thought, God makes all the babies, sometimes man plants the seed. And I felt a peace in that,” he tells Stuckey.

Smith and his wife began the IVF process — and despite running into ethical problems over what to do with the embryos — Amber became pregnant with their now 3-year-old son, Maverick.

While they love and cherish their son, Smith was horrified at what he saw coming out of the clinic they used after Maverick’s birth, calling it “rotten fruit” — and he tells Stuckey that he wouldn’t do it over because of this.

“What they’re promoting through IVF was so that anybody could have a baby. Not a man and a woman, not a married man and woman. And that wasn’t just that clinic,” Smith says. “There is so much evil surrounding it, evil coming out of it. The ability to put this kind of technology in evil people’s hands is too much to bear.”

Stuckey is in agreement.

“There’s so many Christian parents, who would and do make excellent parents, who do not realize before they go into IVF the ethical quandary that they will be placed in,” she says, adding, “It’s not coming from a place of hatred or condemnation for me. It’s just a place of realization that these are babies made in the image of God.”

JoJo Siwa's 'cult of self’ and UNHINGED surrogacy plan

JoJo Siwa rose to fame on the show "Dance Moms" alongside her mother, but according to BlazeTV host Allie Beth Stuckey of “Relatable,” the once-innocent performer is now “wrapped up in the cult of self.”

Siwa, 21, appeared to switch almost overnight from a kid-friendly act to a sex-positive LGBTQ icon.

“She went from like this teenage child, basically, who still dressed and acted and sang like a toddler, to apparently this grown adult who had some kind of sexual discovery and decided that she was a lesbian, and she started posting about her lesbian romantic relationships,” Stuckey says.

Siwa’s most recent music video, “Guilty Pleasure,” attempts to portray Siwa as a woman’s guilty pleasure while making a mockery out of the church.

“At one point she’s dressed up like a dark angel, she looks like she’s in hell, she’s talking about being a woman’s guilty pleasure. It’s just awful,” Stuckey says.

Now Siwa is claiming she wants to hire three surrogates and raise the children as triplets.

“I’m gay as s***,” Siwa said in an interview. “I have to plan a pregnancy much different than a straight person. I actually want to take three eggs, fertilize three eggs, and have three surrogates.”

“So technically they’ll all be the same batch, but they would all be born separately. I’m gonna have my surrogates, my babies, then maybe the little birthdays will land on different days and they can be like triplets,” she added.

Stuckey is horrified.

“How she is talking so flippantly and so selfishly about creating human life is disgusting. It should be repulsive to everyone with a moral compass,” Stuckey says.

“It is so sinful; it is so disordered,” she continues. “What we see about disordered sexuality is that it breeds more disorder and that it always puts kids in the crosshairs. It always sacrifices kids. Because when you mess with the natural order of procreation, the natural order of marriage, you are just going to get more disorder and more chaos.”

It’s not just that Siwa’s sexual depravity is clearly unhinged and that she’s so cavalier about her desire to have children, but it's the moral issue surrounding surrogacy itself.

“Kids are not gifts; they are not rights. Just because you have a good desire does not justify the means, which is the unethical IVF process, which involves eugenics and also the renting of wombs, which is unethical, and also the forced fatherlessness — which is just immoral.”

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'No more low blows': How the Trump campaign can DEFEAT Kamala Harris

Donald Trump’s heroic behavior immediately following the assassination attempt against him understandably had the Democrat Party doubting Joe Biden’s ability to come out on top in the coming 2024 election.

Which is why he’s finally been forced out and replaced with Kamala Harris.

“So now it’s Kamala Harris, who is a foot soldier of every far-left progressive cause. She is beholden, not, I don’t think, to her own party, or even her own belief system, or even her own personal ideology,” Allie Beth Stuckey of “Relatable” explains.

“She’s certainly not beholden to the Constitution or to the country. She is beholden only to power. She has shown that throughout her career. She is beholden to Planned Parenthood in the abortion lobby, she is beholden to the so-called Human Rights Campaign and the LGBTQ lobby,” Stuckey continues.

While conservatives have been pointing out that her record as a prosecutor flies in direct opposition to the liberals' anti-police message, Stuckey doesn’t believe that’s the angle to attack her from.

“We have to attack her from the left, not the right. What I mean by that is stop calling her ‘Kamala the cop,’ that she put too many people in jail for marijuana. Stop talking about the fact that oh, in a speech a few months ago she called 18- to 24-year-olds stupid,” she explains.

“Those are literally the best things that she has done,” Stuckey adds.

“Let’s stay above board. Let’s call it what it is. She is a radical communist-leaning tyrant who is bloodthirsty and the most pro-abortion politician that we’ve got. She has been in charge of the border for the last four years, and every single murder by an illegal alien happened on her watch,” she continues.

Rather than calling Harris a “ho” and pointing out her past relationships with men like Willie Brown, Stuckey believes we must attack her on policy.

“We can attack her on policy, and we can, Trump campaign, paint a positive vision of the United States while also contrasting that with the dark reality of an anti-fracking, anti-energy-independence, pro-inflation, pro-nine-month-abortion future with Kamala Harris.”

“You can do that without name-calling, without doing the low blows. Because every time you do that, you are garnering sympathy for Harris and Joe Biden,” she says.

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