If Anyone Should Be Disbarred In D.C. It’s Jack Smith, Not Jeffrey Clark

The District of Columbia Bar's actions chill the ability of a president to receive frank counsel, thus seriously harming our country.

D.C. Bar Recommends Punishing Trump DOJ Lawyer Jeff Clark For Unsent Letter About Georgia Election

The D.C. bar wants to indefinitely deprive Jeff Clark of practicing law because he prioritized election integrity under Trump.

Democrats’ Unconstitutional Crusade To Disbar Texas AG Ken Paxton Shows How Far They’ll Go To Win Elections

Democrats are working overtime to make it so painful for attorneys to represent Republicans in election cases that the next candidate will be unable to find lawyers willing to battle on their behalf.

DC Bar Assails Trump DOJ Lawyer For ‘Dishonesty’ To Mask Democrats’ 2020 Election Lies

It was not Jeff Clark’s letter that was 'dishonest' — it was the D.C. Bar's charges against him.

DC Bar Does Democrats’ Dirty Work By Tarring Opponents Right Before Midterms

If the investigation of Jeff Clark is indeed a Democrat-fueled disbarment scheme, as it appears to be, it could start an escalating war of political retribution.