John Avlon Says He's Been Living on Long Island for Years. Public Records Raise Questions.

After years of commenting on politics, CNN weekend anchor John Avlon, a self-proclaimed "centrist," decided to, in his words, "step up and get off the sidelines." In February, the former Rudy Giuliani speechwriter announced that he was running as a Democrat to unseat Republican representative Nick LaLota in New York's First Congressional District, located in eastern Long Island.

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Poll: In Agreement With Trump, 6 In 10 Voters Back Mass Deportations Of Illegal Aliens

Voters also appear to believe President Biden's reelection will worsen the ongoing invasion at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Justice Alito Becomes Latest Target Of Fabricated Controversies To Delegitimize SCOTUS

Far-left activists are desperate to knock another conservative Supreme Court justice off cases central to their 2024 campaign strategy.

Don’t Read This Birth Control ‘Misinformation’ Unless You Want To Be Twice As Happy As You Are Now

I don't need to take my cues from media-consulted reproductive 'experts,' and neither do you.

Far-Left Feminist News Site Jezebel Shut Down

Jezebel, a far-left feminist online news and opinion magazine, was indefinitely shut down on Thursday.

Daily Beast tries to attack Speaker Johnson over his personal finances but accidentally makes him more likable instead

The Daily Beast attacked Speaker Mike Johnson in a story Wednesday over the Louisiana Republican's boringly normal financial situation.

According to the news outlet, Johnson manages a "extraordinarily precarious" financial situation. That's because his financial disclosure forms show that he and his wife do not own bank accounts stashed with cash; they hold no investments in the stock market, have no retirement accounts, and have taken on considerable debt in the form of a mortgage, a home equity loan, and a personal loan.

The Daily Beast used Johnson's situation to make three attacks:

  1. That Johnson is bad with money and thus not a fiscal conservative.
  2. That Johnson is "ripe for influence buying," according to the left-leaning Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics.
  3. That Johnson "plans to use his congressional position as a springboard to something more lucrative once he’s done in government."

The story gained viral attention on Wednesday after Matt Fuller, Washington bureau chief of the Daily Beast, posted the story to social media.

"Mike Johnson doesn't have any retirement savings, own a single stock, or have any assets at all. He has less than $5,000 in his bank account. He's got a 250-500K mortgage, a home equity loan, and a personal loan. So what's his retirement plan? To lobby?" Fuller suggestively wrote.

— (@)

Reaction to the Daily Beast's story included:

  • "So, to extent accurate, he’s like a lot of Americans right now while also navigating raising a large family? What a monster," Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) mocked.
  • "So the Daily Beast wants people to be mad that Speaker Johnson isn’t corrupt and hasn’t used his office to enrich himself?This is how out of touch these guys are," Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) reacted.
  • "Thank you for the gleaming endorsement for @SpeakerJohnson. The left sees these as negatives, but I see them as a man not corrupted or bought," Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) pointed out.
  • "I guess the DC swamp would prefer someone like @SpeakerPelosi or @JoeBiden who became extremely rich while in office," Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) responded.
  • "The D.C. insiders are upset that Speaker Johnson isn’t ultra-rich and corrupt.Maybe they should get out and talk to Real America," Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) reacted.
  • The Daily Beast is furious that @SpeakerJohnson isn’t rich, corrupt or rich from being corrupt. He doesn’t have shady business deals. He doesn’t trade stocks as a congressman. Cry more, I guess?" Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) responded.
  • "So he’s a normal American instead of a permanent Washington insider trading globalist like most of DC. Got it. I like him even more now," Blaze TV host Chad Prather said.
  • "The fact that Johnson did not, like countless other Congressmen, suddenly tap into new streams of wealth after he won office in 2016 is a mark in FAVOR of his character. Apparently he’s not availing himself of the insider advantages others are quick to exploit," reporter Megan Basham pointed out.
  • "Perhaps questioning how some members of congress have become multi millionaires while in office should be more of a priority for you?" actor Matthew Marsden noted.
  • "Is it strange that Mike Johnson, who has raised 4 children, has a mortgage and $5k in his bank account...Or is it actually strange that so many other members of Congress are multimillionaires when their salary is $170k per year?" Blaze TV host Lauren Chen questioned.

It turns out that people aren't angry the new House speaker is, at least financially speaking, like a sizable percentage of Americans: not rich and scraping by on what he does have to provide for his family.

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Man claims Florida first lady Casey DeSantis made 'a racist fashion statement' by wearing Florida alligator 'WHERE WOKE GOES TO DIE' jacket

Dr. Marvin Dunn, who describes himself on Twitter as a "Historian, author, [and] progressive Democrat," has accused Florida first lady Casey DeSantis of racism because she wore a jacket emblazoned with a design that features an alligator and an outline of the Sunshine State.

Text on the jacket says, "WHERE WOKE GOES TO DIE," a comment that Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly made about Florida.

But while the message simply reflects the couple's conservative views which are also held by millions of other Americans, Dunn claimed that the jacket carries a sinister, racist meaning and that Casey DeSantis was fully cognizant of the supposed message being conveyed by her apparel.

"Casey DeSantis Florida's First Lady makes a racist fashion statement. Black babies as alligator bait was a theme in racist Florida humor of the early 1900s. It's an inside joke. If you are not from Florida, you may not get it. She does. Do you?" Dunn declared. "Casey DeSantis knew what the leather jacket she wore signified in Florida's racist history. Why did she wear it in 85 degrees weather?" he wrote in another tweet.

\u201cCasey DeSantis Florida's First Lady makes a racist fashion statement. Black babies as alligator bait was a theme in racist Florida humor of the early 1900s. It's an inside joke. If you are not from Florida, you may not get it. She does. Do you?\u201d
— Dr. Marvin Dunn (@Dr. Marvin Dunn) 1686079672

In a recent piece titled "Casey DeSantis is the Walmart Melania," Daily Beast executive editor Katie Barker wrote that the "ghastly black leather jacket ... brought to mind nothing so much as the racks of a Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99."

Barker trashed the Florida governor and his wife.

After noting that Casey DeSantis had survived a battle against breast cancer, Barker wrote, "Anyone going through that must have strength and grit. Still, we've all met people who stared death in the face and came out the other side incandescently glowing with life and with love.

"Perhaps that is the case in Casey DeSantis' private and personal life, but on the public stage, with that black leather jacket, she’s telling us she stands for something else. She’s telling us she is cheering on a spouse who gets his kicks off targeting his fellow Americans. She’s telling us she’s down with his message of division and dehumanization. She's telling us they are ready for far more power. She's incandescent in her black leather jacket, at her husband's side—both of them seething with hate," Barker wrote.

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FBI Raids Lib Journo's Home in Connection With Tucker Leaks

The FBI on May 8 raided the home of Timothy Burke, a liberal journalist who worked as the Daily Beast's director of video. Documents recently obtained by the Tampa Bay Times show the raid was in connection with the leaked Fox News clips that went viral on social media in early May.

The post FBI Raids Lib Journo's Home in Connection With Tucker Leaks appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.