Data: U.S. Hospitals Transitioned Nearly 6,000 Kids From 2019-2023

‘Patients are being harmed by sex transition. That cannot be disputed … The medical profession has lost its way.’

Planned Parenthood helped transmogrify an autistic teen. The mutilated victim is now seeking amends.

Planned Parenthood was founded by the infamous eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who stressed the need to "apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization, and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring."

In Sanger's own words, "morons, mental defectives, epileptics," along with criminals, the poor, the illiterate, and the unemployed, were unfit to breed and should therefore be precluded from doing so.

While the organization eventually became synonymous with the wholesale slaughter of the unborn in America, Planned Parenthood — which receives $670 million annually in government funding — appears nevertheless keen to keep sterilizing vulnerable Americans.

The Free Press indicated on the basis of insurance claim data that the organization has become one of the country's leading providers of sex-change hormones for young adults, the sustained use of which invariably impacts fertility. Such drugs are reportedly available at roughly 450 Planned Parenthood locations and were made available to at least 40,000 patients just in 2023 — roughly 40% of whom were ages 18-22.

In recent years, numerous victims of the sex-change regime have taken legal action against the medical practitioners who left them mutilated and sterile.

Luka Hein filed a lawsuit last year against the University of Nebraska Medical Center and numerous UNMC medical practitioners alleging that their "misleading descriptions and false claims" pertaining to sex-change mutilations were in violation of the state's Consumer Protection Act.

In an apparent first, a detransitioner has taken legal action against Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

According to her medical malpractice suit filed earlier this year, Cristina Hineman "is an example of the growing number of young people who have been victims of so-called 'gender-affirming care,' characterized by the immediate, no-questions-asked 'affirmation' of one's desired gender identity, irrespective of the underlying reasons for such desire and without any mental health assessment."

While struggling earlier in her youth with then-undiagnosed autism, Hineman "never felt any discomfort with her gender or expressed any desire to be a different gender." However, after enrolling in public school and becoming steeped in propaganda about "gender identities," she began to fixate on the notion that perhaps she was "non-binary" or even a man trapped in a woman's body.

"It's a medicalized version of normal teen rebellion," Hineman told the Free Press. "And I got completely sucked into that."

'Pieces of my body are missing.'

During her immersion in gender ideology, Hineman, now 20, also began to suffer from "anxiety and major depressive disorder, social exclusion disorder, self-harm, and passive suicidal ideation," said her complaint.

These mental health issues were compounded by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

The Free Press indicated that facing some pushback and skepticism from her parents, Hineman waited until her 18th birthday in 2021 to make an appointment at the Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood to start the process of medically indulging her mental sickness.

Hineman's lawsuit states that after a single 30-minute visit, she was prescribed testosterone gel — having only days earlier settled on a male identity.

The clinicians at that Planned Parenthood would continue to prescribe her testosterone without question for well over a year, and in fact would increase her dosage at Cristina’s request (rather than their own clinical judgment).

The effects of testosterone on women seeking to pass as men include: emotional instability; impaired fertility; deepened voice; liver damage; cancer; diabetes; cessation of menses; acne; facial hair growth; weight gain; fatigue; cramps; and vertigo.

Planned Parenthood allegedly did not request or require any previous medical or mental health records from Hineman before starting her on a regimen of this life-altering hormone.

Hineman subsequently had her healthy breasts cut off "all the while cheered on by her supposed mental health providers."

Following her double mastectomy, she realized she had made a terrible mistake.

"She experienced profound regret and realized that transitioning was not resolving her mental health issues but was in fact worsening them, that surgery and hormones had not made her a man," said the complaint.

"I wanted a flat chest, but you don't understand that you're not just going to have a man's chest," Hineman told the Independent Women's Forum. "It's going to be numb, so tight all the time, you’re not going to be able to feel. It's going to feel like empty space because it is."

Shortly after her elective surgery, she saw a beautiful woman on television and realized she missed her femininity.

"I had the realization this never should have happened," said Hineman. "Pieces of my body are missing."

Hineman soon stopped taking testosterone and began de-transitioning. It dawned on her as natural hormones began doing their job uninterrupted by Planned Parenthood that she wanted children — children she would now be unable to breastfeed.

At the outset of her de-transition, Hineman indicated she returned to Planned Parenthood for answers.

"I wanted to know what was going to happen to my body, and [the nurse with whom she had the initial consult] had no idea," said Hineman. "She kept saying, 'It's different for everyone. There's no way to know.'"

"That was the moment I just realized, like, 'Wow, this woman doesn't even know what she's talking about.' I don't understand how my consent could have been informed if the person prescribing it to me doesn’t even know what happens if I stop, let alone me knowing," added Hineman.

Hineman is seeking unspecified damages from Planned Parenthood and the other health care providers who had a hand in her transmogrification for negligence and a failure to obtain informed consent.

The Independent Women's Forum indicated that Planned Parenthood did not respond to a request for comment but has denied Hineman's allegations in court documents.

Campbell Miller Payne, the Texas law firm that took up her case, stated:

Like so many other vulnerable and struggling girls and young women, she sought help for her mental health struggles but was instead recklessly sent down a path of medicalization that began with cross-sex hormones and sadly culminated in a double mastectomy of her healthy breasts. We are honored to represent her in holding Planned Parenthood and others accountable for the damage they have done and continue to do.

"I don't want this to happen to other young people like me — young people with mental health problems who struggle to find their identity," said Hineman.

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Instead Of Taking On The Billion-Dollar Trans Industry, The Los Angeles Times Attacks Its Victim, Chloe Cole

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Is Tumblr making kids trans?

Daisy Strongin is a wife, mother, and de-transitioner who once truly believed she was a boy before finding Christ.

Strongin cites feelings of being uncomfortable with her own body and femininity, which led to her transition — as well as being chronically online at the young age of 11 years old.

It was 2009, and she had just gotten her first laptop.

Strongin spent most of her free time online, focusing on YouTube and Tumblr before stumbling on a Tumblr community with the same interests as her: "Doctor Who" and "Sherlock."

“I wasn’t at all looking for gender related stuff at first, but then the gender Tumblr stuff and the Doctor Who, Sherlock stuff — there’s some intersection,” Strongin tells Allie Beth Stuckey, adding, “I think that a lot of the girls that were in those fandoms also felt like they didn’t fit in.”

Strongin recalls stumbling on something that defined the term “gender queer” when she was in high school.

“It was basically saying gender queer is when you feel like you’re neither male nor female, or like you’re a bit of both, and I really resonated with that,” she explains, noting that the existence of the term made her feel better about herself because she wasn’t alone in her feelings.

“Then I kind of fell into a rabbit hole of all of these other different made up identities regarding gender and people,” Strongin says.

While in some cases, kids are groomed by adults into believing they’re transgender, Strongin is adamant that it wasn’t adults — but mostly other young girls online.

Then, she started watching YouTube videos of people documenting their transitions.

“As I sort of dove into the gender community,” she explains, “I started to convince myself that I’m probably trans, because there were a lot of influencers saying things like ‘If you think you’re trans you probably are.’”

Then, she started to hear people online claiming that if you believe you might be trans and don’t transition, you’re more likely to “off yourself at some point.”

Because Strongin was depressed at the time, she took the advice — or what Stuckey calls a “threat” — to heart.

“Hearing that,” Strongin says, “it went from being just like this silly little label that I felt like fit me and just kind of a personality trait really, to this is life and death.”

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