WaPo Columnist Says Quiet Part Out Loud: Democrats’ Campaign Strategy Is Jailing Trump

Marcus and friends are growing frustrated — and impatient — that the plan is getting bogged down by justice.

Mark Levin: The attacks on Trump are 'monumentally outrageous'

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While the Democrats are still yelling about the 2020 election, they’re doing as much as they can to alter the course of the next one.

Mark Levin pins this interference on “Joe Biden personally, and his surrogates at the Department of Justice, and his party members in the judgeships and the unelected prosecutors and the would-be unelected jurors should there be trials in these Democrat cities.”

It’s “monumentally outrageous,” he adds, noting that Biden has “interfered up and down.”

Levin is of course referring to the attacks on Donald Trump, which he says are “undermining our voting system.”

Trump is currently at the mercy of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where a three-judge panel will debate the limits of presidential immunity.

The panel, which features “two radical leftists,” is set to decide whether or not the former president should be granted immunity from a four-count criminal indictment that charges him with plotting to overturn the 2020 presidential election and inciting a violent riot at the Capitol.

Levin doesn’t believe the panel of judges is promising.

“The worst of the bunch was appointed by Biden,” Levin says, referring to Judge Florence Pan.

“This was done to try and impact and interfere with the election and to get Joe Biden re-elected,” Levin warns.

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How a left-wing appeals panel is rigging Trump’s J6 case through bogus fast-track process

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