Indiana University Spent $55K, Sent Publicly Funded Professors To Promote Critical Race Theory

Indiana University funneled $55,000 in taxpayer dollars to a left-wing education conference in exchange for exclusive marketing services and exposure.
Critical Race Theorist Dena Simmons At Taxpayer-Funded Conference Says We Can’t ‘Let Whiteness Seep Into Us’

Critical Race Theorist Dena Simmons At Taxpayer-Funded Conference Says We Can’t ‘Let Whiteness Seep Into Us’

Dena Simmons told teachers at an education conference backed by taxpayer dollars that we "can't let whiteness seep into us."
Why Is Republican-Run Indiana Letting Tax Dollars Fund Critical Race Theory?

Why Is Republican-Run Indiana Letting Tax Dollars Fund Critical Race Theory?

Multiple Indiana government agencies are involved in the conference pushing critical race theory, including state-funded universities. Nearly all state Republican leaders refused to comment.

Illinois School District Pays Speaker $175 A Minute To Criticize White People

Naperville School District 203 paid a diversity consultant, Dena Nicole Simmons, $10,500 for a 60-minute Zoom ‘keynote’ address last month – at a rate of $175 per minute.

Ron DeSantis: Florida Schools Will Not Teach Critical Race Theory

DeSantis took aim at critical race theory, which has picked up steam since President Joe Biden rescinded a Trump order banning it in federal agencies.

Kentucky’s Berea College Event Says ‘Trumpism’ Is ‘Terrorism At Its Core’

It's not clear how a university can say it 'accepts students of all...political leanings 'while hosting an event charging half the country with being terrorists due to the color of their skin.

Naperville, Ill. Teachers Double Down In Support Of Racially Divisive Training

Public school teachers in a high-income suburb of Chicago are 'denouncing' The Federalist and attacking one of its writers while affirming their support for disparate treatment of Americans based on race.