How to DEPROGRAM your friends from the anti-Trump CULT

The Democratic Party is hurtling down a dangerous path.

Not only has its inflammatory rhetoric convinced millions of Americans that Donald Trump is the single greatest threat to the country and turned neighbors against each other — but the current administration has gone as far as punishing those who question the narrative.

Glenn Beck of “The Glenn Beck Program” believes Democrats have been so wildly successful in their division tactics because the Democratic Party has the attributes of a cult.

“You want to know which one is building a cult?” he comments. “Which one has hired all of the best behavioral scientists to help them form all of their policies? It’s not Donald Trump. Why would you hire a behavioral scientist? Well, behavioral scientists are really a modern version of propagandists.”

While many Americans are aware of what’s been done to the minds of their friends, family, and neighbors, they have no idea how to pull them out of the trance.

“We are looking at this and saying, ‘Wait, think about this rationally.’ They can’t, and that’s no fault of their own. They have been manipulated and brainwashed,” Glenn explains, adding, “So getting somebody out of a cult is really hard, and very frustrating, and it takes a long time.”

Though it may take a long time, Glenn notes that you cannot act impatient or angry.

“If you want to save them, you must listen to them,” he says. “Do not assume bad intentions. There are people that have bad intentions but not everybody.”

“It starts with asking questions,” he continues, noting that you should ask them how they ended up with their current belief system.

“If you try to defend yourself on this, you will lose, and you’ll have to start all over again some other time. So, you can’t get angry, and you can’t defend,” he says, adding, “You just want to know the answer to questions, and it has to be sincere, and it has to show respect.”

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Bob Costas blasts Trump, suggests his supporters are under 'toxic delusion,' and suggests Biden shouldn't be 2024 candidate

During an appearance on CNN, Bob Costas blasted former President Donald Trump and Trump supporters, describing the former president as "by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history" and a "bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits" while suggesting that people need to be in a "toxic cult" and under "toxic delusion" to think that Trump was ever "emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or ethically fit" to serve as America's president.

Costas said that "at best" President Joe Biden may "squeak by" to beat Trump in 2024 but that even if Biden pulls off a re-election victory, "it's very likely that he cannot complete his second term, he'd be 86 at the end of it."

He said that when California Gov. Gavin Newsom delivers "a very articulate and detailed case for President Biden," it leaves many people thinking that "Biden is incapable of uttering even two consecutive sentences of the five perfect paragraphs that Newsom just put together."

Costas indicated that Biden should not be the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in 2024. "You don't go into the Super Bowl with a quarterback who has a dead arm," he said.

While Costas described Biden as a "decent man," he called Trump a "monster."

Trump has largely cleared the GOP presidential primary field, though former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who recently lost the Republican presidential primary in her home state, still has not dropped out of the race. And while Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota is running for the Democratic presidential nod, he has so far failed to gain traction against Biden.

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Woman allegedly held captive as sex slave by suspects practicing Vikingism, who offered puppy as 'sacrifice to the gods'

A Louisiana woman and her three husbands were arrested for allegedly holding a woman captive as a sex slave. The foursome reportedly practiced Vikingism, forced the detainee to denounce Christianity, and offered a puppy as a ritual sacrifice "to the gods."

Police arrested Hannah Frisby, 29, and two of her three husbands: Caleb Frisby, 28, and Justin Cowart, 26, on Thursday. Frisby's uncle, 54-year-old Tommy Allen, was also arrested.

Hannah Frisby was hit with charges of first-degree rape, ritualistic acts, and aggravated battery. Cowart was charged with aggravated battery and first-degree rape. Caleb Frisby was charged with aggravated battery. Allen faces a charge of aggravated battery.

The alleged victim told investigators that she was in a polyamorous relationship with Hannah Frisby, Caleb Frisby, and Justin Cowart, according to court documents. The victim, who suffers from autism and ADHD, reportedly said that Hannah was the "head" of the group.

The victim said Hannah required her to live with the group if she wanted to be in a relationship, arrest records say. The victim allegedly moved into the house with Hannah and the three husbands.

The victim claimed the group ordered her to denounce Christianity so that she could practice the religions of the quartet: Wiccan witchcraft, satanism, and Vikingism.

KTVE reported, "After being in the relationship for two weeks, the victim was punished by being forced to enter scalding hot water and scrub herself with stiff bristled brushes covered in bleach in front of residents in the home. According to court documents, the punishment was due to the victim’s self-harming."

The torturous bath was reportedly done to rid the victim of "evil spirits."

According to arrest records, the victim accused Hannah Frisby of placing a puppy on a table and holding a large knife to the dog's chest, telling the victim it was "a sacrifice to the gods."

It was not clear if the puppy was actually killed, according to the New York Post.

The group told the victim that she was nothing more than a slave and was to provide sex to the husbands on demand, according to the affidavit. The foursome allegedly told the victim that in order to "move up ranks" in the family, she needed to reproduce.

The victim's sibling visited the house on Sept. 21. When she arrived at the residence, the victim reportedly asked the sister, "How is Freddy?" The question is a safety code in the victim's family to secretly notify each other that they are in trouble.

The victim then grabbed a notebook and asked her sister to read her poetry, according to court docs. The victim allegedly wrote in the notebook: "Help me. They won’t let me leave. They beat me every day like a slave."

The Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office arrived a short time later to get the victim, according to KNOE.

Hannah Frisby, Caleb Frisby, and Justin Cowart were arrested on Thursday and booked into the Ouachita Correctional Center. Allen was also arrested for allegations that he abused the victim.

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A 2021 gun arrest in NYC put investigators on the trail of a global satanic pedophile cult whose members try to push their victims to kill themselves

A 23-year-old was arrested in Queens, New York, in November 2021 on gun possession charges.

What investigators found on his social media pages and in his home put them hot on the trail of an international satanic pedophile cult whose members often pursue the "end-goal of forcing the minors they extort into committing suicide on live-stream for their own entertainment."

A devil-worshiping pedophile in Astoria

Angel Luis Almeida, who previously served an 18-month sentence in Florida for third-degree burglary, was arrested in late November 2021, after the FBI received several tips over the two previous months alleging he had "possessed firearms, was violent, and posted sexually explicit images of children online."

Among the multitude of red flags that prompted law enforcement to pounce were the various self-incriminating posts Almeida allegedly made on social media, reported the Guardian.

In one instance, he apparently posted an image of himself wearing bullet-laden bandoliers and spikes in front of a flag associated with a satanic/wiccan group called "Order of the Nine Angles" or "O9A," which is known for its anti-Semitism, its hatred for Christianity, its identitarianism, and its admiration for Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, and similar historic figures.

The BBC indicated that the O9A has roots going back to the 1960s and seeks the overthrow of the West's Judeo-Christian order.

In March, former Army Pvt. Ethan Meltzer was sentenced to 45 years in jail for plotting with O9A to kill his fellow soldiers. The traitor pleaded guilty in June 2022 to aiding and abetting the attempt to murder U.S. service members, providing material support and resources to terrorists, and illegally transmitting national defense information. His plan was thwarted in 2020 by the FBI and the U.S. Army.

Another post attributed to Almeida showed him wearing a shirt that said "Kiddie Fiddler," in front of a Nazi flag with a caption stating he was addicted to child porn.

The pedophile's detention memorandum makes clear that his residence, which law enforcement raided on Nov. 23, was a horror show.

They reportedly seized a 9mm Taurus handgun; bandoliers of rifle ammunition; over 30 rounds of 9mm ammunition; the satanic-Nazi flag seen in one of his social media posts; a blood-soaked drawing of a hooded figure with glowing red eyes, invoking various demons with a note stating, "A covenant signed in blood. May the DEVIL walk with you always - SATANE MANIBUS"; and various devil-worshiper books including "Lucifer Rising," "Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic," "The Sinister Tradition: Order of Nine Angles," and "Necronomicon."

The Department of Justice noted that Almeida was charged in December 2021 with being a felon in possession of a firearm. In February 2023, the DOJ announced the satanic pedophile had also been charged with child exploitation and possession of child pornography, which had been recovered from multiple cell phones.

The Guardian indicated that Almeida was deemed fit to stand trial earlier this month, despite having attempted to attack a Justice Department staffer in the courtroom as well as his own legal representative on another occasion. His trial is scheduled for Dec. 4. Almeida faces possible life in prison.

They are legion

Almeida was apparently not alone.

After the satanist's arrest in New York, investigators reportedly picked up the trail of 764, an apparent offshoot of the Order of Nine Angles.

The FBI issued a warning on Sept. 12, detailing how there are "violent online groups deliberately targeting minor victims on publicly available messaging platforms to extort them into recording or live-streaming acts of self-harm and producing child sexual abuse material."

The groups, which operate on social media sites and mobile apps, use a variety of names, including 676, 764, CVLY, Court Kaskar, Harm Nation, Leak Society, and H3II.

According to the FBI, members of this "continuously evolv[ing]" pedophilic cabal use "threats, blackmail, and manipulation to control the victims into recording or live-streaming self-harm, sexually explicit acts, and/or suicide; the footage is then circulated among members to extort victims further and exert control over them."

Threats of swatting and doxxing are among the tactics used by the pedophiles.

Investigators indicated that membership in these groups often requires prospects to provide filmic evidence of their child victims hurting animals, hurting themselves, committing suicide, committing murder, or engaging in other acts of savagery.

The cabal targets victims between the ages of 8 and 17. Often, those targeted are non-straight youths, racial minorities, and the mentally ill.

According to the Guardian, these pedophilic cultists prey on children in popular games like Roblox, on gaming platforms such as Discord and Twitch, and on Telegram.

The New York Post reported that 764 has previously struck overseas. A German teen with "764" tattoos as well as "necro," a word employed by Almedia in his online handles, allegedly slaughtered his Romanian foster family.

Safety measures

The FBI noted in its warning earlier this month that the public should consider the following when sharing content or engaging others online:

  • "Monitor children's online activity and discuss risks associated with sharing personal content";
  • "Use discretion when posting images, videos, and personal content, particularly those that include children or their information";
  • "Run frequent online searches of you and your children's information ... to help identify the exposure and spread of personal information on the internet";
  • "Apply privacy settings on social media accounts — including setting profiles and your friends' lists as private — to limit the public exposure of your photos, videos, and other personal information";
  • "Consider using reverse image search engines to locate any photos or videos that have circulated on the internet without your knowledge";
  • "Exercise caution when accepting friend requests, communicating, engaging in video conversations, or sending images to individuals, you do not know personally. Be especially wary of individuals who immediately ask or pressure you to provide them photos or videos";
  • "Do not provide any unknown or unfamiliar individuals with money or other items of value";
  • "Use discretion when interacting with known individuals online who appear to be acting outside their normal pattern of behavior";
  • "Secure social media and other online accounts using complex passwords or passphrases and multi-factor authentication"; and
  • "Research the privacy, data sharing, and data retention policies of social media platforms, apps, and websites before uploading and sharing images, videos, or other personal content."

Victims are urged to contact the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center, the FBI's field office at 1-800-225-5324, and/or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

— (@)

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Rape cover-ups, missing people, and forced abortions: The dark truth of Scientology

For those who don’t know what exactly Scientology is, you’re not alone. When you break it down, you’ll find that it’s an incredibly complex system. Part religion, part business, part cult, Scientology was invented by a man named L. Ron Hubbard in 1954.

The origins of the religious movement are quite shady as well. Before the Church of Scientology was founded, Hubbard first developed a set of therapeutic principles he called Dianetics, but the organization he created to promote these ideas went bankrupt. Many believe that Hubbard then founded the Church of Scientology as a way to recharacterize Dianetics as a religion in order to avoid paying taxes. From the get-go, Scientology was intended to be a lucrative endeavor.

But where there is worship of money, there, too, you find darkness and depravity. Allie Beth Stuckey invites Jeremiah Roberts and Andrew Soncrant, hosts of the podcast "Cultish," to the show to “peel back the layers” of Scientology and evaluate what’s really going on beneath the surface.

“Around 1967 after L. Ron Hubbard had established the Church of Scientology, the IRS … revoked its tax-exempt status” after it became clear that Hubbard “wanted to utilize a religion as a way to obtain wealth.”

This sparked a cycle of revenge that involved “5,000 members of the Church of Scientology … actively involved on multiple different fronts in the government, not just the Internal Revenue Service ... trying to obtain documents, trying to forge documents” in order to “get their tax-exempt status back.”

“It’s a pretty wild story of infiltration,” says Roberts.

To hear the bizarre story of how a cult amalgamated with the federal government and resulted in kidnappings, forced abortions, and rape cover-ups, among other horrors, watch the video below.

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'It's like the mob': Megyn Kelly BLASTS Fox News for ditching Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson has recently left Fox News, but he wasn’t the first. Among those who left before him are Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Megyn Kelly.

And now, Kelly is joining Jason Whitlock to speak out on Carlson’s departure.

“This feels like it will permanently damage Fox News,” Whitlock says, asking Kelly if she agrees.

“Yeah, I do agree. My audience is calling them Foxweiser,” Kelly says. “I left because I wanted to spend more time with my family, so nobody was going to hold that against Fox,” she adds.

Kelly goes on to say that you can get the “generic GOP commentary” that exists on Fox News anywhere these days — while Tucker brought “a different kind of product.”

While Tucker brought incredible ratings, Kelly says there’s no going back to Fox for the cable news star.

“Fox is like, it’s like a cult. It’s like the mob, and you don’t get back in after you’ve been kicked out,” she explains.

“Once you’re out, you’re out. And you’re dead to them,” she adds.

Whitlock believes Fox News miscalculated how much the addition of Donald Trump to the news cycle would change Republican voters and their mindset regarding the mainstream media and its lies.

“Tucker was their last thread of credibility with people who feel like their eyes have been opened. And so it’s like Tucker’s level of credibility that he gave the entire Fox News brand,” Whitlock says.

Whitlock explains that he “won’t go back on Fox news," “because without Tucker, they’re just not as credible” to him as they were with Tucker.

Kelly agrees, saying, “It really would be a middle finger to him to go on right now, because he’s embattled and they’ve got their boot on his neck, and they’re not moving.”

“They’re being absolute bastards to the guy, and the audience should remember that the audience is the only power Fox has. If they lose the audience, they lose this war with him. And so far his audience has been great,” Kelly continues.

Want more from Jason Whitlock?

To enjoy more fearless conversations at the crossroads of culture, faith, sports, and comedy with Jason Whitlock, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

How The Cult Of Anti-Racism Usurps Every Human’s Need For Religious Purpose

In the absence of any religious sense of meaning in life, substitutes rush in to fill the void.

'Dances with Wolves' star arrested, accused of running a sex cult and committing grievous crimes against girls

"Dances with Wolves" star Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse is accused of being a cult leader with more than just horses in his stable.

The 46-year-old Native American actor, polygamist, and so-called medicine man was arrested in Las Vegas on Tuesday and charged with a litany of sex crimes, including sexual assault against kids.

What are the details?

The Daily Mail reported that Chasing His Horse was banned from the Fort Peck Reservation in Poplar, Montana, in 2015 amid human trafficking allegations. However, he was not placed under investigation until October 2022, when police received a tip.

The resulting investigation led officials to suspect that Chasing His Horse was the leader of a cult known as the Circle.

Chasing His Horse, who starred alongside Kevin Costner in the Oscar-winning 1990 film "Dances with Wolves," was ultimately arrested near his North Las Vegas home, which he allegedly shares with his five wives, reported the Associated Press.

KLAS indicated that Chasing His Horse may have had a plan in place for his apparent concubines to take "suicide pills" in the event of a police raid. Although it is unclear whether any attempted to follow through, there was no resistance reported at the time of the suspect's arrest or the corresponding raid.

According to police, Chasing His Horse enjoyed notoriety among native tribes as a pseudo-healer in the U.S. and Canada and used his position and reputation "as a tool to sexually assault young girls on numerous occasions."

Chasing His Horse would perform healing ceremonies and host spiritual gatherings, in addition to speaking at powwows.

The 50-page search warrant obtained by the Associated Press links the suspected cult leader to at least six alleged victims. Sexual allegations against Chasing His Horse apparently date back over two decades across multiple states, including Montana, South Dakota, and Nevada, as well as in Canada. Some of the alleged victims were reportedly as young as 13.

He would allegedly target Native American girls from single-parent homes, then groom, abuse, and sexually assault them.

"The folks that are being labor trafficked are almost always vulnerable, and then it's only a short step from that to selecting from them and expanding into sex trafficking," South Dakota acting Attorney General Mark Vargo said in November after his office brought on two new coordinators to tackle missing Native American women and human trafficking cases in the state.

One of Chasing His Horse's so-called wives was allegedly given to him as a gift when she was just 15. Another girl was allegedly 16 when Chasing His Horse made her his "wife."

Chasing His Horse is also accused of trafficking women and forcing them to have sex with other men who paid him, afterwards feeding them contraceptive pills, as well as recording some of the sexual assaults.

‘Dances With Wolves’ actor arrested at a residence in North Las Vegas

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Former reality star leaves fundamentalist, cult-like teachings to embrace the true gospel

The Duggar family became household names with their hit reality show, "19 Kids and Counting," which presented their family as the ideal of Christian life. But was their religion based in authentic Christianity or fundamentalism? In her new book, "Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear," Jinger Duggar Vuolo shares the disturbing beliefs she was taught growing up in that famous family and tells of her theological journey from following a fundamentalist leader to finding freedom in Christ. Allie Beth Stuckey recently interviewed Jinger on BlazeTV to discuss her upbringing under the teachings of Bill Gothard, who taught strict rules on modesty and behavior, and how these teachings were rooted in fear, superstition, and control. Allie and Jinger discuss her childhood growing up on TV (despite never watching TV), struggling with an eating disorder, and wrestling with the idea of attending a church outside her doctrine growing up. Jinger walks Allie through the moment she met her husband, Jeremy, and how his theology helped lead her to a lasting relationship with the Christ of the Bible. Watch the full interview below:

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