Tucker Slams Newsweek Smear As Scheme To Restart Government Surveillance

Carlson called the report of his launching a show in Russia "completely absurd," adding that he had "never even heard of this channel."

No Matter What Happens To Biden’s ‘Disinformation’ Board, The Feds Are Spying On Americans

A long line of suppressed disclosures has shown that the federal government is indeed spying on Americans, and Congress still hasn’t done anything about it.

Disgraced FBI No. 2 Andrew McCabe Calls For Feds To Treat ‘Mainstream’ Conservatives Like Domestic Terrorists

To Andrew McCabe, January 6 is the key to implementing frighteningly despotic policies that target conservatives.

Devin Nunes Tells The Truth Until It Hurts

The more Rep. Devin Nunes was attacked, the more he wanted to understand what was behind the Russia collusion narrative. His opponents couldn't have been more wrong in how to contain him.