San Francisco Fed president, who reportedly earns over $420,000 annually: 'I don't feel the pain of inflation anymore. I see prices rising, but I have enough.'

Mary Daly — president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank — issued quite the jaw-dropper during a Wednesday Reuters interview about our current inflation woes.

"I don't feel the pain of inflation anymore," Daly told interviewer Lindsay Dunsmuir. "I see prices rising, but I have enough."

Say what?

At around the 17-minute mark, Dunsmuir posed a question from a listener who wondered where Daly was "personally seeing the impact of inflation" in her own day-to-day life.

After seemingly searching for an answer for several seconds, she admitted "I don't feel the pain of inflation anymore." Daly reportedly earns over $420,000 annually.

\u201cThe audacity of the San Francisco Fed President of all people to say this. \n\nProbably drives past this on her way to work.\u201d
— Dylan LeClair \ud83d\udfe0 (@Dylan LeClair \ud83d\udfe0) 1659541103

"I see prices rising, but I have enough that I can make substitutions ... I'm not immune to gas prices rising, food prices rising, I sometimes balk at the price of things, but I don’t find myself in a space where I have to make trade-offs because I have enough — many, many Americans have enough," she added.

Recovery attempt?

It appeared Daly then tried to offer a remedy to her rather tone-deaf initial response — given that wealthy Americans don't feel a $2 increase in the price of a gallon gas, or a $4 increase in the price of a package of coffee beans like average American wage earners feel them.

"But ... I recognize what it feels like when you don't have that situation, when you live so close to the edge of your income that [rising] prices actually force some real trade-offs," she offered. "You may not be able to go to the vacation you want; you may end up, you know, instead camping or doing a staycation" or eating at your hotel instead of going out to eat "because you really can't afford getting there and then going out to dinner once you're at the hotel, and I see all of that ... so in my daily life, I see the rising prices, but I'm fine because I have a sufficient income to make those trade-offs. For other people that's not the case, and those are the people that this is so important for."

Indeed, a new report indicates that nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck.

How are folks reacting?

Daly's verbal faux pas didn't get a bunch of attention Wednesday, but some folks who picked up on her "I don't feel the pain of inflation anymore" statement made their feelings known under the Reuters tweet about the interview:

  • "These people are so disconnected from the everyday citizen it is disgusting," one commenter wrote.
  • "Shows how obtuse and out of touch the Federal Reserve is," another commenter said. "What does [Daly] do to justify a 400K salary?"
  • Another user replied, "Tells the rest of SF that they have enough and to stop complaining about prices. Literally she just said this; no satire."
  • "Wow, what a crap thing to say to the average American person," another commenter declared. "YOU who make a ton more than the average person is fine with inflation because it doesn’t [affect] you because you have a lot of money. The GALL of you to say others have enough as well. YOU are now on a national radar."
  • "I feel the pain and so does my family, you elitist jerk," another user said.
  • "You are a disgusting, disgraceful elitist. Quit your taxpayer-funded job so you have to earn a paycheck and not get insider information to make thousands more on the market. You are just pure bottom-dwelling scumbag evil," another commenter wrote.
  • "This useless bag of s**t can f*** right off," another user exclaimed. "You’re useless, you’re not worth 40K per year much less 400K."

Here's Daly during an April interview saying that "we will likely be taking a 50-basis point increase":

San Francisco Fed President: ‘We will likely be taking a 50-basis point increase’

Don Lemon accuser recants 2018 sexual misconduct claim, drops lawsuit, says 'My recollection of the events' 'were not what I thought they were'

Dustin Hice, the man who accused CNN anchor Don Lemon in a lawsuit of gross sexual misconduct, has dropped the allegations, saying that he misremembered the 2018 incident.

Hice previously insisted that Lemon, during a 2018 run-in at a Hamptons bar, stuck his hand under Hice's nose after "vigorously" rubbing his own genitals and insisted that Lemon displayed a pattern of “aggression and hostility” toward Hice during the purported interaction.

Lemon has maintained innocence in the allegations.

What are the details?

On Monday, Hice issued a statement through his attorney claiming that he misremembered the night's events.

“After a lot of inner reflection and a deep dive into my memory, I have come to realize that my recollection of the events that occurred on the night in question when I first met CNN anchor Don Lemon were not what I thought they were when I filed this lawsuit,” Hice said in the statement.

An attorney for the CNN anchor responded to Hice dropping the lawsuit and said, "Thankfully, Mr. Hice was finally able to access his memory and recollect the correct version of events on the night when he approached Don Lemon. This has been a long and difficult journey for Don. Out of respect for the judicial process and my advice, he has had to remain silent in the face of a malicious and vulgar attack on his character. Unfortunately, being a gay black man in the media, he has had to deal with these sorts of attacks for quite some time.”

“The Court’s ruling fully vindicates Mr. Lemon and brings an end to this abusive lawsuit," the statement continued. "This case was a crass money grab from its inception. Mr. Lemon has never paid the plaintiff a dime over the course of this unfortunate spectacle, and he is looking forward to moving on with his life. I hope that many in the media have learned their lesson on misreporting the facts and jumping to conclusions. The reporting on this story by many outlets has been a case-study in unethical and uninformed reporting.”

Full statement from Lemon\u2019s
— Dylan Byers (@Dylan Byers) 1651529470

Employee at vandalized Kenosha business yells at rioters: ‘I got a family to support, I got f***ing kids to feed!’

A distressed employee at a Papa John's restaurant in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shouted through smashed windows at a group of protesters outside the shop Wednesday pleading for an end to the violence.

The restaurant had evidently been vandalized as a part of the nightly riots that have continued this week following the police shooting of 29-year-old black man, Jacob Blake on Sunday.

"Are they trying to get Trump re-elected?" the man shouted in frustration. "Seriously!

"I got a family to support. I got f***ing kids to feed," he added.

In response, a woman can be heard saying: "These people don't represent our movement."

The man responded, "Well, I'm sorry, but they're with you."

(Content warning: rough language)

Windows of businesses and residential buildings being smashed on University Avenue — which were not preemptively bo…
— Dylan Brogan (@Dylan Brogan)1598422488.0

The man's frustration is likely representative of the feeling that many Americans have toward Black Lives Matter demonstrations taking place across the country, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between peaceful protests and angry riots.

That frustration likely only increases when it is your place of business that becomes the target of violence stemming from protests.

As if it were needed, Portland, Oregon, has served as a test case for what nightly riots mean for local business productivity. After three months of rioting there, a multitude of businesses have been forced to flee potentially causing "irreparable damage" to the city.

In Kenosha, the violence has been similarly pervasive.

Over the last several days, rioters have burned entire car lots, razed several small businesses, and smashed windows of buildings throughout the city. One rioter even pointed a gun directly into the face of a BlazeTV reporter.

On Tuesday night, an armed 17-year-old shot and killed two people and wounded a third after being involved in a clash with rioters. The suspect, Kyle Rittenhouse, has been charged with first-degree murder, among many other charges. Authorities are continuing to investigate the incident.

Jacob Blake's mother condemned the violence on Tuesday, saying she has been "hurt" and "disgusted" by the community's response.

"Please don't burn up property and cause havoc and tear your own homes down in my son's name," she said, apparently to little effect.

(H/T: The Daily Wire)