Deace: Don Lemon may have been woefully wrong in his conclusions about God, but at least he was talking theology instead of woke-ology

Augustine. Aquinas.

Luther. Calvin.

Don Lemon.

Yeah, I know, but stick with me here.

Because for all the CNN host's supreme ridiculousness, he actually landed on the target of all targets earlier this week when, on "The View," of all places, he addressed the character of God and how it applies to life in this world.

Doesn't matter if his arrival there was accidental. Doesn't matter if his conclusions were wrong. Doesn't even matter if his intentions were malevolent.

Just talking about God and not the latest social justice distraction ultimately served to let the lion out of its cage. Theology, not woke-ology, was front and center. And since it is theology that long held the privilege of being known as the mother of the sciences in the canon of Western civilization, it means any conversation that includes it as its plumb line for debate has a chance at arriving at something truly worthy — if not flat-out divine.

So many of our modern conversations have zero chance at such an outcome because they pit the inspirational and intellectual equivalent of the lint in our navel against fingernails on the chalkboard. From stem to stern, there is simply no "there" there. Yet when Don Lemon ineptly addressed the Catholic Church's obvious and predictable refusal to bless same-sex relationships, my only wish was that he had the stamina to keep his interest parked there indefinitely.

Here's what Lemon said: "If you believe in something that hurts another person or that does not give someone the same rights or freedoms, not necessarily under the Constitution, because this is under God, I think that that's wrong. And I think that the Catholic Church and many other churches really need to re-examine themselves and their teachings, because that is not what God is about. God is not about hindering people or even judging people."

Total nonsense? You betcha. But not only is God part of the conversation, assertions are being made about Him as if they not only matter, but are in fact fundamental to who we are as a people on this earth.

How often does progressivism willingly and enthusiastically give you that opening? Well, when the very existence of progressivism has as one of its chief aims to make the answer to that question "never," you should understand why I don't want to scare Lemon away. This is the cancel culture, after all.

Like I said earlier, I may not fully trust Lemon's motivations for choosing this discussion, but I know with certainty that as long as I can keep him engaged there, I have a shot at saving civilization through something other than bloodshed. If you won't even acknowledge God's place in the world, how can you ever kneel before his will and purpose?

Not so coincidentally, the nation of Denmark now appears to be addressing the cost of ignoring the things of God for far too long. Sure, it's not saying that out loud, but when its government announced it will limit the number of residents with "non-Western origin" in neighborhoods to a maximum of 30% within 10 years in order to "reduce the risk of religious and cultural parallel societies," it may as well have been saying that "all of our secular utopian fantasies have hit a dead end."

So Denmark acted. Either it addresses reality as it really is and not as it wishes it to be, as determined through hard experience, or it will die. And so it is with Don Lemon, just as it is with each and every one of us.

God exists and He has a plan for us. Without that knowledge, we are lost. So God bless you, Don, for finally picking up a map for a change.

Now let me further help you in your cause, because you are unfortunately holding it upside down.

The View YouTube screenshot

Don Lemon says God is not about judging people and religion is a 'barrier' that keeps people from 'actually getting to know each other'

CNN host Don Lemon said that Christians need to re-examine their beliefs and claimed that God doesn't judge people when responding to a statement from the Vatican on same-sex unions.

Lemon, 55, made the theologically questionable comments as a guest on "The View" on Monday

Co-host Meghan McCain quoted a comment from the Vatican saying that the church could not bless same-sex unions because "God cannot bless sin," and asked Lemon, who is openly gay, to respond.

"Do you think this sends a damaging message? How do you feel about that given that obviously you're now engaged and going to get married?" McCain asked.

'Well I think there are, listen, I respect people's right to believe in whatever they want to believe in their God," Lemon claimed.

"But if you believe something that hurts another person, or does not give someone the same rights or freedoms, not necessarily under the Constitution because this is under God," he continued. "I think that this is wrong, and I think that the Catholic Church and many other churches really need to re-examine themselves and their teachings. Because that is not what God is about. God is not about hindering people or even judging people."

'Go out and have a barbecue'

Lemon went on to put the issue in the "context of race" by quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who decried segregation in churches.

"So I think that religion and the pew keeps us from actually, they are barriers from people actually getting to know each other," Lemon continued.

"So I would say to the Pope and the Vatican, and all Christians or Catholics, or whomever, whatever religion you believe out, you have to belong to out there, go out and meet people and try to understand people and do what the Bible and what Jesus actually says, if you believe in Jesus, and that is to love your fellow man and judge not lest ye be not judged," he misquoted.

"Instead of having the pew hinder you, having the church hinder you, instead of being segregated in the church and among yourselves, go out and have a barbecue," he concluded. "And meet people and start breaking bread with people and getting to know them."

Some Christians on social media objected to Lemon's watered down version of historical Christian teaching.

Here's the video of Don Lemon's advice to Christians:

Don Lemon Addresses Trump, Voter Suppression, Racism in Book "This Is the Fire" | The