How Marxism Infected America’s Intel Agencies And Corrupted Them Beyond Repair

In J. Michael Waller's book, Big Intel, a veteran intelligence analyst tells the worrisome tale of how Marxist ideas such as DEI and critical theory corrupted the CIA and FBI.

No, Democrats, These Are Not Your Kids

Worry about your own children, Mr. President.

‘Uncle Tom II’ Shows How Marxism Decimated Black Communities

Historical setbacks and the proliferation of broken homes hurt black Americans, but there’s also something else: Marxism.

The Answer To Political Correctness Isn’t More Free Speech, But Better Speech

In Michael Knowles' new book, 'Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds,' the popular Daily Wire commentator takes a deep dive into the history of political correctness and offers suggestions for how to combat it.

The 2020 Election Asks: Do You Want The People Who Believe America Is Racist In Charge?

With critical race theory seeping its way into government agencies and all levels of society, the state of the nation could turn dire if it isn't stopped.