Are Democrats DONE with Joe Biden? | Glenn Beck and Piers Morgan debate

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In the wake of his disastrous debate against Donald Trump, faith in Joe Biden has waned dramatically, as the nation had a front-row seat to witness the president’s undeniable cognitive decline.

Major Democratic donors have pulled funds, liberal politicians have renounced support, and even the media has begun to denounce a second term for President Biden.

Is it safe to say Democrats have officially lost hope in Joe?

Glenn Beck and Piers Morgan met to discuss this very question.

Are Democrats DONE with Biden? | Glenn Beck & Piers Morgan

Currently, the nation is holding its breath waiting for the announcement that Biden has dropped out of the race. Many say it’s only a matter of time before he’s replaced.

But with whom? And what happens to all the funds the Biden campaign has raised?

“If Joe Biden does decide, as the New York Times is intimating, to step aside … then all the money that he's raised,” which amounts to “hundreds of millions of dollars, can only go to Kamala Harris; it can't go to any other candidate,” says Piers.

“Does [Biden’s replacement] have to be Kamala simply because of where the money is?” he asks Glenn.

“The money isn't the only thing,” says Glenn. “Kamala Harris was brought onto the ticket in this madness of equity.”

According to “the progressive side, you cannot replace her. She's a black woman – the first black woman vice president. Now you have the opportunity, you're going to replace her with a white man?” he asks, referencing the suspicion that California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) might be chosen as Biden’s replacement.

“The only person they could replace her with that could win is Michelle Obama.”

However, the former first lady has made it clear she has no interest in running, but Glenn thinks if Barack presses her, she might concede, run, and actually win.

Besides Biden’s candidacy, there’s another idea being thrown around: invoking the 25th Amendment, which would temporarily pass presidential powers to Kamala Harris.

There’s only one problem – the decision must be made by “the Cabinet and the vice president,” and so far, both have refused to even acknowledge what the country sees in Biden.

“I saw yesterday the press secretary [Karine Jean-Pierre] insisting he's not got any form of dementia. I thought that was a blatant lie,” says Piers.

To hear the rest of the conversation, including Glenn's and Piers’ thoughts on the global unrest that seems to be growing ever stronger, watch the clip above.

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LOL: 'Biden adviser' shares NEW plan to save Joe’s dying campaign

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President Biden’s campaign suffered a massive blow after his disastrous CNN Presidential Debate performance — and now one of his “advisers” has a new attack plan.

While this “adviser” isn’t really an adviser, his idea as to how Biden can secure the 2024 presidential election is absolutely golden.

“I’ve been working in campaigns like this for quite some time,” the “adviser” whose stage name is Wilfred tells Glenn while wheezing. “I watched the debate on the television set.”

Wilfred calls the debate a “catastrophe” and says it reminded him of when he “tried to make a move on Ethel at the prom.”

“She seemed to be into it, but she had so many layers of pantaloons, and I was unable to get to the conclusion of the evening, and the sun came up, I was still trying to remove layers,” Wilfred says as Glenn laughs.

“All right, so Wilfred, we’re really looking towards the future here on whether he is going to drop out from the campaign, or I mean, what has been decided?” Glenn asks the “adviser.”

“The first thing that was decided was that his entire campaign would now be sponsored by Prevagen,” Wilfred explains. “Really if we fill him up to make his internal digestive systems approximately 80% Prevagen, we believe multiple sentences will come out really together.”

The idea itself is bulletproof, but that’s not all Wilfred has up his sleeve.

“He also beat Medicare,” he tells Glenn proudly, though he has one concern.

“I’m concerned that Joe Biden may come off as too youthful for the American people. I don’t know if you’ve noticed lately, but the American people love old candidates. They don’t want people who are coherent,” he explains.

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Are Democrats SERIOUSLY considering ‘DEI hire’ Kamala Harris for president?

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After Joe Biden’s disastrous first debate, Democrats are scrambling to figure out who will lead them into the 2024 election.

Vice President Kamala Harris is a contender, but as Sara Gonzales highlights, she’s not a good one. To put it simply, Gonzales calls her “one of the worst DEI hires.”

“This whole thing imploding with Joe Biden, an old white man, and Kamala Harris, who everyone knows cannot handle the job, but they’re afraid to be like, ‘Well, how do you jump over Kamala? Because you guys sold her as like the first black, the first woman, the first, what, Indonesian?’” Gonzales says.

Understandably, this is causing a rift between Democrats.

“Now they are in this position where there’s a lot of infighting, because they’ve just sold all these DEI measures as, like, the most important qualifications for the job,” Gonzales says, noting that Stephen A. Smith recently had a delegate on his show who illustrates her point perfectly.

“There’s a long list of Democrats: Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer. The list goes on, and on, and on,” the delegate, who is a black woman, tells Stephen. “If you pick a white man over Kamala Harris, black women, I can tell you this, we gonna walk away, we gonna blow the party up.'”

“Democrats, you’ve done it to yourselves,” Gonzales comments.

“You radicalize all of these people on all of these initiatives, and then they’re mad that you’re not going far enough against Israel, and they’re not going to vote for you. You radicalize these people on climate change, and they’re mad that you still use, you know, private jets, and they’re not going to vote for you,” she continues.

While it’s a complete mess, Gonzales doesn’t mind.

“‘If you don’t choose her, we’re going to blow the party up.’ I love this. I can’t wait to watch that happen,” she says.

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Bill O’Reilly’s BOLD claim: Biden WILL drop out

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Biden’s disastrous debate performance has caused all kinds of speculation regarding whether or not he will continue his election campaign for 2024.

Bill O’Reilly has his own theory.

“The people in charge of this are Barack Obama and Ron Klain,” O’Reilly tells Glenn Beck, noting that they've told Biden: “You can’t win. You cannot beat Trump, and he’s the devil, he’s evil. So if you don’t get out, you are helping evil.”

Meanwhile, he believes the first lady is fighting their suggestion.

“It’s his wife that’s making all the calls,” O’Reilly says. “And she is going ‘No way, no way we’re leaving, we’re fighting this to the end.’”

“The fight is now between the party elders and Jill Biden,” he adds.

However, he believes that Jill Biden will lose this fight.

“All Biden has to do is say 'I’m retiring for health reasons,' which you’re going to see, and 'I’m going to give my delegates to whomever the party wants,' and then Biden will be totally out of it and they’ll tell him to give the delegates to Kamala, to Newsom, to Whitmer, whatever,” O’Reilly explains.

Not only does O’Reilly believe that Biden’s clear mental decline is good enough reason to oust him, but he never had the support that Trump has in the first place.

“Biden’s support was thin to begin with. He doesn’t have a core support. It’s all hate Trump support,” he says. “So there aren’t many Democrats, if you believe the CBS poll, that care if Biden’s the nominee. They don’t have an emotional investment in Biden. They just want to see Trump lose.”

What Glenn is most concerned about is who is going to replace the president.

“Who do you think is most likely to replace him?” he asks O’Reilly.

“I will tell you who wants it,” he says. “Kamala wants it. Kamala’s not gonna go quietly into the night, and she’ll play the race card.”

O’Reilly believes Newsom and Whitmer are prime candidates as well.

“What about big Mike?” Glenn asks, referencing Michelle Obama.

“Obviously that would be the savior, right? But there isn’t any indication one way or the other that she wants to do it,” O’Reilly says.

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Nikki Haley and Dean Phillips both drop their White House bids

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Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican presidential nominating contest on Wednesday, announcing the move after a slew of Super Tuesday losses to former President Donald Trump.

Out of the 15 states with GOP presidential nominating contests on Tuesday, Haley won just one while Trump won the other 14. Prior to that, the only contest she had won during her presidential run was the Washington, D.C., Republican presidential primary.

During remarks on Wednesday, Haley announced the suspension of her campaign.

"In all likelihood, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee when our party convention meets in July. I congratulate him and wish him well. I wish anyone well who would be America's president," she said.

"I have always been a conservative Republican and always supported the Republican nominee. But on this question, as she did on so many others, Margaret Thatcher provided some good advice when she said, quote, 'Never just follow the crowd. Always make up your own mind.' It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. And I hope he does that," Haley stated.

On the other side of the political aisle, Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota dropped his bid for the Democratic presidential nod.

"I ran for Congress in 2018 to resist Donald Trump, I was trapped in the Capitol in 2021 because of Donald Trump, and I ran for President in 2024 to resist Donald Trump again - because Americans were demanding an alternative, and democracy demands options. But it is clear that alternative is not me. And it is clear that Joe Biden is OUR candidate and OUR opportunity to demonstrate what type of country America is and intends to be," Phillips wrote in a post on X. "I ask you join me in mobilizing, energizing, and doing everything you can to help keep a man of decency and integrity in the White House. That's Joe Biden."

— (@)

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Sen. Tim Scott drops out of GOP presidential primary

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Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, one of the GOP presidential hopefuls who recently participated in the third Republican presidential primary debate, has announced that he is dropping his White House bid.

"I am suspending my campaign," Scott told former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) during an appearance on the Fox News Channel. "I think the voters ... have been really clear that they're telling me, 'Not now Tim.' I don't think they're saying, Trey, 'No.' But I do think they're saying, 'Not now,'" he said, adding that he will "look forward to another opportunity."

— (@)

Scott, who has served as a senator from South Carolina since 2013, had been appointed by then-Gov. Nikki Haley to fill the seat. Haley, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during a portion of former president Donald Trump's White House tenure, is one of the Republican candidates currently vying for the GOP presidential nod.

"Tim Scott is a good man of faith and an inspiration to so many. The Republican primary was made better by his participation in it. South Carolina is blessed to continue to have him as our senator," Haley tweeted.

"Tim Scott is a strong conservative with bold ideas about how to get our country back on track," Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is also running in the GOP presidential primary, tweeted. "I respect his courage to run this campaign and thank him for his service to America and the U.S. Senate. I look forward to Tim continuing to be a leader in our party for years to come."

Polls indicate that Trump is positioned to trounce the rest of the GOP primary field and easily secure the party's presidential nomination in 2024. If Trump does clinch the nomination, 2024 will be the third-consecutive presidential election in which he is the GOP's nominee.

The former president has not participated in any of the Republican presidential primary debates so far. A fourth debate is slated to take place December 6 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

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