Trump issues scathing response after FBI replies to accusations of bias from Durham Report

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation offered a brief response to the accusations made in the final Durham Report released on Monday, and former President Donald Trump issued a scathing response.

The highly anticipated report said that the FBI had sought to open an investigation into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign in 2016 and the Russian government without proper evidence to support the probe.

The FBI responded by claiming it had already addressed many of the issues brought up by the report.

The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.

Trump offered a far more fiery response to Fox News Digital about the report.

"I, and much more importantly, then American public have been victims of this long-running and treasonous charade started by the Democrats — started by Comey," said Trump, referring to former FBI Director James Comey.

"There must be a heavy price to pay for putting our country through this," he added.

He went on to say that the activities around the Russian collusion probe were a "total disgrace" and promised to have far more to say about it in the future.

"This report took a long time because John Durham is a very thorough investigator," Trump continued. "But the result is unequivocal and an absolute disaster in terms of justice."

He also claimed that "public anger over this report is at a level that I have not seen before."

Durham said that the FBI applied a higher standard of scrutiny against the Trump campaign in 2016 than it did to similar accusations against the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. He also derided the use of the infamous Steele dossier to bolster the argument for an investigation despite the dubious claims and sources for the document.

CNN's Jake Tapper said that the report was "devastating" to the FBI and added that it exonerated Trump "to a degree."

Here's more about the Durham Report:

Special counsel John Durham's report on Trump-Russia probe released

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BREAKING: Durham Report finds that FBI was biased against Trump, should never have opened Russian collusion investigation

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Special Counsel John Durham released the final version of his report to Congress Monday and condemned the FBI for opening up the investigation into Russian collusion with little evidence.

Durham was tasked with investigating the origins of the probe into allegations of collusion between the Trump 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government.

His 300-page report found that the FBI inappropriately sought the investigation dubbed "Crossfire Hurricane."

Durham said the FBI utilized “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence" to open the investigation into the Trump campaign but did not follow the same standard when approaching alleged election interference in relation to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Durham also found that the FBI “did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations” made in the infamous Steele Dossier of lurid accusations against then-candidate Donald Trump.

“As noted, it was not until mid-September that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators received several of the Steele Reports. Within days of their receipt, the unvetted and unverified Steele Reports were used to support probable cause in the FBI’s FISA applications targeting (Carter) Page, a U.S. citizen who, for a period of time, had been an advisor to Trump,” the report says, according to CNN.

Trump has vehemently criticized the FBI investigation and accused the Obama investigation of manipulating law enforcement in order to tank Trump's campaign and help Clinton in 2016.

Durham was able to obtain only one conviction through his investigation, that of low-level FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. The attorney admitted to changing a statement of evidence, but said he did so in order to avoid complex paperwork. He was able to avoid prison time after pleading guilty.

Here's more about the Durham Report:

Trump Russia report: John Durham slams FBI, DOJ Russia investigations into Trump | LiveNOW from FOX

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