Meet The Outspoken Women Leading The Fight Against Men Invading Their Spaces

Jennifer Sey has joined other courageous women in leading the charge when it comes to proclaiming the reality of human nature.

'The dam is bursting': Riley Gaines and other female athletes sue NCAA for allowing transvestites to invade women's sports

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All-American swim star Riley Gaines and 15 other all-female athletes are suing the National Collegiate Athletics Association for allowing transvestites to invade women's sports and locker rooms.

Gaines, host of the podcast "Gaines for Girls," noted on X, "The dam is bursting & it's about time."

The athletes who have joined the legal fight include All-American swimmer and Olympian Réka György; 2-time NCAA Champion and 31-time All-American swimmer Kylee Alons; soccer and track star Ainsley Erzen; University of Kentucky tennis player Ellie Eades; and Roanoke College swimming captains Lily Mullens and Kate Pearson along with their teammates Susanna Price, Carter Satterfield, Katie Blankship, and Julianna Morrow.


Independent Council on Women's Sports, the group that ultimately organized the class action, penned a letter in January 2023 putting the NCAA Office of Legal Affairs on notice that their "practice of allowing male athletes on women's teams constitutes illegal discrimination against women on the basis of sex."

Stressing that the "NCAA is not above the law," the women's advocacy group demanded the association oust men from women's sports and locker rooms.

In subsequent months, various state governors around the country cognizant of the well-demonstrated athletic gap between men and women implored the NCAA Board of Governors to revise its transvestite student-athlete policy.

ICONS' letter and the gubernatorial pressure apparently weren't enough to make the NCAA budge. Sixteen female athletes figured a lawsuit might do the trick.

The Free Press reported that the suit could impact eligibility rules at 1,100 colleges and universities represented by the NCAA.

The class-action lawsuit

The stated aim of the lawsuit, filed this week in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, is to "secure for future generations of women the promise of Title IX that is being denied them and other college women by the National Collegiate Athletic Association working in concert with its member colleges and universities including those that are part of the University System of Georgia."

The suit accuses the NCAA of aligning with "the most radical elements of the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda on college campus" in the interest of "retaining control of the monetization of college sport," a multi-billion-dollar business.

To ensure this profitable ideological alignment, the suit claims the NCAA has also coordinated with member institutions such as Georgia Tech to suppress the free speech of student athletes who resist or speak out about the corruption of women's sports.

Part of this suppression strategy allegedly involves the imposition of "what the NCAA calls 'LGBTQ-Inclusive Codes of Conduct' which 'outlin[e] consequences for engaging in homophobic and transphobic behaviors.'"

The plaintiffs have requested the court declare that the NCAA violated Title IX and the 14th Amendment.

The suit specifically claims that the NCAA's eligibility policies pertaining to transvestites are discriminatory and violate Title IX because they:

  • permit men to compete against women in competitions and for prizes designated for females;
  • "deprive women of equal access to separate showers, locker rooms, and associated restroom facilities";
  • "diminish equal opportunities and resources for women";
  • "divert opportunities and resources to males";
  • "subject women to a loss of privacy and emotional harm"; and
  • "disproportionately impact and suppress the free speech rights of women advocating for their rights, safe spaces, and a reasonable and correct application of Title IX and equal protection principles."

The plaintiffs seek declarations that the University System of Georgia and Georgia Tech have similarly run afoul of federal law.

Beyond demanding declarations and damages, the female athletes want the NCAA and the other defendants to be barred from continuing to allow men into women's sports and from altogether enforcing its transvestite policies.

The plaintiffs have also asked that male athletes — such as the swimmer formerly known as William Thomas — have any awards, prizes, titles, or trophies won while competing against real women invalidated and reassigned.

"We're not just fighting for ourselves, we're fighting for every young girl who dreams of competing in sports," Gaines said in a statement.

ICONS cofounder Marshi Smith, herself a collegiate All-American and NCAA national champion swimmer, stated, "This lawsuit against the NCAA isn't just about competition; it's a fight for the very essence of women's sports."

"We're standing up for justice and the rights of female athletes to compete on a level playing field," continued Smith. "It's about preserving the legacy of Title IX and ensuring that the future of women's sports is as bright as its past."

The NCAA said in a statement obtained by The Hill, "College sports are the premier stage for women's sports in America, and while the NCAA does not comment on pending litigation, the Association and its members will continue to promote Title IX, make unprecedented investments in women's sports and ensure fair competition in all NCAA championships."

CBS News noted that representatives from the Georgia schools named in the suit said they had not yet been served with the lawsuit and would not comment.

It's personal

The lawsuit comes more than a year after Riley Gaines wrote to NCAA president and former Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R), speaking to the "anger and frustration" experienced by girls "who had worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get to this moment only to have to compete in a farce."

In her message to Baker, Gaines also highlighted the scientifically documented physical advantages male athletes have over female competitors. The former All-American swimmer witnessed this advantage firsthand in 2022 when she had to compete against Thomas, who dominated the NCAA Swimming Championships.

Blaze News previously reported that Thomas had been a middling performer on the University of Pennsylvania men's swimming team until he started taking cross-sex hormones in 2019 and competing against women.

He subsequently crushed records set by real women in the 500-yard freestyle in the 2022 championships and tied with Gaines for fifth the next month in the women's 200-meter.

Thomas' inclusion impacted various women besides Gaines, a number of whom are plaintiffs in the case.

Réka György, for instance, indicated in 2022 that Thomas' inclusion precluded her from securing a spot in the consolation final.

"That final spot was taken away from me because of the NCAA's decision to let someone who is not a biological female compete," György said in a March 2022 letter to the NCAA. "It hurts me, my team and other women in the pool."

It wasn't just Thomas' physical advantage that was a problem for female NCAA athletes. He also brought his vestigial male appendage into the women's locker room with him.

Kylee Alons, a plaintiff in the suit who previously swam for North Carolina State, told the Free Press that to avoid changing with a then-anatomically correct man, she started changing in a "dimly lit storage and utility closet" behind the bleachers.

"I was literally racing U.S. and Olympic gold medalists and I was changing in a storage closet at this elite-level meet," said Alons. "I just felt that my privacy and safety were being violated in the locker room."

Gaines previously alleged that on at least one occasion, Thomas exposed his male genitals in the presence of real female athletes.

Kaitlynn Wheeler told the Free Press that when changing into racing suits, "You're exposed."

"You can't stand there and hold a towel around you while putting the suit on at the same time," said Wheeler. "Never in my 18-year career had I seen a man changing in the locker rooms. I immediately felt the need to cover myself."

Gaines underscored that Thomas was merely taking advantage of the rules on the books: "It is the rules that are the problem. Not Lia Thomas."

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From Title IX To Title None, Biden Kills Women’s Sports And Safety

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Republican stumps Elizabeth Warren over single question about fairness of student loan cancelation: 'Where do I sign up for reimbursement?'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) stole a play from "Dodgeball" on Friday — dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge — when a Republican guest co-host on "The View" confronted her about student loan cancelation.

What happened?

Because Warren advocates for mass student loan cancelation, Republican Lindsey Granger asked Warren how she plans to reimburse Americans who paid off their student loans.

The question exposed what critics of student loan forgiveness say is the innate unfairness of canceling student loans.

"What do you say to someone like me who worked two jobs for a decade to pay all their student loans — just finished. Where do I sign up for reimbursement?" Granger asked.

Elizabeth Warren Explains Why She's Calling on Biden to Cancel Student Loan Debt | The View

Warren, however, completely deflected from answering the question, and instead presented her talking points for why she believes student loan cancelation is necessary.

"So let's start out with who has student loans today. About 40% of folks with student loans don't have a college diploma," Warren began. "They're folks who tried and life happened ... and now they earn what a high school grad earns, and they're trying to pay off college-level debt, and it is crushing their bones.

"Keep in mind that of those that have student loan debt more than half have negative wealth— they don't have any wealth. You know that right now there are tens of thousands of people who are living on Social Security, who are having their Social Security checks garnished to pay student loans," she continued. "And so this for me is a question of fairness."

Warren then repeated her misleading claim that she only spent $50 per semester going to the University of Houston (The school's newspaper notes that Warren probably paid at least double what she claims).

"There was a time in America when we invested in our public colleges and universities, that's how I could go to a college that cost $50 a semester paid for on two part-time jobs. But today that option is not out there for our young people," Warren said. "So this is about saying: Look, it's tough, we understand that. We want to invest in you. We want to invest in your getting an education."

At no point did Warren answer Granger's question. After her response ended, the panel immediately shifted the topic to the fallout over the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Anything else?

"The View" later went off the rails Friday when liberal co-host Sunny Hostin racially insulted Granger.

"I feel like it's an oxymoron, a black Republican," Hostin said after Granger identified as a Republican.

Virginia Eliminates Accelerated Math Courses Because Equity

The Virginia Department of Education is eliminating accelerated math courses before 11th grade to "[i]mprove equity in mathematics learning opportunities."

Malkin: An ethics lesson for USA Today's 'queer' bullies

This week, I did something that USA Today's executive leadership apparently hadn't done lately: I read the newspaper's "principles of ethical conduct for newsrooms."

It's pretty highfalutin. The media manifesto of virtue, posted online, applies to all employees "working with any news platform, including newspapers, websites, mobile devices, video, social media channels and live story events." Whether writing online or covering breaking developments, USA Today's journalists are supposedly committed to:

—Seeking and reporting the truth in a truthful way.

—Serving the public interest.

—Exercising fair play.

—Acting with integrity.

Now, let's compare the lofty rhetoric with low-blow reality. On Sunday, 21-year-old University of Oklahoma quarterback Kyler Murray won the Heisman Trophy. He gave a gracious, emotional speech that celebrated his faith in God, respect for his fellow athletes, love of family, lifelong work ethic and team spirit.

"I've worked my whole life to fulfill my goals, but at the same time, I know there's a higher power looking down on me. He enables me to do all things. For that I'm grateful — for the many blessings that God has blessed me with," Murray humbly told reporters.

But one reporter wasn't interested in covering the actual news of the Heisman winner's triumph. He was interested in sabotaging it. Within hours of the press conference, USA Today sports writer Scott Gleeson penned an article attacking Murray for posting "tweets using an anti-gay slur." Murray and family awoke Monday morning to a barrage of character smears slamming his "homophobic" posts from six years ago — when Murray was 14 or 15 years old and jokingly called his friends "queer." Google is now clogged with wall-to-wall coverage of his teenage antics from CNN to "The Today Show" to every sports outlet and his hometown Oklahoma newspaper.

Gleeson's hit piece reeks of deceptive vigilantism, not journalism. After noting that Murray had a "Saturday to remember," Gleeson wrote that "the Oklahoma quarterback's memorable night also helped resurface social media's memory of several homophobic tweets more than six years old."

Who "resurfaced social media's memory?" Why, it was Gleeson himself! By creating an illusion that Murray's schoolboy tweets were the subject of any scrutiny and outrage other than Gleeson's own, USA Today gave us a shining example of the manufacturing of fake news. Ain't misleading passive voice grand?

Indeed, Gleeson's own biography is one of a social justice advocate dedicated to identity politics propaganda. "My enterprise and human interest work on the LGBT movement in sports made me an APSE award finalist in 2016 and a USBWA award winner in 2017," Gleeson boasts. Was he aiming for another award with his ambush of Murray? Gleeson certainly got his new scalp and paraded it prominently, with aiding and abetting by USA Today's silent, AWOL editors. Within hours of publication, Murray had apologized.

Gleeson's new headline blared:

"Kyler Murray apologizes for homophobic tweets that resurfaced after he won Heisman Trophy."

On Tuesday, I wrote to USA Today's editor in chief Nicole Carroll and executive editor for news Jeff Taylor with the following questions:

How does Gleeson's article comport with USA Today's stated principles of ethical conduct for newsrooms?

Specifically, how did the piece "serve the public interest," "exercise fair play," exhibit "fairness in relations with people unaccustomed to dealing with news media," observe "standards of decency" and demonstrate "integrity"?

And have there been any executive leadership discussions about the piece since its publication and widespread public backlash?

The editors have not responded yet. In the meantime, I have more questions.

How does lying in wait for unknown months or years (when Gleeson could have "resurfaced" the old tweets at any time) and publishing a smear in the middle of the night before giving Murray a chance to respond comport with the newspaper's promises that:

"We will be honest in the way we gather, report and present news — with relevancy, persistence, context, thoroughness, balance, and fairness in mind.

"We will seek to gain understanding of the communities, individuals and issues we cover to provide an informed account of activities.

"We will uphold First Amendment principles to serve the democratic process.

"We will reflect and encourage understanding of the diverse segments of our community.

"We will provide editorial and community leadership.

"We will treat people with respect and compassion.

"We will strive to include all sides relevant to a story.

"We will give particular attention to fairness in relations with people unaccustomed to dealing with the news media.

"We will act honorably and ethically in dealing with news sources, the public and our colleagues.

"We will observe standards of decency."

Will the editors respond publicly to criticism and address readers and employees so that their actions match these words?

"We will explain to audiences our journalistic processes to promote transparency and engagement.

"We will correct errors promptly.

"We will take responsibility for our decisions and consider the possible consequences of our actions."

Tick tock.


To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at

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