Vampires, werewolves, and the very real evil stalking our souls

Since the dawn of October, I’ve found myself thinking often about two iconic monsters — the bloodthirsty vampire and the shapeshifting werewolf.

Perhaps it’s the Halloween decorations everywhere, the pop-up costume shops on every corner, or the horror films Netflix keeps recommending to me.

The vampiric spirit of bloodlust is easy enough to see in the widespread demand for unfettered abortion.

It could also be my recent discovery of “Haunted Cosmos” — a podcast for the highly curious that examines myth, legend, and the paranormal through the lens of Christian doctrine.

The creators of the series, Ben Garrett and Brian Sauve, make the case that much of what Christians dismiss as superstition is either true, partially true, or, at bare minimum, inspired by something true.

They take seriously the notion of aliens, dragons, Bigfoot, faeries, monsters, and the like. Using scripture as their decoder, they ask: Does the Bible offer support for the existence of these creatures?

Mask off

Whether or not stories about vampires and werewolves refer to actual creatures in the world (Garrett and Sauve have devoted fantastic episodes to this topic), one thing seems undeniably true to me.

The evil depicted by these legends is real — as real as the ground beneath our feet.

I’ve also been connecting the dots between this primordial evil and two of the most alarming modern issues contributing to the decline of the West. While these concepts may seem worlds apart, I sense a sinister connection between them.

The vampire and werewolf must be regarded in earnest because they pervade history. Every culture across time has some version of these evil entities. And when a thread of thought weaves through time and place, surely it hides a deeper truth. But what?

As a Christian, my answer to that question is that supernatural forces that crave human blood and revel in the idea of shapeshifting exist. They are demonic in nature and very powerful.

The anti-gospel

A vampire is a being who lives by taking the life force (the blood) of others. Is that not the antithesis of the gospel message? The vampire says, "Your blood for my life," whereas Jesus gave his blood so that we might live.

Vampirism is an anti-gospel. It expresses the rebellion of the original fallen angel — that great foil to Yahweh, Satan. That’s not to say vampires with fangs who sleep in coffins exist but rather that the entity that gave birth to such a myth exists.

The same goes for the spirit or entity that inspired the werewolf archetype. A werewolf is a man who, infected by evil, is forced to reject his nature and become a grotesque version of who he was intended to be. Again, we see an obvious perversion of God’s design. The rejection of our own nature is a rejection of our creator, who made us in his own image. This is also an anti-gospel.

Perhaps it’s a stretch to say that the same demonic entities that inspired vampires and werewolves are currently terrorizing the West, but I don’t think so. Not when I look closely at two of the biggest evils facing us today — evils directly caused by the rejection of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

What are abortion and transgenderism, after all, but the return of those iconic creatures of death, the vampire and the werewolf.

Shout Your Abortion

The vampiric spirit of bloodlust is easy enough to see in the widespread demand for unfettered abortion — especially on the furthest flank of the left, which openly relishes the slaughter of the unborn. One particular attendee at a pro-choice rally comes to mind. On her rotund, third-trimester belly were painted the words “NOT A BABY.” The image still haunts me.

There’s also the Shout Your Abortion organization, which quite literally encourages women to celebrate their abortions and share their “success stories.” SYA’s mission statement outlines its intentions to create a society where “abortion is free, de-stigmatized, and accessible in every community across the country.” In other words, these people really love the idea of boundless bloodshed.

Consider the murderous zeal of Minnesota governor — and Kamala Harris' running mate — Tim Walz, who signed a statute repealing the law that required babies who survive botched abortions to receive life-saving care. Even those whose lives have been miraculously spared cannot escape doom under the Walz regime.

Father of lies

However, not everyone is so candid about their desire to facilitate a genocide against the unborn. There are vampires who employ seduction to achieve their twisted desires. Like the serpent who used language to ensnare Eve in the garden, these cunning bloodsuckers deceive their victims with poetic discourse.

In Bram Stoker’s “Dracula,” the titular count tells his quarry, “Mina, to walk with me you must die to your breathing life and be reborn to mine.” That’s a very polite way of expressing your intentions to gorge on someone’s blood and turn them into a fellow wraith.

Pro-choicers of this kind speak in euphemisms. They make abortion — the bloody disruption of the holy process during which God knits a soul into being — sound practical, moral, even benevolent: Women’s health care, reproductive rights, life-saving interventions.

Having been wooed and deceived, the vampire’s victim walks willingly to her — and it’s almost always a her — death. Similarly, young women are seduced by euphemistic pro-choice language and agree to not their own death but something even worse — the death of their innocent child. We see the common thread: Young women, deceived by language, make a decision that results in a bloody death.

Unleashing the beast within

As for the demonic entity that inspired the shapeshifting werewolf, I see its handiwork primarily in the transgender movement. An ideology that is capable of subverting language, butchering healthy bodies, removing children from loving homes, and obliterating the guardrails that have long protected women is a demonic ideology.

At its root is Satan’s original sin: He thought he was better than God. Transgenderism shares the same core belief — the same pride-filled ideation that we supersede the King of kings.

A man who believes he is a woman and attempts to reshape himself in accordance with this belief sins in three ways: He rejects himself, thereby rejecting the one in whose image he was created; he rejects God, purporting to know better than his own creator; and he imitates the deceiver, who is also a shapeshifter. The same goes for a woman who attempts to shed her God-given form and become a man.

Like the werewolf who is both destroyed and inflicts destruction, so, too, the transgender individual destroys his or her own body and/or psyche and perpetuates a destructive, demonic creed.

The darkness remains

I do not believe that the millions of people foaming at the mouth demanding abortion access for all just have a different perspective than me. I do not think that the doctors sterilizing children and cutting off their healthy body parts merely grew up differently than I did. That’s an oversimplification of the problem at hand.

Of course, we need to speak out and fight back against the organizations pushing these causes, the politicians working to enshrine them in law, the billionaires funding them, and the protesters storming the streets chanting for abortion access and trans rights.

At the same time, however, we need to look beyond these flesh-and-blood adversaries in order to see the true author of these evils. It is not man.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).

As Halloween approaches, my neighbors are quite literally pulling skeletons out of their closets, adorning their porches and lawns with all varieties of dark paraphernalia.

Two doors down from me, one couple has turned their entire front yard into a haunted graveyard featuring every monstrous creature imaginable, including — you guessed it — a vampire and a werewolf.

Although I find myself averting my eyes when I walk by, their celebration of darkness has set me down a path of considering how society at large celebrates darkness — the abortion and trans issues being just two on the long list of ideologies poisoning the West.

When October passes and the plastic monsters and tombstones are banished to dusty attics until next year, the darkness they represent will remain, and it will continue to erode society.

I wonder if the evil associated with Halloween, which many Christians rightfully avoid, might actually present an opportunity for us to consider how darkness — vampires and bloodlust, werewolves and shapeshifting — doesn’t ever go away. It merely puts on a new mask.

Satanic Temple opens abortion clinic in Virginia for its 'destruction ritual'

After helping kill over 100 unborn babies in New Mexico at an average cost of $91 per head, the Satanic Temple has expanded its abortion enterprise to Virginia.

The anti-Christian group, based in Massachusetts, announced on Saturday that it is now offering expectant mothers in the Old Dominion telehealth abortion services and possible travel assistance, noting that patients need only cover the cost of the abortifacient from its California-based partner pharmacy.

While co-founder Lucien Greaves and other proponents of the radical group deny actually worshipping demonic forces — indicating that theirs is effectively an atheistic leftist organization wearing the skin of a satanic cult that just happens to erect statues of Baphomet around Christmastime — the Virginia death dispensary, like the Temple's "Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic" in New Mexico, blurs the lines between role-play and the real thing.

'The ritual, which includes the abortion itself, spans the entirety of the pregnancy termination procedure.'

For women seeking to snuff out the life growing inside them, the Satanic Temple offers an "abortion ritual," which it describes as a "destructive ritual that serves as a protective rite."

The stated purpose of this death ritual is to "cast off notions of guilt, shame and mental discomfort" associated with the extermination of innocent life and to altogether affirm the choice.

"TST's abortion ritual can be performed to address definable concerns or to overcome unproductive feelings," says the ritual guideline. "The ritual, which includes the abortion itself, spans the entirety of the pregnancy termination procedure. There are steps to be performed before, during, and after the medical or surgical abortion."

The radical group makes repeated mention of individual rights and "scientific reasoning" on its site, suggesting that in the case of individual rights, "one's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone," and in the case of scientific reasoning that "beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world."

However, such statements amount to little more than a rhetorical smokescreen. After all, the Satanic Temple appears keen to overlook the rights of the unborn as well as the scientific reasoning concerning fetal pain, fetal cognitive function, and the separate genetic identity of the unborn child.

'The Satanic Temple's ultimate goal is to undermine Christ's kingdom.'

Erin Helian, the executive director of the Satanic Temple, told the Christian Post that the Virginia death dispensary — which deals in the kind of dangerous chemical abortion pills that effectively killed Amber Thurman in 2022 — was made possible in part by the funding of donors.

The Satanic Temple has been chasing after donations of $66.60 for its burgeoning abortion enterprise.

"As abortion rights continue to be a central issue in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, we remain steadfast in our mission to expand access and protect bodily autonomy," the radical group noted in a release. "We will not stop until we have made a lasting difference."

Helping American women abort their children is not the Satanic Temple's only preoccupation, although it has certainly made a habit of challenging pro-life legislation.

The radical group has also distributed satanic literature to children; publicly performed "unbaptisms"; held a demonization ceremony in protest of the canonization of the Catholic Spanish priest Junípero Serra; promoted euthanasia and pornography; and erected demon statues on government property.

Blaze News' Kevin Ryan recently noted that despite its members' denial, the Satanic Temple's "devotion to Satan — a mythological character, they say — is unmistakable."

"If they were truly godless, they wouldn't fixate so obsessively on Christianity. The Satanic Temple's ultimate goal is to undermine Christ's kingdom," wrote Ryan.

"The Satanic Temple and other movements that promote abortion rights in the name of autonomy are in fact beholden to an anti-freedom," added Ryan. "Christians know that Satan cannot create life — he only destroys. He may offer seductive ideas cloaked in equality or liberty, but his goal is always to eradicate the value of human life, which stands at the core of God's creation."

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Is yoga demonic? Exorcist’s major warning for ALL Christians

Yoga is aimed at young women as a healthy wellness trend — but is it as harmless as it seems?

Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti doesn’t believe it is.

“Some exorcists would say you shouldn’t even get near it,” he tells Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show,” adding, “I’d steer clear.”

“There are lots of different ways to stretch than to do that, and I’ve just seen the evil results of those who really get into the yoga thing,” Rossetti continues.

Wheeler used to herself believe that yoga was harmless, but has since pivoted from that belief.

“I changed my mind on this personally. I used to think, ‘Oh, if you’re just stretching, like, who cares, it’s just a stretch,’ and then I realized maybe it’s the near occasion of evil that’s best to be avoided so that it doesn’t become tempting,” she admits.

The danger of yoga is heightened in the Kundalini version, where some of those who partake have even experienced paranormal events following the yoga practice.

But how do you fix it if this happens to you?

“You pray about it,” he says.

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Transhumanism is coming to destroy the human soul

Progressivism is a multipronged deviation from the straight and narrow that talks — or takes — people off the path to the New Jerusalem and toward false secular utopias. In this loose coalition, these otherwise unreconcilable strays are drawn in by a lack of gratitude and the sense that "better" must be anywhere other than here and anyone besides those present. And they're kept together by a Procrustean vibe – and what they've turned their backs on.

The arch-conservative Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn emphasized in both “Leftism” and “The Menace of the Herd, or Procrustes at Large” how the left – a term that encompasses the progressive movement – takes after Procrustes, the legendary highwayman of Attica.

This Luciferean movement appears eager to take the whole of our species away from the straight and narrow, presuming the raw material made in the image of God needs to change.

In Greek mythology, Procrustes, also known as Damastes, "tied his victims upon an iron bed, and, as the case required, either stretched or cut off their legs to adapt them to its length.”

Like Procrustes, progressives have a habit of socially, legally, or literally hacking away at those parts or wholes of human beings that fail to fit into their preconceived systems. The 20th century is full of atrocities in which millions of innocents were cut up because progressives in the Soviet Union, Germany, Cambodia, and elsewhere, with an eye to purportedly better futures, desired that all bodies and minds fit the lengths of their Procrustean beds.

This tendency is clear also in other progressive subgroups, such as the eugenicists and transsexual activists, who both seek to cut away at biological realities they find undesirable.

This Procrustean verve is, however, becoming especially pronounced among the transhumanists of our day.

Before noting some of the ways the transhumanist movement is working to carve up a new mankind, it is important first to note the other tendency that unites progressives.

Progressives share in common a prideful rejection of the primacy of God, the goodness of His creation, and the worth of the humanity Christ endured and elevated with his suffering, death, and resurrection. Simply put: Progressivism is Luciferian.

In the garden, the serpent — who cannot create but can only distort and destroy — told Eve of eating the forbidden fruit, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods.”

Eve was enticed not to emulate or follow the one true God, but to follow Satan’s example and seek divinity besides and without God, contrary to His will.

This lack of humility and the desire to be independent of God not only resulted in the fall of mankind, but has ever since stained progressive efforts to achieve immortality and to escape the humanity that was evidently valued enough by God for Christ to take on and save.

C.S. Lewis wrote in “Mere Christianity," “People often ask when the next step in evolution – the step to something beyond man – will happen. But in the Christian view, it has happened already.”

He went on to write, “In Christ a new kind of man appeared: and the new kind of life which began in Him is to be put into us.”

Technological and political innovations aside, the apex of humanity and the superlative by which the comparative “progress” should be measured was nailed to a tree two millennia ago.

The Christian understanding is that the pursuit of God and true progress means trying to follow Christ and fit the cross. After all, on the cross are perfection and immortality, which entail the very suffering and death the transhumanist seeks to eliminate.

The transhumanist endeavor, ultimately, is to pursue godhood by rejecting the cross and setting oneself down on Procrustes’ bed, cutting off anything resembling the Son of Man. In this sense, transhumanism is the epitome of regression.

Artificial wombs, brain implants, virtualization of everything in the anti-sacramental Metaverse, transsexuality – these transhumanist drives away from our humanity each substitute parts of what makes us human and human life worth living. What’s more, they amount to sterile shortcuts off the path to the New Jerusalem that cut away at the travelers who take them.

A video from Yemeni “science communicator” Hashem Al-Ghaili entitled “EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility” recently went viral, discussing the so-called “bioreactors” that may soon supplant mothers and enable investors to “genetically engineer” prospective children, reported the Christian Post.

The mother and the bond she enjoys with her baby, unborn and newborn, appear not to fit the transhumanists' Procrustean bed.

EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb

Rather than improve the ways we teach or understand, the transhumanists appear keen to change the raw material that is taught or comprehended. The brain implants that may one day soon help the blind to see and the lame to walk will in short order be also used – along with some version of OpenAI's ChatGPT – as stand-ins for the common man’s common sense.

The promise of Zuckerberg’s Metaverse is that we can skip the messy, real interactions between human beings that we have long enjoyed, at least up until the pandemic, and instead stream into false realities remotely. The new humanity need not risk adventure or moral consequence in the world of flesh and bone that God deemed good. These experiences will join our common sense and the other cuttings at the foot of Procrustes' bed.

G.K. Chesterton reminds us in “Orthodoxy” — the book that helped set the militant atheist and World War I infantryman C.S. Lewis on his way to Christian conversion — “You may, if you like, free a tiger from his bars; but do not free him from his stripes. Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump: you may be freeing him from being a camel.”

The transhumanist prong of the progressive movement is doing precisely that: freeing us camels of our humps.

This Luciferean movement appears eager to take the whole of our species away from the straight and narrow, presuming the raw material made in the image of God needs to change, as opposed to the will and moral reflexes of the immortal, albeit imperfect, persons animating it.

“If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive,” wrote Lewis.

The progressive coalition and all its Procrustean subgroups, transhumanism in particular, appear to have taken a wrong turning and are desperate for us to go with them, bereaving us of our proverbial humps along the way. For all their hacking and dreaming, their efforts to go forward have not brought them anywhere nearer the place where we all ought to be: not like gods, apart from God, but with God in Christ.

Is mental health a myth? Why Big Pharma may be profiting off drugs that hurt more than help

Dr. John MacArthur is an American pastor, author of the new book "The War on Children" — and a man who doesn’t believe common mental diagnoses are real.

MacArthur had recently gone viral on X, formerly known as Twitter, for his comments on the latter.

“There’s no such thing as PTSD, there’s no such thing as OCD, there’s no such thing as ADHD. Those are noble lies to basically give the excuse to, in the end of the day, to medicate people,” MacArthur said in the viral clip, adding, “And Big Pharma is in charge of a lot of that.”

While he’s faced severe backlash on social media from Christians who claim this thinking is dangerous, he explains to Allie Beth Stuckey why he said what he said.

“The brain can be sick. The brain can be damaged. You can have a tumor. You can have encephalitis. You can have a brain problem,” MacArthur tells Stuckey. “The mind is something completely different. The mind is transcendent. You can’t fix the mind with a chemical. You can wound the brain. And that’s what’s coming out now in psychiatry.”

According to MacArthur, the idea that a medication could fix “the chemical imbalance” in your brain was “a useful lie” all along.

“Is there post-traumatic stress? Of course. Is it a brain syndrome? No. Is there ADHD? Are there kids who have trouble paying attention, trouble sitting still? Yeah, I was one of them. Is it a brain problem? No. What about obsessive compulsive problems, is that a brain disorder? No,” MacArthur explains.

“The culture’s bent is to say, ‘Hey, it’s not your fault, it’s not your fault, you’ve got a disorder,’” he continues. “PTSD is really grief. It’s horrendous grief. It’s survival guilt. It’s having watched your buddies blown to pieces. You got to deal with that grief. But putting a chemical into your body that will alter your brain, that’s what’s becoming the issue now.”

“If you want to solve your mind problems, you’ve got to find love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control. Those are spiritual virtues that are available in Christ. Don’t turn to chemicals. Turn to Christ,” MacArthur says.

Stuckey isn’t one of his critics.

“We’ve had psychiatrists on the show say the same thing that you said, by the way, that actually we are causing a lot of harm, especially to children by diagnosing or medicalizing every single behavior that doesn’t fit perfectly into a classroom or doesn’t fall in line with this uniform range of normal.”

“It is actually causing side effects in these kids, in these veterans that actually make it worse than what they were dealing with before,” she comments.

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Biden’s Anti-Christian Easter Stunt Leaves No Doubt About Democrats’ Descent Into Paganism

The modern Democrat Party champions all the pagan impulses of leftism.

Star Wars Spoon-Feeds Paganism To Kids In Live-Action ‘Ahsoka’

All this witchcraft and paganism is especially bizarre considering the rest of the show feels like it’s made for kids.

Taxpayer-subsidized art center in Minnesota holds 'playful demon summoning session' for families

A contemporary art museum in Minneapolis, which has received millions in taxpayer funds, invited families earlier this month to "participate in a playful ceremony to summon and befriend their demon."

The Walker Art Center, which Alpha News indicated has enjoyed funding from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, advertised demon-summoning activities from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Aug. 5 at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.

"Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we're just not very good at getting to know them," said the event listing on the art center's website. "Do you have a demon that creeps into your thoughts? ... Work with visiting artist Tamar Ettun to design a vessel for holding the demon you know best!"

Tamar Ettun, a so-called performance artist who refers to herself as a sexual plurality, seeks through the ongoing "multidisciplinary project" she brought to the art center to conjure the "aerial spirit demon, Lilit (Lilith), whose story traces back to ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, and Judaic mythology."

The seeming occultist writes on her website, "In the 2nd-7th centuries, artist-healers created spells, drawings, and talismanic objects to trap demons like Lilit, who was characterized as a dangerously sexual female entity, and appeared frequently on incantation bowls used in protective rituals. The rituals were often performed by womxn concerened [sic] with medical issues like pregnancy and birth. I revive these practices through a feminist lens by subverting Lilit’s misogynistic archetype and revamping her image as an Empathic Demon."

To this end, she takes on the "persona of Lilit and, through text messages, interact[s] with several hundreds of people every month ... who frequently write her back with snippets about their lives and demons."

Having adopted the persona of the ancient demon who she acknowledges is associated with "unchecked violence and manipulation" and who first "came to her" after she learned she was pregnant, Ettun then provides instructions to her occultist pen pals that "lead to offline actions, such as an exercise that leads participants to find something in their home shaped like a full moon, and use it to draw on their body."

Beyond fielding questions on behalf of the demon, earlier this summer, Ettun raised inflated sculptures in the demon's honor outside Vermont's Shelburne Museum.

It does not appear that her exhibits are entirely bloodless. Her previous display at an art college in Purchase, New York, appears to have involved imagery of her burying another woman's placenta.

Following the instruction of children and adults on how to construct a "vessel" to hold their demons earlier this month, the Walker Art Center indicated, "Lilit the Empathic Demon will come from the dark side of the moon to lead you in locating your feelings using ancient Babylonian techniques. This collective and playful demon summoning session will conclude with a somatic movement meditation, designed to help you befriend your shadows."

Besides demon summoning, it appears Minnesota taxpayers have subsidized a number of other questionable activities.

Alpha News previously reported that as of 2021, Minnesota's Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, which has supported the demon-friendly Walker Arts Center, had spent over $630 million on leftist groups and propaganda, including an adaptation of the "Sleeping Beauty" fairy tale "collaboratively re-imagined through a queer lens"; an anti-police documentary; a group that supports transvestic agitprop in film; a theater company's production of "queer and trans stories"; "Drag Story Hour in Minneapolis"; and a production called "Queertopia."


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GONZALES: New York reveals 'DEMONIC' statue to honor abortion and Ruth Bader Ginsburg

New York is at it again and revealed a statue, entitled “NOW,” that is supposed to honor abortion and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This demonic statue sits on the roof of the Appellate Division courthouse in New York on Madison Avenue — with other statues of famous lawmakers from history. Why is the left so proud of memorializing a demonic statue?

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'Licensed Professional Counselor and Sex Therapist' describes pedophiles as a 'marginalized' and 'vilified' group, prefers the term 'minor-attracted persons'

Miranda Galbreath, a self-described "Licensed Professional Counselor and Sex Therapist in Erie, PA," has described pedophiles — whom she refers to as "minor-attracted persons" — as a "marginalized population" which is "probably the most vilified population of folks in our culture."

In a video posted on YouTube last month, Galbreath said that the word "pedophile" has become "a judgmental, hurtful insult" used to "harm ... or slander" individuals.

She defined a minor-attracted person as an individual who "has an enduring sexual or romantic attraction to minors." Galbreath added, "They've not chosen this attraction just as the rest of us have not chosen whatever our attraction is."

"I want to be clear that attraction does not equal action. Just because a person is attracted to minors does not mean that they have acted on that attraction or will ever act on that attraction," Galbreath said. "Another important thing to clear up is that most individuals who sexually victimize children are not minor-attracted persons. Some of them are. But most people who sexually victimize children actually are primarily attracted to adults."

Galbreath claimed that mental health professionals are not required to report people who admit to being attracted to children.

"As mandated reporters, mental health providers are required to report if we have a reasonable cause to suspect that a specific child or children or vulnerable adult is being abused. Mandated reporters are not required to report that a person has confessed a minor attraction. Confessing to being attracted to minors is not the same as confessing that you are a specific risk to an identifiable minor," Galbreath said.

Let's talk about minor-attracted persons

Responding to a Libs of TikTok tweet that included a portion of Galbreath's video, Christina Pushaw, who serves as press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, tweeted, "Liberals / progressives: Can we all agree on ONE thing at least? This is evil and we should not tolerate it."

BlazeTV host Steve Deace retweeted the Libs of TikTok post and wrote, "#Demonic."

"Ugh. Watching society normalize this in slow motion is gut-wrenching," someone else tweeted.

\u201cUgh. Watching society normalize this in slow motion is gut-wrenching.\u201d
— Josh Daws (@Josh Daws) 1660160738